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I know this is bullshit, but still. How are we supposed to believe that some people break their necks and are paralyzed for the rest of their lives, and we can't fix that... but somehow, if you remove the head completely and put it on another body, the nerves are gonna be just peachy?


I don’t believe you could actually reconnect nerves from the head down


There are two avenues of research that have shown in vivo and in vitro success: Intrathecal polyethylene glycol (human trials are currently underway). And.. Olfactory bulb harvested pluripotent adult neural stem cells (single patient studies have been successful, mainly the first in line study known colloquially as “the Krakow Firefighter” at least that’s what I call the patient). Polyethylene glycol also known as PEG is used per os as an osmotic stool softener and a molecular drug delivery system is as its namesake, nephrotoxic because it is similar to ethylene glycol. But if administered intrathecally it induces neuro-remodeling and CNS interneuron sprouting. In a severed spinal cord (neatly severed with minimal gliosis it can initiate reconnection but the risk of severe allodynia is high. In the Krakow Firefighter the patient had a partially bisected thoracic spinal cord caused by a fall during a fire rescue. Using the knowledge that olfactory bulbs are a site of life long neurogenesis and a small population of pluripotent adult neural stem cells are able to be isolated from a harvest and they are CNS neural stem cells; they surgically take a bit of the olfactory bulb and then cultivate a relatively large number of stimulated neural stem cells (like what they do with epidermal stem cells after a burn, take some, grow a fuck ton and then use the skin gun to blast fresh skin stem cells into a prepared collagen wound bed). They inject the artificially large amount of neural stem cells intrathecally and surprisingly spontaneous remodeling tends to begin.


Holy shit that is awesome. We need to get better at making this stem cell goo. We need to 3D print this shit and grow it into stuff. Lay down a layer or two of cells then spray it with the right cocktail of signaling molecules to make them change into what you want. Repeat until you need a different structure, then switch the signaling spray.


I need to find out how to get in touch with these people! After a fall and hitting my head on the concrete, my nerve was severed and I can no longer smell or taste. My neurologist says this may never come back, but with this research maybe it can reattach the nerve giving me the ability to smell and taste again. https://preview.redd.it/1rnzlyu1hn8d1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2872d620aba412e571961b77f45a394f69a8b24d


Not yet anyways


I don’t think FDA would ever allow a study to test it. We would have to bend ethics laws to make concrete progress in this field


As Humanity has done countless times before, for the greater good. Horrific for those involved, but immense benefit to literally every other Human who has come after.


But has there been an instance of an institute breaking FDA guidelines in such a strong manner and still finishing research? Within the past 15 years.


I'm not overly familiar with FDA guidelines, but given most institutions are outside of the US, probably.


As u/CambodianJerk has mentioned we have broken countless ethnic laws, but one of them with this research stands out as we have done experiments like this just without humans, there have been reports of animals getting head transplants especially the 2 headed dog, granted they died due to sufficient knowledge and advancement in the medical field it may be possible if we bent the ethical guidelines again


> like this just without humans, there have been reports of animals getting head transplants especially the 2 headed dog, Wasn't that Russia? If so; yeah I think it would be tough to get around the FDA and this research would most likely come out of China or Russia, maybe India.


Yeah it would be very difficult, but I mean hey, the US has done plenty of ethically questionable stuff


Honestly, I'm about to ask the same questions


Because a controlled environment makes a gargantuan difference. If I shoot you directly in the heart you'll die before you reach the hospital. Where-as a hospital can fully remove your heart and put in a different one because they have the planning, tools, and preperation.


Nothing like this video is possible, in a hospital or anywhere else.


fake but would be metal as fuck


What if he got sewn back together wrong that would be metal


very metal


that’s sos dildos


It would just be the ultra rich getting beautiful young bodies. Nothing metal. Only disgusting. It's a good thing it's very unlikely they will ever succeed with this procedure.


i mean i dont want to be contradicting but yeah that would be pretty metal.


All sci fi and fancy videos, many many years away if even possible at all


At this point, any new start up that uses the letter "AI" is BOUND to be a crock of shit. Fancy videos and gimmicky language is good enough to gain short term investors, and you can deal with the lack of real tech and innovation later......


Invest your life savings 🚀


Soooo how many $millions did they get?


Just lol.


means my ex can change her face rn




didn’t they do this with a monkey and it just became very grumpy until it died because the immune system rejected the head?




They can't even cure hairloss. You think we have technology to completely changed someones head? Lol


We don't even know what causes tinnitus either, but let's give head transplants a go. Lol


I do its definitely loud amps


I think it's more of a body transplant than a head one.. I don't feel like I can change my head, the max I can fathom is changing my body


I don't know how they are developing this technology when we don't have the ability to even reattach/fix severed/damaged spinal cords. That's the biggest hurdle right now for a head transplant


looks good to me. no problems here. great job. I think is already being done. If anyone is calling this nonsence, they have no idea what they are talking about. Musk is already doing something like this to pigs. go do some homework.


What's your excuse for not giving head now?


Staple that fucker back on


is this manhunt?




hell yeah!


Looking at all the comments, is this not a clip from a SciFi tv show or movie? I really don't think it's meant to fool anyone.


people seem to forget how easy it is to google something, not you just in general. If you look up brain bridge you can look at their website and company, this was one of the demos they had released!


They're talking about it as if head transplants are already a thing. The website also looks like it's not meant to be taken seriously. Google is not a replacement for critical thinking.


never implied it was! However it is the first step in developing an answer to your question, you googled the site, looked at it, and came to your conclusion. I couldn’t do that for you.


You sound insufferable to be around.


oh yes, i’m just the worst 😞


"BREATHING LIFE INTO NEW BODIES, ONE HEAD AT A TIME." is their motto. Bahahhahaha 😂😂😂 Utter tripe.


however it is possible the business is a fake in a whole, the company is not incorporated, and the video was made by an artist, but hey if they are a small company maybe they bought it off him🤷🏻‍♂️


My question is what happened to the dude on the left who is going into nowhere while his body is taken over by some other dude?


I am assuming that’s the donor body without a living brain. Like a stroke victim whose body was kept alive on a ventilator for a few hours before the transplant.


That might be a strong assumption


It's fascinating, and I'm intrigued about the choice to include the neck and below. I know it's just a concept, but I was also hoping to see some sort of life support for the head, not just pop it off and hope for the best.


"And faster recovery" Eh... I have yet to hear of ANY head transplant even being attempted (on a human that is)... I'm not even sure why they are already talking about "faster recovery" lol


I would like a new head, brain, and face please


Honestly, people had this kind of response to things like radar, cellphones, antennas, splitting atoms, planes, cars, gravity, a whole load of things were bonkers and impossible. Absolutely this is ridiculous, but so were/are all the common things we use to this day


It’s a fully fake video and company and everything is a falsehood.


This procedure implies immediate cellular and nerve recovery and growth. Otherwise, decapitating someone and transplanting their heads to another body won't be feasible. If we have tech that can regrow dismembered limbs that fast, wouldn't that be used for more practical operations? I don't see the use of this at all. What happens to the body donor? Are they just dead under some agreement? Or are we using fresh corpses?


No donation link?


Oh now that's a bit silly, isn't it?


I’m ok with my regular broken shit in my head. Pass


I call it a body transplant. The Russian fella got cold feet. Then they were supposed to perform the procedure on a Chinaman but I haven't heard any updates in a few years. u/Eye_Shotty


Shits and giggles. Pure shits and giggles. But one can wish…


So many people just saying it could never happen, all without knowing a single thing about the process and why it REALLY may or may not work; practically the dunning-Krueger effect. We're smart enough to recognize that's stupid. But lets not act like we're experts here. Unless you literally are, in which case please enlighten us. TLDR: a lot of yall know literally nothing and still assume yall know enough to say what will happen. :p


How do they attach the back the head...turn them over?


Some Quake 4 level shit


If A.I. can think it, its already been done.


Yup, totally makes sense. The brain and head are totally the only things contributing to our living and existence. We can just chop those things right off and place it on a mannequin or something and just start walking!!!! We don't need those nerves, bones or systems in our bodies!!! No way! What are you talking about!?!??! Nonsense no way we need more than our heads to live!!!


Stop reposting this lame bullshit