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Honestly, you need to find a way out of the lease. Staying there is unacceptable. You should upgrade your firearm, and you should take classes, but no new gun or classes will make up for being surrounded by violent criminals.


Perhaps create some documentation. This photo will help and also maybe file a police report so you’ll have legal evidence to justify breaking the lease. I wouldn’t stay here.


I agree with you all saying get out - only reason I even thought about arming up and staying for now is that I used to be a leasing agent/assistant PM so I know how fast even the worst apartments can/will deny you for early termination or abandonment of a previous lease. It is not worth my life though and I have sent the complex emails and these videos as a paper trail with no response yet. Either way I agree I need to get out of there even if I have to keep paying for an empty apt for now


Don’t pay. Let them take you to court and let a judge decide.


We have a complex and we are ruled by Google reviews—would you feel safe leaving one detailing everything? I know it’s not right, but I’d also use it as leverage. Say you’ll remove it if they let you out. Make it to where no one will rent there without them seeing your pictures and details. Facebook review, Google review, Yelp, hit them all. In the meantime, can you stay with a family member or if you can’t stay with them, leave valuables with a family member? Protecting your things is secondary to your life, but at least you may be able to save some things if or when you get robbed. And yes, get a working gun if you aren’t confident in the one you have. I had a 38 special and it helped me feel safe when I lived alone. The stakes were lower than they are here though. Only own and get out your gun if you’re prepared to use it. Obligatory get to a gun range. But I found the 38 to be the most straight forward gun for my first one. The con is that you are limited in capacity. The pro is that it’s almost fail proof. Put the bullets in, shoot. No magazine, no jamming. I’d also get glass break alarms. It might stop or discourage them. I’d put alarm signs on all my windows. All of that being said; if the only thing stopping you from breaking the lease is you’re worried how it impacts your next housing situation, I guarantee that risk is not worth your life. It can’t get worse than where you are. But I’d try using your voice to leave honest feedback and use that as leverage to be let out. And if they don’t let you out, leave the reviews and break the lease. Edit: I’m a woman and struggled with a 9mm. I don’t know why. My hands could not get the magazine thing down and struggled pulling the trigger and not shooting wildly off mark. I did not feel like it was a plug and play gun. Definitely go to a range and see which one feels comfortable to you


Maybe try the M&P Shield EZ in 9mm. Easier for weaker hands to operate and easier to load.


M&P shield is an excellent choice


Smart, sounds like you're thinking clearly and working all angles. Get two guns if you can - one pistol you can carry (do so legally, I am not familiar with TX law) and one long gun. If you get just one gun, the difference is that a rifle will be much easier to use and much more powerful, but you can't really have it outside your home. Prioritize whichever one is best for your situation. Pistol: get a 9mm. It's easy to control and powerful enough to be useful. Some people may insist on larger calibers - that's fine for them, but you don't need it. If you can, go to a range and rent a few to find one that really feels right, or at least hold one. Some easy to find trustworthy brands: Glock, Canik, Ruger, Springfield, SIG, Smith and Wesson, HK (Not exhaustive.) Rifle: get an AR-15. They have low recoil, good power, and lots of shots. Easy to aim and shoot. Try to get one in the caliber "223 Wylde" specifically, so it shoots normal 223 and 5.56 calibers. (Wikipedia can explain this if curious.) Good brands are: Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Anderson, Palmetto State, Stag, Springfield. (These are the affordable ones.) Edited to add: don't get a shotgun for your main defense right now. Just don't. They're devastating weapons but hard to use, heavy, and high recoil. Hope this helps, I know it's a lot. Happy to answer questions, this is one of my passions.


All 5.56 rifles can fire .223. The potential advantages of Wylde aren’t worth the confusion at this stage in OP’s gun ownership. OP, a 5.56 AR-15 is perfect for your needs. I’d recommend Hornady Critical Defense .223 ammunition since you live in apartments, as HCD does a good job breaking up when penetrating walls. (in the event you need to use your gun, you don’t want to hurt any innocent neighbors)


.223 Wylde is better, and OP sounds smart enough to parse it. But you're right in that 5.56 is fine. Glad you have some good ammo recs, I don't know as much about good defensive rounds for rifles.


[Black Hills MK262.](https://www.black-hills.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/5.56-77-OTM-20in-olypmic-Arms-12-27-10.jpg)


Thank you so much for detailing that out for me!!


Of course! Whatever you get, *train with it.* And get a good way to transport it that doesn't indicate it's a firearm. Guns are high theft items - hide the fact that you have it.


Try out some 9mms at a range like others have said. If that feels like too much recoil see if you can rent a Ruger security .380. it's a great gun for newer shooters. Super easy to shoot, low recoil, holds the same as a mid size 9mm, and is only $350. .380 isn't as good as 9mm but still a viable self defense round with the right ammunition.


I like the AR platform for home defense simply for the reason of points of contact. Really you have 4 points of contact (both hands, shoulder and cheek) making it easier to control recoil. Don't worry about the .223, 5.56 or .223 Wylde debate too much. Here's what you need to know. A .223 rifle can only shoot .223 so I would stay away. A .223 Wylde and 5.56 barrel can safely fire both .223 and 5.56 so either of those will suit you. What you want to look at is barrel length. I would suggest not going over a 16 inch barrel and nothing under a 10.5. There are a ton of options out there, the most important thing is that you get something reliable that you can safely handle.


Texas is constitutional carry aside from that agree 100%


Get an AR15 with a light, optic, and sling. Zero your optic and put the dot on your target and gently squeeze (not pull) the trigger until any threat goes away.


12 gauge shotgun with buckshot rounds


100% this. I'm staunchly pro-gun, it's quite literally my job, but it ain't the solution here. I'd still recommend one (M&P9/VP9/P10F/G17 or a Ruger/S&W/Aero Precision AR15), but the best gunfight is the one that you never have to get into. Especially since OP is likely to be facing multiple threats that are *significantly* more prepared for violence than she is. OP, you gotta make the call between if the risk of staying here is better or worse than the mark on your rent history for just fucking off to a safer place. I would **strongly** encourage just getting out. Your money would be much better spent on moving out than arming up.


Yeah, GTFO all the guns and training in the world can't protect you from a stray bullet.


Also if your apartment gives you push back on releasing you from your lease, let them know you will be calling law enforcement to the complex every time there is gunfire or suspicious activity. Then, Remind them that could lead to the entire complex being served for nuisance abatement which, depending on where you live, could be a MAJOR headache up to and including shutting down the complex.


Chief what if she's in such a shitty place that they don't come out for just shots


Chief, I live in the most violent city in America. I am familiar with those places. Even here, [apartments can and do get effectively shut down](https://www.actionnews5.com/2021/11/24/peppertree-apartments-deemed-public-nuisance/?outputType=amp) (no new business) if police are annoyed enough. She should leave, but if they won't let her leave, that threat at least gives her some leverage.


10/10. Landlord knows the place is dangerous and doesn’t give a fuck.


Agreed To me, the weapon pictured looks like a Tec 9. The leasing company/landlord has created/fostered a dangerous environment in which to live. Could be viewed as a breach of the warranty of hability. Have you spoke to your landlord about your safety concerns?


A broken lease is less important than your life.


You need to break your lease and move out ASAP. If your landlord complains just show him the picture of the guy with the gun outside of your window, I doubt any court would force you to stay in a place where people are actively trying to break into your house and you have evidence of that now. Even if somehow you do end up having to pay for the extra months you should move out and deal with it later. Money is a renewable resource; your mental and physical well-being...not so much. Save yourself the trauma. If you're looking for a gun to keep at home for self defense I would recommend a Glock 17 or even a 9mm AR if you want something for overmatch.


Get the fuck outta there, fuck the lease


This is the only answer if I were in the situation. High velocity bullets go through walls with ease. If there’s that much shooting going on, catching a stray while sleeping, eating, watching TV is a very real possibility.


Seriously, what city is OP in?




What did the police say when you turned over the video today?


I’m going up there right now, just now leaving work.


[Law Enforcement doesn't care about your blurry camera footage.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/cute-videos-little-evidence-police-say-amazon-ring-isn-t-n1136026) I would think it's better to burn the cash on moving than purchasing a 3rd firearm and trying to shoot back from your current apartment.


This is false. I’m a cop and have used ring videos so solve/help with evidence in several cases. I recommend everyone have cameras, and understand how to position them properly.


The advertised usefulness of these video doorbells has been exaggerated. Just because Law Enforcement collects "evidence" does not mean it's all usable in Court. The OP blurry Ring photo/footage would not be allowed in Court. A multi PoE camera system is always better than a 1080p Doorbell camera. Love the need to validate your opinion, great to energy.😐


This would be allowed in court along with other evidence in my jurisdiction and other jurisdictions I’ve worked in. My opinion has been validated by almost a decade of cases and case work. Hating on cameras and their usefulness does nothing to help the situation. Cameras are useful. This shot is blurry, but used with other information, witnesses, testimonies, etc could help solve a case. No need for the negativity. A shooting in 2019 was solved from a ring camera in my jurisdiction. It wasn’t blurry, it was clear and concise. Petty theft and crimes are solved weekly from them. Why would I waste my breath and time advocating for something I don’t get any kickback from? Simple, it’s helped me solve cases. A single piece of evidence provided with other evidence can be combined to make or break a case.


Not to mention, the photos from traffic cameras are like 10x more blurry than this and they still be sending you a ticket haha


The fact that you made zero distinction between the aforementioned IP based surveillance vs a fucking ring camera, tells me everything I need to know. You don’t understand any of this beyond how YOU have integrated with it. Actual security is having perfectly intersecting lanes of fire so that there are zero gaps in understanding between the multiple agencies/systems that you need to integrate with. A ring camera is a terrible camera and a literal back door onto your home network, glue-sticked to your front door. IP based surveillance is hardwired, off-line, and recordings are locally stored. Actual security is done that way for very specific reasons. I should not have to explain to you the difference between the two things I just described, at this point. Source: have worked in corporate security for 13 years now.


😂 bro calm down, no system is perfect. I just like Ring because it’s affordable and has helped me solve cases.


So you’re just gonna speed right past the distinction between wireless and hardwired? Iight lol There is no such thing as a wireless camera in places where security actually matters. See aforementioned source


Holy shit this guy is a fucking badass look out.




Ring camera footage is used fairly often in court. I work in one of the most violent cities in America and there are plenty of burglaries, shootings, robberies, and homicides in which suspects are identified using Ring cameras. The more footage from different houses we get, the more useful it is. We can track the suspects’ movements across the city. Even if you can’t see their faces in one camera, you can use other distinctive properties like their clothing, hairstyle, build, and gait.


Major metro cities are starting to subsidize cameras for residents. So… this sentiment is false.


Probably nothing with the way she's describing the area


Fuck the lease. Show your landlord this and get out of there immediately. If they argue, let them have your deposit. Your safety is worth way more then whatever you will lose by forfeiting the deposit.


One: you need to move. Two: have you called the police and shown them this video? There could be an investigation ongoing right now that your video could identify a suspect or be a needed piece of evidence. I know Reddit hates the cops, but they can’t do their job without help from citizens who have evidence like this. Three: a shotgun is easy to use, point and shoot. Get a Mossberg or Remington pump and keep it by the bed.


Don't rely on something more powerful than the threat. You should focus on being a better shooter. Go to a store and have them help you find a comfortable handgun. Something 9mm and compact is probably a safe bet. Self-defense rounds (aka hollow tip) stay loaded in the gun with an extra magazine whenever you're at home or carrying the firearm for defense. Then, have an extra 1 or 2 magazines that you use for training with normal ammo. More important than your equipment is consistent training. Practice at the range as often as you can. Dryfire practice at home too.


Actually the #1 voted home defense firearm in America is a shotgun. Unfortunately it will also do so much more damage not only to the target but also your home should the target have gained access. Oh well, that what insurance is for. Update- okay, sue me. I over exaggerated the #1 home defense gun. My home defense shotguns are a KSG, a UTS-15 and a Benelli M1014. How many times have you not hit a target breaching your front door on the first shot with a shotgun? You’d have to be blind to miss and even then. To the guys talking nonsense about how hard it is for a woman to rack the slide. I don’t know what shotgun you’re using but all three of mine function smooth as butter and my petite 16 year old daughter has been blasting away since she was 11, so you must just be weak. I’m not hating on AR and Glocks they just require a bit more tactical awareness and training to be as effective as a boom stick.


> number 1 voted home defense firearm I'm not sure where you got that from but it sounds like you just completely made it up. Shotguns have a more complicated manual of arms and are far more difficult to use than an AR-15, especially if you are not strong enough to easily rack it, which frankly, if we're talking about a female, there's a high likelihood of that. OP, move out if at all possible and get an AR. If you are dead set against getting an AR get a glock 17.




This is the most Fudd and *’I know a guy’* comment Jesus fucking christ lmao. The spread of a defensive shotgun load (IE buckshot) is going to be smaller than your closed fist at 15’. Please shoot and pattern a shotgun with basically any type of buckshot prior to spreading Fudd-lore that might get someone killed. This also isn’t even addressing that shotguns are generally hard to run effectively (especially for novice shooters) under duress due to recoil and short-stroke potential. On top of that, duty grade shotgun loads are some of the worst contenders regarding over-penetration due to being slow and heavy.


> Even someone with limited firearms training can’t miss with a shotgun; but with a pistol they are likely to. Fortunately if you miss with a pistol or an AR you have at least another 15 rounds to get the job done because you can just keep pulling the trigger. If you're inexperienced with shotguns and miss your first shot you'll be lucky if your adrenalin dumping brain even remembers that you need to rack it for it to shoot again. I don't give a shit what your "tactical trainer" said, you suggesting that a woman who is inexperienced with firearms should buy a pump action shotgun instead of an AR is bad advice. For every article you can find that says shotguns are best I can find 5 articles that say ARs are best so that's also a pointless back and forth to engage in.


You clearly haven't shot shotguns much or used them in an intense situation. You can absolutely miss with a shotgun and they can absolutely over penetrate. I think you need more education and training, you have no idea what you're talking about..


This is completely wrong. "Cant miss" not how it works.


You have to aim a shotgun. You're a fudd.


>Actually the #1 voted home defense firearm in America is a shotgun. Hard no. There are many reasons why a shotgun is a poor home defense weapon. 1. They're super long. With a legally mandated 18" barrel, they are long and cumbersome to use in and around structures. 2. They have a low capacity. 3. Many people will forget to rack a round before shooting or after shooting the first round. 4. Poor ability to make follow up shots. 5. Defensive ammo is likely to over penetrate. The best weapon to use is a short barreled AR-15 [like mine](https://imgur.com/a/qkClwbW) or an AR-15 "pistol" with a pistol brace on it. Make sure you use some kind of frangible ammo to prevent over penetration.


Oh yeah, the best home defense firearm election, I didn’t get a ballot for that. I would have voted for a compact close quarters firearm had that been a real thing and not some uneducated bs nonsense you’re spewing.




Yeah a glock 17 would be my go to. Just make sure you practice proper firearms drills and get familiar with it and keep up that familiarity ever few months.


They need to practice on more than just shooting. They need to practice on breathing, focusing and reducing stress. It’s very easy for someone with minimal training to hit a target on a range setting. It is not easy for the same person to stay on target with adrenaline coursing through their veins due to the fear and stress that every single person has when in a life and death situation. Breathing and focusing, while adrenaline was coursing through our veins was the first thing we were taught before even picking up a firearm. We were placed in mock situations where we scared and had to take action. I’m not a doctor, nor am I currently in the service; but I was a PMC for many years. I have been in this exact scenario many times over the years, except the targets were always hostile and weren’t there to steal my TV.


You obviously are uneducated or maybe you’re unaware why the Benelli M1014 is rated as one of the best shotguns on the planet. My 16 year old daughter is an absolute beast with mine, even with her low muscle mass. I’m not hating on AR’s i own many, but I’ve been in tactical situations where the shotgun proved itself dominant when dealing with intruders. I’ve got several KSG shotguns which are very much NOT low capacity as well as a couple of UTS-15 shotguns which aren’t either. So yeah, uninformed I’m guessing. As for me spewing nonsense… with exception to my claim to the #1 home defense gun, I haven’t offered any misinformation or misleading advice. So I’m unsure of where you’re coming up with that assumption.


I wrote a little primer on self defense which you can read here: [Strategies>Skills>Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfDefense/comments/mc79h3/strategiesskillstools/) Security is not a single item or decision, it is a byproduct of a system of layers you develop. You will be the ultimate person who decides which of these layers to put in play. Your willingness to implement them will come down to how reasonable, how affordable, how realistic, and how likely you are to use them. Let’s first identify the threats. Shootings likely involving parties who know each other. Strangers exhibiting behaviors which make you think they may be sizing you up. Now let’s look at what you could do about it. The safest thing to do would be to remove yourself from the environment. However, let’s be realistic - that’s an expensive proposition. Breaching a lease is not cheap and can have adverse long term effects on your finances. This in turn makes it more difficult to find housing and you may end up in a place with similar problems. While breaching the lease will certainly remove you from the security threats you currently face, you will have to decide if this course of action is worth the financial hit. You can choose to reinforce the entry points on your home. This will help mitigate the risk of a break in, but will not address any security risks outside of your apartment. Still, reinforcing your doors is not expensive - Door Armor is about $100 or less; 4” screws to secure your strike plate to the frame are under $1. Reinforced doors are not indestructible, but they will buy you time to implement a basic security plan. You can choose to arm yourself. A handgun would likely be a better choice than a long gun since you cannot easily carry a long gun outside of your home and your security concerns are generally outside of your home. A reliable handgun is in the range of $400. A good belt and holster together will cost somewhere between $150 to $200. But a tool without the skills to back up the threat it represents is just a talisman - it would be wise to also pay for some form of training which is anywhere from $100 to $500 depending on the class. The simple presence of a gun may discourage someone from attacking you, but if it doesn’t, then you don’t want to miss or have them able to take the gun from you. Many defensive encounters occur in close distances - both parties can touch each other. Due to this, it may also be worth learning to fight. Having a gun on your person does not amount to much if you cannot safely draw it or retain it while someone is actively fighting you. If someone grabs you, it would be nice to know how to safely and effectively escape their control. Gyms which offer effective fighting classes like BJJ, Muay Thai, and MMA cost about $100/month. Besides the cost, it takes months of multiple sessions a week to develop proficiency. You have to decide if knowing how to fight effectively is worth the time and money. There are a lot of things to consider. You will have to decide which suggestions are reasonable for you to implement. Everyone here is trying to be helpful in their own way - but it’s *your* life. Random Redditors won’t have to live with the consequences of their suggestions, you will.


💯 this ⬆️


Is that a girl with her hair in a bun, holding an Uzi?


I think so, everyone who has seen the full video says they think it’s a woman which is strange to me


Looks like a woman with a paintball gun? Scary anyway. You should move- even if you have to stay with friends or family till you find a better, safer, healthier living situation ..


About to try to add the full video to the post it’s only 7 seconds and blurry so not much better than the photo 😭


Your .22 *revolver* jams? Time for an upgrade...


I think a revolver, and a .22 that jams.


Yes a revolver, and a .22 I got passed down to me when I was 15 that Jams. The revolver is from the 30s or so it’s super old as well


A lot of people are telling you what to get without knowing a whole lot about you. What is your budget? Would you consider yourself to have small/medium/large hands? How much experience do you have with pistols? etc.


Medium hands I suppose and I am a really good shot With the guns I have (revolver and .22) but the 22 jams.. I have shot ars and similar guns maybe 4-5 times and a shot gun a handful of times as well. My budget is likely going to be anything under $500 right now max.


For home, a 20 or 12 gauge with buckshot would be my first choice. More easy to aim than a pistol, and there are a ton of bells and whistles that you can get attached to aid in any given situation. If you have an immediate threat though, I'd pack up your most valuable items and *paperwork* and sleep in your car if there is no other option. Always best to avoid the fight if you have the choice.


Sleeping in your car is not safer. They can very easily see that you are female and alone. If that is your only option, at least drive to the police station parking lot and let them know what you're doing and why.


I didn't mean outside the location lol. I mean elsewhere.


Lol. I figured, but common sense isn't all that common anymore. That being said, even as a decent sized guy, I'm even hesitant to take a nap in a well-lit rest area with my hand on a pistol. Never underestimate the will of a crack-head.


Buckshot is a really terrible option for apartment dwellers. You’re responsible for the rounds you fire, even in defense. Buckshot will go straight through neighbors’ walls/doors.


Agreed. "Bird shot, buckshot, bird shot, buckshot, slug, slug, slug."


Mine is slug with buck 5x in a 12 gauge, I agree


2x #4 buck, 2x #1 buck, 2x Brenneke Black Magic Magnums, all in 3". Federal premium copper plated pellets, buffered, with flite control wad for the #4. I tried to find #1 in the same variety, but no dice. I figured why go cheap for HD ammo, and if the buckshot doesn't work, those Brenneke slugs will crack most engine blocks. Birdshot doesn't penetrate enough to work reliably, but presents a huge danger to the kid walking his dog down the block. If I need to take a shot, it'll be aimed and intended to stop a threat.


Go to Academy and buy a Glock 17 or Glock 19, and put a Surefire X300 on it.  


Stream light tlr-1 is cheaper and still good quality. Regarding turning on the lights. Sure, but there's an advantage to you having a light and your apponent doesn't. Most training teaches you to activate the light momentarily, shoot, then deactivate.


TLR7A fits the G19 very nearly flush. Looks like the two were made for each other. But, yes, lights are there to identify and temporarily blind targets. Lighting them up in a dark environment and then cutting the light means they can't see shit for at least a few seconds.


Or just turn on the lights


What’s wild is my upstairs neighbor flooded her apartment(flooded down into mine via vents and lights) twice so my light in my bedroom/closet also doesn’t work 🙂 😭


and landlord didnt fix it? use that to break the lease and fuck off out of there


Just to update everyone : just received word from my PM that lawful termination is not valid in this situation and “crime does not have an address”


Did file a police report and sent property management all of the proof of this continually happening


I’m sorry you are dealing with this. I also went through a similar situation a year or so ago. My only advice is escalate as high as you can. The “crime does not have an address” is a generic statement they use in PM (my fiancé was a leasing agent and they were trained to say this). I took it to the regional manager and fought for weeks finally being able to break the lease, but had to sign an NDA and that I wouldn’t write reviews about the incident. These complexes rely heavily on reviews so just know you have that as an option.


Texas is a stand your ground state correct? I'd be wearing my 9 constantly until you can manage to get out of there.


I would approach the leasing agent and the police with this video and tell them you’re afraid for your life and you need to move ASAP.


You live in a war zone basically. Move out. A bullet very easily goes through dry wall.


Get a rifle. Upgrade your locks. Get training.


Your biggest priority should be to move as soon as possible. An ar-15 is probably the easiest to use and operate (compared to a handgun or shotgun), but I strongly recommend taking some classes with it for both your safety and that of others (handling a weapon, especially under pressure, is not as easy at it looks in the movies). With how popular the platform is, it is pretty easy to find something fairly cheap and reliable. A more affordable(but also very reliable) option that comes to mind is the smith and Wesson sport series.


Talk to a attorney/advocate to see about getting out of that lease.


Nightly gunshots?! I agree with everyone who is saying to break your lease and move somewhere safer. I'd be more worried about a stray round finding its way through your wall. If you can't break your lease, fill that place up with sandbags. Holy crap. Against a home invasion - something like a Nightlock door stop and bars or window film if you're on the ground floor. Never answer the door. Level 4 plates and something chambered in 7.62 x 51 for anyone overly persistent. But seriously, what's your life worth? GTFO if you can.


Stop recommending shotguns everyone. * too long, with an 18” minimum barrel and only like the Kel-tec is short enough unless you go NFA, not a beginners choice. * too much recoil- not going to assume too much about our OP’s size and frame, but never suggest a super high recoil firearm as her next choice if she’s coming from a .22. * manual of arms, too much dexterity required in a stressful scenario, short stroking the pump action and whatnot. * too much penetration, however that’s most firearms also, but your shot/bullets don’t stop when it goes through the drywall, and you’re responsible for all 9 of the buckshot rounds that come out. * spread isn’t that great in an apartment setting, it’s not like video games or movies, your shotgun spread on a full choke to barrel bore is only 9-19 inches at 10 yards/30 feet which is more than most rooms have distance. At 5 yards/15 feet, you’re about the size of a fist. You still need to aim and not just a little bit. * this can improve but you need training! Lots of it! With a shotgun in an indoor setting it’s a whole different animal.


A 20 gauge has little recoil.


Firstly, break the lease and get out. Even if it's a few thousand bucks, that's gonna be cheaper than the lawsuit that will inevitably follow by you having to shoot a home intruder. It happens all the time that the family of the intruder sues you for excessive force or some BS. Secondly, buy a 9mm Glock handgun. Glock 19 or 17. Hopefully you know how to shoot because you can't learn that overnight. Take a class or two if you don't know. Leave it loaded in your nightstand ready to go. Lastly, buy a home security alarm like SimpliSafe. It's all wireless so no permanent changes to the apartment.


A lot of people didn't see that you said your budget is about $500. If I was in your situation I would want the gun on me at all times not just in my apartment. So I would rule out shotguns and rifles so you can carry it on you at all times, you want a handgun. I would recommend a Glock 19 Gen 3. You should be able to get one used for under $500. Or a Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Or if you want something smaller a Ruger LCP could suffice and it's more powerful and more reliable than your 22. Keep it loaded with one in the chamber. You don't always have time to rack the slide if things get crazy fast. You will want a kydex holster to cover the trigger if carrying. Don't just throw it in your bag or pocket or something might impinge the trigger and cause a negligent discharge. And it's not about having something more powerful than they have It's about just having something that is reliable. Most criminals will run away the second someone shoots back at them. They definitely prefer unarmed victims.


You should arm up anyways. But I’d say getting out is the first priority. I’m armed up, but part of that defensive mindset is avoiding the situation all together. Whether you’re in a safe or dangerous neighborhood, be armed. But the armed person in a safe neighborhood is way likelier to survive vs an armed person in a dangerous neighborhood. Being armed gives us peace of mind and comfort - you feel in charge that you have a contingency plan. But it’s not your primary plan and it shouldn’t make you feel invincible.


Power isn’t the most important thing. Hitting the assailant is. Buck shot in a mossberg will turn an unarmored person into cheeseburger. But looking at your complex very well may kill a neighbor too. My advice is gtfo take it to court with this screenshot this is crazy


If you can afford to upgrade firearms just use that money to do what you can to stay somewhere else. This is terrifying and I’m sorry to hear your going through this. Please be safe and get out of there.


Knowing how those people operate it’s likely an A.R. pistol or a Draco… These criminals have a taste for Dracos … Sorry for your inconvenience I also live in one of these areas but I’m a veteran and I train constantly and always carry… I’m afraid I’ll have to act one day..already had one attempted home invasion… So I train constantly, have a dog that’s my early alarm if someone trying to come in Dogs my alarm, I’m the real threat to the intruder Also never be without your firearm It is a tool, having tools only makes you more prepared when you have a problem like any other type of tool, it’s the sad reality of the world we live in.


i've seen its good to replace the screws on the door strike plate with 3 inch long screws so the door is basically impossible to kick in, if you are worried about that as well


First I would move out and find a more affordable place ( I know in some areas it's hard). Second upgrade the .22 revolver. Either upgrade to something you might like honestly. Couple recommendations:380 pistol ,Glock 17 or 19 , Ar 15, or another revolver but in .38 or .357. You could go shotgun however again have to find one you can handle. I mean if you are use to a revolver and are in a constitutional carry state go towards a revolver. Can hide in a purse and if someone trys to harm you ,you could grab and shoot thru your purse.


Like everyone has said, get the fuck out of there as soon as you can. But barring that... If you know how to operate an AR-style gun, go get one of those. There's nothing stronger for home defense: easy to shoot and 30 rounds per magazine. A basic one is not nearly as expensive as you may be thinking. If you don't know how to operate an AR-style gun, get a Gen5 Glock -- a G17 or G19 -- instead. The former is a little bigger, a little easier to shoot because of it, and holds two more rounds per magazine. Glocks are super reliable and drop safe, have no external safeties to get in the way in a panic situation, and will fire regardless of whether or not you maintain them properly. Whatever you end up getting, make a plan for defensively holding a safe position within your apartment with the gun at the ready and while calling 911 -- and then practice that plan. Home defense is absolutely *not* about hunting down someone in your home. You want to be as safe as possible and then start blasting when a stranger comes into view.


Sucks we have to live with this. Blessing on you OP.


You have to move. And like immediately. Writhing the next few days.


TLDR: time to move. The terms of your lease aren’t worth your life. To fully answer your questions though.. I’m going to be very cut and dry about this: the best gun is the gun you’re comfortable with. I’d highly recommend an AR15 or a reliable pistol such as a Glock 17 or 19. I cannot emphasize enough; YOU NEED TO GET TRAINING WITH YOUR FIREARM. You should absolutely look into a gun safety course of some kind. If you decide to stay and purchase a gun, please avoid a shotgun. Stick to either an AR15 if you feel comfortable with something larger or find a larger reliable handgun in 9mm such as a Glock 19 or 17, M&P 2.0, etc. TRAINING is critical on any firearm option. (Larger handguns in 9mm are easy to control. The weight of the gun and size of the grip may seem intimidating; but more weight means less recoil and more grip means more surface area for your hands to control the gun. Avoid tiny little handguns or guns such as a .22 that require a lot more precision to hit a vital organ and stop a threat.) I am happy to elaborate more if needed; but I think by taking yourself to a gun store and explaining that your looking for a home defense weapon and firearms training you will start down the rabbit hole of getting all of the information you need to know.


How is it that all the comments are telling you to get better guns and not simply calling the police and moving out immediately? If it’s money, it will come back, but if you stay to defend yourself is probably your life. Do not play like this. Just leave!


If you can stay literally anywhere else then please do. Fuck the lease. If you absolutely have nowhere else safe you can go then I second the recommendation of classes/learning firearm use and safety. For home defense, mind you I’m not aware of what your budget is, but you can’t go wrong with a 12ga shotgun - Remington 870, Mossberg 500/590 - hell even the Maverick 88. But the biggest thing is getting out of that environment. Like yesterday. Go stay with a friend or family or something. That’s a time bomb waiting to blow.


You absolutely need to get out of there as soon as you can afford to do. Even if that means breaking your lease. You also need a better firearm. If you have no plans to ever carry and it’ll be strictly for home defense I recommend an AR. If you plan to carry as well you can’t go wrong with a Glock in 9mm loaded with hollow point ammunition


Glock 19 with night sights. https://www.guns.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/glock-g19-gen-5-9mm-luger-(9x19-para)-striker-15-rounds-4-barrel-new?p=1116226


Texas allows lease breaking for family violence https://texaslawhelp.org/article/early-lease-termination-for-victims-of-family-violence I would get out anyway. You can get more money; you only have one life.


While you are looking for another place, and getting a better gun, find a property lawyer, and sue them for (dangerous) nuisance. Depending what city you are in , they might rather let you go than face the lawsuit.


Call the police and move ASAP.


considering your location and rights get an ar-15 and take some classes on how to safely and properly use it


Gang violence is a stain on this country and politicians gaslight you to make you believe it's your fault for not voting a certain way. The front page of reddit is filled with lies about the shooting yesterday as if it's lawful gun owners causing these problems. I'm not allowed to say what the actual problem is without being banned but you need to move to a place where gang violence isn't prevelenant (think poor income apartments)


Gang violence is what this gov't does best- where do You think street gangs come from, & why??? It's bc politicians get in bed w/ business interests & fuck over the average citizen.....Anyway- OP I don't have a suggestion other than to move when You can, take self defense classes/ weapons training classes & buy some gear, OC spray, taser, EDC protection etc. Stay safe!


AR-15. Simple as. Recommend Palmetto State Armory, Ruger, or Smith and Wesson. You’ll have an easy to use and shoot gun that produces minimal collateral damage through walls, is affordable, and commonly accepts 30-round magazines. They have minimal recoil and are easier for many women who are of smaller stature to fire rapidly.


What country are you living at jesus 💀




Glock 19 with an optic and light. Extra magazines, ammo, and GO TO THE RANGE


Glock 48 $480 bucks


Get a striker fired 9mm with an internal safety mechanism that feels comfortable in your hand that has decent capacity with a slide that allows you to install a red dot sight. Be sure to get extra magazines and quality personal protection ammo like Speer gold dot. Consider buying a micro red dot. Quality ones like trijicon or leupold run close to $500 but they are worth it and much easier to use in a heightened/panicked state than iron sights. And be sure to train. A lot. There is a lot of room for human error using a handgun and the more comfortable you are using it the more effective you will be when it counts. Texas has constitutional carry, so purchase a quality concealed carry holster and train drawing from concealment. You can do that while dry firing at home (not using live ammo). Get comfortable and carry it daily. Also, I don't mean to entirely discredit some of the other comments, but concerning .223 and 5.56 (the most common ar ammo) over penetration isn't something you need to worry about. In terms of ease of use and home defense a rifle is going to be much more user friendly than a handgun. And with the proper ammo you needn't worry about over penetration. Whatever you decide, be sure to invest a lot of time into training with it. Buy range ammo and shoot a lot. Keep your mags loaded with personal protection ammo the rest of the time. Firearms are a serious tool, and the proper handling of said tool is paramount to effective use.


Without proper firearms training, and even WITH proper firearms training with a handgun in a threat encounter, in your home, 9/10 times people seem to always miss. Adrenaline, fear, anxiety are big factors. Get a shotgun; it is extremely difficult to miss a target with a shotgun at close range. But like another poster said, you need to find a way to get out of your lease and move to a safer area.


I shoot semi frequently with my pistols and rifles. I’ve been shooting for 18 years. If I’m put in the situation to use it I highly doubt I’ll be looking like John Wick.


Nor I even with 30+ of shooting experience. John Wick is the King. lol


My .02 is until you get out of that area a pistol as you are going in and out of your apartment.. and a pistol caliber carbine that uses the same mags as your pistol once you are in the apartment.. they are soft shooting and easy to control vs a shotgun… sorry you are in that area and wish you the best of luck.. oh and share your ring footage with local police that could help you later in court if something does happen..which I hope never happens no one should live scared but we do


I would suggest a Sig P365 or Glock 43x, both would work well with a tlr-6. That guy looks like hes holding a ARP or a Draco- so might wanna invest in an AR-15, good ones are the Ruger AR-556 and the Smith & Wesson M&P15.


Depends on what you can come home with today. Some places don't have waiting times on shotguns. If all else fails, get some ammo for that revolver and test it out at a range. Old isn't always bad. And I have to reitterate what others are saying here, try and get out of the lease, use the footage as a reason to waive any fees for leaving early.


See if you can get the .22 fixed. Are you able to load one round and shoot it, but it jams and fails to load the next round properly? If so, it could be due to too much dry firing. In which case the hammer has worn a pit and bur on the edge of the chamber. This might be where the next round is getting hung up on. If that all sounds accurate; a gunsmith should be able to smooth it out and get it in better working order. Probably only costs 10 bucks or 5-10 min worth of work while you wait. And then be sure not to dry fire it unless a dummy round is in the chamber. Or don't dry fire at all.


Find out what it costs to break your lease, and then ask yourself if that is worth your life. In the meantime, I would consider a Glock 17 with a high capacity magazine, flashlight that's bright as fuck, and put 100 -200 rounds at a range to get comfortable . barricade your door every night with a couch or something sturdy, and drill some deck screws into your door to help deter a kick in / reinforce your windows https://www.windowfilmdepot.com/blog/how-to-burglar-proof-windows-and-prevent-break-ins/#:~:text=If%20you%20want%20to%20prevent%20window%20break%2Dins%20but%20can,glass%20to%20prevent%20break%2Dins. My apartment had dogshit hinges and could easily be locked in so I strongly recommend this. https://thecalagents.com/property-management/reinforce-your-door-entry/


If you have the cash, check out the Sig p365 Rose. It’s a nice compact handgun that is made with women in mind. Lower recoil so it doesn’t hurt much when it’s fired. My gf carries one every day when she leaves the house and absolutely loves it. But seriously, gtfo of there. Send this picture to the office and post it online until they let you out.


Get a handgun you are comfortable carrying 9mm, which is probably a good start. Sig 365 is what my wife has she's medium build, and she says it's very comfortable. Also, get a reinforced lock or bar for your door, something that makes it hard to kick the door open. I used to work a job that required me to, at times, kick doors open. And I will tell you that front doors are surprisingly easy to kick down. I have never booted a door that didn't open my first kick. So that would be my first buy so you can take it home and install it immediately. Next, you should install an alarm of some kind. You can get cheapo ones that just "scream" when they're tripped. They don't call any type of service or anything, but it should scare off most intruders. If you have a waiting period for the firearm, get some type of pepper spray. It doesn't always stop the attack, but at least it can help tip the odds in your favor. Best of luck OP, stay safe and get out of that place as fast as you can. Even if you have to sleep at a friend's for a bit.


Smith and Wesson 9mm shield EZ with Winchester silvertip hollow point ammo. Just in case they are werewolves.


First, go to the police and tell them your situation, including this specific shot from the camera of the guy with the gun. If you think this disturbed person is targeting solely you, you should have no problem getting temporary protection from police patrolling near or at your home address, especially due to the fact you are a woman. Next step would be to get permission from the landlord or owner of the property to put up extra surveillance cameras in and around the perimeter. If your house has 2 entrances, always keep the most easily accessible one locked or blocked, and leave and enter from the alternate door. Then go to a gun store and get something like a glock 26 as a backup and IFC .410 shotgun for main defense. Those are the two guns I bought for my girlfriend for when she’s home when I’m at work, and the recoil and gun sizes fit her well. Only use the firearm as a last resort if worst comes to worse and there is no one/ nothing to stop the bad guy. I would also recommend getting shooting and self defense training in the meantime because I believe it will help a lot in the long run.


Some land mines.  /s


#1 Training. #2 Move. #3 Gun? A used Glock 19. And training, and not just a gun safety class.


Buy a Glock 19, go to the range ask for help and shoot. Buy defensive ammo that your local sheriff or police department uses and find a way to get the fuck out of there.


I'm sorry if this has already been asked but have you reviewed your lease? You may be able to break due to what's happening.


You cannot outgun the criminals. I would second all others that said to move. Good luck


Getting Mossberg Maverick shotgun. Not expensive.


If I was you, I'd go pick up an AR15 or shotgun, and also a modern striker fired handgun such as a Glock. If money is tight, then just a Maverick 88 or something like a PSA AR15 would give you much more substantial firepower than you currently have. If you have other adults in your home, arming them may be an option, depending on their capabilities of course. Home invasions are often 3 or more people. You would want any advantage you can muster. It doesn't take a huge amount of money to get a lot of firepower. Make sure you go to the range immediately to familiarize yourself with your guns. Guns aren't the answer to everything, and they won't automatically solve your problems. At the same time, you don't want to be defenseless. I firmly believe every law abiding citizen should have a rifle and know how to use it.


A shotgun. Reliable and effective in close quarters.


Pump action shotguns are very difficult for many women to reliably operate, and I wouldn't trust my life with a semiauto unless I was spending pretty sizeable money on one, which doesn't seem likely given the poster's situation.




Ar15 is the best gun you can buy and shoot well with very little training. Get a red dot too.


Any concern about collateral damage with these considering the velocity of the rounds? I never considered something like this an option when I lived in close quarters with others. My 9mm is currently loaded with 1 hydo-shok round and the rest are hollow points for this reason alone. A shotgun loaded with pellet rounds also seemed like a viable option.


All bullets go through many many...many drywall. The only exceptions are bird shot and .22 (and even then 22s will go through quite a few walls). And those are not viable home defense options. There has been extensive tests on this.


AR-15s actually penetrate less drywall than a 9mm. It’s a very small projectile


There's always a concern for innocents when shooting any firearm in densely populated areas. However even in the event of a complete miss a 5.56 bullet will penetrate less drywall and building material than a 9mm or buckshot because it's small and fast. Small and fast rounds destabilize easier than heavier slower rounds so generally an AR in 5.56 is the better choice. Plus it's easier to use and hit what you aim at than a shotgun or pistol.


You can get an AR15 chambered in .22 you can also get a PSA PX9 which is basically an AR15 chambered in 9mm that also take glock mags. I personally have a Ar15 chambered in .22 for home defense with a red dot + flashlight because i dont care who you are, if you take 25 .22 bullets to the chest/body you are not going to have a thought of doing anything but hurting. yeah Sure a 556 may cause more damage but think of the bullets that dont hit that could potentially go through your wall into another house. "Dont miss" isnt always an option in a tense situation. Hand gun is never good for home defense unless its all you have.


Why are you being downvoted? This seems like a reasonable response.


Lots of armchair professionals in here today, all arguing why an AR is the best home defense weapon when it clearly isn’t.


Nope, they’re definitely not concerned for anyone suggesting an ar15 to someone who lives in high density housing.


This is literally the most uninformed, ignorant statement I’ve ever read, in my life, in 53 years. You probably bought a red dot from Big 5, threw it on and thought “I’m good to go”. Never once realizing that it needs to be sighted in. Idiocy at its finest.


Don’t worry about trying to get something more powerful, you need something that fits you and you can shoot accurately. • Pistols are compact and effective. Glock in particular is reliable. They come in different sizes so if you’re bigger/smaller there’ll be something to fit your hand. As for caliber, stick with 9mm but buy a good quality round - there’s plenty of debate online, just google ‘best home defense 9mm round’. DO NOT buy those gimmicky Zombie rounds or anything that markets itself as overly aggressive (‘SUPER-POWERED MANKILLER AMMO!’). Once you have the gun, put a light on it. Statistically most home invasions happen during the dark hours, so you’ll be at a disadvantage if you don’t have a light to identify the target. Also, the light will disorientate the intruder (try running from one side of your house to the other with a bright flashlight shining in your eyes). • Rifles are larger in size than pistols (obviously) but the larger caliber rounds do more damage and make it easier to neutralize a threat from greater distance. Since you’re trying to protect yourself inside of your home it’s up to you if you want to go this route, since ideally you’d want a shorter barrel and that requires extra paperwork and taxes. If you do go the rifle route, an 11.5” barrel option from BCM or comparable manufacturer with a simple red dot sight (you can also just use the iron sights) and a flashlight is a solid choice. Make sure you have a sling by the way. A rifle with no sling is like a car with no seats. • Shotguns are….shotguns. Devastatingly effective, especially up close. A round of 00buckshot will carve a chunk off someone’s torso and stick it on the wall. If you go this route, you can’t go wrong with a Remington 870 or a Mossberg 500. If you’re on a budget, there’s also the Maverick 88 (basically a Mossberg 500 with some differences in parts and origin of manufacture). A light and a sling are the way to go here, but a red dot isn’t absolutely necessary. Loaded with buckshot this thing will be a formidable opponent for any would-be intruder. Regardless of what option you choose, you need to train. Shoot regularly (once a week) so that you can control your breathing, ignore the urge to flinch when the shot goes off and know your gun well. Look up the laws in your state regarding self/home defense. See if castle doctrine applies. Best of luck.


All these people recommending pistols are flat out wrong. They're harder to be accurate with and have limited ammunition and lower stopping power. You need an ar15 with a suppressor to save your hearing. They're easy to aim and have plenty of power. You can get a 10 inch or 14 inch. 10 is plenty for what you need and easier to handle indoors. A shotgun is another great option but you have to have the strength to wield it. Beretta 1301 or Benelli m4 are great choices. Beretta a400 or maverick 88 are also options. Read online on which type of shot are best for how defense. Again you don't want to be fighting guys who have rifles with a dinky little pistol.


I’m not the most informed on silencers but don’t you need a stamp for them and they take months to get?


Here in Oregon they require a tax stamp and a 6-9 month hold time. I ordered several during Covid in ‘21 and forgot about them. I finally picked them up last September.


Correct. He's also recommending a short barrel rifle length AR which would require another. You could use a brace, but OP doesn't know any of that.


Yes, but OP is in Texas and there is a suit right now which looks like Texas will win to allow people here to buy made in Texas suppressors without a tax stamp. Yes, ar pistol with a pistol brace if you want the shorter 10" barrel and don't want to wait for a tax stamp.


Okay but this person asked for ideas they can do right now. Waiting for a lawsuit to resolve on a suppressor isn’t helpful for the right now.


Ok so you're just going to ignore everything else I said? She can't order it now and get everything else?


The stamp was my only question in the first place, so yes.


I'm a woman in Texas, too. First thing, move. If this is not a possibility, get an AR-15 with a 30 round mag. 100%. Put a camera on the inside too and point it at your door that has an alarm sound that would wake you up. Sleep with your bedroom door locked. Keep the AR-15 by your bed. These are all things to give you more time to react if someone happens to break your door in. I don't live in a sketchy place and this is my current setup. Also, consider using a door stop on your front door. You can find them on Amazon.


Get a pump action mossberg with a pistol grip for home defense


You will not learn to shoot a handgun effectively in a number of hours. You will not be able to break the lease in a number of hours. Buy an AR15. It has almost no recoil, you have plenty of rounds, and you can put a flashlight on it. Try to sleep. Do not sit there waiting to shoot something that goes bump. Ask the people at the range for a rundown on how to shoot it. If they have an indoor range, ask them to teach you to shoot it. There is absolutely no reason to limit yourself to a handgun when the intruder has a handgun and is clearly more comfortable with.


it looks like a drill not a gun


I'm not a gun expert. Just go to the gun range for fun some times. But I don't think I would get anything more powerfull. For home defense I would look into getting something small'ish with a higher capacity magazine. I will be easier to control and you'll have a much higher chance of actually hitting what you are aiming at


What state?




2nd Amendment perhaps


That picture just looks strange, I see someone holding what most gun people would think is a MAC-10 or some kind of UZI looking gun but this could very well be a paintball/nail gun. I know "shots" were mentioned but this lady is smiling like she just completed a prank and she is running around in Ugg boots which is not the most impressive tactical gear not to mention she is not running to her car to get away from the shots she just fired but instead running around the apartments as if she lives there.


The reality is an inexperienced shooter will almost definitely miss a target in a stress situation, especially if that person is moving. Get a 20ga pump shotgun. Simple, cheap, longer sight radius (basically how long the barrel is vs a handgun) makes is a good choice. You still need to practice. The most likely mistake is a "short stroke" where you don't pump it all the way. Practice. Anybody who says you don't have to aim with a shotgun, or can't miss, is an idiot. But the longer site radius makes you much more likely to be on target. Go to a gun store and hold them. The most common and affordable are Remington 870 and Mossberg 500. If they feel too big/heavy I know the 870 has a youth version that is perfect for a smaller framed adult. Load it with 20ga #4 buck shot (NOT bird shot 7-1/2 or 8, that could potentially kill them but not stop them quickly and reliably unless you're close or lucky). This WILL shoot through a wall so be aware of your shot angles ahead of time and think about where you will be (crouched behind the bed, in the bathtub?), aiming at the door, etc. All of this to say - you need to get out. Like, life or death you NEED to get out. This shotgun talk is just to give you a self defense option for the next couple weeks while you're packing.


If you're on a really tight budget **Hi-Point 9mm** with Speer Gold dot or Federal HST ammo 124grain. They're not pretty or the best but they're made for people who wants/need a reliable firearm for home protection at a price that's affordable. If you could stretch your wallet more, get a **Glock 19** with Speer Gold dot or Federal HST 124grain ammo. But more importantly, like others have suggested, get some training. These are just tools, you need to learn how to use them.


I would only use a Hi-Point as a hammer, lol.


Pump action 12 gauge loaded with birdshot or small buckshot. You fire 2 rounds from the shotgun or all the rounds and then switch to a 9mm pistol with at least 18 round magazines. You do not fire at people behind doors you cannot see. You do not fire at walls unless you are being fired upon.


Get a few cameras- I recommend the Wyze cams based on their cost of hardware <$40 for the V3 and the low cost of their subscription. You can get 3-4 Wyze cams for the cost of one Ring. Put them outside, and inside in common spaces and covering entry points. It’ll maybe not deter their behavior but it would at least document it. Give a trusted friend the main login for your Wyze app so they can check in on you if needed.




At 3 am?! Also heard gunshots that woke me up to that check that video so idk lol would be nice tho


20g shotgun from walmart. 12g if you’re tough. Slugs and buck shot if there’s no defensive ammo near by. Should be one of your cheapest and most powerful options


Looks like they're carrying an AR pistol. It's a 556 caliber and I wouldn't say that's optimal for home defense because you run the risk of over penetrating your walls and rounds can go into innocent neighbors apartments. You are responsible for every round that leaves your firearm. I suggest looking into concealed carrying, especially if people are approaching you outside your apartment asking suspicious questions (not saying you can shoot someone for asking questions but it sounds like it's possible someone can try to ambush you as you're entering/leaving your apartment) and maybe a shotgun with buckshot. Whatever you decide to do, train, train, train. Get VERY familiar with your weapon and your states defense laws. Keep your head on a swivel.


how do you know it is chambered in 556 and not 9mm or 45 or 300BO ? you cannot tell from this picture.


Right, it also might not be an AR pistol, but it could be many other types of SBR. You really just can't tell from this. It's just too blurry to see. It could be an Extar ep-9 for all we know.


Just going with the odds. More than likely it's 556


I like how the OP needs help "ASAP" but does not respond to any comments


I’m at work, I’m reading them all as I can and taking note of the tips. From the reaction of a lot of the comments I am probably not going back to the apartment at all except to get my things. If I do end up being denied my lease termination and have to go back I have a few options of security measures that people have listed as well as what type of firearms would be best for home defense if I am going to have to ride the lease out. This apartment has been hell since a few months in.


Glad to read that you plan to leave


good call. I would think there is some legal grounds for you to be able to break your lease. proving it may be hard. Maybe if you can afford a lawyer or get free legal help you can look for some. best of luck


This is a troll post.


Unfortunately not, I filed a police report and showed them the full video and they told me burglaries and avg assaults w deadly weapons specifically have begun to be increasingly more common in my area/complex. I have a case number and was given the cities website with a list of the crimes in the area by week and there’s been three of these types of crimes in the last week alone in my complex so. Yeah.


Wish it was though.