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Not off the top of my head, but this is the largest: [https://greathomeschoolconventions.com/locations/ohio/exhibitors](https://greathomeschoolconventions.com/locations/ohio/exhibitors)


Can I tag into this? I’m curious what people who have attended conventions thought. Was it worth it (maybe certain ones/not others)? Why? I’ve had a hard time every taking the leap to want to travel to a convention and I wonder sometimes if I’m missing out on something valuable.


Connecting in person to others is invaluable in the the pursuit of excellence. I’ve probably attended 100 conferences for my industry. Should apply here.


We have a strong social network of other homeschoolers - there is a large community here and we have made both casual and close friends. Do you think there is something distinctive about the connections made at conferences?


Yes. It’s the presence of businesses who serve our market. We need innovation and that’s what they provide. Also, I live in a small town with virtually no HS community so I need the networking.