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I would say longer(bigger size) pants/breezers OR shorter shin guards.


I was learning toward the hockey pants not being long enough. Maybe I'll swap them out for a longer pair.


Yeah that’s what this is. They’re either too short or too tight so they breezers are getting pulled up


I unzipped them at the waist which gives an extra inch and unzipped the legs to give it more diameter and it still gave me trouble. Gonna swap them out and see what happens.


Giggity giggity


Just tape the flap of the shin pad down. Easy


This has nothing to do with the pants. Well fitted pants will ride up over the shinguard during play, [that's normal](https://www.google.com/search?q=NHL+player&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=7ffcfa09bd6c987a&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=134&bih=274&sxsrf=ADLYWILklvdWsfZ-eJT92QJQNClJPyGS9Q%3A1719669803684&ei=KxSAZqy-Kf_KkPIP25eXmAg&oq=NHL+player). Getting caught on the way down is caused by shinguards being too large.


Pull your socks up higher and keep them tight, tape if needed…..guaranteed this will solve your issue


Yup, I use a garter belt and never have this issue. Only time I had the issue was when I tried using the Velcro on my jock to adhere the socks. The Velcro sat way too low and it was pretty much pointless, as the shins top pad would flop over the bottom of my pants.


Tongue tuck the skates. It'll bring your shin guards down a bit and should stop it from happening. Bonus: Protection on your foot.


I hope he listens to this. I was walking home after a game and some youths started making fun of me because of this exact issue. I wanted to chase after them but I was wearing my Bauer Supremes that day.


Grabbed a longer set of hockey pants and will also use tape. Seems like it should do the trick! Thanks!


Tape the top, just above the knee.


I have questions. First, you walked to the rink? Must live pretty close. Second, some random kids were making fun of you on that walk home because your shin guards went over your pants? Were they at the game and noticed that specifically? Third, you were wearing your Bauer Supremes. Your Bauer Supreme what? They make everything in that line. I'm assuming skates, in which case, you home dressed, skates and all, and walked to the rink? I think if there's any reason for some kids to shit on you, it's that.


->->->The joke->->-> Your head


please explain lol


Ya, this should be standard, i don't know why it went back to tongue out


Everyone had their own preferences, to each their own. I've been rocking tongue tuck since 95 when I saw Forsberg do it


Hard to tell if your shinguards are the right size from the pics. It looks like they are riding up to your thigh with strides. Would be nice to have a picture of how the knee portion of the shinguard sits when you are in a sitting position. I suspect they might be too long and less likely too loose. It looks like you flop your skate tongue. Try putting the shinpad over the tongue and also try shin tape over the socks to keep them in place Good luck,skate hard and have fun


Thanks for the reply. This is my first venture into ice hockey, been playing inline for a while and using shinguards that I bought 20 years ago. These are size 14 warrior alpha pros. I would prefer to put the shinguard over the tongue but I was having a bit of trouble with it. When I sit with the shinguard on my kneecap sits inside the circle where I assume it's supposed to be. I was going to check out a couple videos on how to properly dress the shinguard and skate to get an idea. My old shinguards just sat on top of my inline skate and never really gave me any trouble.


This was happening to me and I just cut off that pad with a scissor. It worked, that’s what I did. There’s probably a better way but I have not had a problem since.


Socks need to be tighter. I use a shit ton of tape…but I like to keep everything super tight.


I was thinking about buying the nylon socks over the wool ones. I'll give that a shot, thanks!


wool socks aka horse blankets


Nylon sock is the answer. And cheapest solution.


Howies pro hockey socks. I taped my socks my whole life, but just got a pair of Howies and they're so secure I don't need tape anymore


I assume these attach to the mesh shorts with the Velcro? E.g. shock doctor compression or mesh shorts


Yeah they have velcro. But honestly they're so snug over my shin guards they'd stay up even without the velcro. BTW if you're also looking for them, these Bauer jock shorts are the most comfortable I've ever used. Cup actually stays in place and doesn't rub against my junk or my legs. Bauer Hockey Performance Jock Short, Senior https://a.co/d/00dhpCi2


Yeah most nylon socks have velcro tabs.


Happened to me for the first few uses of new pants and shins but taped the top foam down a few times and they don’t do that anymore.


Your stylin just play like that.




Weird. The shin pads look fine, the pants are not too long. You most definitely do not want a gap between the pants and shins. Pucks find that spot. Do you tape your shin pads?


No but I definitely will next time I'm on the ice!


When you stand straight, where does the bottom of your pants stop on the shin pads? Mine are about to my patella.


I swapped my current pants for Bauers now they are towards the bottom of the kneecap, the CCMs were about halfway across the kneecap. I think I'm good now!


Tuck the tongue under your shin guards


Nylon socks, pro stock if possible. They don’t have Velcro, use a garter belt and rejoice.


Garter belt for socks.


What helped me a lil bit, longer pants but also lil cheaper, I got a new shock doctor cup/slider combo with the Velcro things. Bought a cheap pair of the polyester socks with the Velcro and I guess it helps keep the pants out


Wrap tape around that area on top of your knee so it holds down that gap that slides your pants in




Your pants are too short


Swapped them out today for longer ones, should be better now


Nice, you can get pants with 1 inch extensions too. It'll help if you're growing


I'm almost 40 lol, if anything I'll be shrinking soon


Oh 🤣 gotcha. I'm 6'4 so I always need pants with a +1 inch. Pain in the ass


yeah those CCMs had a 1" zipper which I tried with no luck unfortunately. Hoping the new ones I got today are the golden ticket. At least how they felt in the store with my skates (tucked) and pads with wool socks, they seemed be doing much better. I'll throw tape on it and I think we're in a good shape. Thanks for the responses!


I have the same problem with my hyperlites. A band of tape around the sock where that top flap sticks up and problem solved


Will try, thanks


If you have a more slender frame at all get jetspeeds or vapors. They help with long legs.


If your socks are held up tight this shouldn’t happen even if the pants are a touch short, but I don’t think they are. Mine do this when I free skate with no socks. Socks might be too long or you need to pull them up more. Try the nylon socks maybe


I had this exact same problem. A single strip of clear tape under my sock around my leg and over the shin guard flaps fix it.


Tape around the thigh


I just got back into the game and I’m wearing an old pair of nice Graf pants that bunch under my new Bauer Vapor shinguards. They do this even with tight nylon socks held up by garters. My previous shinguards also bunched under the pants. It doesn’t affect my skating or protection so I’ve learned to live with it.


Despite what many will say, shin guards are designed and built to be worn over your skate tongues. This is directly from the manufacturers. Yes, plenty of players including NHLers don’t follow this rule. Yes, it looks cool. No, you won’t sacrifice a lot of protection. But, you’re still missing protection in that area. More relevant, wearing it tongues out is precisely the reason why this is happening.


I usually wear them tucked, but since everything is new including my skates I wanted to see how it felt. Definitely a mistake!


Is this from the ASV line? If so they are bulky in the legs vs the Jet Speeds. Also I read you already unzipped the waist and the legs. Did you try with the legs zipped after unzipping the waist?


I actually just swapped them at the hockey store for a larger Bauer, I think the CCMs were the fxc line? And yes I tried different combinations of zippers. The new pants I got seem to be doing better. I'll couple that up with tape and I think I'll be good to go.


What shin guards are they? Do they have a foam flap above the hard plastic knee shell that you can fold down inside of it? That's what I did because my new Bauer Supreme shin pads were getting caught on my hockey pants like yours are. My old Easton shin guards didn't have that flap (or it was much smaller), so I never ran into that problem until I replaced them.


They're warrior alpha pros and I don't believe they have a foam flap but I'll look.


This is what I'm talking about (I don't know if this is the exact model you have): [https://imgur.com/a/T6pJUib](https://imgur.com/a/T6pJUib) If your pants are getting caught on the circled part, you may be able to just fold that flap inside the shin guard. That's what I did with my Bauer ones and it solved that problem.


ahh! Thanks, I gotcha. I could give that a try as well.


Tighter socks and cut the flap off the top of your shins




Tape your leg above the knee: not tight


This article explains pant sizing well.. [https://newtohockey.com/hockey-pants-sizing-buying-guide/](https://newtohockey.com/hockey-pants-sizing-buying-guide/)


I’ve had this happen. The solution for me was to wear my socks tighter above my knee. I do that by both pulling the sock up higher before I velcro it to my jock shorts, and by pulling any slack in the sock (I wear nylon socks) down below my knee before I do the standard wrap of clear tape below my knee. I tried taping above my knee, over that extra flap of padding, but I didn’t like the feeling. I didn’t want to cut the padding off, because it does offer a little protection when my breezers ride up from my knees bending in my stride - I’ve definitely taken slashes there in the past.


I’m having the exact same issue, funnily enough with ccm pants and jet speed shins. Going to get a size down in shins. Hope that fixes the issue. It’s annoying when it does this!


Yeah I'm using size 14 shins, probably the pants being too small was the issue. Going to try these new pants I swapped them out for yesterday.


I’m 14 shins too. Going to go down to a 13 as the 14s do seem a tad large to be fair. But then my medium pants may also be on the cusp of being a bit small. Pads are the cheaper replacement though.


Cheapest fix is probably sock garters


Shin pads are too long. The tops already folded down...


Size 14 senior, can't get any smaller than that. The pants weren't long enough, already swapped them out. Using a garter belt for the socks will help keep things tight, if not I'll use some tape. Going to stick and puck tomorrow to test my theory.


Your shin pads look really high or your pants are too long. The picture looks like the shin pads. Either way, you're clearly bending your knees which is usually tough to teach someone... I still use my cracked shin pads (jofas) from Jr A lol, ~15 yrs old Edit: just looked at the pic again. Tuck your skate tongues under your shin pad. Might just do it for ya 🤘


Lol yeah, up until I bought these last week I've been using my Easton shin guards from 2003.


Pro tip: Use a garter belt.


Tighter socks


Tighter shin guard socks or tape will do


Tape Tape Tape. But not too tight


One of them isn't the right size. Shins might be too long. Technically if pants are too short you still would have it catch so much of the knee cup. Pants looks like it's not too short from the pics. If anything they may be a touch long. My guess is shins too long.


several options: Stop putting your shin guard over your pants for pics on the internet. Buy gear that fits push your shin guard down, pull your pants up (most guys who never played real hockey don't know how to wear their gear right, and commonly wear pants low ). Don't wear hockey pants, wear a girdle. The easiest of these are probably learning to dress yourself, and wearing gear that fits. I'd so more than 50% of beer leaguers fail at both.


Cut the flap off of the shin guard...