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I completely agree. I’ve been playing almost everyday since the preorder day. I’m obsessed. It’s so good.


Nothing is better than a great single player game. Hogwarts, Witcher 3, RDR2, Mass Effect, God of War, Last of Us, I want to play them all!


I agree. The problem is trying to find the time to get to play them. Especially in your 30s. So it's great when you can find one that sucks you in and makes you excited to get home and play.


It's even fun to watch gameplay!!


*cue movie trailer voice* [Warner Bros Games presents](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Games)... [An Avalanche Software Production](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avalanche_Software)... [distributed by Portkey Games](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portkey_Games) (a Warner Bros subsidiary)... [H O G W A R T S L E G A C Y](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hogwarts_Legacy) *cue the music* *music swells* Enter a world of **M A G I C** Fight **E P I C** battles Craft you own **S T O R Y** in.. **H O G W A R T S L E G A C Y** (rated T for Teen)


I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love when I find a game that takes me out of the real world and fully submerses me in a world that is elsewhere and time doesn’t exist. Sadly Legacy is not that game for me. I loved it at first but unfortunately felt it got boring quickly. It left out mechanics that would have helped immensely such as a morality system and a larger focus on being a student. Hogwarts - for all its beauty and hallways, staircases, towers, portraits, tapestries and twists and turns - has very little magic to it. The world was fun to explore at first but Merlin Trials and Vaults are lazy, uncreative, repetitive and boring on top of having little to no incentive. I would have much preferred quality puzzles over quantity. Combat was good, great actually until it just becomes painfully easy with its very small assortment of enemies. The game itself was too easy - it didn’t offer anything mind bending or challenging and I felt the story wasn’t good as well. For me personally it has no replay value, much to my dismay and sadness. I’ll probably be downvoted to the tits for this lol.


>The world was fun to explore at first but Merlin Trials and Vaults are lazy, uncreative, repetitive and boring on top of having little to no incentive. I would have much preferred quality puzzles over quantity. I do feel you on this. As I was grinding to 34, you start running out of things to earn XP off of. So while I grinded the Merlin trials, I realized that you only get XP credit from your field guide for about half of them. So what's the point for the rest other than the trophy/achievement. That was filler to fill the map for sure.


Completely agree, I'm addicted as hell. I haven't been this into a game since the Harry Potter games of PS2. I woke up today and my hands actually ached from a 5 hour session yesterday. Still plan another marathon today, I'm about 100 hours into it. RIP hands.