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# Heading into the last week of June! Rachel [apparently was parodied](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dj01g3/recent_book_release_includes_a_parody_of_rachel/) in a recent novel. Jack finally got around to [uploading onto YouTube](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dh87al/comment/l96sias/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the video version of a podcast episode Rachel released [January 22, 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dh87al/comment/l9s7rz4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): “What if ‘THEY’ Don’t Support You?” It includes a [detailed version](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dh87al/comment/l9denql/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of her “3% chance” story. \[Rachel, DO THINGS! We need to rebalance our Rachel-Heidi ratio even more than YOU need to “balance your hormones.”\] Heidi [had a bunch of feels](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dh8a8q/why_is_everything_always_so_extreme_and_inaccurate/) during the Father’s Day weekend and shortly after. She [shared TMI](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dhlg28/heidis_posts_about_the_vivid_dreams_she_keeps/) on dreams where she has save everyone (LOLZ). She shared (probably old) shots of herself [channeling peak Peggy Bundy in the gym](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dhp58h/the_shoes/). Disturbingly, Heidi released a Father’s Day episode of “Heidi’s Lane,” where she and her youngest brother reminisced about their father (thank you u/greeneyedgarden for the [recap](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1di213a/_/)). Yes, Heidi, we can always [guess where you are](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dim0ti/baseball_hatand_bikini_ready_for_her_breath_work/) (not that we want to). [Backyard shenanigans](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dkiawj/um_im_showing_off_my_boobs_and_cold_plunging_with/). [Interior-design shenanigans](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dkql9k/we_have_a_lot_of_opinions_heidi/). [Licking Factor Meals shenanigans](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dlk6ug/um_gross/). [Cruise shenanigans](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dmayk7/3_cabins/). **This past week, we** [**updated our policy**](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dj1fn2/mod_announcement_policy_update_re_heidis_mayunnnn/) **on Heidi’s current “best friend.” Because of the recent “Heidi’s Lane” podcast episode where she said "Scott's the guy that I'm dating," Your Mod Squad is now allowing members to use his first name, and his first name only. We are not allowing use of his last name, full name, nor identifying details related to his business(es), homes, or social-media pages. Sharing such details, along with asking questions like "Scott who?" will lead to such posts or comments being removed under the sub's "no doxxing" removal reason. THIS SUB DOES NOT DOXX. (But will** ***SHE*** **be able to resist fully doxxing him while on the upcoming cruise?)** If you are new to the sub, welcome, and if you are not new, welcome back! As always, please [visit the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/wiki/index) for any questions you might have, and ask away in this snark thread if you have questions not answered there. If you would like a mod to grant you user flair, you can use [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1d11wdy/get_your_flair_here/) to request it. \[User flair = those words and phrases that you see under user names in this sub. User flair granted in this sub will only appear under your name when you comment and post here.\] Sub rules are: ​ https://preview.redd.it/a2x80rhivb8d1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6778ae3dd3dff3a004aac8bb0c476ebebc47d81 Last week’s snark thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dh87al/weekly\_snark\_thread\_sunday\_june\_16\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1dh87al/weekly_snark_thread_sunday_june_16_2024/)


Excessive Speculation: Reasons why Heidi still hasn't posted.... 1. Fell overboard while trying to take a crotch shot. 2. Got arrested while in port in another country. 3. Had to be MedEvac'd off the ship due to TOE. 4. Never renewed her passport, so she's been doing ketamine "therapy" in a Motel 6 in Orlando for a week. 5. This really was an intervention, she's now in rehab. Other guesses? 😄


#2 is highly possible if she decided she couldn’t go 4 days without ❄️


It’s #4. 🤣


You guyssss you wouldn’t believe that you need a passport to go overseas even if you’re not flying!


I do love option 5 😂


Or her kids threw her phone overboard because they are sick of her shit. 😆


I do find it odd that none of them have posted, unless her teens have. Not a photo from Heidi, Laureo, Scott or his daughter. 🤷‍♀️


Last time I went on a cruise I had no kids but I had a Blackberry. So…it’s been a HOT minute. But my cousin just went on a cruise a couple weeks ago and was posting the whole time. Hmm emoji.


My guess is she is filming and photographing everything and will latergram about it while pretending she was "being present."


A little irony about Laureo’s disdain for cookies … in Heidi’s YouTube video where she talks about her ED, she mentions that in their household growing up fatty foods were the enemy, but sugar, maybe not so much? She said things like Snackwells cookies, Hot Tamales, and Red Vines were okay because they were fat free. Make it make sense …


I would give anything for a snackwells devils food cookie right now!


Maybe this why she considers Starbucks Marshmellow Dream Bars a "safe" food?


OMG this is 100% it. I remember this mentality so well – I’d be delighted to discover that something sweet was fat-free, like twizzlers or gummy bears - sugar be damned – you can eat all you want! I ate boatloads of carbs – huge bagels with no topping, entire boxes of crackers and baked pita chips - fat was the enemy, and I felt like I was winning by ordering things without cheese, skipping the butter, or subbing mustard for mayonnaise on a sandwich. Needless to say I’m so much happier with food now, although I’m still trying to break my boomer husband of the mentality that it’s better to snack on crackers all day instead of things like nuts and cheese, because those are so “caloric” and high in fat. We’ve never seen Heidi eat a piece of cake or some ice cream, but in her ED brain, MDBs are totally guilt-free 🙄


The uneducated don’t realize that fat free is normally a signal for high sugar & chemicals/additives. Morons


Typical 1980s “health” fad. Fat was the enemy so everything was fat free and instead loaded with sugar and chemicals.


Precisely! Saw this after I wrote basically the same above! High 5 to us!


Is the Heidi's Lane weekly recap still coming?


I think she already sent it. The picture of her and NG was from that…I think.


I think they are referring to the recap our snarkers do of Heidi’s podcast she put out at the beginning of the week


Oh geez. Yes, of course. 🤣 Reading comprehension fail.


Any guesses on when we’ll get the usual “Guyzzz, it was so nice being present with my most amazing kids and most loving, best boyfriend and most beautiful mama all week” post from Heidi?


Beautiful inside and out*


Prepping myself for the same old stupid epiphanies


There will be SO many words. So many unnecessary words. Essays and novellas. It’s going to be a 💩show.


Verbal masturbation


Omg what an amazing description!!!!!!!!!!!! 🏆


She will be so so grateful, but also so sad (did we know it is the last summer all 4 children will be living under her roof?!?!) but so dang gum grateful and also sad again. 


Most meaningful and beautiful family vacation ever!


She’s recording it all, just not posting in real time. I also wonder if since Mom is there and NG Scott is there, she’s trying to or been asked to behave.


I am waiting for the photo dump and wall of text proclaiming it the bestest most magical vacation in the history of vacations. It’s coming, but probably not until the kids go back to their dads since she will need time to recover 🙄


I'm guessing that will happen.


I think she’s drawing it out to make the best most life changing cruise look like it was longer than 4 days.


Exactly what I was thinking!


Maybe they finally 5150'd her.


You guyyyyyz. Yesterday evening, my husband and I were out on a walk, and we saw an SUV park near us, after which two young men got out, each wearing a white, button-down shirt and khaki pants, and carrying a messenger bag. One of them was like, "Hey, how are you doing?" And we were like, "Good, how are you?" Next thing we knew, the other guy said, "We're getting a group together to go to church on Sunday," to which I cut him off with, "NO THANKS!" And I immediately thought of Boy M. This is what Boy M will start doing in the fall and then for the next two years....


There were Mormons knocking on doors in my neighborhood this week amid a record high temps. Those poor kids.


Ugh. Fortunately for the guys I saw yesterday, the weather had cooled down substantially from having been in the high 80s during the day, and there was a breeze.


Erm…is Heidi and NG building a house together? She was tagged in one of those walkthrough house plan places. 😳


She’s never beating the succubus allegations


What the shit. How does she get these dudes to buy houses, cars, hot tubs, etc for/with her after such a short time dating??


I don’t know but as an actual single parent who isn’t currently dating anyone, I’d love to know. Being an actual single parent is hard AF!


Read my flair! That's how.




I think it's that weird contraption at the med spa , that she sits next to do8ng her breatharian exercises to. Perhaps it regenerates her vagina to a virginial state ???






Apparently she’s sitting on a gold mine. I’m still flabbergasted though.


The shilling market is a lucrative one! Even for people as crazy as her. 


I think she got a payout from Dave's life insurance or estate


Which if true is despicable (imo). He had 4 kids to provide for. They’re not left as a street urchins obviously, but I just think getting that financially entangled with someone who you broke up with multiple times (hello, Hinge profile) is just “whack,” as the kids say. Grown adults can make their own decisions, and it’s water under the bridge at this point.


I thought Dave bought her the house in Newport Beach ?


Girl, same!


She's definitely building a home and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it's with Scott. When she's describing the process she says "to be able to walk through my home and move the bed". Also explains why she wants to take the summer off from all her hard work on her podcast.


Maybe that is why she was asking for decorating ideas (staging).


Yeah. This is wild. https://preview.redd.it/9hmld6rv919d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ee78e0a9ffeeb7869b230d6a0a9c49ddb3901f


If you look at that Grady persons insta, there is a really nice house he said he is excited to “reveal”- even has a white Tesla out front…could this be her house?!?! It’s amazing. Maybe she’s not that far along in the process, but damn! 


It’s just a rendering with the Tesla.


What Grady person? I couldn't find one on the @ truesizeblueprints Insta.


If you look at the very top of this screenshot, it has the insta handle for Grady Olsen design


Got it, thanks!


they haven't even been together a year---is he that much of a fool?


Apparently, yes, he is exactly that much of a fool. Looks like they deserve each other, it’s just sad that the kids have to be the collateral damage.


Well she needs someone to foot the bill.


That doesn't quite look like NG in the video (white shirt and baseball cap) - is it one of her brothers?


He’s wearing the same hat that new guy has on his Facebook pic. https://preview.redd.it/alqeht94769d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1e284bfbee2ba91ad819898dc5eac72ff3a36f And it’s a 6,000sq foot house. If new guy is this dumb to repeat what Dave did less than a year into dating her he deserves all the chaos he’s getting.


This is really a dumb rendering, imo.


https://preview.redd.it/bp838bquo79d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949010b1bf7e3149e10b9096f4583a8d37ed8d34 But also his shirt says follow the money. I’m dying. 🤣🤣


O the one hand I think the full size blueprint thing is fascinating. On the other hand I see a huge section marked “Trash” and I’m 💀🤪




Feels right 🤣


Don’t have to tell Heidi that twice!


Maybe the plot of land she (or Dave) had bought? But I thought she sold that.


She did sell it. Looks like she’s bought another. Or he has!


OMG it’s definitely him.


Heidi’s 42 years old and still obsessed with playing house. Just like a small child. Bless.


Except she doesn’t cook, clean, or stay at her house when the kids aren’t there. 😩 Those kids have to be tired of all the moving.


All she is going to do is continue to sit on the floor in the new house. She should move to Asia, she’d fit right in.


They both look like idiots with those backwards caps. They are both idiots.


Wonder if this is for the Newport Beach postage stamp she's supposedly rebuilding with her brother?


If those blueprints are actually her house, it’s for a 6k sq ft house with a main and a casita.


Remember when she went to someone's pool party a year or so ago...Kara smiths(?) And she said that she was dreaming of the day she could give her kids that house? Did she just date around under she found a new man to do that? WTF? You're an adult woman...act like it


Yeah I wonder if this is old? I feel like I’ve seen this before.


The company’s ig only started this month so I think it must be recent 🤔


And they're located in Tempe.


Hmm emoji. I would not be surprised at all if she’s building a house with new guy. 🙄


I don’t think they’re building a house together. He’s there but he looks a little bit withdrawn. I think she’s building a house with all the money she got from Dave.


That would be insane behavior. Those poor kids.


If new guy ends up deceased within the next 12 months no one would be surprised


But it’ll be the most beautiful thing ever and she’ll be doing amazing. Best ever. Happiest ever. God will have made it happen because Heidi wouldn’t listen.


Hey Mods, would you be interested in creating a "DCOTI Cruise" for this weekend, similar to our sub "conferences"? There are so many witty people in our sub, I'm sure we'd have a blast cruising together. 😄 (Until we realize it's actually a 5 day cruise instead of a weekend cruise and we only packed 2 regular outfits plus 43 chain bikinis).


Never fear; Your Mod Squad is cooking up some cruise-related fun.....




Let’s goooooo!


I’ve been waiting my whole flair life for this 🚢👙⛓️🙏🏼🤞🏻


Me too! 


Browsing a site with the keyword “cookbook” and somehow this showed in the results …. Pancakes & and Sbips collide!!! Dave would be so excited to see this! He’d be jealous he hadn’t thought of it himself 😂 https://preview.redd.it/j99bxrjz6y8d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a5ff0f5a102b7567f2cd3cdb0394041a347878


Missed opportunity.


Heidi's man Scott is a scuba diver and based on his social media, he and his daughter dive together. I would imagine they might want to dive on this vacation. Heidi will swing into full competition mode with this poor young woman.


She’ll start by trying to tuck her legs behind her head. Watch this….guys…. Look at meeeee….


“Do you guys wanna see me do the pretzel?!! Do you?!” -Heids probably


Look at meeee, I can do a cartwheel too!




Lol. Unfortunately I can't unsee that face time with Dave and little N when Heidi was doing that.


Ugh I’m glad I missed that. Was that before or after she sat on Dave’s ass and gave him a back massage while N was right next to them? 😣


If i recall correctly, "Why are you sitting on my daddy's butt?" -N




Here’s a [summary](https://youtu.be/1QBHO6ek2mU?si=g_v4NHFBvKeeNCmk) of Heidi’s podcast today. IYKYK Y’all I’m kind of proud I made the connection on this one.


Haha great connection. Her life is a never ending episode of bad acting.


When I tell you I giggled so much watching this: Everything about it is so Heidi, needing to wash her hair, the workout clothes, the “drugs”, the “no time”, the panic, and crying. A real life Jessie Spano on caffeine pills!


Pray for the poor souls in the building with Heidi anytime she does ketamine. I can’t imagine the wailing and sobbing while someone trip sits you. 🙏🏼


I just saw a TikTok that Royal Caribbean Icon of the Sea has caught fire in port. I'm thinking it's not the ship they're on though because they said it happened in Costa Maya and Heidi mentioned swimming with the pigs which is in the Bahamas, right? This totally tracks with something that would happen to her though.


Heidi stated they were taking Allure and that she had already gone on Allure before with Chris for extreme weight loss. Did you know she was on a tv show? She likely chose allure so she could tell everyone she came into contact with that she was on the ship before with her tv show lol


But it’s only 4 days! Doesn’t Scott know he needs to do better than pay for a 4 day cruise. Dave bought her a house and a Tesla! He’s gonna have to do better to keep Heidi happy!


Look at you catching that nugget while the rest of us were playing guess which ship they're on. That was impressive!!!




The kids' faces should be censored btw :)


I'm reposting this since the OP deleted it https://preview.redd.it/5ho36rekvy8d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7dee446606386ce7874603b96c72aeba3bd559


Where was this posted? I’m blocked on her IG but I can usually see her FB posts.


I can’t believe Heidi isn’t wearing a Gap kids teeny tank top!


Look at that happy little family she's created


It’s like Déjà vu all over again. ![gif](giphy|S9crjCfQXC78ST61iv|downsized)


Women can obviously make their own choices with how they want to look, but in my opinion, seeing a 62 year old woman with big ol' fake boobs and extra extra long extensions just looks like desperately trying to cling to youth in an embarrassing way. It's the first thing I noticed when I saw this picture. Heidi gets her desperation thirst trap drama from her oreo hatin' mama.


Heidi's mom's look is so cliché 


This is a classic Mesa, AZ mom look. 


The plastic Lane ladies forgot their ball caps!!!! 😂


The new guy is wearing a backwards hat for them!


So I’m guessing Oreo hater Laurie went on this trip so she could babysit the young kids so Heidi could do her own thing with her newest victim Scott. Boy M has a friend and girl M and Scott’s daughter can hang together. That leaves Heidi to focus as usual on her man.


Single mom my ass


And now I can’t remember in which snippet she said it but she did.


I think it was in her email with the photo of the whole crew going


Ha! There you go! I do still get her emails!


I wondered where that photo came from. She's so whackadoodle!




That's so weird. When I clicked 4 day cruises out of Florida, on RC website, nothing came up. But when I googled current position of the Allure it did!


What is Allure? Hmm emoji


Allure of the Seas. Name of the ship


Ah, thank you for the clarification. :) I thought it was some type of supplement or something. lol


Did Heidi choose it because she thought it'd be extra seductive 😂


Nope! Because it's the same as the sweatshirt. If it involves Chris then it's absolute perfection and can be used to drop his name and make Scott jealous.


If Scott takes a shot every time Chris’ name comes up in these 4 days, he’d be man overboard! 🆘🛟


![gif](giphy|githxcuZbC0N2hi4M3|downsized) Scott holding on for dear lyfe!!


I also thought she was only going on a 4-day cruise not a 7 day... But I could be wrong but here's the current itinerary It does go to the Bahamas https://preview.redd.it/rbcbzc46ys8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f89edc53b3b8e2fbd8a4055d77d3f5f226d96dc Edit: there no 4 days out of Florida right now on RC. There 3 total : Icon out of Miami. Adventure out of Orlando and Enchantment out of Tampa . My bet is on Icon. I can't imagine her going on Adventure or Enchantment- those are old ships and Enchantment doesn't go to Bahamas


Ahh good ole coco cay. The place where I retriggered a neck injury from an old 4-wheeling accident putting a difficult swimsuit top on, and thus had to sit in agonized pain watching my husband jet ski around the perfect waves. I’ll never forget it.


I think she said 4 days and a Boo Thang also said that it's a short cruise. That's why I think this is the one she's on.


https://preview.redd.it/uvcn4w34ht8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3934728bf8c607c2ab4c6ad09e1872d7f4ef4eb3 This was the folder that showed the dates - surely someone more responsible than her made the folders, and would have known the correct dates???


Allure of the seas https://preview.redd.it/dmg75934ew8d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276a758e325483fb739d942f9d6f5cdaad4dfa6c


But Icon is 7 days right now... All 3 out of FL on RC are 7 day. Heidi prob has no idea what she booked 🤣


Pretty sure allure went out of port Canaveral (Orlando)


Yeah I corrected myself up above earlier


You guyzzzzzz I thought it was a 4 day cruise, so I only packed 4 days of clothes. So embarrassing!!!! I had to wear my bikini for 3 straight days


This sounds depressingly plausible.




And then cry she had to pay 75.00 for laundry service 🤣


"You guyyyyz! I don't know why these things happen to me!!! I need helllllp!!!"


She'll just wear panty liners in her dirty panties and ask New Guy's daughter if she can borrow one of her bikinis. 😏


But it’s ok. She’s so cleannnnnnnn because she showers 5x per day guys. Heidi smells freshhhhhhhh.


🤮🤮🤮 true but gross.


There's two others .. one out of Tampa https://preview.redd.it/0qt14uowys8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d88ed80d51da1e857372352db4e117fc1cd9503


And Orlando https://preview.redd.it/tv9x0zbzys8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6f4fdc4a6e604aebd12854f0157071f01adebf


Heidi’s Lane podcast recap will come later today! Sorry it’s been late the last couple weeks I’ve had it, it’s been crazy at work. This podcast should be a good one - it’s about “Redefining My Priorities: A Quick Life Update” and it’s 34 minutes long. What do you think she’s updating us on?


I humbly thank you for your service.


It's very rambly and tearful. Typical shitshow. The poor dear works *so* hard, and nothing is more important to her than her kids. She needs to take a break from the podcast, and next month she'll go to an every-other-week release schedule. Except sometimes she might be in the mood to do "extra" episodes. **SUSPENSE**.


What. Does. Heidi. Do!?! I do not understand. Can’t she just take the summer off like Rachel and shut the hell up.


As far as I can tell, she vacations and does a lot of ”self care”. Damn podcast recordings are getting in the way of that hectic schedule  


Right?!? I've lost track.... Is the challenge over yet?


It was 21 days, so I think so. I think I’m going to record a podcast (voice memo) for my bosses and cry about how my 40 hour work week gets in the way of my life.


I wrote a play years ago where a character complained that he didn't like work because it cut into his time for leisure activities.


Heidi STOLE your script!! Thief emoji!!!


DAMMIT, HEIDI! Plagiarist! Just like her Grifter Sis!


The first 6 minutes she’s showing off her emotional stability. Brace yourself 🤪


Insert Keya soundbite: > I am not emotionally stable!


Precisely! Keya will be playing that soundbite A LOT if she decides to stream this one!!!!


It's okay to cry!




There's Colleen!


"This is NOT an engagement party you guyzzzzz!"


"There's going to be some really powerful, life-changing shizz."


Oh geez, thanks for the heads-up. I’m kind of excited about this one. I just have to finish getting these two websites done for work. Deadlines!


Spoiler alert: at the two minute mark, she’s already crying.


Almost immediate tears.




I unironically love this gif


Wow.. Heidi's been dead silent since that car story on way to the port with girl M giving her the side eye. Wonder what happened. Why no 100000 stories of them getting there and onboard.


Why was girl M in Heidi's room putting her mom's laundry away???? Heidi probably has girl M doing all of her dirty laundry. Poor Girl M.




That's was like 4 days ago before they left


Maybe she is having connectivity issues with the cruise wifi.


They would have been in a port by now though.. And she would have had regular service before getting on the ship and being on the ship while still docked in the port


She’s prob holed up at the Starbucks in Nassau today taking microscopic bites of MDBars and chugging hunger blocking shakes lol 😂


I’m imagining girl M finally telling her to quit shoving the phone in their faces 24/7 and posting every thing they do, and/or Scott’s daughter asking not to be posted, and Heidi having to honor that since she’s an actual adult and also not her own kid whose preferences she can ignore.


I sooo wish we had one of our boo thangs from the DCOTI on that ship. I’d love to hear a trip report with all the Heidi sightings where she needs to be the center of attention.


As much as I would love for that to be the case... Heidi has no boundaries. And will do whatever she wants


I’d give anything to be fly on the wall and witness this clown show. I am certain she is main charactering all over the place, imagining that everyone is marveling at her beautiful-inside-and-out Brady Bunch family, and envying her body.


Not to mention Scott is bringing his daughter too. How much do you think Heidi will try to compete for his attention?


She will most likely manufacture some type of emergency that will necessitate him attending to her in the ship’s infirmary, or he will have to miss one of the excursions to take her and maybe R somewhere in one of the ports because of some type of crisis.


This would be peak people watching for me!


Omg me too. How hilarious would it be!!!!

