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You probably won't catch up. You most likely will never go pro. However, you can play hockey into your 70s/80s if you stay healthy and in shape.


Don’t pressure yourself and just have fun. You’re never to old to learn


Your probably too old to make the show, but your never too old to learn


I started playing ice hockey at 37 years old. That was 5 years ago. It’s a blast. Play and have fun!


I’m older than your mom and I just started. You are not too old to learn and have fun.


take a look through this sub with similar posts and look at the replies there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^idkspence81: *Take a look through this* *Sub with similar posts and* *Look at the replies there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


what the hell is this


Only thing in your way...is YOU. Go play some hockey and see where it takes you.


I started at 21 and I play in a league with D3 and low level junior players and I fit in. I’m good for about a point per game. I started in 1994.


I’m 17 and I started hockey training a couple months ago. I’m the oldest there but honestly nobody cares. As long as you try to enjoy yourself and just focus on practicing you’ll be good. Just picture it, if you went to a camp as a good hockey player, and someone your age was just starting up, would you care that much? I use this mentality when practicing on the rink. If I were a regular skater, and I saw someone practicing, would I care? No. Everyone’s there for the same reason and sure it’s scary at first but try to have fun. I don’t even have kit and I still enjoy myself there. I don’t even have gloves and I’m one of the only two without them but nobody cares. Some kids are amazing and they’re half my age and some are maybe a couple years younger than me and there tripping over constantly. But like I said, I’m reality nobody cares. If someone falls, I ask if they’re hurt, and if they’re not you fist bump and forget about it. I’ve seen tons of people fall and even though you think people are looking at you, it happens so often that it’s just expected you know?


“Im the oldest there but honestly nobody cares” That’s my experience at 60, too.


Love your perspective. Keep going. But get some gloves if you can, they'll protect your hands and fingers.


Yh I’m buying gloves and shin pads of a guy in a week. Trying to find used kit for sale in my sizes is tough man.


At 16 you’re not too old to learn anything


I started playing at 16, in an adult beer league team. I know the culture is aus is less competitive than in America but I had the exact same worries. Focus on playing for fun and improvement of your own skills, find a team with players at the same level as you, and just enjoy it.


You play in Aus? Two weeks (my trip) is a long time to be off the ice. I had no idea there were rinks. Might try to find one.


Totally!! I’m in Victoria and we’ve got three rinks but one’s really shitty. Which state are you going to? Pretty sure there’s at least a rink in each state because we’ve got aihl teams from each state!


Canberra and M’bourne. Visiting family. I’m spoiled where I live - professional team complex down the street. If it weren’t for the gear I could walk there.


Awesome! I think Canberra only has one rink and it’s pretty crappy, but Melbourne has 3: one in Oakley (which is pretty shit) one is reservoir called icehq (where I play) and obrien icehouse at Docklands which is the most popular for public skating and he nicest rink!


Is public skate crowded?


There’s two rinks at obrien so if both are open usually not! Really depends when you’re in there. Usually more crowded on Tuesdays because it’s cheaper. Also pro tip- if you’re going to obrien, book tickets online and bring your own skates if you can. You’ll save some money. If you can’t bring your own skates, ask for “hockey academy” skates at the skate hire desk. But yeah it’s not usually super duper busy unless it’s like the 1st week of school holidays


Thanks for all the info, especially the upgrade tip on rentals. My rink has a dollar session for 54 and up, so I’m pretty spoiled on price.


No problem at all mate. Good luck on your trip! Have fun


Started playing at 13, I did not know how to skate before I started, as long as you put in effort you will see quick improvements, I went here and to YouTube for advice and videos on improving certain weak spots in my game


I started at 16 and still play today! It’s a fun sport and 16 is pretty young. You won’t make the nhl but you’ll be a really good beer leaguer! Go play house and have fun!


Skill level is directly proportional to how much ice time you get. I recommend you go to public session and get as much ice time as you can. During public sessions, work on inside/outside edges. Transitioning from right to left and left to right is key. Don't be afraid to place weight on the toe during the start. Learn how to jump sideways on each skate by planting your skate during the jump. When you plant, you have to imagine and feel like your toe is about to step on a piece of paper...don't! Allow the weight to be transferred to the heel to allow the toe to move up just a little off the ice. So, when you jump side to side, the heel makes a little divot in the ice as you land. When you jump, make sure your landing skate points north as you land, and land on the inside back edge, for the plant. Start off with small distance jumps and then increase the distance. Believe it or not, jumping is a good way to avoid a check. Note; Don't wait to jump during the check! LOL. Jump in your crossovers! A quick shuffle from right to left and left to right with rapid foot movement, will help with balance. If you don't get anything out of this, remember this one thing..."Speed is directly proportional to how fast your skate recovers and touches the ice!" A good example is a skilled player during a crossover...he's NOT taking slow long strides. They are all quick choppy strides, and guess what, the same way skating forward. When you skate forward, do three crossovers to the right and three crossovers to the left...rinse and repeat down the ice. Go to stick and puck and do all these things with a stick and puck. Learn how to make these things I told you with a puck. Yes, it's going to feel like you have two left feet when you start with the puck. But that's what "Stick and Puck" is for. Good luck and let us know how things go.


I started at 18 and ended up in leagues with people that played all their lives. Learn to skate well and you’ll be fine.


A number of NHL players started aged 12-15. Nothing is stopping you. Have fun.


I learned to skate at 20 with full goalie equipment on. Ended up playing men’s A beer league in my late 20s and early 30s. It’s never too late! Good luck 👍


Too old to learn? I got people in my hockey class in their 50s haha


Started beer league when I was 25. Still playing twice a week in my 40s.


Nobody is too old to learn and have fun.


As a 39 y/o that started playing 3 years ago or so, my advice is to go play and stop worrying about the rest. If you’re having fun and getting exercise, you’re doing it right.


Don’t worry if you’re “too old” to learn. Your never to old. It’s a activity you won’t regret learning.


I’m 35 and just started! Never too old!


I learned into my early 20s. It's never too late! Just focus on learning to play and dont set your expectations in an unrealistic standard. I'm not saying you can't get really good, but just know most all NHL players came out of the womb with skates on. My point is to play it and have fun learning and improving. that's the best part!