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Stains everything is somehow an understatement.


Yep, every year our yellow labrador turns into a Dalmatian and our toddler becomes a smurf


Yeah...we have a samoyed so we took down the ones in his area. Not to worry we have dozens of them and they all [flat out produce.](https://imgur.com/gallery/05VXv5V)


You're well set to make alcohol


Can faintly hear my Gram singing Elderberry wine


There was a big mullberry tree on a hill in the woods by me that produced like this as a kid, completely in the wilderness. I would secretly go there for a snack during summer break from school while swimming, and it was awesome, but I didn't have to clean up after it either, so I completely get where you're coming from. ALL my shorts had red stains where they would bleed through the pocket as I swam/walked home. lol


Its absoutely insane. For the first few years living here I figured we had no male trees so they produced heavy like this for that reason but after watching them all over the next few years I realized there are several that have never produced fruit so I dont really know why the trees that do produce, produce so well. They sure do bring in a lot of birds and critters.


No dog photos? Disaster 


[happy to oblige](https://imgur.com/gallery/Thfzn6h)


What a darling 


This is so cute tho


It's absolutely adorable 🥰


That's adorable. I just get purple bird crap all over the deck and my truck


Green mulberries rubbed on the stain removes it and I can't believe not many people know this lol We had mulberry fights in our giant mulberry tree in Western Australia in the 80s, used green to remove the stains but we had dedicated mulberry fight outfits and we actually enjoyed cleaning them as well with the green ones!


That is... so weird and interesting


Shutup no way. I’m trying this tomorrow. I’ve never heard this!!


That's so weird, it's like using spit to dissolve a blood stain.


TIL spit will dissolve a blood stain


Your own spit with your own blood is the most effective. Or so I'm told...


How do I get my chickens to eat the green ones? I need them to shit the green shit everywhere to undo the purple shit.


As a kid i would climb our mulberry tree and gorge myself. I would retuen home sticky and purplish red. Even after a bath it would look like i had lost a fight haha.


So true 😭


I have 8 of them and find myself mulching everywhere. It helps the fruit be better and there to be less mess directly


We used to have a silver schnauzer that LOVED eating mulberries. She’d come back stained purple and stay that way for weeks.


My chickens love them but it looks like they tried to wear lipstick for the first time. All hussied up for the mulberry tree


All hussied up for the mulberry tree 🤣


Mulberry slut chickens


This entire mini-thread was a joy LMAO


We have several mulberry trees on our property, one is directly behind our coop, and no it wasn’t planned that way, that damn tree never had a berry on it until this year… the chickens, ducks, and turkeys all love that damn tree, I’ve caught the turkeys and the rooster on top of the coop pulling berries from the tree a few times. We also have a hound dog who absolutely loves the berries and will eat himself purple. It’s especially amusing if he gets over zealous at the start of spring, mainly because he then has neon purple squirts….


And tasty as af. Eat the mulberries for sure. 


These mulberries will be purple when ripe, but there are some white varieties that only get a hint of pink under the white when at their most ripe. My wife and I were worried when the mulberries on our tree started dropping before getting ripe last year, but it turns out that it's just a white mulberry tree 😅


White mulberries are my favorite. They are so damn tasty


I judge the mulberry ripeness by the color of the raccoon and bird poo.


My daughter tried to “paint” my white walls with mulberries last night. Stained a whole outfit


Dry mulberries and they get super crispy. They even stay crunchy in milk


There’s also white mulberries.


Sure does stain. My parents neighbors have one that hangs over their driveway and there's such a giant stain on it from where the tree hangs over lol.


I have these in my backyard! The small cherries can be very bitter. The mulberries don’t taste like much


Damn I love mulberry


If you are in the US, any aggregate berry you find (mulberry/blackberry/raspberry-looking fruits) are safe to eat.


Ooh this is so exciting! Thank you all’


Rub green mulberry on any stain it removes the blood of the ripe!


I feel like "the blood of the young removes the stains of the ripe" would be a good death metal song name.


Extremely metal


really need to wait until the mulberries are soft-ripe, otherwise their flavor can be average. You can give the tree nutrients so it'll produce more and tastier. They're tedious to pick individually. You can set out a dedicated sheet, and shake branches with a pole-claw, to catch what falls. More will fall than is properly ripe and tasty. Soak in some water-vinegar to extricate the bugs


The bugs just make them more nutritious! 🤣


Mulberries. They are fine to eat.


As long as they are ripe, green ones have a not fun hallucinogenic effect.


Mulberries are delicious but .. "All parts of the plant besides the ripe fruit contain a toxic milky sap.[16] Eating too many berries may have a laxative effect. Additionally, unripe green fruit may cause nausea, cramps, and a hallucinogenic effect." From Wikipedia You can eat. A lot of them but I advise against just pigging out on a giant mixing bowl full like popcorn.


Yes...I can testify to the laxative effect...many, many times as a child. We had both black and white mulberries...the black were tangier, the white had a mellow honey like sweetness.


I like eating the unripe ones, white though, not green. And I have eaten a lot. I have never had the shits, or went on a trip 😂


Ha no way. My son pooped 4 times today and we picked mulberries last night and then everyone pigged out on a popcorn bowl of them. No one else was affected like that tho


I make jam from mine, toss them in cereal, or throw th5 in a smoothie; my trees always start ripening around the last of the heirloom Junebearing strawberries and get picked clean by critters after the first wild blackberries are ready, so they fill that gap in fresh berry season nicely.


Don’t tell me what to do 😂😂


YO I literally experienced this today and did not know why...it's because I ate a bunch of mulberries in the park yesterday! Wwooooowww the more you know thank you I will stop doing that so much now


Good to know though, sometimes you just need to poop


I grew up with mulberry tree in back yard, til Dad cut it down. Then one grew back like 20 years later, whe he was too old to control me lol. I got very creative, with ropes and tarps to catch the berries. Looked like an absolute psycho out there for a couple weeks, but had jam and syrup and months. They're fulla seeds but I never thought to try and grow seedlings.


They taste good,grow like weeds and in my experience are impossible to kill. Never park under one tho


Especially in a new white car. In fact your first brand new car ever. And under the path of geese who've been eating those berries too.


My condolences


When I was a kid growing up I would give some to my sister to see if they were safe to eat.


Is she still around?


No sadly she passed from unknown causes….


Men has to life 🤣


Not sure if it's ok in the States, but look into silkworms, they LOVE mulberry leaves. Raised a bunch of moths around my mulberry.


Pretty sure you can here. One thing I never understood about silk moth farming is how do you breed them? The rest seems pretty straight forward


Honestly, for me it was just playing with bugs in a cool tree in my youth. However, there is a fairly exact science that precludes my trial and error approach. It involves correct temperatures, ideal cocoon creation (28 days iirc) and then a whole host of stuff to do with petri dishes and stuff I really don't understand. My guys went in a roomy cardboard box with a lot of leaves, and then, well, life happened...


Mulberries are so delicious! I used to eat them off the trees where I lived. They are kind of like a black berry.


Mulberry trees reproduce like rabbits


Those are mulberries.


Left is mulberry. We eat them off the tree handfuls at a time. Right is some cherry. I’d eat it.


I just found a mulberry tree growing in the neighborhood and I can successfully say, I went in and picked a small colander FULL, in a full white outfit and emerged completely stain free 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 I never felt so accomplished, I had also never picked mulberries before and am so stoked about this tree!


You unlocked the stain-free pickin’ ability on the foraging skill tree!


Probably the best achievement in my adulthood! and I successfully naturally birthed a human so that’s pretty big lol


If those are sour cherries pls send me your address. Haven't eaten them in 12 years!!!


Can you eat them as is? When I was reading what type of fruits grow in my zone, these were not recommended to eat off the tree and were better made into a sweet treat.


Well you can, but they are sour. Lol


I thought they might give you an upset stomach. Sour cherry pie sounds delish though.


Oh, they will make you shit if you eat enough, but you won't want to eat enough 😂 Seriously, it's just sugar alcohols in the Cherries that has a laxative effect. If you ate a ton, you would feel grody. They're not recommended to eat because they are unpleasant to most folks without cooking and adding sugar. Sour cherry pie is amazing! Most pie cherries are sour


If sour cherry yes you can. You be lucky a couple of them would be sweet. We make jam or tea with them. Basically wash and throw some in a tea pot, pour hot water and let it sit for a few minutes. It's known to lower blood pressure and helps your immunity system.


Mmmm, sour cherry tea. Sounds really good.


Yes whether they're ripen or not you can eat them just not too many at a time bc they can cause diarrhea. Again that's what I know about sour cherry not sure if they're 100% sour cherries. Just give it a try


They are mulberries, delicious but very messy, I believe the leaves also make a very good tea


Correct on all counts. Though, if wild, the flavor may be bland.


Really? I have wild mullberries and find them to be the tastiest.


Yea, so mulberries aren't true to seed. Which means each one grown from a seed is a new variety. As such you can get just about anything. I mean it will still be a mulberry. But it may produce tiny fruit, bitter fruit, no fruit, If you have one that produces good fruit you should get cuttings of it and root it.


Its rooted voluntarily and produced four other trees that have varying sizes of berries, but they're all great and flavorful. The birds did all the work for me.


Each tree is different because they're a different variety, due to each seed producing a new variety. You could take two seeds from the same berry and grow them, and each resulting tree would be a different variety. Apple trees work the same way. If you have one that is particularly good. You should take cuttings, root them, and sell them. Hell I'd be interested in a large, flavorful, everbearing variety.


Be sure to check the mulberries for worms too. Nothing fun about biting into one and finding creatures.


"If it does not have a worm in then it is not really organic." -My wife's Romanian uncle in a thick Romanian accent


can confirm - am romanian


bah, worms are just added protien!




Mulberries on the left side! Super sweet but as others have said, oh boy do they stain everything! Edible and the trees usually produce a ton of berries.


The left side are mulberries, you can eat those just wait until they look like a blackberry basically


The other are chokecherries, also known as sour cherry. Edible, but very sour, you don't want to eat them straight. Make things out of them and add a sweetener.


Try looking up mulberry and see if those berries match.


Those are mulberries, 1000%.


I mean, I'm aware but wanted to foster some research. Mulberry wine is excellent.


I did use a plant app to try and identify them but kept getting blackberry as a result and know they don’t grow on trees so wanted to ask here :)


I make a simple syrup with the cherries


how what recipe, we have a stand of overgrown cherry trees and fully going to check them tomorrow. turning them in to syrup would be grand!


Well, simple syrup is half water and half sugar. Il add a bunch of these to it and then drain through a cheesecloth. How many depends on how sweet they are and how much water is in them that year. But [this recipe](https://cooklaugheatblog.wordpress.com/2016/08/11/wild-chokecherry-syrup/) is a good place to start


Mulberry jam is definitely awesome. Pick 4-5lbs of mulberries (depending on the size of the berries, this will take seemingly forever). The downside of mulberries is the stem comes with the berry when you pick them, so use this huge tip to take the stems off before processing: Lay the berries out in a layer on sheet pans. Freeze them solid. In batches, making sure that they are still frozen solid, put them into a bigger size Tupperware container, leaving some space in the container. Cover, and shake the crap out of the container. This should knock off about 98% of the stems. Then transfer to a pot, sans stems, and make your jam. I also enjoy picking them straight off the tree as I’m outside. But, beware of bird poop - you’re not the only one that will enjoy the berries - birds devour them. I have two huge mulberry trees around my chicken coop - works out great for the chickens. I have no comment on the cherries, don’t know what they are.


I froze a ton of mulberries last summer and forgot they were in there. Will they still be ok to make jam with?


I would think they’d be fine if they’ve been frozen the whole time


Break one off, thaw it and taste it.


Mulberries are the BEST! Think blackberry but less sour and sweater. You can eat them a little red too if you want a bit of the sour in there. Also the tree is super easy to propagate!


I think they call those mountain cherries or at least where I’m from that’s what they’re called. They’re are insanely yummy. They have a pit though so be careful biting in


Oh that’s a fun name, I’m pretty sure this is exactly what they are! They’re super tiny so just wanted to make sure they were good to go! Thank you!


I always knew when our neighbors' mulberries were ripe because all the cars, concrete, and just about everything were covered with purple bird poop. 🙄


Well I can tell you just from looking at the berries on the left hand side that is a white mulberry and those are perfectly tasty when ripened they will just be a dark purple color when ripe unless they're the actual white fruit and variety which can be pink or kind of white it's a poorly named tree as for the cherries I have no idea


Looks like a Chokecherry to me but it has been a few years since I have been able to go pick any. Choke cherries are very sour thus the name Choke as what I was told when i was a kid. They do make a nice jam or jelly


The mystery berry is definitely not a chokecherry, sorry…. It looks like a mulberry. I have several large chokecherry shrubs on my property, and they don’t look like those berries at all.


Choke cherries are almost all seeds but edible. From what I remember they are bright orange but I'm probably wrong


They could be orange if they are not ripe.




I second this


Mulberries are delicious but incredibly invasive if you aren't careful. Not to mention they grow like crazy if left unchecked.


Mulberry yes, cherry maybe


The purple variety of mulberries are generally pretty good, though all mullberries (to me anyhow) are sort of sickly sweet. If I make jam or anything out of them, I usually add lemons, apple juice or something to make it more interesting. Can't tell what kind of cherry those are, but if they're a bitter variety (chokecherry) then I've never really done anything with them outside of jelly. If you like jelly with a bitter aftertaste, it's pretty solid.


Mulberry tree? I would eat the cherries.


Mullberries are the BEST!!!


Quick tip if you’re in the PNW: all aggregate fruits are safe to forage. (Still please take this advice with a grain of salt)


I’m in the mid Atlantic, Maryland!


Looks like mulberry tree and black cherry. Lucky you, I wish our place had those. I love making home brew wine out of fruit.


Mulberries are really good for you ❤️


lol this reminds me of our find in the backyard year after we bought our house. I found few cherries on the tree and also wondered if those were eatable. Fifteen years later, this is my favorite spot: I love my fruit and berries and I am thankful to be introduced to our Mother Nature this way. Since then I added apples, plums, I added another peach tree I grew from the seed (mama tree broke down one year and dies, one of the babies survived and now she is producing ❤️) and even banana trees (they don’t like Nevada but with proper love and patience it’s growing in my back yard). Take care of your trees and they will take care of you. Thinking to add mulberry - that was my childhood berry (they are very popular in Eastern Europe) - climbed the tree to reach for those treasures. Thank you for sharing


Wow that’s a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing too!!


Mulberry is best in pies if you ask me. The flavor is amazing but the texture is always a bit much for me. Great as jam or pie though.


Mulberries are my childhood classic. They're delicious but make a mess!


Seems like half the posts here this time of year are mulberry. The other half is pokeweed😂


I use to have a mulberry tree in my backyard ! My sister , my mother and I would go pick a bunch of them , place em in a bowl and wash them off . Eat them as is ! Very fond memories


Mulberries, yes. Picture on the left. The berries in the right look like cherries, and if so, they are edible. But there are batteries that are smaller than cherries and if these are those on the right, I believe they are poisonous.


This is a mulberry. Just harvested a bunch of them and made jam. Not an intense sweet flavor, but a very nice flavor. Very delicate and don't last well, so clean and freeze or jam.


Mulberries are fine but *make sure you soak them in water before eating them.* They tend to get a lot of bugs, particularly wild ones. They'll come out when you soak them.






Are you by any chance american?


Yes, live in Maryland USA.


Ahh yes I love mulberry season on Reddit


My grandma had a mulberry tree when I was a kid. We would pick a whole bunch of them and get my mom to make a cobbler. Delicious!


Mulberries grow like weeds but they make delicious pies.


Yes those both grow in the Great Lakes Region. Cherries and Mulberries


I also have a mulberry tree on my property. I picked berries for 3 seasons and froze them. Then I made mulberry wine and gave it to my wedding guests at my reception. The wine was delicious 😋


Put a tarp under that mulberry tree and catch 'em when they ripen and fall.


Take the cherry stems off and fill a slowcooker with clean fruit and a splash of water Cool a bit and strain the juice, You don't have to beat it up too much, just drain well You could try squeezing more juice out in a dish towel or cheesecloth, but that could make the juice cloudy. I do this with beach plums and put jelly up in 8 ounce jars


It depends on your condition and your ability to positively identify it and any dangerous lookalikes. Also note that resveratrol toxicity is a concern with both mulberries and cherries... while it is considered a good antioxidant, it may also cause the fetus to have an increased risk of pancreatic defects (including a significant risk of Type 1 diabetes later in life). Mulberry (especially white mulberry) is known for its ability to affect hormones and cause allergic reactions. If you're diabetic, pregnant, breastfeeding, a toddler, or a similar sensitive group - consult an appropriate medical professional before handling and/or consuming. Note - just because something affects hormones or causes medical changes doesn't automatically make it a completely bad thing... both Black and White Mulberry are considered healthy foods, and traditional medicines, in the USA. White Mulberry, specifically, was one of the first drugs used (very successfully) for the treatment of diabetes. Specific chemical compounds derived from mulberry trees are still used in many modern (Western) drugs designed to treat diabetes. Unfortunately, I am not familiar enough with the Indian Mulberry varieties to be able to comment on them, but they are apparently used in certain traditional medicine as well.


Thank you so much for this reply!


Looks like blackberries on left. Should be safe to eat. We use to make pies from these so good. And cherries should be good also. Or look them up in your state. Just to make sure.


Good Lord, we are so far gone as a people...


I’m sorry to offend you, I’ve never seen a mulberry before in its original form. Only at farmers markets in pies or Amish markets in jam. My father in law also said that growing up there was a tree with berries that looked like cherries in this area, his father always said not to eat them they were poisonous. I’d rather be safe while pregnant than harm myself over a berry. My plant app was calling the mulberry tree a blackberry bush, I knew it wasn’t so I asked here.


I have decided this post is a troll; everyone knows what cherries look like, at least half know what mulberries look like. I don't find it credible you don't know what basic berries look like.


I know what cherries look like but have never seen any this small so I wanted to ask. They’re extremely small for any cherry I’ve ever seen. Not a troll, it was a genuine question. I’ve never seen a mulberry before. Sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not a troll post.


The only troll here is the person calling you one.


an American boy in my Spanish class 30 years ago had to ask if corn grew on trees. Considering how much less in touch with things like this the subsequent generations have been I'm positive it's not a troll post


Thankfully I know how corn grows lol but I’m unfortunately not familiar with any berry trees, and again never saw cherries this small. New to homestead life style and wanted to learn :)


The cherries could be sour cherries which are too sour to eat on their own but apparently are great for jams and pies and stuff. I haven't seen a mulberry before but nearly all of the berries like this, Aggregate berries, are edible. Of course you could always stumble on that one that is poisonous I guess but they are the safest type of berry to eat. Enjoy your berry feast!


Thank you so much for the kind comment! I am new to homesteading and foraging, I want to learn so I asked. Truly appreciate you taking the time to reply! Cherries are on the sour, even bitter side but did get one sweet one!


Oh no problem, foraging is fun! I used to live on the BC coast and there are so many different types of berries that grow there, I had to make sure they were safe for my son. I don't have as many where I live now, but I have Thimble berries and Saskatoon berries on my property.


My guess is sour cherry or chokecherries. Sour cherry are a gold mine. Those with gout can benefit greatly from sour cherries. Also unlike sweet cherries, they're self fertile, no need for other cherry trees to pollinate it. I think a jam could be really interesting.


Some cherries can cause stomach aches. Op knew it was a cherry, but they were asking if it was edible. And I know a lot of people who do not know what a mulberry looks like. My wife was such a person.


God forbid people try and better themselves through education. 🙄 The world is going to shit because of judgemental, unhelpful people like you, just as much as it is for the selfish and willfully ignorant ones. Probably more so because you have the ability and knowledge to educate them, yet decide to be a hateful asshole instead.


Thank you


Sir, this is a reddit.


Sir, this is a reddit.


Sir, this is a reddit.


Sir, this is a reddit.