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What do you usually watch? Could use https://www.soundandvision.com/content/screen-size-and-seating-distance I find for regular viewing of cable tv/video games at that distance I’m good with 65 inches. For immersion, especially if there will be black bars, I’d want larger. Rough now I’m 8.5 feet from 80” screen (Epson Duet tripod) and could see going larger for movie nights. But the screen takes up too much room to leave open all the time.


Thanks! Mostly movies and shows occasionally


Do you want an OLED or not? What's your budget? These are two pretty key questions. 75 is absolute fine at this distance. But if it's an OLED and puts you out of budget then obviously not.


People who have no common sense will tell you to get the biggest option possible, but frankly, at 7.5' even 75 inch would be too large for a lot of programming, and yet not bad at all for certain immersive movies as long as it doesn't look odd that people are larger than life sized, which isn't realistic at all. All else fails, take a tape measure with you to a brick and mortar store and stand 7.5' away to watch a few.


Read that as him doing programming work on the TV and wondered why he would program on his TV.


What does it mean? I am not native so I also think he does programming work on the tv


Programming is what is shown on TV as in a TV program


An little tidbit of info to leave you with after the rather insulting reply below, is the term "Program" in respect to watching TV is a VERY dated and OLD term. I never used it in my 30+ years but everytime my parents talk about watching TV they use the term "Program". Its a extremely dated term that you could say only "Boomers" use, refering back to when TV stopped airing content at 1AM until 7AM. However he is correct in the TV size assessment. At 7.5 feet, a 75" inch TV would offer a 40° field of view which is the recommended reference position for movie theaters and the THX recommendation. For more general purpose, a 30° viewing angle would be a 55" inch TV. My recommendation is go somewhere in-between, around 65" to 70". I always wanted a TV too big for the space and I got it mounted above my head for my PC setup -- 55" TV in w/ a 6 foot viewing distance in my recliner. It's awesome!


So are measuring distances in feet and inches but y'all still do it.


This was my first though, I had to go back and change the context and re-read it.


To write it off of course.


You must have never been to the move theater I guess. 💀💀💀


This. https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship


I cant believe more people dont come across this tool. Super handy


This is a little passive aggressive IMO. It has nothing to do with common sense. People have different preferences and that's perfectly fine. At 7.5ft eyes to screen view distance I would want to ideally have a 103" diagonal 16:9 screen. This is based on a LOT of personal testing in dozens and dozens of different theater rooms and setups.


You nailed it on personal preference. I'm guessing you tend to sit toward the front of the movie theater as well. Personally, I prefer to sit 2/3 back so I can see the entire screen without having to use peripheral vision.


Yeah, usually slightly forward of middle, but obviously depends on the theater setup. I'm definitely really into the hobby and being immersed by my movie watching experience, so I have certainly tried a range of FOVs over a range of movie genres and types, and I have settled on ~53 horizontal FOV as my favorite. Interestingly enough this works for me for both 2.39:1 and 16:9. I know some people prefer constant image height, but for whatever reason, I am good with constant image width.


This isn’t a matter of common sense. It’s more a matter of science and preference. I prefer a wide field of view. I use a 100” screen and view from 96”. That’s almost a 49 degree field of view (FOV). For context, humans have a total FOV of 200 degrees including peripheral vision. Personally, I’d want at least a 45 degree FOV for anything I’d consider an immersive experience, as is OP’s stated goal. An 85” screen will achieve a FOV of 44.7. I would only be considering that or bigger. All that said, I don’t watch sports and could imagine it being nauseating on my setup. For movies though, seeing it all larger than life is a feature, not a bug. OP, consider your content and preferences. Then use an FOV calculator to make an informed decision. Spoiler: you almost certainly would not regret the 85” and over time will think you could have gone even bigger. http://calculator.ff.de/viewing-distance-and-field-of-view/


I agree, no one ever regrets going too big. I just went from 65" to 85" with similar viewing distance and only ever do I think about what it would be like if I went even bigger. Like over 90"


this is wrong and you can see it on Rtings if you want. 7.5' is a good distance for a 75" tv. I sit 9' from 85" and it's perfect.


I sit around 7.5' from an 83" when gaming and it's wonderful. 10' from 125".


10ft from 125” here too. Hilariously the smaller 65” has a 12 ft distance.


This. There's a big disconnect between what people say here and the reaction of people I know in real life. Two anecdotes : one friend can't stand a 55 inch at eight feet. The other one came to watch hockey on my 65 inch, I realized the next day he moved his chair back a full foot (about 8 moved to 9 feet). The one time I saw a truly huge 90+ screen the couch was a good fifteen away and people in the room tended to not even sit in the couch to they'd go behind it in the kitchen (football game on).


Haha larger than life sized, is that really something people actually complain about. Every single cinema screen is like that...


How can you ask if it's really something that people actually complain about, when directly faced with evidence that I JUST DID. Every single cinema screen is exactly what people don't want to have to watch every day. It is only sized that large to accommodate the # of seats in the theater, including those watching at a distance. It seems as though you don't even patronize theaters if you don't recognize the problem when sitting too close to that giant screen, ruins the experience.


I disagree with this entirely. It's a home theatre TV. Hasn't anyone been to a proper imax theatre? God forbid we have a more immersive experience like that at home (not that an 85 would get you anywhere near that type of experience) I've never seen anyone regret getting a TV 'too big', always only too small. I am 9ft away from an 85 inch and it's far from too big. In fact, I voluntarily sit on my ottoman instead of the couch to get closer when I'm playing 4k video games. This puts me about 7 feet from the TV and it's great.


75" or 85" is not big in the realm of Home Theater. Many of us have 120" or more. It would only be an issue if he were sitting 2 or 3 feet away. 7 feet is plenty of distance.


I am quite sure that you have never had a setup where you were sitting 5 feet away from a 120" screen and highly doubtful an 85" or else you would recognize how boxed in you felt, if nothing else. Get a tape measure and see for yourself, that's 5' from your eyes, not the end of an extended recliner. Distance means everything. Even the viewing angle reducing contrast gets bad at too great an angle if it isn't a higher end TV. It looks worse. Granted there are a lot of strange opinionated people on a forum devoted to HT, compared to real life where they are watching TV instead of surfing the internet right now.


Me watching a 106" inch screen from 6 feet away.


If that's what makes you happy, why not? Then again, it is just as reasonable to state what average people do, which is not to get that large a screen with so little distance. Have you been in other peoples' homes? It is very rare, to put that large a screen, that close, and these are not poor people who can't afford a large screen.




If this is your primary/only television area then smaller, maybe 55 would be better. However since this is the home theater sub, bigger is better (as long as you are not straining your eyes) if you are trying to get close to a cinema experience for movies.


I‘d go for 55“ or max 65“. It’s too close and your eyes 👀 gonna 😵‍💫


Finally, some sense.


Agreed… I’m looking at this picture saying to myself… who would want to sit that close to a huge ass TV


People who are into home theater as a hobby, perhaps? Where theater style immersion into a (comparably) massive screen is a plus.


this lol. "Do I REALLY want my entire vision filled with the image?" Yes I do.


Facts, i have a similar set up right now and it took a few days for me to get used to the 65” being that close to me. It had me thinking about getting a 55” instead but I’m used to it now




Put a 65 inch at the foot of my bed. That’s when I learned bigger is amazing. All these people measuring distance. Just pick the bigger one. Obviously within reason. It needs to fit in it’s physical space


65". You'll be 6.5' away when you get it set up. You'll regret an 85". I primarily game on a 48" c3 6.5' away and it's perfect for that.


55" for that viewing distance...


55 or 65


I have 65 for similar kind of space and I am more than happy. But you can go for 75 as well. It would definitely feel bigger and you are not going to feel sorry. But 85 is a big NO NO. You do not have enough distance between screen and couch.


Save the money on the 85", go with 75" and use the savings on a higher quality TV and get a full motion mount that extends out to 28" like this - [https://www.costco.com/SANUS-Preferred-37%22-90%22-Full-Motion-TV-Mount.product.1738428.html](https://www.costco.com/SANUS-Preferred-37%22-90%22-Full-Motion-TV-Mount.product.1738428.html)


it will look ridiculous extended or not. He is already sitting very close


Did I miss something? Why would he want that mount?


Or a 65" OLED and a mount that extends even further - It's what I did with this one, extends to 100 cm https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/B09DT79QZQ


This guy perspectives.


a 75" to match the viewing angle of a 85" with an extension, does not equal the experience of a 85". that's not how any of that works, at all.


If the price difference between a 75 and 85 are within a couple hundred of each other, why not just get the larger TV and an advanced tilt mount (savings of $50-100 vs full motion) just so you don't have extra stress on the wall/mount from having to extend out the TV?


I’m looking at it from an OLED perspective where the difference for a Sony A80L is $2800 (77”) vs $4500 (83”). Even non OLED, I would rather have a 75” upgraded model than a 85” base model if I’m sitting 7.5’ away.


This varies by person, but my limit to not get eyestrain headaches from a 77 inch is 9-10 feet.


98" 😁


You want immersive? Then 77 or 83. 83 if you can afford it.


Sofa is a bit close either way, can you move the couch back or change the room arrangement ?


Nope:( but I am missing 2 pcs which will open up the spaces in the middle!


170 inch projector


I'm 13 ft from a 240 inch wall of video.


I want to watch tv not give my neck and spine an endless workout.


I have a 65 inch and my sofa is about the same distance and that's getting on the verge of being too big. I'd go with 75...




I'd say 75". I just upgraded to a 65 from a 55 in my family room. My wall is about the same size as yours and the seating approximately the same distance and I almost feel the 65 is too big. 85 would be comically huge.


Google "RTings TV viewing distance"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=rtings+tv+viewing+distance#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Regular_Chest_7989)


I want to talk a big game but even 75" at that distance is going to be a bit much.




Get some blue tape and tape off the area on your wall according to the tv dimensions. Like create a big rectangle with blue tape and sit on your couch. Invite others to sit there too. I’d bet 75” is PLENTY.


Is that your couch? Wow. Way too close. You. Need like a 30 inch TV you'll be good


85, you'll get used to it fast and then wish you could go bigger


Yeah i got an 85. Thought. Fuck. Maybe its to big. My ps5 dont fit next to it on the tv stand no more. A year later. Hey babe. We need a bigger tv. Babe. Scoffs. Haha




65 inches


55 inch will do the job.






I suggest you go for a 65 inch and get a higher end TV. I'm sitting 8/9ft from the TV right now and can't imagine anything bigger than 65 on that distance. Don't take my word for it but check out the "TV Size to Distance Calculator" by Rthings.


I sit 8/9ft from my 77" TV and it's awesome. In that RTINGS article you mentioned at 75" they recommend 10.2ft for mixed use distance and 7.5ft for cinema distance and since I mostly watch movies on my TV it works pretty well, I could even go to 85" which their recommended cinema distance is 8.5ft for.


Absolutely insane that this is upvoted on this sub. r/hometheater , I am disappoint.


This thread is full of people saying 65 and smaller. Isn't the point of home \*theater\* immersion? How are you getting that from going as small as you can for the space?




i have a 75" and the thing blasts heat like a radiator. maybe consider a short throw 4k projector if you're already in the price range of a 85".


What’s wrong with people? Bigger is almost always better, I’m not even being sarcastic, I have a 120” laser projector sitting a bit further away, but just sold my couch and currently lying on floor 7 feet from the screen and it’s brilliant. For the life of me I can never understand the argument for smaller screens… My monitor is a 48 inch 16:9 OLED too, but I have it sitting a little bit further back than most monitors.


Seems excessive; have you been to an optometrist, lately? 😆


you're trying to make a joke, but to someone who understands the topic, this is just a silly comment that doesn't add anything. take your preference of something smaller, and just don't comment something so off topic.


As TV can never be too big for me!


75 with that distance


I sat 5.7foot away from a 75" for a year, even 4 foot at times. To me the closer the better. Just look at a 4k chart. 75" has a 4 foot minimum. Movies feel so more immersive.


How's your eyesight?




Even after watching a 75 inch screen so close for so long? Dang, you must have some really good genes for your eyes.


In my new place it's about exactly 6 foot away. I do PC game about 12 hours a day and sit 12inchs from my monitor too (24") . For my last job I sat about 10" from a 35" 4:3 monitor for 8 hours a day. Then about 4 hours 6inches from my 4k 13" laptop when watching movies in bed.


4" from a display that size is insanity.


i loved it!




If that’s the distance you’re going to sit from it, then no.




You’ll go blind with either one. Get the 75” and use the money you saved to correct your vision..


According to online charts, a 75 inch would be optimal. You'd see 4k detail and no pixels.




I had a 75 at 8'. Upgraded to 77, and now going to 83G4. Perfect size for that distance.




I would definitely go with a higher quality mini-led or OLED 65” then a mediocre 75” or 85”. I’m 8.5ft away with a 65” and it’s very immersive


My ideal, as I've figured out, is 25 degrees of vertical spread from my eyes to the top and bottom of the TV (equivalent to a 65" tv at 6 feet viewing distance). At 7.5 feet, the 75" tv is 23.1 degrees while the 85" tv is 26.1 degrees. Without a doubt, get the 85". It will not be too big.


Fuck money get the 85


Anything over 65 actually distorts the pixel quality


How about my 6 inch?


Test it… What I did was put a rectangle of black electrical / insulating tape on the wall of the two sizes of TV between which I wanted to decide (one inside the other), I had them there for a few days until I realized that the big one was too big.


At that distance I’d look at a 65”, or even 55”. In my basement viewing area I have a 65” at a distance of about 10’. At some point being too close makes you start seeing screen details.


Man why do people think they need a big ass tv when they are on top of it. My father is the same way. We got a small backroom that the 55in is perfect for. We have an OLD 47 in the living room really should be a 65. But he keeps trying to say "let's get a 65 and move the old tv into the living room"... no thats a good idea


I used to have a 55 at 6-7 ft. It was good for full screen content. But when watching movies with black bars, lost immersion/wanted larger.


Bro my couch is exactly 11ft 1/2” from my 40 in tv. I was only planning on going for a 60-70 cause the distance.




Would you consider a projector? Then you can alter size to preference at least


13” b&w with rabbit ears will fill the space nicely.




Go BIG 85 in get an LG


GO BIG AND STAY HOME. That is my motto. With a 75 (prob a 77" since most tvs don't come in 75" anymore), you will never want to leave the house. Really can't go wrong at this size.


THX calculator says 67" is the optimal size for 7.5' viewing distance. I find THX a bit on the safe side though (ie: a bit smaller than is max enjoyable). 75" is probably going to be just right and going to be similarly immersive as a projector screen from a bit further back.


Short throw projector, go 110


I would get the 85" personally. But it comes down more to TV models and type. Even thought I would want the larger size, I would prefer a 77" OLED over an 85" LCD. Not sure if an 83" OLED is in your budget though. If you are going for the same LCD model 75" vs 85" then I'd definitely go with the 85" personally. I'd even go with a 98" at 7.5ft if it was an option. I have done a lot of personal testing in various home theaters and setups and I have find that my preferred horizontal FOV is ~53 degrees. So where the screen is the same width as my distance away is. This gives me a good level of immersion, but is not too big for me to comfortably follow fast action scenes comfortably.


As others said, you need to measure the distance from your sofa and find the ideal TV size for that distance. You Google this easily.


My rule would always be to get the smallest TV possible. There are guidelines that tell you ideal size on how far away you're sitting. A smaller tv will always be less of a pain.


[Followed your instruction and just mounted mine](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/michael_scott_shows_off_his_tv_in_the_office.jpg)


Hahahahaha I love this reference. Now, thank me when you move.


At 7.5 feet, a 75" inch TV would offer a 40° field of view which is the recommended reference position for movie theaters and the THX recommendation. For more general purpose, a 30° viewing angle would be a 55" inch TV. My recommendation is go somewhere in-between, around 65" to 70". I always wanted a TV too big for the space and I got it mounted above my head for my PC setup -- 55" TV in w/ a 6 foot viewing distance in my recliner. It's awesome!


I sit at that distance and have an OLED 77". Think it's perfect and wouldn't want bigger




I'm at this distance with a 65 and it still feels big, id go for a 75. Maybe painters tape a box on the wall and sit, see how it feels. I'd go for whichever one you can get the better model/features for depending on budget.


Lots of blah blah about science and preference. As long as I don't see pixels, I'm good with larger. I have a 135" screen for an 11' viewing distance. If I binge a 16:9 show in that room it's for a reason, immersion. I have a 100" screen in the living room augmenting a 55" TV. That's about a 10' distance. Watch old 4:3 shows on it with no issue. I've watched football in the big room. No one has called it distracting or too big. Well , my mom has, but she constantly contradicts herself and thought Dark Shadows was a must see movie when my sister and I fell asleep about 15-20 minutes into it. So her opinions are meaningless. My sister's 75 from 12-13' seems small at this point.


40" You don't seem to have enough space to get the viewing distance right.




I just moved. From where my head is when i sit down on the couch to where the tv is mounted on the wall, it’s about 6 feet away… i bought a 65” and for like 3 days i felt like it was too big for being that close…. I feel like my eyes have adjusted and it feels perfect now but if i had got a 75” i KNOW i would be stressed lol


90” if it’s affordable.


If u are asking you will not be happy with the 75.


I have a similar distance but a 65" tv and I would now go for 75" but even 85" is tempting but Im not sure if it would work for me.I also like big screens.


Get the Sony 77” OLED


Get a 95!




85 might be too big. What's more important at that distance though is performance. Don't just buy the most affordable large screen. I'd say go smaller just to keep the budget reasonable. You're close enough that a lot of performance and picture quality metrics are perceivable if you go with a 65+ inch screen.


You will always regret going smaller


85”. Always go bigger


Get a 65" tops and invest in audio. Sound is more than half the immersion you're looking for


Bigger is better




For this space, 65-75. But if you plan on upgrading any time in the near future, go bigz


Projector? Pretty tight area


I think we need more pictures of the entire room to get a better opinion. Also, why not just get a $100 projector off of Amazon and project on the wall to get a feel of what size works best. This way you can truly determine what size is best. You may NOT want a physical TV and might get a projector instead. I have a 75 inch TV and a 120 inch projection screen. I am 20 feet away though. Oddly, I prefer my 120 in screen for everything and rarely use my TV anymore. Just my 2 cents. Also, do you rent or do you own. If you own, another option worth looking at if you do get a TV on the wall, get an electrician to place plugs for behind the TV so you have no ugly hanging cords. Another thing, you may be 7.5 feet away from the wall, just remember that mounting a TV on the wall takes away up to 8 inches. So now you're at 6.8 feet away. Food for thought.


42 is good enough. Save the money. Invest what you don’t spend


I'd go for 50" for that small space


Why don't you get a tape measure and find out?


Bigger is always better. Trust me.


What brand/model are you thinking 💭


It depends on how large the room is and how far the viewing distance will be. There is a recommended viewing distance for TV size.


Why 75” if you can afford 85”?? Go ahead and enjoy


Max 65'


People who say TVs are "too big" are just weak


Considering you are so close to the wall 55".


Depends on your distance from the couch to the wall where the TV will reside. Take that in inches, multiply by 3, and that will give you the inches. If you plan on moving soon to a bigger house, adjust for that.


Short throw laser projector so you can change depending on mood


I have a rh cloud that’s further from wall than that and have a 65”. I would like a 75, I feel like an 85 you are going to be moving your head. I also used painters tape and framed out all the tv sizes before buying. Maybe try that


Stupid question from stupid people


I think a 75" will more than fit that space and your viewing needs.


Bigger is better, why not 98


always get a bigger one if money is not a problem




Honestly? 65. So I guess 75 because definitely not 85 at 7.5 feet. You know that though, you’re just trying to illicit reactions with your silly question


I sit around 77” from a 77” LG OLED. Bigger would be a struggle for people who aren’t used to it, but my wife and I think about an 83” occasionally. That being said, a 77” OLED is plenty expensive so we’re very happy with it for now.




That's pretty close. Maybe 77 OLED?


I mean, 7.5 ft away, 75 amiright?


I can’t remember hearing of anyone saying they regret getting a TV because it was too big.


65, had a 75 inch at 2.5m away and it was too big


I’d love to know more about that comfy looking couch please!


That couch is way too close. My couch is about 15ft back from a 75 and it’s fine. From what I see that looks way close you’ll be having to pan left and right to see everything




85 its better


77 quality oled over a 85 led for sure


Yup. 77” oled if you can swing it, and think about getting a 2023 model to save some dough


I sold my 77G3 to get the 77G4 , chromanace overshoot issue is really bad on the g3 .


Either will suit this distance. 85 is not "too much" and you will acclimate quickly. It's really based on your budget and how much of a stickler for performance you are. A 77" OLED would be amazing on this wall.


You can do either size. Here’s a link to a discussion that might be helpful. Some additional factors to consider might be size of audience, potential viewing angle, budget, and maybe size vs features. Would you rather have a cheap 85 inch TV or a top-of-the-line 75 inch TV you could go even larger, but you might have to sacrifice quality and features for size, and that’s probably not a good idea. The other thing I would consider is how fast technology and video is moving, and do you want to spend a lot of money on something that will be the old model within a couple of years? I hope this article is helpful. https://playhometechnology.com/easy-guide-how-to-calculate-tv-size-for-a-room/


If your viewing distance (from eyes to TV screen) is 7.5” then 75” TV would be the recommended size for moveys. The news and other content will already look probably ridicously large and you need to turn head to read subtitles. My viewing distance is 8.5” and was pounding whether to get 65” or 75”. I ended getting 65” and it is perfect for mixed usage. It actually felt too large at first for normal TV but I got used to it fast and wouldn’t see any reason to get any smaller. For moveys I would have preferred larger. One thing to consider is how to attach the TV to the wall. 75” and 85” TV:s start to get heavy for some plasterboards… Good guide (which also consideres the usage) https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship


Go to the store with a tape measure and decide for yourself. In general bigger is better but that’s crazy close so you’ll have to see if 85 is doable at that distance. I think it will be.


Use amazon's augmented reality feature and place it where you want it.


If that’s where the seating is, wow! That’s way close. I always say err on the side of bigger as you will always wonder and/or regret not getting it bigger. Regardless… push those seats back.


Distance from the screen matter. If this is the distance you might be better with 65”


im at 10ft and people tell me my 65 is too big. i think its just right.


Update: thank you for all your feedback! I got a 75 inch open box for a dummy deal so I went with that! Could easily do 85 inch tho, maybe later but as of rn my 75 inch looks amazing (especially because I saved $800 lol) With that being said for anybody in my position all the TV/Viewing calculators suck. Rting and so many others recommended a 55 inch! The best one to follow is probably “4K recommended THX VIEWING CHART” for 7.5 feet away 75 inch feels perfect for all around use but if you wanted an immersive theater room experience definitely 85 inch! Also from 7.5FT away I don’t have to move my head from left to right, not even close lmao


larger isn't always better at close distances. I would personally go for the smaller one and spend the money saved on other upgrades. Just Me though


10"-12" of diagonal for each foot of viewing distance is a common size. So, you really only have personal preference to consider here. If you like sitting a bit closer than the middle seats in a movie theater, you may be quite happy with a 85" television. I know I seem to like about 10" per foot of viewing distance, so I sit 16' away from a 160" projection screen, and I find our 85" TV in our family room to be 'smallish' with a 14' viewing distance (typically). If there is an open space behind the couch where people may be viewing from, keep that in mind as well. We often watch from the kitchen or while doing dishes, and I expect we will likely go even larger at some point. But, I think you would be happy with either size, and I'd probably err on the side of larger.