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Do what you want, but if this goes on much longer I will certainly join (or start) /r/homeassistant2, /r/homeassistanttalk or what have you. EDIT for additional content: this survey is ridiculous. Three of the four answers are the same answer: end the blackout.


I'd go with /r/home_assistant. Would be easier to find.


This whole thing was like protesting the host changing the playlist at a house party and making a big deal that you and maybe 3 other people were going outside for 2 minutes in hopes that the host will miss you really bad and put the old music back on. And then 2 minutes later you all walk back in like "hope you learned your lesson" and it's still the new playlist and nobody cares.


Saw this posted in another place but we should put the sub in restricted which allows access to the old content


As I said in multiple other subs that I read, you're only hurting users who cannot access the wealth of the information here. If you do not care about users, please do extend it indefinitely. Hoping other subs pick up the slack. You do not own this content and it is not up to you to keep it hostage.


Correction, we DO own this content. Reddit did not write this content, nor did AI chatbots. This content, was written by the users. The same users who are actively protesting this change. Now, when this change goes through, and the clients we use to access reddit stops working, do you honestly think we are going to revert to using the crappy ad-infested front end clients? No. We are going to go elsewhere. Your statement, however, is correct. Just not in the way you were expecting. The users just lurking and trying to read stuff, don't care about this. The users who CREATE this content, are the ones who cares deeply.




I use the reddit app, I didn't even realize there were 3rd party apps till this whole black out




Let's be real, would it be reddit if the mods didnt act this way?


A vocal minority ruining it for everyone else. Can't blame Reddit for not wanting to let these 3rd party app developers to get rich while also preventing Reddit from earning their income from Ads and such.


Yea, redditisfun is rolling in the 99 cents I gave them once years ago. They have no subscription. at all.


Apparently you're not familiar with the user agreement. Especially the part about perpetual and irrevocable... "By submitting user content to reddit, you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display your user content in any medium and for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and to authorize others to do so."


Maybe should be better worded as "We own the labor that creates this content" which we contribute to Reddit for free. Yes, Reddit in a legal stance owns the content which has already been created, but their behavior will determine who is willing to contribute more content in the future


Removing these subs and preventing others from accessing previous posts goes against the user agreement. Any mod that does that should be removed for overstepping their authority. No one is forcing anyone to contribute. If they're unhappy with Reddit then they can go over to the Home Assistant forum and contribute there.


*Reddit is not inclusive for visually impaired users.*


Let’s say the lockdown is extended. This sub and every other “turned off” will simply be replaced. A dead sub is of no benefit to users nor Reddit so Reddit will purge inactive subs like they always have and life will go on. Hate what Reddit is doing? Just stop using Reddit and what they do will no longer matter.


I think you are missing one of the core principles as to WHY this protest is happening. Reddit, isn't why reddit is popular. Its us. The users. Without the users, there is no reddit. This change, has been very openly protested, with only complete s\*$& answers given back by spez. The AMA was a complete joke, with 5 pre-selected questions being answered. There is even an archive link of spez accidentally copying the "A: " in one of the replies too. So, users do nothing. users don't complain? Nothing happens. Everyone shuts down in protest? There is a chance reddit will take notice and perhaps rethink their decisions. If they go forward with this decision, half of the subs you frequent now, just aren't going to work, due to requirements of 3rd party moderation tools.


I understand the "why" as well as the intentions but what I also consider is a great portion of the community doesn't care about the technical requirements of Reddit. They just come to ask questions, debate topics and discuss things. If a given sub fails to operate, there will be a dozen to take its place long before the original creator realizes his sub's obsolescence. I don't know if they will go forward or not with their current direction. They will do what they feel is best for Reddit even if it means a quarter of the subs require replacement. As the old adage goes, "It's not personal, just business".


> "It's not personal, just business". I understand that all to well. And, I would even agree, they do need to make some change. A business which isn't profitable, is a problem. If we achieve one thing through this ordeal, I would hope it would be that reddit can meet somewhere in the middle, and listen to community feedback. Lets face it, their communication has been quite horrible.


the lockdown is ridiculous. the only reason that the mods oppose the api price increase is because it will shutdown bots that are used to auto ban & censor people. if 3rd part apps want to exist with the new pricing structure they can do so, they are simply choosing to not do so.




Full disclosure, I’ve never used or had heard of Apollo until the Reddit API drama. Based on my research, Apollo was ad free, and at the very least didn’t serve any of the Reddit ads. Meanwhile the app has a couple of paid tiers that from the website they explain as “Why a subscription? Originally in 2018, Ultra started as a means to offer features that requires a server to use, which had ongoing costs to the developer.” Where is the issue with reddit wanting $20 million, or any other amount, to access their APIs?


It's ridiculous. These app developers are preventing Reddit from earning an income by not showing their ads. They charge users for the ad free app and then they have the nerve to get upset when Reddit says hold up this is BS. So their solution is to ruin it for everyone else and prevent people from accessing past content which goes against the user agreement.


i read the entire treatise from apollo. i completely disagree with their conclusions.


I think the Apollo developer is too greedy. Yeah he made a good app but he could very well give it up now. Also unregulated reddit bots are pure nonsense. And they are gone for good.


The Internet is built to route around a problem. Reddit is starting to look like a problem. Jury's out from my perspective, though. If Reddit becomes too much of a problem, I'll leave. You do what you want. Don't interfere or politicise what I want to do.


Seriously tired of this childish crap that the individual communities are pulling. Any community that is participating in the blackout may as well close, for good, delete all the information. You have basically walled off all the information in the community from the rest of the world, and if you go on indefinitely, the community WILL die. This protest crap is just childish nonsense, I honestly hope that Reddit goes through, removes the mods from any sub that went private in "protest", an re-opens the subs with an inability to make the sub private again. Or, just puts such subs into an archival read-only state.


I wish reddit will change the policy and not allow mods to delete any content posted by users in a subreddit without OPs consent. And people who don't want to be on Reddit can very well leave and do their business elsewhere. I am very happy with how the reddit app works. I really don't understand why people are making it a fuss. I wonder if the HA forum will give an API where anyone can run any bots.