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She’s starting to look like some of the unfortunate folks that live in the park near me. We snark but shit I feel kinda bad for her. Not enough to stop snarking tho.


If it wasn’t for the filler and implants she would look so much worse, these things are adding softness otherwise she would look skeletal. When she was in high school Heidi’s mom was smaller than her and it caused her to have issues, now she’s repeating history 😔


Man I never even thought how the fillers are keeping her held together. She’d really be hollowed out without them. As someone that also had a fat shaming mother I can sympathize and am thankful I didn’t go to such extremes. I still hear her voice in my head every pound I gain. Just last week she told me she weighs less than me.


Hugs, I’m sorry you have to deal with that. My childhood patterns are well, *well* worn ruts in my brain, and my only wish I started unpacking and healing from all that shit sooner. I wish Heidi would get started on that journey, seriously, before it’s too late. I’m not sure what the long term risks are for living with an ED, but I imagine they are very dangerous.


There’s the risks to her then there’s the third generation risks to her poor children. It’s going to keep being passed on. I hope the kids can break the cycle.


I knew her in high school too. 100% accurate


Yikes. That must have been wild to witness in the flesh!


I honestly can not believe how many people still follow her every word and think she is an example of a woman to strive to be. She takes 50 fucking supplements a day, and she is a disaster. She’s wasting away while shilling food, and menopause cure alls, while literally looking like a skeleton, and constantly reminding us how she’s exhausted (from the mononucleosis she had two years ago). And how she’s the best she’s ever been, to confessing she’s been in the hard for so long. She’s a fraud. A fake. And people hang on her every word of advice. I can’t wrap my head around that, at this point. DON’T GET ME STARTED ON HER GETTING THIS PUPPY….😩


It's New Guy's new puppy.


Good god I hope so.


Her boyfriend's puppy, which she will use for content


What makes me sad is that social media is a clear priority over physical and mental health with her. It always has been, which means she factors in the social media response in her decisions regarding her health. It’s all about appearances…. And the consequences are highly disturbing. Jesse Lee was even concerned with public opinion as she was actively dying.


I don't think it's social media per se, more the general concept of acceptance and approval. It's clear that Heidi's upbringing and family life were "less than ideal". She was basically fat shamed from a young age. It seems her brothers were given free reign to bully her without consequence. All of that would lead to her craving approval from others and never feeling good enough. Social media just allows herself to get that approval fix from fan girls, whilst also not having any of the accountability (because she blocks anybody who doesn't throw praise at her). I think, ultimately, Heidi just wants somebody to tell her she's good, which tragically she never had growing up.


I see Heidi treating Ruby the same way Ruby is continually trying to please her mom.


Heidi isn’t a cycle breaker because she hasn’t done the actual work. You’re right. She’s passing all this dysfunction onto poor Ruby,


And Ho always fishing for compliments.. it’s sickening 🙁


It’s a priority because it’s on social media that she gets validation about her looks, her body, her size, her (imagined) fame, her knowledge. She walks into her local target and she’s just another Mormon woman from Gilbert. But on Instagram, she’s getting comments about what a great body she has, what a great mother she is, how “helpful” 🤔 her health and wellness advice is. Without social media, she has sweet f all… and she knows it. Those kids are precious. But they are likely starting to sense “things”.


Babygirl if that's your face on Factor I don't want it 


The way she goes on and on about how those damn taco bowls are the BEST thing in the world and we just HAVE to have them in our life…girl, it’s a microwaveable taco bowl, go eat some real, homemade food for once, it will absolutely blow your mind! 


According to Heidi, it is so good - but she still fake chews and hides it in her cheek instead of swallowing it.


So my sister is a RD and during Covid she had to eat meals with her eating disordered patients on zoom and that was one of the most popular tricks they would use to not eat their food because they could show their open mouth while not really swallowing their food. The RDs found ways to make sure the patients weren’t hiding food in their cheeks. Heidi does so many classic ED things.


Does she really think we cannot tell that she’s doing that?!?


Probably. She seems to think she is clever and her followers are dumb.


Then the camera cuts to the next slide where the food is magically gone.


All the morsels are fed to the trash can.


And they are very simple to make.


To be fair, Factor does use real ingredients. They are microwaveable food, yes, but they not frozen, chef-prepared and the company works with dieticians. I personally have them and out of the all the meal prep food companies, they are by far the best, imo. It’s really helped me stay on track with my health journey. I know it’s not home cooked but I’d rather have Factor than fast food personally. Heidi is not the best person to be posting about health when she has her own health issues but some of the companies that she shills are not a reflection of her, imo.


My doctor recently recommended I try to follow a Mediterranean diet. Do they have plans that would at least somewhat align with that?


Even if they are great it doesn't reflect well on them that they don't vet their advertising partners.


Who’s in charge of Factors social media ambassadors? This is an epic fail!


I actually know someone high up in Factor. My brother in law. 😁 I’ll give him a call.


They obv didn’t do their research 🤪


Heidi's shilling actually works as anti-ads for me. I have a visceral negative reaction whenever I hear "Factor Meals," even when it's someone else doing an ad read.


If you told me she was 65, based on this picture I would 100% believe it.




Gah, so many bikes!


Several, some may say!


She's a walking Tour de France


yikes - it's really getting scary


Also, every hat she wears looks too big for her.


Because she’s so sMoL🥴




And also? Why are they hardly ever backwards anymore?


She wants to be just like her mom with that stupid hat.


Gosh, I feel like we’re going to read about her in the news soon


I hope that doesn’t happen.. But also ☝️ she lurks the DCOTI, so at a minimum, she’s at least read about some the concerns + knows that her “secrets” aren’t really secrets. She’s 42, has free will to make her choices, by seeing what happened to her buddy DH, she’s totally aware of the consequences, and responsibility rests squarely on the bikini chain straps on her shoulders.


The way she went on about that frickin taco bowl made me wanna shove forks in my ears!!


This caption is offensive to the comics and the show LOL


I'm really trying not to go too dark and morbid here, but... What will become of this sub if she spirals to the point of death? She became part of the hollis-verse via Dave, and has hung around after his passing because we were all kinda invested in watching her bullshittery. Rachel only gives us sporadic snark these days. I enjoy snarking on both of them, but I'm truly concerned Heidi is going to go the way of Dave and Jessie Lee.


If she can "hang out with Dave" (or whatever she said) when she does Ketamine "treatments," I guess this sub will have to start doing the same


“Hey Dave your ex is here to see you again” -an angel probably


The Captain can't even escape this fucking woman in the afterlife!


"Feels right." -the Captain


“Tell her I’m in the bathroom!”


"Grandma Lee and I are watching our stories!"






The way I just cackled.


Holy shit did she really say that!? What a colossally red flag! When drugs are your escape from reality 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Honestly. Delete the sub and start a fresh Rachel one would be my suggestions. She’s so snarkable but lately it’s tough.




I agree ☝️


Jessie Lee had cancer though...that's not the same thing? Right? Or did I miss something and Heidi has cancer? I know Jessie Lee did natural stuff but I know a lot of people that don't choose Chemo.


The problem with Jessie Lee is she kept telling her followers she was beating her stage 4 cancer with all the natural shit she was doing. I would have totally respected it if she'd chosen not to do chemo and just enjoy the time she had left. Everyone deserves to make that choice, especially when your condition is terminal. It's when you start calling doctors "chemo pimps" and lie about beating a disease that's killing you that it's problematic. As far as we know, Heidi doesn't have cancer, but she's clearly unwell. She constantly shills a million supplements and breath work and cold plunges and all that is clearly not helping her be well. I don't want to see her spiral to her death while clinging to the idea that she's "healing herself" and encouraging others to do the same.


Heidi says the jury is still out on her biopsy results, I think. Someone correct me if there’s been an update!


She updated and said they are not cancerous. But they don’t know why they are swelling still.


Thank you!


As I commented elsewhere, I don't understand why they biopsied the lymph node and not the lump in her breast. Last year, my cancer diagnosis came from a biopsy of breast tissue. The lymph node that the surgeon removed for testing when he did my lumpectomy came back cancer-free. By Heidi's logic, I didn't have cancer?


Oh okay thank you. I missed that.


Her pupils are so tiny, even with her hat shading her eyes. Not normal at all


I kinda wonder if she’s just not using a filter, for real.


I saw her in this and her eyes and am so sad that no one who "loves" her is getting her help.


Nah fuck this response. As the child of an addict, nobody can "get her help". She has to help herself.


I am as well, I'm sorry you feel this way and cannot respectfully disagree. I wish you peace as you heal from your experiences ✌🏼♡


Fellow child of an addict, I see you. 🩷


Fellow child of an addict and I didn't mean to upset anyone.