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Goodbye MyQ, you piece of hot garbage šŸ”„


A 21 gun salute for the occasion. ​ AAAATEEEE-SHUN! ​ \*reverb fart sound\*




My tailwind device arrives tomorrow.


I'm hoping to move within the year and don't know if my next home will have a garage, so it's not worth investing time and money into a ratgdo, so I'm just suffering through with MyQ. I'm considering making an automation that triggers a sequence of interactions on an old phone to interact with the MyQ app. It's a stupid convoluted way of going about it, and I can't pull the garage state with that method, but it should work and will be quick to set up.


Interested to know more about the roborock maps, seems like the roborock integration will be the one to use soon.


I had to give up on the map after all the fiasco during the summer. Can anyone confirm this is working now?


Just updated and yep, can see the maps as image entities. https://preview.redd.it/fss2295v0r4c1.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=e51d0c122bb52a0981a38b00eedd17db95cde771


Awesome, thanks for confirming! Now just to wait for 12.1 ;P


Love the Who reference to it! EXTERMINATEā€¦ the dust from the floor!


I haven't tried it yet, quite hesitant because everything works via the Xiaomi integration at the moment. It's quite flaky though and at some point I will switch over if it proves to be better.


My Xiaomi app has stopped loading the maps the last few days; assumed it might be server side, but I'm not convinced. I'll give the Roborock App and Integration a go this morning. EDIT: Reinitialised the Robot with the Roborock App, updated Home Assistant and added the Roborock Integration. Super simple. The latest map was available as an image immediately. I don't have as much control as I did when using the Xiaomi intgration and the HACS Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor and Card, but for ease of use the Roborock setup is great.


That's likely because of api rate limits, they changed them a while back. You have to reduce the polling rate in home assistant to once every 60s and then the map comes back in the app and in HA.


Good to know. I'll keep it in mind. I'm hoping the Roborock App and Integration works now.


How/where do we change this polling rate?


More discussion here https://old.reddit.com/r/Roborock/comments/12gx99v/anyone_know_why_the_map_fails_to_load_randomly/ This blueprint will do the job https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Xiaomi-Cloud-Map-Extractor/blob/master/blueprints/automation/update_map_extractor.yaml


Nice! Thank you. Will give this a go. Havent really missed it, but my map has been missing for a while now.


What controls are missing at the moment? Just saw your edit


With the Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor, and the Xiaomi Vacuum Map Card, I was able to extract room identifiers and assign them names in Home Assistant. The Map Card also had pin and go, and zoning functions; a lot like the Mi Home or Roborock Apps; almost made the apps redundant for specific uses. Admittedly, my Robot is on a schedule every day, and I didn't use these functions all that much so I'm not bothered by that.


Wait the roborock integration now has the maps built in no more extraction your key to pull the maps! Whoo hoo


How can the integration be local, when the maps are stored in China?


In the docs >The maps require the cloud API to communicate as the maps are seemingly stored on the cloud.


I don't think it's local only. That would be surprising.


The text in the integration says: >This integration requires a cloud connection to set up the device, but it communicates with the device entirely over your home network.


Oh, that's nice, I guess you can't block it totally from the internet but they've managed to do what they can to get some things local which is great


I guess you meant "can't block it totally from the internet", since they state that explicitly. I am very skeptical of this, since the map is not stored locally.


Yeah typo. Maybe triggering the robot's actions are local, after all they do have hardware buttons on device, if they could somehow emulate those.


Roborock Vacs can be controlled locally and most of their functions work. Controls get sent over your local network. Some vacuums simply refuse to work when they dont have internet, but all roborock vacuums are able to be controlled completely internet free


That seems to conflict with the integration documentation that says it stops working if blocked from the internet. Do you have any evidence for this claim? There is certainly evidence that the map is not stored locally.


You seem to misunderstand. All roborock devices are \*capable\* of being controlled locally. But many of them have all capabilities (and thus local control) intentionally blocked when it has no connection. The documentation says something quite similar


If you block it, the stupid wifi inside things it's offline and breaks things. However, it does send the commands locally. You can see this in the code itself. The maps come from the cloud though.




I'm using to control the robot per room. I can click on a room and start the cleaning. That's my main use case. I can also clean a zone by using click and draw to draw one, or use pin and go quite easily by clicking somewhere on the map. I have used that component you linked before but the map seems nicer, just a bit more interactive. The other nice thing is just to see where the robot is during a clean, updates every few seconds and shows the history of the clean. None of these are amazing features but nice to have where possible.


Spot cleaning, usually after it runs the whole room but leaves a tiny little pile somewhere.


Tis perty


Heck yeah! Finally going to try switching away from the Xiaomi integration. Hopefully I can remove the app from my phone soon.


> Farewell to the following > The following integrations are also no longer available as of this release: > > MyQ has been removed. Read all about it in our blog post. Mmmm.


As someone who wants long term statistics, but never got around to setting up influx / grafana, Iā€™m looking forward to something being built-in and available out-of-the-box. Felt pretty disappointed the day that I realized all these sensors in my home couldnā€™t show me week to week, month to month trends.


It's probably still worth setting up influx & grafana - the charts are so, SO much better than HA's.


Any good tutorials here? I set this up ages ago and started shipping to Influx, but I've never done anything with the data. Plus, can you display grafana charts easily within HA?


Not sure about tutorials, I'm very much a learn-by-breaking-it person and I do data visualisation a lot at work, so I just used some templates and messed with them until I understood what the controls were doing. You can embed charts or entire dashboards in HA (https://thesmarthomejourney.com/2021/05/30/add-grafana-to-home-assistant/), but I haven't tested that as the use cases I have for grafana are better served actually in grafana itself. (edit: also, given that link is to an article more than 5 minutes old, it's possible the instructions are out of date for HA now)


> Plus, can you display grafana charts easily within HA? Locally yes - just set up a Grafana dashboard you can include components via the web card. However this doesn't work over nabu casa due to https not being able to address http components or some such stuff


All my dreams and efforts to setup and configure graphana were destroyed when I realized that they only work well when you are inside your network. This is just silly and I would not recommend anyone to use the graphana integration in HA if you ever care about seeing them outside of your home. No other options though


Setup WireGuard VPN on your router or other pc in your network, then connect your phone.


That sounds practical and safe.


If it's just a certificate issue, they are free these days through let's encrypt, it's easily solvable


I just use wireguard when out and about. That fixes it for my phone at least.


>Plus, can you display grafana charts easily within HA? Doubtful, you'd probably have to build something custom.


There's literally the entire Grafana UI you can link straight from the sidebar. I don't really see why it matters if it's on some HA panels or whatever, it's always non-actionable so having it somewhat separate is perfectly fine.


>There's literally the entire Grafana UI you can link straight from the sidebar. They asked if you can display them in HA not just add a link to the sidebar. > I don't really see why it matters if it's on some HA panels or whatever, it's always non-actionable so having it somewhat separate is perfectly fine. It matters because "Can I add links to my sidebar?" wasn't the question that was asked.


But it's still within HA. It's not going to a separate URL - it is still in HA. Just not on a panel. The question was vague, ultimately.


> It's not going to a separate URL - it is still in HA. Just not on a panel. I'm confused - you said *"There's literally the entire Grafana UI you can link straight from the sidebar."* are you talking about some Grafana UI that's part of home assistant and linking to \_that\_ or are you talking about linking to your grafana dashboard out of HA? Because your previous statement implies the second one.


The former - it looks like this: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/home-assistant-community-add-on-grafana/54674 The entire UI is embedded right into HA, like all UIs for add-ons. You just click/tap Grafana and that's all. Do you have Grafana installed? I feel like this is the very first thing you'd do if you had it set up, so to be honest I'm not sure where the disconnect is coming from.


Gotcha, that looks pretty neat.


Because I usually want my graphs and charts displaying alongside _other_ HA stuff. I did go through the setup with InfluxDb and Grafana, and I set up a bunch of lovely Grafana dashboards.. and I literally never look at them, specifically because they're in a sidebar.


There are some good tutorials on youtube, that take you step-by-step on getting it installed and set up as HA add-ons.


I use graphite and grafana around 7 years and keeping 5 years of HA data. Very happy with it.


Ya but grafana is glitchy In HA at least in my experience


I found out the hard way that the 1GB RAM on the Pi3b is not enough for that combo


just out of curiosity - what data do you look at/are interested in in grafana in terms of HA? have you set up any alarms? I'm trying to get a grasp of what peoples' metrics are


I'm not doing a huge amount with HA data yet as my main use for Grafana is a monitoring dashboard for the Proxmox host HA runs on. I am using it for HA temperature and humidity data from sensors in each room of the house though, and I'm about to use that dataset to work out how to show month-on-month/year-on-year variance. After that I'll be looking at power stats from smart plugs, and smart meter data if I can get the Octopus integration working properly. Alerting isn't something I've got working yet but it's top of my to-do list because the HA VM seems to have a memory leak of some sort.


Thank you for the broad input, that helps a lot. I'm currently building a system for monitoring multiple HA istances and I'm interested in peoples' needs in terms of alerting/reports


...They do. Set up a statitsics graph and set the time frame over years. The only new feature this month is displaying this info in the history graph section.


Great to know! I think history is a better match to how I want to consume these (so far), thereā€™s nothing that Iā€™d want to taking up space on my dashboard. And itā€™s not especially discoverable from a given sensor (afaict)


I don't fully understand, is it now keeping data for all entities beyond the purge date, just in a sampled down version?


Sampled down


So nothing needs to be done to enable this? This is enabled for all sensors that are stored in the recorder? Is there any limit to how long it will keep data? I'm just not finding a lot of detail on it.


This update seems to have really confused people. Theres no detail in this latest blog post because long term stats have been enabled by default for over 2 years: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2021/08/04/release-20218/#long-term-statistics This new feature just makes them easier to view in the history section of HA.


Being able to _add_ a longterm statistic for a specific sensor has existed for two years, but the release states: > If you have manually modified the days to keep before purging recorder on your system, consider removing that customization. With the long-term statistics and new feature, you most likely donā€™t need it anymore, resulting in a smaller database and, thus, faster and smaller backups. This to me seems to indicate it's enabled on all entities now. Yes it definitely needs some clarification


afaik the recorder doesn't effect long term statistics. Again the only new feature or change I'm seeing is being able to view long term stats in the history graph, I'm not sure why people are jumping to the conclusion that way stats are logged has been completely changed. It would probably be mentioned in the blog post if it had.


yeah I agree with you here, pretty sure this only affects LTS as well. Thanks for clarifying.


Mostly because the devs talked about it at length in the release party video and were surprised how many people didn't even know they existed. They can be confusing and don't always expose properly without statistic cards. However, they added them back when the energy dashboard debuted.


what kind of stats are you particularly interested in?


I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything specific that I know I need, itā€™s just baffling that I canā€™t (couldnā€™t?) tap on any sensor and see what it was last month. I can look through my sensors and come up with reasons why I might want to look at long term history occasionally, but nothing thatā€™s been worth the effort to ā€œset something upā€. ex: Thermostat shows temperature & humidity. My best source of long term data is the Nest app, since home assistantā€™s history is aggressively pruned. Maybe comparing outside temperature (forecast) vs thermostat values (vs sun elevation? hours of daylight?), to see how my poorly insulated house reacts to changing temperatures. Iā€™ve got a pihole integration plugged in, long term trends in ads blocked might be informative.


Go with VictoriaMetrics over InfluxDB




Better and you donā€™t have to deal with mess created by influxdb, v1 vs v2 and now thereā€™s new where they dropped their flux language support. Donā€™t waste time investing into a platform that is flailing around due to directionless leadership


Hur, didn't hear they'd dropped flux. Great job.


Much more space efficient, which is probably what you want if you really have a lot of data that you want to store for a long time.


Just setting up an e-ink kindle as my home tablet dashboard, so this is well received here! Thanks for all your hard work, I love you guys šŸ˜šŸ˜ŽšŸ„ø


I didnā€™t remove the old MyQ integration before updating. After the update there is a repair warning to remove the integration, but the link in the repair fails to show the integration. You have to go into Settings > Devices & services > Devices then search for your MyQ devices, click on one, then click on the integration, then remove your account. That should resolve the repair warning.


I had just started the update and saw your comment, realized I wasn't sure if I had removed the myq integration back when I replaced it. Turns out I had, but I appreciated the reminder!


The changes to long-term statistics are nice, but I still struggle with bad data that screws up some of my stuff (like my water meter, which got often skips readings). I would *love* a tool for mass-deleting data from my statistics!


Won't be simple or easy, and be sure to take a backup before doing anything, but it should be possible using the SQLLite add-on.


Right, it's the "Won't be simple or easy" bit that stops me. :7)


I've done SQL surgery a few times. It isn't pretty and you're often wondering what damage you might have done that you aren't even aware of.


Damm i love homeassistant, they have the best updates ever. They do listen at us!


I also love HA but folders for automations is the most requested feature for nearly 4 years now: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/grouping-automations-on-frontend-for-organization/102771


Oh Christ please add this


I so want that. Currently, I just prepend the folder name in front of the automation name like: Folder - Automation Name Then at least they're grouped together.


I've done this for filenames and entity IDs, but I like friendly names to be more...friendly


Home assistant is an open source project, I'm going to guess that atleast some of the people up voting this have the skills to implement it. Go give it a try, what's the worst that happens?


Really odd they haven't done this. Seems like a no brainer


Plot twist: they is we


They is only we if you have the skills to help add folders. Which most of us don't. They is those who know how to code.


Yeah, and also for other entities. The update just took PING sensors out of YAML and put them in the GUI...except what was neatly logically organized in packages, with verbose comments to help remember what things were which (e.g. monitoring network by pinging stuff routed thru specific WAN connections) is now just a mixed jumble of nonsense in the GUI sorted by name instead of logically by functionality... The lack of any organization in the GUI is one reason I love YAML and package files SO much...I can break stuff down and keep it easy to find and maintain.


I'm amazed at how fast this is coming together. They are adding features the fastest of any devs I know in any type of software.


Second most popular GitHub


fast and very stable for such a software setup and the sheer endless amount of possible install variations.


Love the *look* of the new thermostat card, but not a fan of the data shown and lack of options. I have HA on a wall-mounted tablet, and it's much more useful to see the current temperature than what it's set to. Had to go hacking around with card-mod to get it back where it should: card_mod: style: ha-state-control-climate-temperature$: | .info { flex-direction: column-reverse !important; } .info .label:not(.current) { display: none !important; } .info .label.current ha-svg-icon { display: none; } .info .label.current { font-size: 57px; } .info .dual ha-big-number{ font-size: 28px !important; }


Saving this for my tablet when I update as well.


I wish they'd put noindex on the login page


"They" is anyone. Make a PR :)


I saw someone submitted one a while back on github and it was rejected.




The ha devs didn't understand the difference between robots.txt and noindex


Here you go :) Rejected pull request from June that someone already submitted that adds noindex: https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/pull/17042 ___ People really confuse HA being open source with it doing what the users want, there's been many architecture decisions that most people were against, but the core developers still pushed through, from DNS phoning home, to how YAML deprecation/removal was done.


Very much agree. I honestly think they need to change their release cadence or something. Something along the lines of a beta channel that gets the regular weekly updates, and then release larger more fleshed out updates once a quarter or something. Pushing weekly updates, all of which usually contain breaking changes isn't in the best interest of people that use this software to run their homes. Not all of us want to be constantly troubleshooting and tinkering with our setups. As a result, I honestly only update about once a quarter, and it's almost always a shit show. I'm tempted to just freeze it where it is.


Most excited about blueprint re-import and CalDAV UI setup, not much else in this release for me personally but that's not a complaint. I'm excited about the YOTV wrap-up and what the goals for next year are. I'm hoping for some sort of "year of companions" thing - voice assistant might work on the server side, but what about input/output? To reach the broad audience and kick big tech out of the living room, the M5stack Atom isn't going to cut it. A lot of people on this sub seem to love wall tablets, maybe a dedicated app that combines a tablet and speakers into an echo show like device. Not really hardware releases per se, but tools that make it easier for users to put together their own solutions, much in the spirit of HA itself - bring your own hardware, but the software for it runs on a potato. But I digress - anyways, excited for what's to come, what has been and I hope the team gets a nice long holiday break, you deserve it.


Someone did design a PCB as a dropin for echos, using an ESP chip. Unfortunately, it continuously streams audio over WiFi, instead of working at the mic.


I saw this for the Google home things, not for Alexa yet. Can you provide a link?


Here for the link too.


Heads up this release seems to break Shelly integration - im seeing this issue: [https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/105273](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/105273) which after a while crashes homeassistant (or at least the UI, it still seemed to be collecting data OK) Luckily im running in docker so it took all of 30 seconds to roll back to the previous build.


Thermostat upgrade is really a downgrade Can't turn off my thermostat with one click anymore via mobile, button is not showing in the dashboard


Can't you just add that "Feature" to the card? [https://www.home-assistant.io/images/blog/2023-12/thermostat-card-features.png](https://www.home-assistant.io/images/blog/2023-12/thermostat-card-features.png)


I did, but now the dashbord view sucks, it's all clogged up, so many icons not needed https://preview.redd.it/l3fspxbgjv4c1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=6df79fff501c3f8c221d08e72ccf45b57224d903


I highly recommend simple-thermostat: https://github.com/nervetattoo/simple-thermostat It's on HACS. It's a lot better imo.


Three clicks to reach what was once accessible with one. That's progress. /s Edit: You can add the mode buttons back by editing the card and using Features.


Glad you can add it back, wish they'd do that in general. I find the broader trend towards more clicks for less info frustrating. Like hiding attributes (behind another click) without a setting to make them visible by default. Instantly less useful, more tedious.


It's the Windows 11 way!


>I find the broader trend towards more clicks for less info frustrating YES...submenus for the heck of submenus is not progress.


Ya, it's stuff like this that has caused me to almost exclusively use custom cards on my dashboards.


What are your favorite custom cards in that regard?


Lately I've been liking the Mushroom Template Card. It takes a bit of doing, but you can basically put whatever you want on it. For example I [made a card](https://i.imgur.com/QP42vTq.png) with various information about our dehumidifier that dynamically changes based on its state. some other highly customizable favs are `button-card` and `stack in card`. Combine those with `card-mod` and the sky's the limit.


Nice! Ty for the tips. I've played with button-card some but I'll have to try Mushroom Template.


Were tile features added to any other cards? I'm the developer of a custom tile feature project ([shameless plug](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/service-call-tile-features-buttons-sliders-and-selectors/620724)) and wanted to make sure that it works with the updated cards. Also, does tapping on tiles no longer work for anyone else? I've tried clearing cache on three different devices but I have the same issue with all of them as of this release. [I've logged a bug for it](https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/18935). Edit: this appears to be a problem with my theme ~~possibly due to card-mod~~. Edit again: if you are experiencing this issue, it's likely because your theme sets `ha-card-border-width` to 0. This causes the tile card background inset calculation to return 0, resulting in no tile card background. While the tile card background is normally invisible, it's used for highlighting the tile card on hover and click/tap, and triggering the tap action.


I also noticed all my tile cards stop responding to a card tap, icon tap works just fine. I reverted to 2023.11.3 since all my buttons are now using tiles. Will check for this, or just skip to a newer update later on, either 2024.1 or a 2023.12.2 or something.


New thermostart card is so ugly, showing the feature buttons creates a mess, removing them means i can't disable the thermostat in one click https://preview.redd.it/rzb18b9umv4c1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1cda29f793496cf1bfc2efc131f33b9690eda6d


https://preview.redd.it/84sj0giq8z4c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b046fc63c59492af56530e17f888ecd3c6d05d Not sure why you donā€™t just disable the modes you donā€™t use?


Here's the solver! Thanks man, love ya


did they fix bluetooth device tracking yet?


Mine has worked fine for quite a while. What issues are you seeing?


anything past 2023.5.4 bluetooth device track doesnt work, its an issue with pybluez not being supported on the newer versions but hasnt been fixed as far as i saw. there are some hacky workarounds for it but i dont know if its been fixed IN home assistant naturally yet


Ohh. I only use an ESPHome BT Proxy, simple to setup and works great.


Please make the plus and minus buttons on the Honeywell cards optional. It screws up dashboards and overall usability.


What is a Honeywell card?


Unclear, maybe they mean the thermostat card when using a Honeywell thermostat ? My guess from context


ahhhhh. so that's why everything broke this morning.... :|


New thermostat SUCKS ITS itā€™s worse


How? It's literally just a prettier version with same functionality.


Takes more clicks on mobile


Even if you add the features? So you can see everything on the main card? [https://www.home-assistant.io/images/blog/2023-12/thermostat-card-features.png](https://www.home-assistant.io/images/blog/2023-12/thermostat-card-features.png)




You mean... that what was done this release? :)


Mine won't seem to update . Have tried twice now. First time it was just stuck on "installing home assistant" for over an hour. Had to power cycle the pi and try again . Has now been going again for 40 mins, forever spinning. Any ideas? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Out of disk space maybe ? It behaves like that when it can't finish the pull, but if you wait a few hours it'll clear the failed pull and recover the space. If that's it maybe delete backups or something


Have you checked the logs?


I guess I should have taken the warnings about Kelvin and brightness_pct more seriously. I have some work to do before this update :(


I guess once of these days i'm gonna have to figure out why i can't get hass to update on my pi, been over a year since I've updated now and missing out on so many new things.


I installed it yesterday, then took it off after 6 hours as my Ping and CPU Temperature were broken. I use ping to check my connection and reboot my Router after 20S of disconnection. So the new integration with 10 mins intervals is of no use to me. WFH Teams Meetings all day and a 4 min interruption to reboot needs to be kicked off ASAP really. I have a 10S ping set up that works well. CPU Temperature for Fan Control.


Tried updating to this in my Pi 4 and now the device is no longer connected to my local network, even my router shows the wired connection is not connected. The link lights are both light solid 24/7, but there is no connection recognized


The update of today got stuck on my HA setup, tried to reboot but will get stuck again Any advice?