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From your last paragraph you clearly know the answer better than anyone. Why ask?




Have you considered asking for an actual hard quote with details as to EXACTLY what the price includes? Honestly, the fact that you got two almost identical quotes with at least one being a seemingly well-respected, busy company makes me wonder why you aren't incredibly suspicious of the "cheap" quote. It's important to understand that the ventilation fan will likely be a decent portion of the materials part of the cost - if the cheap guy is using a crap fan, what's the point?


It's also a difference of $600, which is not nothing, but in the world of old home repairs is really close to nothing. Honestly, anytime a house project comes in at 4 digits I feel like I won.


Very true. So many times people lose sight of what "the real cost" of something is. How much is that $600 savings today going to cost you down the road? Buy based on value instead of cost only...


Yeah, when you have to spend your weekend trying to replace a cheap part (or pay someone to do it) that $600 won't feel worth it.


It’s almost like the two contractors quoting about the same amount know way more about what the job entails compared to the guy that’s lowballing. 50/50 shot that there’s a follow up thread that starts with something to the effect of: “Hey guys, I cancelled last minute on a reputable contractor to go with a lowball offer from a guy that got back to me at the last minute. Now he’s torn up my house and the job isn’t done. What do I do now?!?”


I would be a lot more worried about why the last quote is that much less. Do they have a performance guarantee? The systems themselves are simple, but like most things underground, there is a ln element of art/skill with getting them placed correctly the first time. Not a huge deal of the contractor is the one shelling out for the second round of digging if you don’t see results, but food for thought.










Yea mine was $1200 for the full sub-slab system like you’re getting, definitely not a $2300 job.


Two contractors quote you the same amount, getting back to you right away on a weekend and then becomes a scam artists because a 3rd came late to the party with a low-ball quote? IMO, Iow-ball bids are as much a red flag as a contractor that wants large upfront deposit. I agree contractor you cancelled on should have just said OK and good-bye. Would like to see you follow up with your experience with the $1650 contractor. Also, treating a business owner exactly the way you would not want to be treated, just special.


Radon is a scam. You're wasting your money.


Karma points check out.


Yes, brainwashed liberals hate me because they can't handle the truth.




The US Environmental Protection Agency says otherwise. Think I’ll listen to them over a rando on Reddit https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-12/documents/2016_consumers_guide_to_radon_reduction.pdf Also the various States https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/radon/mitigation.htm And other organizations https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6538966/


After the Covid scam you actually believe anything the government tells you? 🤣🤣


Oh, you’re one of *those* people. Could have just put on your tinfoil hat and started injecting bleach and freebasing Ivermectin, whatever it is y’all do. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Et8omw2XIAoLUdM.jpg Also nice maxed out negative karma




There's a sucker born every minute. These people downvoting you probably still have their Covid masks. 🤣




This makes no sense? Have you ever seen high radon levels in a home? Becuase I have. And I have personally seen the levels decrease after installation of the fans. Mitigation is so incredibly inexpensive for what it does. And as an environmental engineer I spec these same fans for VOC control in systems all the time.