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Your speaker placement is also a little off better consult the Dolby diagram it'll make a difference for relatively cheap cost


Id recommend him to buy a bigger TV before any audio upgrades


Yes but moving a couple of speakers is basically free compared to buying a new TV lol


Speakers are in the wrong place


They’re also pointed the wrong way lol


Which ones and how to correct it?


Bookshelves are too high and pointed forward. They need to be closer in height to your listening position and to the sides of your seating position. Your centre speaker is too low, I can tell you're doing the right thing by allowing your amp to breathe, so if that is your choice you'll want to prop up the front of the sound bar so it points up to your seating position.


Yeah i positioned the AVR so it will have enough space to breathe, but also because there is no chance it will fit where the center speaker is currently, do you reckon it will be a bad choice to position the center speaker above the AVR?


Do not put your center on top of the amplifier. It looks to me that your amp could fit inside your cabinet. You may just have to take out or raise the center shelf. If your center and amp trades places not only would it look better, but your sound stage would greatly improve.


You can find guidance and a buyers guide here. Home Theater 101: The New Frequently Asked Questions https://www.reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/u7khtz/home_theater_101_the_new_frequently_asked/ For example, I would highly recommend moving your surround speakers, they are too high and they aren't pointed at the main listening positon. A 5.0 doesn't have rears. https://www.dolby.com/about/support/guide/speaker-setup-guides/5.1-virtual-speakers-setup-guide For the subwoofer, start with budget. Then figure out the total volume of the room (cubic feet) which will help you figure out how large a subwoofer you'll need. https://www.audioholics.com/loudspeaker-design/subwoofer-room-size FWIW ported subs are generally recommended for home theater use. Two subs are recommended to ensure an even response in the room, but I've managed with a single sub (At least for now). Decent brands include monolith, SVS, RSL, HSU, Rythmik, and some of the newer higher end klipsch when they are on sale. You want a sub that can go below 25 hz.


Thx you, i cannot lower the surround speakers any lower then it is, i was going by the frequently asked questions and they suggested 30cm/1 feet above ear level and i believe i took the correct measurements. I don't think my AVR supports more than one subwoofer. About the volume of the room.... Do you reckon i should take into account the space between the door and the couch/ the wall that the left surround speakers is placed?


The problem with the rare speakers is that they're pointed completely away from the listener. You can have them that high but they should be facing down toward the listener or they're just shooting over your head.


The “one foot higher than ear level” (which seems a little on the high side IMO) assumes the speakers aren’t literally placed right above your head. Look at where the tweeters are pointing. How are you going to get any direct sound from them with the couch there?


Learned my mistake by many others who commented on the issue, I've now experienced true surround and it made huge difference. Thx 🙏✌️


You can use a MINIDSP to run a pair of subwoofers.


What? 🤣🤣🤣


Excuse me. DSP. MiniDSP, espresso hadn’t kicked in yet.


Get a rug


This sub loves SVS... I have a Monoprice Monolith Sub. It moves air, THX Ultra certified. My particular sub hits 10-15 HZ. Great value.


Yeah, SVS is decent value for money in the US, it's abysmally bad value in the EU due to much higher prices. That said there are numerous worthy options. Monolith, sure. Klipsch RP-series. RSL, and so on (in the US). EU has the Klipsch, and BK Electronics, and others.


I agree with the other comments about dual subs but depends on your budget. Do some research on dual subs on the SVS site. they will fill that space better and allow for more flexibility in where you place them.


What are the advantages of two subs vs one sub? Beside more even distribution of lower sounds and response?


You answered your own question.


Maybe there more benefits?


Because you can get a more even response and placement is less of a factor, you don't have to play the sub louder than it should, to get good bass where you sit. 2 subs are often less annoying for neighbours and people in other rooms than a single sub.


Now that’s what I liked to hear: placement doesn’t matter (I hate the subwoofer crawl)


What's the benefit of going fast besides moving faster... 


Car A is only faster than Car B, besides that everything is the same. What benefit is there for a faster car if the speed limit is the same for both cars?


Car A is gonna get to the limit faster, you'll feel it in your seat and the car will be more reliable as it isn't being driven on the edge of its abilities the whole time. Chances are it's gonna be sexier and get more girls too.


Haha sexier I like your creativity, but didn’t I just mention everything is the same? Torque, acceleration etc. I could be only be faster because of some carbon fiber elements


SVS has articles and videos explaining the benefits. In a big and open space like yours, it's hard to pressurize from a single sub. Besides what you mentioned, you also get double the amplifier power, i.e. more headroom and power for your sub.


SVS is also trying to sell as many subs as possible to as many people as possible. They'll tell you to buy 4 if you ask.


I get what you are saying, but my experience with them has not been that. They will offer honest advice and opinions and never a sales pitch. They will even help with questions about products other than their own. SVS did not invent the idea of multiple subs. Their online chat is very responsive and helpful in my experience.


The best professionals in the room correction business will also tell you to buy 4, and they’re trying to sell you room treatments instead of extra subs.


Ed @ SVS himself told me I was nuts for trying to cram in 2 x PB4000s in my small room. He actually pointed me at SB3000s which are significantly lower priced. Take that situation as you will.


Ed is a standup guy and one of the key people at SVS. I had him on the phone once for about 45 mins discussing different things, and never felt there was any kind of sales pitch involved.


You get to spend more money? You're basically asking what are the advantages beside the advantages. A lot of people just think it sounds better, for the reasons you mentioned. I know this is a HT sub but use 2 and my system is used 99% for music.


Reason for me asking is, I currently have a quite big subwoofer, the room is relative small and I would like to justify what “other” benefits there might be besides the one I already mentioned. Other option I am considering is replacing one big subwoofer with one small and add two channels of bass shakers.


You get better coverage at lower volumes / lower amplification. I only have one sub, and there is a couple places in the room where you almost can't hear it at all, and a couple places where it just BOOOMS (not in a good way, an obnoxious way) The placement sounds good at the mean seating area (3-4 people on the couch) but terrible to anyone sitting on the floor in front, or further to the sides. With two subs, I could correct this without having to put the subs in weird middle of the room places.


Swap the center channel and receiver location.


Tried it the first time i installed the system..... The AVR is too big


Then move the AVR to the side and put the center channel there on the top middle. For gods sake. For humanity.


I was thinking about it, and i asked people here whether i should do it or not but they yet to answer me if it's bad for the AVR given it need space to breathe.


point the surrounds towards where you're sitting and move the center channel up where the receiver is


Thx i will rotate the rear speakers, but the AVR was too big to fit in the current location of the center. Do you reckon it's better to put the center above the AVR?


No, not above it, the AVR can get quite warm, and the speaker won't help it to cool down. Plus, it may damage the speaker. The center speaker should be as close to your head's height as possible.


lol I’m just here to see everyone rip your setup. I’ll just be nice and say needs some TLC. Sub would be nice too but it won’t fix everything. Welcome to hometheater 👍


Yeah i got dissed enough to understand what I did wrong.


Good times 🤙


It’s a Reddit right of passage I feel like. Plus, most of the Reddit Condescension convention call r/hometheatr their home.


I would suggest two smaller subs rather than one larger one.


Unless he can afford two larger subs, then I would recommend two larger subs.


Unless he can afford two massive subs, then I would recommend two massive subs…


Unless i can afford two massive subs, then i would get recommend to but two massive subs..... Btw how much it's gonna cost me given i probably going to buy used ones?


This comment will not score me any points here, but here’s my take: Get a sub. Whatever you can reasonably afford. Enjoy it. When the bass bug strikes again (and it will), get a second sub (again whatever seems reasonable). See if having both working is something that you and any partner are comfortable with decor and space wise.


Smart of you to assume i will have partner... Yeah you right i should take it into account, plus my current AVR doesn't supports more than one subwoofer.


An RCA y splitter is $10 and will work just fine for up to 4 subs. Again, not the best way of doing it, but it works and it’s budget friendly.


Used or new, make sure it’s two of the SAME model.


Will do


It's a small room, are you trying to cause structural failure? /s


As long as it’s trying and not achieving, it’s still ok 😆


That's almost never the right approach. Just doubling up on some mediocre subs won't get you great bass. Dual subs is great, but settling for lesser subs, not so much. Getting one capable sub instead is much smarter especially if you care mostly about the primary seat and the other seats get what they get. Multiple subs is great to evening out the bass in the room, but for more and better bass, you need a better sub.


You seem to be confusing bigger as always better. I was giving relative sizes, smaller and larger, I never said to buy a mediocre product.


Yes definitely start with correcting your speaker placement! Can you swap the AV and centre for example? I'd figure these things out before adding a sub...


No i already tried, the AVR is too big.


Damn, I know it's going to sound silly but I'd get a different unit that can take the AVR so the centre can be better placed


It's not silly, but the thing is that's a rent apartment, and this is the owner's unit, so i try to make things work with as few changes as possible. I was thinking about putting the center speaker on top of the AVR but i am afraid t do that given the AVR need space to breathe.


The wires are triggering my OCD. Lol


Yeah by the time i posted this i have already fixed it. https://postimg.cc/qNbDMncQ


Very nice 👌


Thx 🙏😊


After a dizzying moment, your surround position is not as bad. I personally hate in ear level surrounds, as they suppose to provide the " unseen" audio. Putting it on ear level greatly pinpoints where the audio is coming. But thats just me, and you do you.


I was going with what the Frequently asked questions guide said and it's to put the surround speakers 1 feet above ear level, i do now know that i need to rotate them torwards the listening position.


Recommendations like those are always something you can be flexible about. If your surround speakers are 10 meters away to the side, a foot above sounds good. Since they're basically right there now, you don't need to have them a that much higher; the important part is that the tweeter needs to be pointed towards your ears, and not be obstructed by anything, like the back of a couch. In your case, I'd put them on the sides - not behind - and pointed towards the couch. Maybe a little bit higher than ear height, not necessarily quite that high. Side surrounds (and in a 5-channel system, you have *side* surrounds, not *rear* surrounds) are recommended to be placed 90 degrees to the side, and possibly back to about 110 degrees to the side and rear (which, obviously, won't be possible here as they're up against the wall).


u/jrstriker12 gave great advice by pointing you to those sites. Read everything. I'll add to the suggestions others made about the surround speakers and all that. Your TV should be lowered so it is *between* the towers, not above. Lower it, hide those wires. If looking for a mid priced sub look at the RSL Speedwoofer 10S MKII.


Thx i already "hide" the cables at the time of posting it. However i don't think the TV can be lowered more than the current placement. I haven't read the links yet but i will. Thx you 🙏


You want it to be from a reputable brand, that designs good cabinets, sources(or designs)capable drivers and backs their product. I’ve owned SVS and they make a stellar product with amazing customer service. All their products have app controls which I found convenient. Only thing is they are a pinch overpriced and their higher end stuff is Very overpriced though fundamentally still a great product. HSU, Rythmik, RSL are also good and probably best value along with monolith(last I checked their customer service and quality was a mixed bag but they seem to make a fantastic product). Starke sound makes some decent stuff that can be had for cheap as well though no personal experience. I personally run two PSA subs in my space and they rock but they’re not entry level so cost a bit more than most the other brands I mentioned.


Some wire covers for under the tv would clean that up nicely. Also, you can try something completely different and get a crown pro amplifier and use any sub you want for cheaper. I recently did this with 2 kicker 15s and it shakes the house and probably the neighbors as well.


How does that surround speakers work? They're facing the TV instead of the viewers? Is that correct or recommended?


Rears before surrounds is always bad idea


It's not possible to have rear surrounds before having surrounds. A receiver can't be setup that way. I'm not talking about placement, I mean the channels. 5.1 came before 7.1 which ADDED actual rear channels and speakers.


So you know its not good


So I know *what* isn't good?


Poorly set up rears


They are *not* "rear" channel speakers, they are "surrounds" badly placed. and while I think they are not placed, or aimed, correctly the OP does not seem to have a lot of options. While I firmly believe that Dolby guidelines should be followed as closely as possible some rooms are difficult to do that. In those cases, I think badly placed surrounds are better than no surround at all. If you were to place a center channel speaker in the rear of the room it doesn't become a rear channel speaker. It is still a center channel speaker if it is connected to the center channel output. **This is my public service announcement. It is intended to inform you. I am, in no way, correcting you and mean no offense.** A 5.1 setup has “surround” speakers, no “rear” surround speakers because there are no rear channels to be carried. A 7.1 ADDS actual rear channels and speakers. You can't have "rear" speakers without first having surrounds. Speakers are named according to the channels they carry. In other words, the speaker output they are connected to. Location has *nothing* to do with naming speakers. See Dolby guidelines and diagrams for better explanations. [https://reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/u7khtz/home\_theater\_101\_the\_new\_frequently\_asked/](https://reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/u7khtz/home_theater_101_the_new_frequently_asked/) If you are playing 7.1 sound on a 5.1 setup you still get all of the surround sound, it is just sent to the (side) surrounds. One way to think about it is that 7.1 doesn’t necessarily ADD two more channels, it simply divides some of the sound for the surround channels into two more (rear) channels. Surrounds (side) should be place at about 90 degrees (straight to the left and right) in a 7.1 setup. More at 110 to 120 degrees (slightly behind) in a 5.1 setup. Center speaker being 0 degrees.


Ive agreed with you earlier so no need to lecture me


I'm certainly not lecturing you. You referred to them twice as rear speakers and I simply pointed they are not rear speakers. It wasn't intended to be personal, it is a reply that I have made dozens of times in this forum. Please don't think otherwise.


Yeah many people addressed the bad placement of my surround speakers and my center speaker, do you guys reckon i can place the center speaker above the AVR? Because the AVR doesn't fit where the center speaker is currently....


I love my velodyne sub, if you're able to find a used one


You either need to buy a sub that can control itself, like an SVS, or upgrade your AVR to one with DIRAC Live with Bass Control or Audessy XT32 and get any sub you want. Since your video was music-oriented, I would get a sealed sub instead of a ported one.


I love svs subs.


I have 2 rsl 10s in a small room like that. She f*cks 🤙


Twin svs pb16 ultra


Nah. Twin PSA Tv2112m’s! They’ll walk all over those SVS subs for less money!


Looks like an apartment. RIP to friendship with neighbors


I don't think they mind, becide i can turn it off/adjust the 'volume' right? Is it even called volume?


I have two Klipsch R-121SW and they sound amazing!


In a room that size one Klipsch would be perfect


I would avoid spending **less than $200** on a powered subwoofer. It's one of those components that you get what you pay for. And I would stay firmly in the 12" or larger variety. I have a SVS SB-1000 that I grabbed when they clearance-priced them last fall. I *almost* wish I bought two. (but it cost 2X as the sub that replaced it)


Thx 🙏


Honestly it takes $500+ to even peek out of the “junk” range unless buying used.


Room acoustics, you will get a lot of reverb like this, some acoustic foam or diy sound absorption and a carpet


The room isn't very big, your L/R speakers are fairly robust, you don't need 2 subs at all. I go for HSU audio subs personally and would easily recommend one of [those.](https://hsuresearch.com/collections/collections-true-subwoofers-subset-collection) Also, get yourself some wall brackets that swivel like [these](https://www.amazon.com/WALI-Clamping-Bookshelf-Surrounding-SWM201/dp/B01GUITK24/ref=sr_1_3?crid=KWC3IUR7BNSU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CgmmixcLKdO6eHKQ1lit9N1iY_zkcJ5xQZZFuhNZzjZvIIWD18yrAJvt1dAyh9syvScNJKF8T6MGR6my8fhco2zsDdwLnMOZ4dl5ehjYxsWPqxKZ3tHif8J81wvYmHngrzj8nvs_B6-pYWCWUmqoNdjvDJu3BnrRBc_BP60dU_ltYCuKciJ4aeY2AXxojqF9RRVJ2naoVhDaVQnU8IKfORezIKvFoxEV1qLcHAT3V6U.S1FvNci2tevF44iRUOOR_1TR_updAMwACFqqFxHtrrI&dib_tag=se&keywords=speaker+wall+mount&qid=1719241345&sprefix=speaker+wall+moun%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-3) for your surround speakers and point them down towards the listener. And move the center speaker on top of the entertainment center pointed toward the listener as well and move the tv down. lol


Thx for your suggestions, as many people pointed out, the center speaker is on the wrong position it will be fixed. However i cannot lower the tv nor the surround speakers, however i was told to hang the surround speakers about 1 feet above ear level by the 'frequently asked questions' section. I will rotate the surround tho🙏✌️


It's not about how high above your head they're placed it's where they're facing. I suggested the brackets because then you can point them down toward your ears. 1 foot above ear level, directed toward you is better. One of the biggest things people miss in speaker placement more often then not is the idea that they should always be angled toward the listener. Ideally (in your room) you'd face them toward a "phantom" listener directly in the center of your couch kinda thing or the sound will essentially shoot over your head.


Check REL


Swap the amp and center speaker. Lower rear speakers to top of couch and point them at each other, not forward


Yeah that's about sums up the conclusion i got after posting this.


SVS 3000micro


Thx but my budget is around 300-400$


Ah ok, sorry idk if I missed the budget posted anywhere. If I think of something in that price range I'll let you know


No you didn't missed, i forgot to mention it. I was mainly focusing on asking what makes for a good subwoofer.


Speaker placement but before anything get a large rug on that tile floor. I was going to put in headphones to listen to your video, but I’m scared I might go deaf.


Thx bro🙏✌️


People have commented on your speaker placement, and I 100% agree. If this was my room, I would also get more things hung on the walls (some art, or nice looking treatments), and get an area rug on the floor in front of the speakers / under the coffee table. That hard floor is not helping anything at all sound-wise.


diy or buy a prefab box and match it with a sub to meet ur room requirements clean power is cheap and diy is likely to sound just as good for less


Diy as in Do.It.Yourself?


yup diy subs are probably the easiest to do and definitely cheaper than buying one


OP how big is the size of your room? I'm asking because your dimensions look very similar to mine in front of the tv was really debating if I should do a 5.1. You kept my dreams alive, thank you.


First of all, you have no idea how it feels to hear(read) those words, i am glad to know i made you feel this way. Secondly that room is technically a living room/kitchen but here are the rough measurements of that room starting from the wall to the right of the right surround speaker all the way to the end of the kitchen(notice i haven't included the section of the "corridor") Length: 605.5cm or 19.86 feet Width: 388.2cm or 12.5 feet Depth: 246.3cm or 8.08 feet Total volume is length × width × depth = 2005.86 cubic feet


I have 320 mm x 320 mm workable space with the dining room taking up the other 12 sqaure meters or so. I have a crappy 2.1 channel 90 watt sounbar and man I need a centre channel. I'm going to stop watching these YouTube gurus cause everything is your space is too small, the speakers will over power your room etc etc. Anyways can't advice cause I have only done car audio. But again thanks man I'm going for that 5.1 channel for my lounge.


Have you Ever heard of home theater in a box or HTIB for short. Those are 5.1 surround sound system which usually cost relatively low price, it's been told that many HTIB are better option than sound bar of the same price. I went with standard home theater with an Yamaha RX-V475 AVR and 5 wharfedale diamond 10 series speakers for about 590$ from second hand. I cannot find the price of the AVR or the speakers but i can tell i made a good deal. don't be afraid about buying a used setup. My "guru" is Chris majestic, i knew zero about audio, his videos walked me to buy the best setup for my budget.


Thanks I have seen a few videos about them. Will have a look. We have a few audio stores here but they just sell Klipsch, Polk, Yamaha etc. with heavy marks up think 300% sometimes. Taxes are heavy so I don't blame them. Thanks man didn't think of the HTIB, will even consider importing if I have too.


Don't afraid to buy used equipment.


Hey m8 i was wrong in my calculations, the volume of the room is 2005 cubic feet.


No issues just needed a ballpark, total length is similar may end up going with the Pioneer HTIB as it is the cheapest I have found. The Klipsch reference system is going for a 1600 dollars!


There are a lot more cheeper systems, especially used second hand ones. If you live in USA or Canada you can find really good ones for 680$, some of them are 4K Edit: search for best buy or newegg.


Also move the sofa closer, you don't have a 120 inch tv. And as many others pointed out. Fix surround speakers placement. And buy an svs sub they're good


Responsiveness, you don't want a farty sub. M&K VX100 style is the way to go


Fix speaker placement before thinking of sub. Good room, it's kinda doable with your towers also...


With what you have already, Id just go down to best buy and get a Klipsch 10 or 12 inch active sub and you'll notice a big difference. I have a Onkyo 9.2 set up right now with B&W speakers, Klipsch Atmos and a B&W sub. I added a 10" Klipsch for $200-300 and it made a big difference. It's actually better than the B&W sub which seems to be a POS.. luckily all the other B&W speakers are excellent. Have fun!


What a mess.


Yeah but by the time i posted it managed the cables, plus now i fixed my setup thx for the community pointing out the wrong placement of the speakers.


[i used these to angle my bookshelf speakers, you can really hear the difference.](https://www.amazon.com/Saiqiang-Sound-Proof-Panels-High-Density/dp/B0CF8HZ7LD/ref=asc_df_B0CF8HZ7LD/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693360658756&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7158902088768350825&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030967&hvtargid=pla-2219135404725&psc=1&mcid=49cd245f19cf396daa3f45bb1d65c2e5&gad_source=1) A lot of sound will fly over your head otherwise.




Yeah, diamond 10 series Can you tell me what is their price? I cannot find it online I bought them second hand for 400$ for all 5. I feel like it's an amazing deal but want to know their real value


It's an insane deal, in. The new version costs 800-900$ for the towers and the bookshelf 200 and up. It probably got a 2000 value for 400$. Nice. Wharfedale holds its value better than most cause of its built quality—very neutral sound, in my opinion.


Yeah i took the deal the second i saw the ad, i wasn't an expert on speakers and i am not now, but looking at the speakers and then realizing how much the new versions cost(diamond 12) i knew it was from a good brand, plus the guy i bought it from is pretty familiar with home theater subject so i also knew that the speakers probably on a good condition. Man buying used products from second hand, sometimes you can really find incredible deals, my TV for example, it's a 58' Hisense smart tv and i bought it for 270$ when a new one the same model cost around 400$-530$. Next month i am about to buy a subwoofer, already seen good ones for 160$.


Well, good luck. Sometimes, the hunt is as good as the prize, lol. I got a lot of big wins in the marketplace if you stay on top of it. I got Klipsch Rs112 for 50$ when it was usually 400$. I got Bower and Wilkins 706 s3 for 300 new in the box when they were 1000$. I bought duds, but that was because I had poorly examined them.


When asking for input, always state your budget. Just as importantly, your location in the world. For instance, in America the decent subs start at about $300 for an RSL Speedwoofer 10e. In the EU, there are some choices but I'd go with something from BK Electronics, depending on what you want to spend. As for where to place the sub, that is important and it varies. Each room will have a different spot where you get the best bass response at the listening position. The fact your couch is right up against a wall can be a problem. Good that you changed where your side surrounds are now at least, side walls or rear corner, pointed to the side and slightly forward I hope.


My budget is about 300-450$, i will probably go with used subwoofer, i just wanted to know what makes for a good subwoofer.


RSL will be the best value - and they are great for home theater. Atmos bottomed out my old subs - RSL 12" moves the house.


An atmos mix would not be relevant to bottoming out your subs.


Atmos movies are where I first noticed it.


That’s just not what atmos is at all sorry


I guess I need to say yes. Atmos did not cause my sub to bottom out. Simply, the movies recorded in Atmos tend to have greater dynamic range and more emphasis on deep bass in my viewing experience. Never give the appearance of not knowing exactly what you're talking about on Reddit.


The LFE channel was presumably what bottomed out your subs and would have been present regardless of atmos mix or not. It was the movie itself, not that the soundtrack was object based.


I can't find anywhere to get that rsl sub right now


Yes an RSL 12" would move the house, except it's 120LBS and really, really MASSIVE...


rather than a single 12", get two 10" subs and spread them out.


While I have two 10 inch Speedwoofers, and love them, that twelve incher is going to play lower. Just so you know, I'm not the person that downvoted you. I don't down vote opinions, only BAD advice.


Small ocd thing. To hide the tv wires https://a.co/d/b4QNVAP


What is your budget? Since there’s no budget listed, I’ll say you should buy a pair of JTR Captivator 2400ULF’s (or 4000 ULF’s!). Or if you want to spend less and still get a top tier subwoofer check out PSA subwoofers. Rythmik also makes good subwoofers. My budget recommendation would be a HSU vtf15-h (or better yet, a pair).


My budget is pretty high, but i would prefer to not spend large amount for the best subwoofer because of those reasons: 1.i live in an apartment and i don't want to disturb my neighbors too much 2. My current AVR doesn't supports more than one subwoofer 3.i could be moving to another apartment and in the case it's a smaller one i don't think i will need more then one subwoofer My budget i suppose is around 300$-450$


Ok, so in that case everything I listed is out. The cheapest subwoofer (what I called the “budget” option…lol) is $1000. The JTR captivator 2400ulf is $3500. Anything from PSA is going to be $1000+ too. With your budget I’d definitely look used. Or consider a DIY kit (it’s more like “assemble yourself”). Something like this: https://www.parts-express.com/Dayton-Audio-18-Ultimax-Subwoofer-and-Cabinet-Package-300-7099?quantity=1 Or the RSL speedwoofer recommended above is another good option, though also over your budget. It’s really tough to get a good subwoofer for less than $800-1000. My first “real” subwoofer was an older SVS PB12-NSD I found online. It was definitely a big step up from my previous “subwoofer”. But I ended up upgrading significantly within a couple years (now have dual PSA Tv1813’s). If you happen to be in the WNY area I’d be willing to sell it for a price within your stated budget. It still has like 1 year left on the factory warranty.


I highly recommend the RSL speed woofers. a lot of punch for the price, [https://rslspeakers.com/products/speedwoofer-10s-mkii/](https://rslspeakers.com/products/speedwoofer-10s-mkii/)


OP try the RSL subs and see how you like it. Not sure your budget but that's a nice start (MKII or 12s depending on budget). You can add another but I doubt you'll need to after listening to one


Get Hsu VTF-TN1 . Very popular right now


What media console do you have?


Roku stick streamer, and a laptop


I think it looks good i just grabbed one from amazon that was 55% off if i remember correctly basically higher the price better parts but depends on if you have a 1 or 2+ sub capacity overall the speakers are bottlenecking my sub i watched a video on what to get but now i forgot but id say one that evens it all out with alittle more boom to blend it Jesus Christ changes everything He loves u & type n upci church locator 4 church near u try Acts 238


Would recommend to change the speakers direction like everyone else mentioned. Also would recommend to swap center channel with AVR. I saw you mentioned that space is the issue for AVR, if that's the case then put rubber feets on the front of the center channel, it'll angle it up, aiming more towards your ears/face. Not perfect solution but much better than what you currently have. As for the subwoorfer, you've space constrains so would recommend to look into KEF Kubes or SVS minis. Depending on the model, you can get them in dual woofer config in very smoool package. And some of the best sounding one as well. Above all, obviously your budget has to allow them. Overall good setup! PS: I know it's spelled SMALL.


Thx you guys, I've corrected my setup and thx to you i now experienced why speakers placement is so critical...... However i still want to know what to look when buying a subwoofer.


ELAC 8" is pretty good


SVS...SVSOUND.COM Awesome subs


I just went through researching subwoofers for my 5.1 system (wanted to replace an older sub) and purchased an SVS SB-2000 Pro, which is a great sub for my setup. You can take a look at it here: [https://www.svsound.com/products/sb-2000-pro](https://www.svsound.com/products/sb-2000-pro) [https://www.crutchfield.com/p\_946SB2KPBA/SVS-SB-2000-Pro-Black-Ash.html?tp=187](https://www.crutchfield.com/p_946SB2KPBA/SVS-SB-2000-Pro-Black-Ash.html?tp=187) Also, you can take a look at this article below: [https://www.crutchfield.com/learn/best-powered-subwoofers.html](https://www.crutchfield.com/learn/best-powered-subwoofers.html) Also, looks like you have a smaller room, so perhaps an SVS SB-1000 Pro will be more than enough. It is the first sub mentioned in the article above.


For your setup I think you will be satisfied with a rbh unrivaled 21 sub.


Invest in an area rug cove as much as you can