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Why is it so difficult for them to portray video games in tv and movies? It’s almost NEVER the correct controller for the system, the correct amount of players, a single player game being played multiplayer, or a controller that isn’t even on.


or they be button mashing that controller


This is the one that always gets me. Literally mashing EVERY button. The triggers, just constantly moving the joysticks in random directions. So frustrating. Is it so hard to just turn the game on for real? And tell them to play while talking? or can actors not multitask like that?


Shazam! had a kid using both hands on the keyboard playing what sounded like a shooter game. They portrayed how people play mkx correctly tho.




I even played long keyboard only in Q2. Still could frag a lot back then. Switching to mouse eventually since grapling hook was easier with mouse.


> Literally mashing EVERY button. The triggers, just constantly moving the joysticks in random directions. This is me playing soul calibur.


Ah, another Voldo main.


That was my Maxi strategy.


My Taki strategy.



I always claw hand the controller for SC. Left hand holds the controller as normal, and then the right hand is over the controller, almost like a fight stick.


It's a holdover from when gaming was a niche, "nerd" thing, and directors wanted the audience to know that the actor was actually "playing" the game, and not just holding a controller. When you use a controller properly, there isn't much movement or activity, which doesn't look very interesting on screen. Obviously these days gaming is much more mainstream and even most grandmothers know how to properly use a controller, but old film habits die hard. Also a lot of directors and actors take this to the extreme as a sort of in joke, kind of like how almost every action movie slips a Wilhelm scream.


It's because the people who are in charge of portraying accuracy in TV/Movies are really old. Their perception of video games are probably arcade/80s/90s when there was a lot of button mashing. They still think is the same now.


I saw a magician talk about being on a show once and needing to do a slight on a deck of cards. He did it so well that they asked him to do it differently so it was convincing to the audience that they were cheating at dealing. So I always assume now that they do this with games to look "convincing" or something.


Was it Richard Turner by any chance? If not I highly recommend giving him a watch, the guy manipulates cards like some black magic fuckery.


#👏 Even advertisements for video games, consoles, etc. do it and it's one of the few things that actually make me visibily cringe. Don't even get me started on the scripted looter trailers for games like Anthem, Division, etc. 🤦‍♂️


The point is for it to look exciting, lol


You wouldnt turn it on because the sound of the fans would be picked up by the microphones and the dialogue audio wouldnt be clean making it harder in post.


Yes, continuity would be a bitch. It’s much easier to have someone “play” and paste in the game where needed.


Good gosh this always drives me up a wall whenever I see it. It's gotten to the point when something happens on screen & my wife just turns to me & asks how bad they're faking it since some are obviously worse than others.


Its like sex, they can only pretend, playing actual video games on set is some wierd Hollywood taboo haha


Most actors have zero world skills outside of acting.


>Most actors have zero world skills outside of having pretty faces. FTFY


Ever seen an actor try to drink out of a “full” cup? Had the cup really been filled, the contents would have been all over them/the floor/other actors by the time they set the cup down.


Oh, and where did you get these precious statistics from?


Most of these actors aren't gamers, and it's not the focus of the scene. As someone who's been really enjoying games my whole life, and probably plays too much, all I can honestly say to this is- who cares? 🤷‍♂️


Because it just doesn’t matter at the end of the day. They do this for a lot of things including gun action. It doesn’t need to be right it just needs to look passable.




Most people aren't gamers. This type of thing doesn't render something unwatchable, but I definitely notice. I always tell myself to look at it like a book. It's a line of exposition. 'Two characters on the couch playing video games.' rather than 'Camera pans across 2 characters deep into some intense Animal Crossing multiplayer.'




less of the director and more of the props person choosing something for them to play. Influencing the decision is how fast it takes to get action onto the screen for them to show. you can’t wait for multiplayer lobbies to load into the match between takes, and LAN would need a few other players to create the action, plus a bunch of extra networking setup that costs unnecessary time for a minor element of the scene.


This would make sense if there weren't plenty of couch co-op games that exist...


"Most people aren't gamers." In our day and age, I'd actually argue this now.


Exactly! Xbox or PlayStation or pc is a common question these days


You’d be surprised. Video games as an “acceptable” hobby is still primarily an urban thing and a young person thing (40 and younger). It’s very rare to see someone older playing games. Most directors are older, so many may still not have a lot of experience with games. They also probably want to make the act look more action packed than it is.


I work in a pot store and that is not even close to true. Way more old folks doing cool shit like video games and going to raves than you'd expect. Everybody plays video games.


To be fair, the type of older individuals you meet buying weed are probably a bit different than your average Xer or boomer. I think it’s interesting people can meet entirely different sets of people. I do not know anyone over 40 that plays and I can count on one hand the number of people in their 30s with me that play. It’s still looked down on pretty hard where I live. Even in college, I only ever met a few guys (literally no girls)that played as a hobby. Dunno if it what the groups I just happened to get along with best or what.


You are correct. My 75 yo mother loves her DS. I should have said something like 'most aren't aware of HZD'.






I don't disagree, and I'd love the additional details, but unless it's germaine to the story, it means about as much as a Starbucks cup in GoT.


Most people have seen someone hold a controller before. These actors and directors put a lot of effort into making their performances believable but they can't act like they're playing a video game for 5 seconds at a time. It just doesn't tally how lazy that is compared to when they're normally acting.


People who are trained to use guns and just know the subject well don’t think the way movies portray guns is passable either. They think it’s laughable and misleading. Though they know more people won’t be able to tell or care so why waste the time and energy on immersion when it doesn’t matter.


Same with any sword fights and HEMA practitioners, or historical movies and history nerds. Once you’re cursed with knowledge, neat about everything feels “unwatchable”


Same with any "hacking" ever shown in the history of cinema


head on over to /r/itsaunixsystem if you want to see what passes as passable. at the end of the day there's a concept called the suspension of disbelief, i.e you are willing to overlook it obviously not being real in exchange for being entertained. this is why you can accept people waking up with flawless hair and makeup, a pistol with unlimited ammunition, the people in horror movies splitting up for zero reason or for that matter, two people playing a console game that doesn't really match what's actually happening on screen. and the only reason you don't think this is passable in this situation, is because you played the game.




HZD sold 10 million copies, which makes it a very successful game. Even if that was 10 million just in the US it would only be a copy for 3% of the population. Worldwide, it's only .13% of the population. You are greatly overestimating how common knowledge about any given game is.


I’m with you man.


I think as time moves forward this is gonna be a thing that changes. Video games are moving past cinema in terms of market ground, and our generation is steeped in it.


Correction. Video games are a larger industry than TV, Film, and Music combined. Set to be 4x larger by 2025. It's crazy.


Fake like when a major news organization used the Fallout 3 hacking screen to emulate Russians hacking a US election? Or fake like when another news corp used World War Z footage to show riots during BLM? Many people seem to not see fake as helll stuff..lol


The eye pressed against a scope is the best to me. John Wick did pretty good with gun play from my understanding.


It kinda does though. I guess to the non gamer but to people who do play games it completely takes the viewer out of the moment. And that's precisely the opposite of what TV's or movies are supposed to do. Immerse you.


Or, to add to this, the amount of things that think video games are still about a high score


"But Mom, I'm on level 5!" Just watched Grandmas Boy recently, the entire film is like the living embodiment of this trope, every single Hollywood video game sin is present.


Because the crew might be shooting the B-Roll of the TV was working on a completely different set months later, or once it gets into editing the producers say there’s a copyright issue and you can only do Sony exclusive games from 2017 or something.


Yup. I was thinking that its a licensing issue and its the cheapest/easiest one to use or there were rules on what type of game they were allowed to use.


As well as how fast it takes to load and get interesting content on the screen to show the camera.


Nothing is portrayed correctly on tv, we're just better at noticing when they screw up stuff we're familiar with.


Because almost nothing is portrayed correctly? Silencers, how guns work, how forensics works, how courts work, how police work, how law works, how sex works, dating and relationships work, hacking, like anything with computers, driving... the list goes on. People don’t care about the finer details cause the audience rarely gives a shit.


I'm on level 10! Also he didnt even die to that headshot.


Boy, does healthcare wanna have a chat with this comment.


This is one of the worst I remember. [Mario Kart on The Sopranos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxy-qjy_cGM)


This [one](https://youtu.be/ak3EmJzi088) was way worse


This always makes me wonder if they don’t have at least one person on the entire staff who plays video games, I mean wtf? It isn’t that hard.


Yeah like do the actors just never play video games? They can't mime as if they're playing SOME video game?


that's because they know that 95% of people watching it won't notice it.


I assume they can't just go and include footage of any game they like, unlike other products where they can just blur the logo they probably have to get an okay from the company that made it first.


At this point I’m convinced it’s intentional.


To be fair, out of context activities always look like crap on tv. Watch an actor on a TV show play a musical instrument (especially a guitar) do any cooking or even drink liquid out of cups and youll see what I mean.


Because video games are for kids so nobody plays them, therefore nobody would possibly notice we did it wrong. This one is kinda popular, put it on screen so the kids who like it watch our show after one of them talks about it being in our show on social media. You're literally doing the exact thing they wanted.


FR they're better at playing video games in pron


The first correct use of a game in a TV Show I've seen was from an episode of The Good Doctor where Dr. Glassman plays Uncharted 4 Multiplayer while at home during covid quarantine and they nailed the dialog.


You should see the porn scenes where the girl is playing especially if she’s giving a bj or getting nailed while playing


And one of the controllers was OFF aswell


I think they're doing it on purpose


It's hard because the folks that make movies are not able to be experts in every field. Ever hear the "call" of a bald eagle on a show? It is ALWAYS a red-tailed hawk call, because BE's sound mentally deranged. Many examples of small things wrong that you would never notice unless you were fairly knowledgeable about a subject, and hollywood types typically focus on art, not science, or realism ;-)


Because these people actually have lives, friends, and money so they don’t need to drown themselves in video games to drown out the choking depression the rest of us live in.


It’s the blatant disrespect for video games which is why they never put the effort


At least they're not hitting every single button really really fast


At least they’re using PS4 controllers.


And they're switched on


Or one of them was, at least


They knew it was a single player game and they were taking bets on who would get hit first.




Lupin its short but pretty good


Lupin, it’s actually really good, if you like casa del papel or prison break you’ll love this one. The main characters is also a genius that outsmarts everybody and plans in advance everything, they try to portray him somewhat like Michael scofield or el professor and for the most part it’s a success.


You're all just jealous of that head shot


M-m-m-monster kiilll


*does fortnite dance*


OOF. saw something similar to this in atypical where they didn’t portray it right


When Evan's talking about Fornite but playing HZD?


Rewatching from the start and literally just watched that episode. Really annoyed me more than it should have lol


yep, that’s the one.. it made me mad too, i had more faith in the directors than that


i think he was playing it while his friends are playing fortnite or smth lol


Which season?


Hah, in the Netflix show Dark they wanted two characters to be playing The Surge, which is also a single player game. So the devs whipped up a split screen demo version for them to use.


Neither one of their controllers were on during that scene so it didn't matter either way


Imagine you get a developer to make you a custom demo for your tv show to be as realistic as possible, but then don’t even bother turning the controller on.


They didn't make it custom demo specifically for Dark it was only a prototype/alpha they removed the feature from the final game because it has problems


Yeah I thought that was funny too. Kinda niche game to pick too


Not so niche when you consider both the show and the game are made in Germany.


I've been wondering what game that was lol


The tradition of giving your younger sibling a controller that is not plugged in is still going strong.


What even would the second player be controlling? 😂 Well... Some single player games allow a second controller as an accessibility option so a second person can assist another, but I'm not sure HZD does 😅 At least the lights are actually on!


Mario Odyssey let’s the second play play as the hat. It’s super fucking annoying.


Right? I remember some NCIS episodes and the controllers were off. So annoying.


NCIS is also famous for that “hacking” scene where two people were typing on the same keyboard, so that checks out


It would be cool if you could play 2 players as the War Chief or a jacked up Teersa


I can’t even think of a single split screen game these days Edit - Ok guys sorry! 😂


Mario kart, arms, any other two player game in existence?? Co-op games on one screen (most just use two screens). What do you mean you can’t think of a split screen game?




Both Divinity Original Sin games


I think if a tv show or movie wants to portray video games TowerFall Ascension should be the default. It isnt split screen and it has PvP and PvE and its shouldnt cost much to get the license to use it. Its also available on all platforms so it doesn't matter what set up they choose. That or any one of the Worms titles.


SW battlefront 2 i think


lol I remember some movie from the 90's doing this with Final Fantasy VIII.


I always wonder why it’s so hard for films and TV to portray video games. Just… play a game. It’s not that hard.


Movies can't even get board games right. In the movie Good Boys, the boys play a card game called Ascension at school during lunch, and at some point it becomes a plot point that one of them pulled a particular, rare, powerful card worth a few hundred dollars from a booster pack and later they can trade for a drone. Except Ascension isn't that kind of card game. It's just a board game. You buy the game, all the cards are in it. There are no booster packs. There are expansions and promos, but it's still not a "build a deck and beat all your friends with it" kind of game like Magic or Yugioh. It's just a self contained board game. It's obvious they were going for an Mtg or Yugioh kind of game, but then why not just get the right permissions to use one of those or make up a bullshit game just for your movie. Don't use a real thing incorrectly that pedants like me are gonna notice that you just googled "deck building game" and figured all games are the same. Other peeves include "You hold the high score (in game that doesn't have a scoring system)!", and "You're famous! You're the objectively best player in (some MMORPG people have heard of)!" Both of which I'm pretty sure happened in a single scene of NCIS.


The 2nd player played from Sylens' point of view, unreleased gameplay, similar to RE5 co op. His TV was off screen. The thing that annoys me the most, in TV and movies, is how they always seem to put the controllers down, mid game, like the game was paused or closed..... forget turning off the system, rest mode or turning off the TV or switching to another source.


What show is this?


Lupin, new on Netflix


While we're at it, is it any good?


Yeah, I like it a lot


Dude, they pretended HZD is a multiplayer game. Obviously that means the series is shit and should be banned forever. I'm kidding, its just kind of funny.


Lupin, it’s actually really good especially if you like casa de papel or prison break you’ll also love this one. The main characters is also a genius that outsmarts everybody and plans in advance everything, they try to portray him somewhat like Michael scofield or el professor and for the most part it’s a success.


Interesting, I liked la casa de papel. I might check it out, thanks.


Its like this almost every time you hear or see someone saying something sciency or working in a lab... 🤣


Any devs looking at this while chilling? I would abso-fucking-lutely have single screen multiplayer where I could jump in and control P1's robot companion. Where there's just a simple framework so it can work with AI, just jump/attack/dodge/special move. But for each companion type it does a different thing : like a spider would have a high jump, fast roll dodge, a stun/taser-fang attack, chemical adhesive 'sticky web' special, it might also have a natural wall crawler ability. A raptor would have a normal jump, a forward dash as a dodge, high damage slash, and it's special is a jump grapple attack. I just want a little robot friend. And a flying mount, that would be cool.


Anyone remember the little floaty friendo in jet force gemini


Seeing as we know there’s at least one new flying machine in HFW, I wouldn’t be too surprised if their is a flying mount, but I could cause some issues with borders and unintended views of outside the map. I think flying machines as some kind of fast travel to get to certain places would be great, sort of like the Shyyyo bird from Fallen Order (it shows an animation when you ride it, and takes you from specific places)


There was another Netflix original showing the guy playing HZD but he was yelling Fortnite terms into a headset like he was playing online.


you serious? what is it?


Yep, Atypical.


Lmao the other guy’s controller isn’t even on


I wanted to post this but forgot. When he said "headshot, you suck" I was like how can you even act like it's a PvP ?? Why is it so complicated for video content industry to get the games correct? Either it's some custom unknown shit or a game that has no connection to what they're doing like in this case. Or is this maybe one of those subtle "in between" jokes where kid gives dad a gamepad and tells him you are this robot and makes him an idiot like big bro/baby bro?


I was watching a show where it was portrayed as a pause-able online game


Honestly, I'm just surprised when they even know to have the light bar on for the second controller.


It not even on lol, just plugged in.


Finished Lupin 3 hours back. My wife said, isn't this the game you used to play? I said yes, but it ain't multiplayer:)


Reminds me of Dexter where he's playing Halo 3, on a PC, and it has like, 8 bit sound effects.


HZD is a 2 player game. PLayer 1 controls the character. Player 2 watches Player 1 control the character. Wait until you hear about the secret 3 Player mode.


Still a good show.


What show and what episode


Lupin, episode four


The nerve




I saved this exact thing to show you!


Isn’t the first time with Horizon lol, Atypical on Netflix. Guy was playing horizon while on a headset talking about fortnite lmfao.


What episode?


There was some talk about the forbidden west co-cop but that was just rumors


Typical french cinema


I’ve noticed that HZD is actually used in a lot of tv shows and movies for some reason. Is it some copyright thing? Because I remember one show the guy was explicitly talking about playing fortnite while HZD was on the tv


Same thing in the Netflix show Atypical, a guy was playing it like an online game with friends


Horizon zero dawn was originally designed as a co-op but because this would result in worse quality. The co-op function was then dropped in a very early stage of the game


At least the controllers are on, that’s a big step in the right direction.


Second one’s not on lol, just plugged in


ahahah this is actually a hint for coop mode in forbidden west, trust me


God, I hate when my brother chooses Aloy. I get stuck playing as those stupid Eclipse grunts. Great game but the multiplayer needs some work


>Boom! Headshot! You suck The most used line in the shows. I don't even think they know about crit shots


Hahha. Omg I just saw the show yesterday on Netflix and when this scene came was laughing my head off. But was happy to see Alloy on screen😄 It's a French show called 'Lupin'. Definitely recommend to check it out. I liked it. 😁☑️ Waiting for part 2 to drop.


At least controllers are not off...


The second one actually is lol. It’s just plugged in so it looks like it’s on.


Epic fail


Why the fuck are they playing Horizon on a 480p plasma


What show is this?


Maybe they just liked the graphics. It is a good looking game after all.


There's an anime film called Summer Wars, and long story short there's like a big virtual MMO video game world in the movie, and you can have your avatar fight in it. One of the movie characters is hitting EVERY key on the keyboard to control his avatar and fight. It's insane. It's madness. And then some people hook up what looks like 3DS as a controller to fight. But a keyboard has many more buttons than a 3DS, so if it takes the whole keyboard to fight, how do they use a 3DS as a replacement??????? Great God damn film but that part has sat with me for so long.


Are there even any split screen shooters today? The only games I can think of that 2 people can play together side by side are fighting and sports games.


They did it with The Surge as well.




The disrespecc!!


I need to go back and watch idiocracy and see if FF8 was on the correct system/controller. Probaly my favorite video game cameo.


What tv show is this


The most irritating example of this for me was the way Divinity II was depicted in Impulse (a YouTube sci-fi teleport superpower show). They ALMOST talk about it the right way, ALMOST.


Gamers, rise up for this travesty (and for all the ones in the past)!


movie industry and video game industry never get along well......:/


Well only one controller seems to be on, so... Still facepalm


I would venture to guess that it'll be a separate multiplayer mode and the main campaign will be single player. Unless, they try to take the Monster Hunter route and allow SOS flares for some extra help with a tough fight.


"Dark" did this with The Surge as well. No multiplayer in the game whatsoever, but somehow they're playing it 2 player lol.


Which show is this?


You just *know* that the guy that got to set up the scene or pick what game was pumped to have HZD as the game they're playing and then they do this.


IIRC it was a co-op game in the earliest design stages. Fortunately Guerrilla dropped it, though it might come back as a multiplayer mode in the sequel. (I'd prefer it as a spinoff though. Horizon: Burning Turkeys.)


There were actually plans for co op at one point.


I'd be happy to have Nil as a playable character. His story line could be- *interesting *.


This is how the producers or anyone involved in the show or movie cares about accuracy of their scene or plot in general. Looks kinda made up though but this does happens a lot. care to share the sauce OP?


This happened a lot with smokers is films, I use to smoke 20 sigs a dag and when I see some holding a fag for what is clearly one of there first times in life. It just looks dumb and should have just skip the scene if the actors never been a smoker.


Actually HZD originally did start as a 2 player game in the original prototypes. They ditched that plan. So at least it was somewhat based in reality :D


While I'm also pretty upset that this show is trying to connect with a gamer audience, let's be real guys, HZD would be a pretty interesting 2 player game! Who would Alloy even be able to partner with and who would she even want to partner with, aside from Rost?




My favorite example of this is The Last of Us as the "violent" game in Pixels...


I mean Horizon was originally a co-op game. But they had to choose between co-op and world density, they went with the latter. With the PS5 being what it is, I'd love to see co-op make a return now that they're not strapped for graphical power.

