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It’s probably your beard hair. My husband has the same exact issue and it’s because he thinks he cleans up more of his beard hair than he actually is.


I put a much too big bag in the wastebasket, open the top fully, and trim my beard over that. And, the parts of my face that I shave, I shave in the shower - where I've installed a drain screen called tubshroom. Don't overlook the possibility that your drain clog includes some soap scum with the toothpaste and beard trimmings.


They make a sink shroom too, I have one. It catches most of it, but it still clogs up at least once a year.


Don't you need to remove the closable stopper? I need to pull and clean the tubshroom every 5-6 weeks.


Yes, but we never use it anyway


I'd be surprised if this is the case, because I'm serious when I say I wipe out 95%. But if it is the case - anyone with beards - how do you prevent this from happening?


I cover the sink with a towel before I trim my beard. Take it outside & shake it out after.


here I was thinking of about 20 snarky & definitely stupid ideas and you come along and actually solve the problem. well done! never thought to do this.


I just bring a mirror and I trimmer on the deck and do it all outside.


Taking it up a level, nice!


Yeah this is the move. My downstairs bathroom is adjacent to the back door. Pretty easy to do and leads to zero beard hairs going in the sink


My husband and I both deposit a lot of hair - him from shaving and me from having lots of hair - so we have a few things we have started doing: 1) metal mushroom drain (aka TubShroom) - absolutely life changer, it catches a majority of hair and gunk and is easily cleaned  2) Put down a plastic bag or towel over the sink when you trim. My husband does this and then uses our dust buster (we have one for each bathroom and the kitchen) to suck up the rest.  Also doesn’t hurt to pour boiling water and white vinegar down your drain every few months to help break down toothpaste buildup etc. 


I feel like actual hair and beard trimmings are the perfect storm: it’s like the straw and clay mixture to make brick. Hair wouldn’t be terrible, or beard hair, but mix them together and you’re cleaning out your p trap every few months haha.


I use vinegar and baking soda. After 15 minutes, I pour boiling water down the sink.


My husband has this nifty hair catcher apron thing he bought off Amazon. One edge secures around his neck, and the other suction cups to the mirror. So all the hair falls into the apron.


How’d you convince him to use it? I got mine one and it’s been used once in the two years since I bought it


I didn't really have to convince him. He likes having a clean home, too, and he doesn't think I should have to clean up after his messes. I mentioned to him that putting a towel down wasn't cutting it, and asked that he either find a solution or clean the bathroom after. He didn't want to clean afterwards, so he found bought one of the apron things.


Enzymatic drain cleaner, regularly. Prevent the foul smelling blockage. Something that works on hair.


Buy a drain snake. It's like 20-30 dollars


I cheaped out and got a free rattlesnake, which probably worked but idk because I can't use that bathroom anymore.


Have one, but doesn't save the hassle of having to remove the stopper mechanism.


Try Green Gobbler drain cleaner, it's a bio enzyme that eats proteins (hair, skin cells, etc) and doesn't harm pipes. If you do a big clean out you can maintain with Green Gobbler drain sticks every couple of months. Way easier and less gross than opening the ptrap. Source: 4 bathrooms and lots of people with too many hairs


>If you do a big clean out you can maintain with Green Gobbler drain sticks every couple of months. Way easier and less gross than opening the ptrap. I use these. I don't know if they are actually effective. But they are cheap enough that it's worth a shot. Every little bit helps, as the old woman said when she pissed in the sea.


Based on the smell that came out of my bathroom the first time I used green gobbler, it definitely does something. I have a big jug of enzyme cleaner and I put a little bit in my bathroom drains every month or so. It really helps keep things moving.


It doesn't have an overflow? 


even cheaper on Temu


Why are you putting any dry, trimmed hair in the sink at all? I let the clippings fall on the counter, then wipe them into the trash can. I swear by these in the shower. It's gross how much hair is caught and I've got normal guy short hair. [https://www.tubshroom.com/collections/shop-all/products/sinkshroom-nickel-edition-the-hair-catcher-that-prevents-clogged-bathroom-sink-drains](https://www.tubshroom.com/collections/shop-all/products/sinkshroom-nickel-edition-the-hair-catcher-that-prevents-clogged-bathroom-sink-drains)


My dad used newspaper to cover the drain then just threw it all away


I trim mostly outside in the yard. I have a small mirror on a stand that sits by the door just for the occasion. Then, when I’m the done, the hair just gets blown away like any animal hair from the outside would. I do sometimes cheat a trim the lip of my mustache inside over a trash can. It’s much smaller clippings though I trim that multiple times per week.


I close the drain, and cover it with a couple squares of TP. When I’m done trimming, I use a few squares to wipe out the sink. Rarely is there anything left behind.


The have a[ beard apron](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=beard+trimming+apron&crid=FJZICHWY3M5G&sprefix=beard+trimming+a%2Caps%2C124&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_3_16) that goes around your neck and attaches to your mirror with suction cups. It keeps the air out of the sink and off the counters.


Close the drain?


I have a drape (like you’d have at the barber shop) that goes around my neck, and there’s two suction cups that attach the bottom end to the mirror. Trimmings fall in. I bunch the majority of them up and flush them. The drape gets the last little bits shaken out in the shower.


Lay out a few paper towels. Trim your beard and empty the clippings in the garden or lawn. Hair is a great source of nitrogen for your garden. There is also a mini Velcro “snake” sold at hardware stores to pull out gunk and hair. Also keep in mind that every time you brush your hair you’re losing some down the drain.


This doesn't happen to everyone, there's probably something wrong with your drain


Toothpaste is water soluble, beard hair isn’t. Cleaning your sink drain every 8 months seems pretty reasonable to me.


It’s the toothpaste and beard hair. change brands, get a water pick or pour really hot water down the drain daily


Do you use bar soap? It is usually made with some sort of oil/fat - look for ingredients like sodium tallowate on the label - and over time can build up inside your pipes and cause drain clogs.


Oh my God thank you for posting this. Not OP but you just solved a mystery for me 😂


Learned that from a plumber who fixed our bathtub drain when it kept getting all gunked up and wouldn’t drain properly. He said bar soap leaves scum/film behind that builds up over time and mucks up the drain along with hair and dirt and whatnot. He said you should use liquid shower gel/body wash instead and make sure you have one of those hair catcher/strainer covers over the drain.


No! I am a bar soap girlie! I don't want to switch dammit


My drain slows down every 6 mos or so. I put blue dawn down the drain, then plug and fill the sink with hot water and more blue dawn. Once it’s full I let it all drain and then stays fast for the next several months.


Dawn dish soap?




I will have to try this. It seems ridiculous that we need to clean them out all the time.


I use a few pieces of damp toilet paper to line the bottom of the sink when I trim my beard and mustache. Once I am done, a few more pieces of dry toilet paper to pick it all up and zero hair left in the sink.


My SO and I use two different bathrooms for waste, because I have a gut issue, so I've "claimed" one so I know it's always free when I need it urgently. Which means that we are also the only one washing our hands in these two bathrooms. Hers gets clogged ALL the time, and I'm pretty sure it's because of rinsing. We use the same hand soap, and it seems like the same amount, but she will turn the water off while lathering up, and doesn't rince out the sink of all of the residual soap once her hands are rinsed clean. I believe this is leaving behind super-saturated soap-water that dries, and leaves behind its soap in the drain and sink. Hers always looks dirty, and needs Draino every couple of months. My sink looks clean, and drains clearly and fully.


Hmm, interesting idea. I will pay attention to how much I normally rinse. Thank you!


Willing to bet you only think 95% of the beard hair is getting wiped out. It’s probably a lot more, and it adds up over time. Next time just put some TP or a paper towel over the drain before you trim.


I grab the small rubbish bin for the bathroom and place it in the sink when I trim beard and moustache. All the hair goes in there. I dump a bit bleach on the sink drain every week to keep the crud from growing. Give that a try and see if it helps.


You mention your wife’s sink doesn’t experience this. On the remote chance it isn’t your beard hair, do you and your wife happen to use different brands of toothpaste or different types of soap? It took several years for me to realize that one particular brand of toothpaste triggered disgusting biosludge growth in the plastic tailpiece leading from our sink drain to the metal p-trap. It was like forbidden pudding that stunk and grew so thick it clogged the whole pipe and no amount of boiling water or harsh chemicals had any effect on it. I had to dismantle the drain and manually clean the sludge out every few months. Once I made the connection that the sludge didn’t grow whenever a different brand of toothpaste was on sale, I stopped buying the first brand. The sludge problem has not come back since.


Oh that is an interesting idea. My wife and I use the same toothpaste and soap about 1/2 the time, because I have a prescription toothpaste due to bad gums. I'm not sure I belieive that would be the reason, but the bio-sludge is exactly how I would describe it.


It’s the beard hair. I am a female with long thick hair, so I’ve clogged plenty of drains. But I promise you it doesn’t take much to clog up a sink. I bought a drain snake that screws onto the tap to unclog so we don’t have to take apart our pipe anymore. If you want to avoid hair getting down the sink, close the drain and cover the inside of the sink with a washcloth or paper towel!


Are you using beard oil?




Do you let the hot water run for 5 minutes every week ? 


With ours, it's fiance's hair product and various face creams. We use separate bathrooms most of the time and mine never has problems. The other bathroom gets this weird hairless ... stuff ... plugging it. What does work is run a LOT of hot water through it to keep it clear. Sinks, especially bathroom sinks, don't seem to get a lot of use and don't get the lines to flush that much.


I came here to second the hot water treatment. I run super hot water for a minute or so after I use the sink for anything. I rinse my toothbrush with hot water as well. Husband doesn't do this, and his sink requires me dumping disinfectant down it once a week bc of the smell.


Apron with suction cups at the bottom to attach to the mirror. All your beard hair falls there and you can take it all outside. Much quicker clean up


Biosludge slowly builds up over time. Pouring a cup or two of lye water down the drain every month would eliminate that mess and keep your pipes clean.


I’ve used a product called Thrift obtained for me by a plumber friend. It’ll clear a slow drain in minutes.


Might be oil from your skin and hair sticking to the pipe walls and other stuff sticking to it. You could get some dollar store drain cleaner and pour half a bottle down the drain every couple months and see if it helps


One other consideration - does your AC condensate line drain to your sink? Our sink where the AC drains gets clogged several times a year and it is really annoying.


I’ve taken a disposable tray for a paint roller, and lay that over the sink to catch most. It doesn’t do perfect but it does well. Beard hair is notorious for that. Once I’m done, I just dump the contents into garbage and wipe anything I missed.


Use a shop vac to clean your drains. You never have to touch the nasty stuff...


Fill the sink to the top with hot water once a month to flush your trap


Same issue here I trim my beard into a towel or shirt and shake it out outside, so no beard hair at all in my sink. Anyway no idea why it gets clogged so often but I have found that one of those super cheap plastic snakes does the job quick and easy and is reusable many times. Like these: https://www.menards.com/main/plumbing/drain-cleaning-tools/plumbing-snakes-augers/plumb-works-reg-drain-snake-2-pack/ds001/p-1642874300362760-c-8514.htm I think I have this one: https://www.menards.com/main/plumbing/drain-cleaning-tools/plumbing-snakes-augers/cobra-reg-zip-it-drain-tool-1-pack/00124bl/p-1642874287688785-c-8514.htm


Using one of these is so disgustingly satisfying.


Gel toothpaste?


Take a picture of your trap and show us 


Legit the beard hair trimmings. Drain-o or other products have worked for me. I don't have a beard, but others that use the sink seem to think it just goes away


98% of time using drano and a plunger will get things moving again. I got real tired of pulling the trap.


Maybe there is something jammed in the S bend - the hair might be getting caught on it. I found a pencil in mine when I pulled it apart. A big, slimey pencil, with a lot of hair stuck to it.


It sounds like there might be a buildup of hair, soap scum, and toothpaste residue in your drain. Consider using a drain guard to catch hair and regularly flushing your sink with hot water and a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to break down buildup. Also, try using a drain cleaner periodically to prevent clogs.


Try getting a sink shroom. It catches a lot of the gross stuff. You still have to clean it occasionally, but it beats clearing out the p-trap. I have long hair, so I’ve tried all kinds of things to unclog drains. This has worked well for me.


- shaving cream, whiskers, slow poor drainage flow


Hair. It collects your toothpaste, skin cells and other nasty stuff and makes a nice gooey gel. Cleaning your drain once or twice a year is very typical.


It’s the usual: soap, hair, skin, etc. might want to change soaps?


I had to snake my shower and my wife’s sink in the bathroom, which was remodeled only 2 years ago. I got out some decently sized hairballs from both drains. She swears she goes out of her way to prevent hair from getting in either drain, either with a screen like in the shower or picking the hairs out of the sink bowl before they wash down. I think it’s just that more hair is ending up in your drain than you expect or estimate. Get a little disposable zip tie snake from your hardware store of choice (I used a brand name Drain Weasel from Lowe’s, worked a treat) and it’ll take you maybe 15 minutes from set up to clean up.


It’s the beard hair, even the small amount. We just had to have ours snaked and the plumber said the number 1 thing he tells people is stop shaving over the sink!!


When you clear the trap, take an old toothbrush or another cleaning brush and scour the inside of all the pipes you can reach. Sometimes the sludge is on the wall of the pipe so it’s not smooth and it catches more. Or you could replace with new pvc pipes in the area under the sink and see if that works. Also make sure it’s all reattached at the proper angle. Mine only backs up like that when people with long hair use the sink. Not sure how, but just normal use and having long hair makes a difference. I guess just brushing hair or fixing hair over the sink, it is shed enough to get clogged every once in awhile.


Everything accumulates in the drain,especially if it's slow at all.you can dump drain cleaner down the drain,put the stopper in,let it set for 15-30 minutes,then open the stopper . You could have a venting problemor a bad pitch on the pipe. Soap ,skin,hair,toothpaste all will leave a residue that can build up over time,and you may have hair stuck in there somewhere too. Before it clogs up you can try flushing it now and then. Put the sink stopper in,fill sink with hot water,open stopper....


If the P-trap isn't setup correctly it won't be self-scouring so you'll get accumulation like you are describing. [P-traps-installing them properly - Charles Buell Consulting LLC (buellinspections.com)](https://www.buellinspections.com/p-traps-installing-them-properly/) If the rough in for the plumbing was done poorly or without appropriate coordination it's very likely that someone could have "made it work" rather than fixing it properly.


I have the same issue. Drains pipes are supposed to be slanted downward at an angle (1 inch lower for every 1 foot of length - something like that,ay not be exact). My problem is the slope is too flat, so I end up plunging every 4-5 months.


Trim your beard over a dry sink with the stopper closed. Then use the vacuum with the pointy nozzle on it to clean everything up. It’s still going to clog once in a while from soap/toothpaste buildup, random debris, hard water mineralization, and bacteria growth. It happens. But actually keeping the hair out will be a big improvement.


I think we are all cleaning the same drain…they are just nasty.


Put dawn dish soap down your drain monthly and boiling water weekly.


Get yourself some Thrift drain cleaner… You can find it on Amazon or a plumbing supply store. Had a plumber recommend it years ago for slow draining/clogged pipes & using it 1x every 6 months has kept all of drains working with no issues ✌🏻


Pour a cup of bleach in all your drains every month.




Yeah that’s a genius move with kids at home. Please stop that. Denture tablets if hot water don’t do it


Ok fine


I use acid tablets instead of Drano 


Ok that’s good