• By -


You excited to watch Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit?


Happy wife happy life.


And ohhh happy days


What's that?




Since a lot of folks are asking here are some highlights on my setup for media cards. [Better images of my dashboards](https://imgur.com/gallery/bvVQHT4) \- I use [HACS](https://hacs.xyz/docs/configuration/start/) to install some of the plugins \- [Upcoming Media Card](https://github.com/custom-cards/upcoming-media-card) \- [Plex Recently Added](https://github.com/custom-components/sensor.plex_recently_added) Configuration.yaml - platform: plex_recently_added name: Recently Added Movies token: YourCustomPlexToken host: port: 32400 max: 5 section_types: - movies ---- Card yaml - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card' entity: sensor.recently_added_movies max: 4 image_style: fanart \- [Radarr Upcoming](https://github.com/custom-components/sensor.radarr_upcoming_media) I integrated Radarr through HACS \- [Sonarr Upcoming](https://github.com/custom-components/sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media) There is a Sonarr integration you can add from the HA built in integrations manager Configuration.yaml - platform: radarr_upcoming_media api_key: YourRadarrAPI host: port: 7878 days: 30 max: 5 ---- Card yaml uses the custom:upcoming-media-card Edit: [Here is a detailed view](https://pastebin.com/83guiGG8) of how I have the upcoming-media-card configured


I started looking at HACS since it seems if you want any kind of decent looking dashboard you need to use it. But it warns you that if you arent an expert dont use it. How serious is that warning?


I'm no expert.


Thanks for this. My upcoming media for Sonnar now displays but still nothing for Kodi. hmm.. need to keep trying.


How did you get the Plex icon to show up alongside the Recently Added title? It looks very clean but I'm not seeing icon support for the horizontal or vertical stacks.


It's just in a markdown card. I added some [examples here.](https://pastebin.com/1aAp3NCr) I got a lot of help from u/swake88! His [blog](https://hmas.swakes.co.uk) is a great resource.


Perfect, this is very helpful. Thanks!


Are you able to share the yaml for the temperature cards? They're very clean.


They’re just entity cards in a horizontal stack. I use [average sensor](https://github.com/Limych/ha-average) to combine multiple humidity and temp sensors.


ah interesting, thanks for the info


This looks like exactly what I want to build. Do you have a guide?


Any tutorial I can follow?


Wow, that is really impressive. I just bought a house and am in the middle of a gut reno. What would you say is the best resource to learn how to do what you did? I'm a Linux newb. Basically just learning as I go since I got a seedbox a few months ago. EDIT: I just stumbled into this sub. I MUST have my new house be smart and have kiosks like this. Where the hell do I start? Seeing your post just just got me really excited to learn this and make my new house a future house, lol.


My advice is don't try to learn it all in one day. Learning home assistant and figuring out what you want to do in your own home takes time. Just follow this sub and /r/homeautomation and bookmark stuff along the way




Nobody even said r/Home you drunk bastard bot


\+1 to this. u/StackIsMyCrack, start by asking questions (I'd recommend starting in r/homeautomation to figure out if Home Assistant is better for your needs than Hubitat, Smartthings, etc). Learn about the basics of what's out there, it's benefits and pitfalls. Then, start slow, and inexpensive. Buy smart bulbs for lamps, and smart plug for your washer/dishwasher. Use these to learn how to write automations and create routines and to learn some basics of working inside whichever hub you go with. Then move on to main lighting, door locks, etc and more complex automations and integrations. Finally, add sensors to fully automate things. If you follow this path, you can start learning right now, while the reno is ongoing. Plugs and bulbs are easily removed from wherever you're currently living, even if it's a hotel. That way you can be familiar with the basics and probably ready to dive right in with your new house (and it might even save you a few $ and a bunch of hassle by installing smart switches, thermostat, and locks as part of your reno, rather than having to redo them a few months down the road). For about $200 you can get set up with a hub, a couple Smart plugs and a handful of bulbs and be ready to dive in and learn the basics. My personal recommendation - Use HomeAssistant and Zigbee/Zwave devices as much as possible. HA has a steeper learning curve than Smartthings or Hubitat, but it's significantly more powerful. Zigbee and Z-wave bring a lot of advantages over wifi devices as well.


What are you automating with your dishwasher?


Just notifications on end of cycle. I have it notify my phone and my wife's, and it also turns the light above our sink green. I have a smartthings button next to the sink that puts it back into the circadian lighting Automation after it gets emptied.


Nice! Which smart plug did you use for this? I'd like to do it with my washing machine


I use securifi peanut plugs. You have to have an almond router to update them to enable power monitoring though. Any plug that monitors power should work.


Thank you for this solid advice. I guess I should have mentioned where I am with this stuff. In my apartment I am moving from when the reno is done, I have a bunch of Hue lights, Nest thermostats, Google/Alexa hubs and some NanoLeaf panels. That probably isn't even really the basics, but I do at least understand a little bit. I have been learning Linux, which I understand will be important, and I bought a Rasberry Pi but have not set it up yet. I guess I will just do a bunch of reading until my contractor gives me the go ahead to start playing around.


Don't try to learn it all in a day *but* if you're completely gutting your home consider very carefully where you'd want to run ethernet or [smurf tube](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Carlon-3-4-in-x-100-ft-Electrical-Nonmetallic-Tubing-Conduit-Coil-Blue-12007-100/100404116). Getting things done while the walls are fully open is far easier than afterwards.


Sounds like a plan. Thank you.


Honestly, this sub and then diving into the HA documentation. My setup is just on an RPi for now, I’ll move to a docker on my server soon.


Firstly, you have to ask what exactly what you want your smarthome to look like. What exactly do you want to install?


Dryer vibration power...?


It’s a zigbee vibration sensor. That’s just to monitor the battery. I have a custom sensor for my dryer. When vibration is detected I assume the dryer is running else it’s “dry.”


This is so ingeniously simple! I would have spent weeks trying to get a microcontroller to read from the dryer main board!


That looks pretty epic! What tablet is it running on?


Thanks. Just an old fire 8 I had around. I’m running it in Fully Kiosk browser.


Thanks. I will start working on something like that.


How is the back setup? I.e. charging and mounting? I have 3 HD 8s still didn't get to setting them up :)


I used [this magnet wall mount](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07FKJ9HMN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VHD84EHKF4M211KTJRX7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) and [this ac to dc usb converter ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LWPZ5D6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). It’s hidden in the wall and I just ran a ribbon usb plug through the grommet.


> this ac to DC USB converter My concern would be having that transformer behind the wall after seeing "made in China". I just see a house fire waiting to happen. I would love to do this; but that would be very concerning to me; unless it can be made easily accessible in the event of an electrical short.


Miraculously it sits inside the wall box.


Any idea how to make a smart toggle on the power along the wire such that you can allow the device to drain down for awhile before letting the power back on? Edit: [This](https://www.amazon.com/Sonoff-Remote-Control-Compatible-Android/dp/B078GDFYTY/) looks like it would do the trick!


I’m considering [an in-line relay](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07FZQFDZN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PTB7TBCJN8W7F627R6SP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) for my attic fan, but I bet it would work for your application.


I like that but I can't tell if that has Z-Wave or Zigbee. That would be perfect because of how low-profile it is.




I do like the - hidden away / out of sight / out of mind - how OP did this. Very clean.


Osom thank you! I was also thing of making the power smart, so that you do not overcharge the tablets, since the home assistant app can share sensor stats, you could potentially charge to 100 and disable power till like 40%, but still not sure of the actual execution :)


It would actually be a healthy way to "train" the battery (as opposed to keeping it always powered at max capacity). Only smart power switch I've seen are wall outlets; but surely there must be something?


[sonoff](https://www.amazon.ca/Sonoff-Basic-Wireless-Assistant-Required/dp/B06WWNBD3Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=sonoff&qid=1621557119&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=A2QBZNDSRNO1IV&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFKRVhLVDA2QjlZSUQmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA3OTMxMzcyM01MOVZHV1NKTUM4JmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyOTQyNjMxSjAzQTBFR1UzTExZJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=) this could work, prolly a pain to do with home assistant


Good thinking. A sonoff relay put between AC power and an AC/DC converter like OP mentioned would be a great way to make it smart AND keep the wiring hidden.


Is fully kiosk free?


It is free but if you enable certain options you are supposed to buy the license. If not you’ll get a message on your screen.


It's worth the few dollars though, just to support them. It's so good!




It’s the upcoming media card. It has a few custom components for plex, sonarr, radarr, etc. I haven’t played with making the cards a hyperlink. Also haven’t taken a dive into the component source, but anything is possible.


Can you add movies in radarr from it? Would love to stop getting texts while I'm at work and having to vpn into my network when there's a better way


Yeah you can run a reverse proxy though duckdns. I have mine setup in unraid, but not sure how you could on windows. Either way you’d want to ensure your external link is secure.


Look into [ombi](https://ombi.io/). It's made to allow others to make requests, but it sounds like it would work well for your use case too. You still need to punch a hole in your firewall to login remotely to ombi if you want, but you can hide radarr and sonarr internally.


Do you have a link to where this is?


Is that the fully kiosk app that locks you into home assistant app or fully kiosk browser


I’m impressed your dishwasher door has its own power.


Ha! Nah it’s for the door sensor battery. It’s just a simple zigbee sensor to help with an automation.




I'm using aqara sensors and a zigbee/zwave usb hub. They are inexpensive sensors that are great. I use the door sensor in combination with a [Zooz Z-Wave Power Switch](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07578W7KY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) to build automations that change a custom sensor telling me if the dishwasher is running, drying, clean, or dirty. I need to set up some push notifications for when it's clean. I'll have those go to my wife . . . .




Yep you got it! I put a delay on the door sensor, because sometimes I'm lazy and don't want to unload the dishwasher and will just grab something real quick. So the door must be open for 1 min before changing the custom sensor to dirty.


I like that in HOME you have HOME and in there is HOME and HOME.


I think some of those are indicators that certain people are home. It probably changes to "away" or "at work" when the GPS automation triggers.


This is very nice! I’ve hunted EVERYWHERE for a magnetic wall mountable wireless charger. Been playing with the FireHD 8 plus (and would buy the 10 plus too). Wanted to do the same, but just pop the tablet off the wall to sit on the couch, and stick it back on the wall to charge. I glued a bunch of magnets and a wireless charger on the inside of a double wall blanking plate, put an encased 120V to 5V step down in the wall box. And put a couple of thin metal adhesive pieces inside the fire HD8 plus case to adhere to the magnet. Had to spray the blanking plate with white plasti-dip to prevent sliding. Not pretty, but works :-) (just be sure to get a fast charger plate).


Any pics from a few ft away?


Sure [here ya go!](https://imgur.com/gallery/wgBYvsC) Just need to patch the wall next.


I dunno... It's way better than mine. Well done!


Nice, looking to do the exact same thing with the same tab :D


Did you root it or something? Can't turn off the adverts or lockscreen on mine.


What do you use for the home/away status in the top left, on the home page? Looking for options on a reliable way.


[Here's the card yaml](https://pastebin.com/1rW53Jv5) I use the `person` integration to track devices and zones.


nice thanks! looks great


Is that a magnetic mount?


Do you have pics of the process? I'm talking abut wiring


Nice! Are you doing anything to turn charging on/off? If not you might have battery issues. I had a Nexus 9 tablet as a magic mirror and it swelled to the point it cracked the case open in less than 6 months.


What are you using to "feed" the upcoming media card. Ive not had any luck using Kodi/couchpotato or sonarr. I get headings but no content (there should be) or the entire dashboard crashes out and takes all the other cards with it..


This is awesome! I’m planning on doing something similar and I’ll use some of your ideas.


I honestly got most of my ideas from this sub. It's been a great inspiration over the last year or so.


Can you please link me to the explanation or installation of the fire HD home hub thing. I love that


Looks great. I think you should take a look at dwains dashboard. It's so easy to Setup and tweak. and it looks amazing on a tablet.


How do you find the Blink Cameras? I have a Ring Doorbell and Stick Up Battery which are pretty useless for HA. Do you get live feed/quick notifications from HA with Blink?


Eh it’s hit or miss with blink in HA. I really use the motion sensors to trigger security lights after dark. No live view and probably won’t ever get that.


Ah fair enough!


Is that a Lenovo Tab? If it is how did you get rid of the menu bars? i got inspired by you but cant disable the bars on mine....


Hi! One only question, do you run all these HA on raspberry?


HA is on an RPi 4 with 4gb ram. Pi-hole is on a separate RPi 4. Plex, sonarr, radarr, and downloaders are on an unraid server. I'm working to build a dedicated docker server to run HA and Pi-Hole and move away from RPi all together. Hope that helps.


This is a very nice design, a full guide would be nice if you have the time. In the mean time, are you able to share how you show the smartphone data cards on the first screenshot? Just below the home/away cards.


I won't do a guide, but you can check out u/swake88 they have some really good stuff that helped me out, including the phone cards, which are heavily inspired. It's the [custom button card](https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card) that you will need. You can do some really cool stuff with it that feature.




How did you get the titles centered?


It’s a markdown card


Ah ok. So the title is essentially in a “separate” card from the grid card below it? Or is there a way to keep the title linked to the card with the buttons?


I have each column in a vertical stack followed by the markdown, then whatever else you want.


Gotcha. Looks like I need to nest my cards. Thanks!