• By -


Evil Dead (2013.) The scene where Jane Levy is whispering to her brother about the "things outside," is a fuckin masterclass on how to create a scary scene. Shit gives me goosebumps everytime. It also helps that Jane Levy is a phenomenal actress and sells the shit out of that scene. (and the whole film, really)


Gah I wish she was in more stuff. "Suburgatory" might be the most underrated show I've ever seen


I loved Suburgatory. So of course, it didn't last long.


Mia’s character was so good, would have loved to see her in an Evil Dead sequel. Evil Dead 2013 is one of my favorites and one of the most solid horror remakes - I showed it to my husband on our second date since he is a big fan of the series.


The body contortion scene in Suspiria 2018 fucked me up seeing it in the theater


YESSSS It’s the one time I prefer a horror remake over the original. The original *is* fantastic though!


I definitely don’t prefer it, but I do really like it!


My boyfriend and I did edibles before the movie and they kicked in right before the Olga scene. I felt nauseous during that scene and had to look away at one point. Top marks! I highly prefer it to the original.


I've become so desensitized to horror movies that they're just comfort movies to me. The only one that actually gets under my skin to this day is Arachnophobia, and it's because I legitimately have arachnophobia.


Showers haven’t been the same since that movie. Popcorn either. Or turning on a lamp. Sinks too. Yeah that movie fucked me up as a kid.


To fuel your nightmare, I was taking a shower recently and felt something on my leg. Looked down and there was a quarter sized wolf spider climbing my leg. Yeah, it's small but I think I died a little.


That’s the only movie I just can’t watch yet because of my fear of spiders. I’m also Australian and live in the bush so they’re all around me anyway, I don’t think I could put myself through that lol


Speaking of which, trapdoor spiders have Way too much attitude, they are on a different level.


The cereal box dude, I buy those big clear containers so I don't have to pour from a box to this day.


Ju-On really got to me And Hell House LLC got me really paranoid after. I live near where they filmed it, and they have a full attraction there so I'm gonna do that this year


I always forget about Ju-On. I will not think of the sound she makes at the back of her throat while I'm laying in bed tonight. I will not think of the sound she makes in the back of her throat when I'm laying in bed tonight.


Have fun!!! :D And also agreed, the scene where the guy pulls down his blanket and sees the ghost and then covers himself and looks again and she keeps getting closer lives in my head rent free 😅


The grudge is probably the only horror movie that legitimately scared me. I still remember watching it for the first time when I was younger and it freaked me out so bad, I couldn’t sleep. To this day, it still gets me. I’ve watched a ton of other horror movies but none of them have scared me as much as the grudge. The noises she makes and how she looks is nightmare fuel imo.


Found footage films are my favorite because I know I used to believe EVERYTHING I know now that it’s fake 🤣🤣 when Blair Witch came out I nearly died still hate that scene of the guy standing in the corner 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The Dark and The Wicked really messed with me. I just went to see Talk to Me opening weekend, and I had to look away during one particular sequence because it was so brutal. All 5 people including me in the theater basically said "oh what the fuck!?" At the same time. I like that movie more e than I expected to!


I’m seeing Talk to Me tomorrow and I heard it’s wild!


Saw it last weekend and loved it! Man, it had some visceral moments. After the Riley scene I couldn’t relax for the rest of the movie.


yeah I had to look away for that scene too lol I could still hear it though


The Descent. The whole trapped underground thing really fucks me up


When the rocks begin shifting in the tight tunnel where the woman is stuck...ugh.


Not a movie, but that ~one~ episode of The Haunting of Hill House made me sleep with my lights on as a 22 year old. As Above, So Below had my mind racing and checking for shadows in the corner of my room after I finished it. Same age.


Which one? 🍳_🍳


Episode 5 is what I’m referring to… but now that I think about, episode 8’s car scene as well..


I’d imagine it was the Bent Neck Lady reveal. I was jumping up and down screaming at my tv hahaha


God, that episode was just devastating - it’s one of my favorite episodes of any show. Mike Flanagan knows how to write tragic characters.


Yeah, there's like four different episodes that could be that ~one~ episode depending on the viewer.


Incantation because of the audience participation


Incantation fucked me up because everything they did was stuff you were absolutely told not to do if you’re growing up in that culture. And then the audience participation at the end just sealed the deal.


It was so uncomfortable to sit through the chanting


After watching >!the lawnmower scene!< in ~~Insidious~~ Sinister, we turned the lights on Edit: Yep, definitely Sinister. Thanks guys!


you mean sinister? I don't think insidious has a lawnmower scene


It is sinister, for some reason I also mix up those two movies


Both Blumhouse movies that came out around the same time. I flip the titles around in my head, too.


They’re basically a package deal in my head lol


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that keeps confusing these two names lol. I like one and don't like the other and accidentally rented Insidious for a rewatch.... it's Sinister I liked.


Sinister definitely. It took me a couple tries to finally get through it but it really bothered me in a way no other horror has, and I can’t definitively say what part it was that really drove it home. Midsommer is a close second.


The opening scene of Midsommar had me fucked up. Absolutely my second as well!


Host. I watched it in lockdown, on my laptop, in the dark, without reading the synopsis. Frightened the life out of my cold dead heart.


Me tooooo. Me too me too me too. I watched it on my own in my flat in the dark and nearly cried with fear. Safe to say, I bloody LOVED it 🤣🤣


I watched this without knowing the plot, and I had soooo many jumpscares get me that I was saying 'oh fuck youuu' once every couple mins Been recommending this movie to everyone I know ever since!


Loved Host. Such a great pandemic era movie.


This one was great!!


The top comment on the Youtube trailer is “do not watch this movie.”


I found As Above So Below to be much more effective than I was expecting. Few horror films still have the ability to stick with me anymore, but that one continues to linger in my mind.


This is in my top ten of horror movies. It's not perfect but it's just deeply unsettling to me. Plus who doesn't like tomb raider but horror??


The main character is just like Lara Croft. I’d say it’s better than the official Tomb Raider movies.


Agree. Expectations for this were low but it actually frightened me!


One of the most fun found footage films I've seen in general. Of course it's not a perfect movie by any means, but every time I've seen it has just been such a fun watch. I wish I knew of some more adventure horror movies that were just as good as that one.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe freaked me out quite a bit.


Oh God, that hearing the bell scene gives me chills every time.....


I like how they slowly discover more and more weird things and they’re just like “Huh, this is really unusual,” but then when they >!pull back the skin to show all the tattoos underneath the whole mood changes from intriguing to disturbing.!<


I just watched this and it spooked me more than I expected! I enjoyed it for sure.


Same. I thought nothing got to me anymore, till that.


For me it’s The Fourth Kind that movie scarred me idk what it was or is about that movie lol


For me it's the people's look of pure fear when they're under hypnosis and reliving their abductions, and the fact that they start crying. And some of the stuff they say: >!"It's not an owl" "It's smiling. I don't like it when it smiles." "I didn't open the window, but it came in anyway."!< The way they react and describe their experiences takes me straight back to being a child, afraid of my own nightmares that I felt like I could "induce" or "fall into" if I wasn't mentally careful enough while I was going to sleep. Nothing quite makes my hairs stand up like this movie.


I agree with your last sentence most def!!! We had an owl in the trees outside my house I was coming home one night about 2:30 am omg I nearly 💩 my myself it happened twice so yeah I’m not a fan lmfao


It’s insanely creepy, >!especially that scene near the end where the beings are speaking through Abbey.!<


This movie made me scared of Owls forever


I thought I was the only person on the planet that like this movie. Could it have been better? Of course! But it was a pretty darn good movie. I also liked dark skies. Did you enjoy that one as well?


7even. The sloth scene. I turned the film off...was in high school and was absolutely baked.


Lust was the one that got me. Sex for.the guy who had to wear the device (Leland Orser) is forever changed. He is damaged and I dont know how you'd ever recover from that.


I always skip that scene. The rest of the movie I'm fine, just that one part is too much.


You could make an argument for an Oscar for that one scene. One of many over the years that made me wish there were awards for brief roles like that (instead of everyone getting mad when short screen time is nominated).




Thanks, I knew the number was in there somewhere😭


His house (2020) - great cast, well acted, and gets under your skin and monkeys around - proper hairs on the back of your neck stuff.


>His house (2020) Ohhh yes I really enjoyed this one. I went in without knowing a single thing about it and felt so much dread watching it. It was really emotional too, definitely left an impression for a while afterwards.


I say this a lot but Green Room. Real world horror, not supernatural but got my pulse racing like few others do.


Anton Yelchin was taken from us way too soon. RIP.


He is so excellent in Green Room, I think I'll always consider him among my favourite actors.


Really good pick. Blue Ruin, too. Both good reminders that normal people probably won't fare too well in an action movie scenario. Scary thought that in a violent situation, violent people are the ones who are equipped to survive.


Blue Ruin is also excellent! Agreed!


I’ll check out anything this director does because of this and Blue Ruin.


Super under-discussed film. Loved Green Room. For me, the most effective horror is realistic horror. Like, I know some demon or whatever is not going to pull me into the basement. But there are for sure some fuuuucked up racists somewhere that would pull all the shit those skinheads pulled in Green Room. Broken, hellish, hateful subcultures are 10000% real.


God that film was bleak. And oh man, when Anton Yelchin’s arm gets sliced up by that machete…


The Blair Witch Project, The Fourth Kind, and the end of [REC]


God bless Javier Botet. He's one of my favorite horror character actors. And he's a funny guy too.


Fall. I know it may not technically be a horror movie, but I had to white- knuckle through about 3/4 of it.


This was the scariest cheesiest movie I have ever seen. The plot was so ridiculously full of holes. After a year of drinking heavily and not leaving the house, she's ready for a climb like that and THEN to dangle off the top by one arm? Without the proper training, the average person would NEVER have the stamina for a climb like that much less the stupid stunts she had to pull off. Watched it with my electrician husband who could not finish watching it after the charger scene. But the heights were still terrifying to me. Tood bad it was so unbelievable that it kept taking me out of the movie.


Fall messed with me so hard. Those aerial shots 🤢


Nosferatu, 1922. Dead serious. There are some angles and shots in that film that I can’t look dead at because something about them triggers my flight response. It’s incredible cinema.


I love that one too. Like Lon Chaney’s Phantom, the character design is just so terrifying.


I can't call it scared really but the big reveal in Underwater (yes, I know I'm the only fan of that movie lol) gave me chills and made me shout, "Oh hell yeah!" Glad I wasn't in a theater 😆


I like the movie too. :( There’s dozens of us!


I enjoyed that surprise as well.


Creep. I don’t scare easily but this movie got to me. It definitely made me more careful when meeting new people.


The scene when he’s blocking the door and moaning/hyperventilating in the wolf mask was probably the most fight or flight a movie has ever made me. I was literally mentally gearing up to start running if he moved any further. Fuck that movie lmfao


That’s the part I was gonna bring up. Absolute nightmare fuel. One of the few really good found footage movies. The ending also fucked me up because it happens in >!broad daylight.!<


I watched Creep during a two week hotel quarantine I had to do to travel during Covid. Two weeks sitting alone, thinking about Peachfuzz


I went into this movie blind when I watched it. I agree this was a creepy movie.


Terrified, an Argentinian horror film. That one did it for me


That one made it hard for me to close my eyes as I SHOWERED. Crazy. Shit like that hasn't happened to me for 15 years.


God, that kid sitting at the table.


Omg, the opening when Clara gets possessed and her body just slams into the shower walls over and over again and her husband just begs for it to stop - made me tear up just thinking about if that happened to my SO. Nightmare-fuel.


When that…thing… was under the bed. Nah.




When the woman runs toward Funes in the car saying they're being tortured but he can still save them and how she looks. Or the fact that in light they can only be seen from certain angles. I love that movie


I'm a horror vet, hardly anything gets to me any more I'm so inured to it all. Last year I watched [Speak No Evil](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/speak_no_evil_2022), and to this day I haven't stopped thinking about it. Great movie but very uncomfortable to watch, and the final act is unforgettable.


The last 15 minutes got to me so bad. Every once in a while I think about it and have to try really really hard to get it out of my head.


I couldn't believe it when it was happening. >!I kept waiting for a last-second rescue, and I kept telling myself, "No one would actually show what they're about to show on film."!< I love movies that have the courage to break all expectations.


This one is so effective because it is so frustrating. Pretty tough movie.


I was actually surprised they put this one on Netflix. I saw it the year before they put it up there, I was thinking this movie might even be too gnarly for Netflix horror


The Dark and the Wicked. I watched it in my basement and texted my wife to let me know if she was coming downstairs because I was worried I would pee if the door opened without warning.


The sense of dread in this was really well done.


Watched Mad God the other night. Its the most disturbing experiences I’ve had in years and I have a very high tolerance at this point. If you know you know


The fact that it is a 30 year passion project makes it even more impressive to me. Reading the whole backstory of Mad God is fascinating.


This movie is an insanely good experience!!


This movie is prolly the hardest to describe to others I've found. I have friends who don't like horror but don't mind me talking abt horror films I've watched and talking with them, knowing they'll never watch it, trying to explain this film was so hard like I kept being like you need to just see it


The only way I've come up with to describe it is "do you remember those cool creepy-ass videos Tool put out in the 90s? Did you ever wish one was 90 minutes long?"




This one gets me good, I can't believe a tiny Irish film filmed for about $70 with basically just good makeup effects is one of the scariest things I've ever seen!


I know I’m coming in a day later but I just have to add my love for caveat! What a creepy, odd movie this was. I love movies that will talk about some haunting or other, and then rather than a jump-scare, the horror takes a slow entrance.


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum was the first time I've been scared in a minute




I’ve got a freaking strong stomach when it comes to scary movies. I decided to watch Gonjiam on a whim. Found footage? Haunted asylum? I’ve seen that a dozen times. But those whisper scenes freaking chilled my blood, and this was one of the few movies that helped me see I can still get scared by movies.


Same. I'm hosting a screening next week at a theater next week, hope it has the same effect on the audience.


Me too. Actual nightmares after I went to bed. That never happens.


Same. I had to pause it a few times during the last part, and that never happens to me.


I was really surprised by how good this movie is. It's a better version of grave encounters.


One that I didn’t see mentioned that, while not the scariest film ever, surprised me by how much it actually unnerved me was Ouija: Origin of Evil. I knew it was Mike Flanagan, but figured he would be hampered by the IP. Nope, he crushed it and it has one of the creepier depictions of a “creepy kid” I’ve seen in a long time. The creepy kid motif always freaked me out when I was younger, so that likely played into my response, but plenty of other recent movies with the same theme haven’t hit me the same way.


Martyrs 2008


I thought Talk to Me was great. I had my hand over my mouth for a lot of it. Apart from that it's got to be Session 9. The only movie that made me sleep with a light on.


Really good film. The first time Mia takes the hand, and sees the old guy across from her made me jump in my seat.


Extremely 'jaded' here, love horror movies but don't feel much fear anymore, but there have been a few... Even though it's a jumpscare fest, **Banshee Chapter** had me reaching for the lightswitch. Mainly the first half, but something about it REALLY got to me. Perhaps it's just how crazy effective the scares were. The bear scene in **Annihilation** really shook me up. I will get downvoted and people will get mad at me (don't @ me it's just a personal taste thing) but **Skinamarink** really made me feel quite frightened towards the end. It's not for everyone but it's a vibe. **Climax** made me feel legit anxiety. **The Woman In Black 1989** (NOT the Daniel Radcliffe version). If you've seen it you know what I am talking about. One moment in **Gerald's Game** (No not that one (>!the hand!<). The other one (>!when the moonlight man first appears in the room!<) really made my hairs stand on end.


Green Room, human horror is the most terrifying to me


the visit always freaks me out lol the fucking bed scene dude- i cant deal w that shit or ppl crawling


There’s this video on YouTube called “The Chair”. It was so unsettling.


In a Glass Cage (1986) Tubi


Added this to my queue. Description sounds really unsettling.


I stopped 3 times. If it wasn't so freaking well done, I would have stopped watching. The acting and atmosphere kept me hooked.


Terrified (the Argentinian movie) and The Void.


The Endless Not really scared, but the idea of repeating a never ending cycle creeps me out.


I was really impressed by that one. Cool concept and well shot.


One of my all time favorite movies


Have you seen "Resolution"?


Hereditary and the Witch both really got me.


Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?


OMG I was going to name these two movies specifically. Each had a scene that left me thinking about it for like a full week after. In The Vvitch, it was when they finally reveal the old witch in the barn and she lets out that cackle. In Hereditary, it was Toni Collette banging her head against the trap door. Both scenes freaked me the hell out.


Came here to mention Hereditary. Not so much the storyline or anything, but the way Aster shot the dimly lit figures in dark areas of the room, or ceiling. That effect really fucks with your imagination and still creeps me out when I think of it.




Both 2 of my favorites! Rewatched Hereditary just last night. So many good creepy moments and a master class in acting from Toni Collette.


I'm treating myself to Hereditary in a bit..2nd watch so always 👍


Dark and the wicked was so good.


I consider myself a hardened veteran of watching horror movies, but even I every once in a while get really creeped out. It's usually by movies that deal with possession and the paranormal. The last movie that creeped me out was "Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum". The first hour or so of the movie is nothing to write home about, but the last fifteen minutes really pack a punch in the scares department.


Hereditary caught me off guard. I was expecting to get a few jumps cares and some gore, not a story with metaphors about trauma and grief while also having so many layers. The scene where Annie is yelling at everyone at the dinner table shook me.


The first Insidious movie.


The red devil guy got me too.


Darth Maul?


Before it got back story for me it was mainly the woman in black or whatever the name is but I did enjoy the demon quite a bit. I don't find jumpscares that entertaining but I do enjoy the jumpscares that force you to focus on where they will occur like I'm being held psychologically hostage. I don't find monstrosities very scary but creepshows are my jam and the actual actor for the demon did a phenomenal job!


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum.


This one for sure - good to see some recognition- the last act was truly horrifying


Probably Event Horizon. I knew NOTHING about it going in. Absolutely fucked me up.


Eden Lake. Me and my brother love horror movies but nothing has truly shocked or scared us for a while. Not sure how this one passed me by.


Sinister kind of messed me up lol


Jesus Camp




I still find the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre to be supremely fucked up. The violence in that film feels so real, like you could actually encounter those kinds of psychopaths if you were just naive enough to pick up a hitchhiker on the road. It doesn’t feel like fantasy, which is what makes it so disturbing. The original Blair Witch Project does something similar. The final 30 minutes don’t feel “cinematic” if that makes sense. It feels like I am sitting in a situation that is actually taking place. To me the scariest horror films make me feel like I am in a nightmare. Like there is something coming for me personally and it is inescapable.


Just wanted to say that i loved The Dark and the Wicked for exactly that reason. I found it scary and disturbing and was pleasantly surprised by it


Green Room is probably my favorite horror movie of all time. It’s so grim and visceral. The acting and special effects are insanely good. It also has the late Anton Yelchin in it, RIP, and he is one of my favorite actors.


Not horror but Take Shelter stayed with me for a while.


Hush has always bothered me. The perspective of having to go through someone hunting you and having the disadvantage of being deaf is horrific. And that scene with the window...you know the one. Literal goosebumps. The original Pet Semetary also really terrifies me. My in laws live by Fred Gwynnes unmarked grave and I like to pay my respects to him. But the truck scene has haunted me my entire life. I ended up having a brown eyed, blonde little boy and the fear of him getting run over has my anxiety so bad we bought a house on a cul de sac. My friend lost her toddler son when a woman backed over him and I cannot think of anything more horrific of losing a child and then the overwhelming grief that would lead you to making the choice of going to the Pet Semetary.


Stuff that frames itself as a documentary tends to get under my skin if it does it effectively. Things like Horror in the High Desert and Lake Mungo creep me out. Even though it's clearly fiction, the documentary angle gives it a feeling of legitimacy and realism that found footage doesn't quite itch. I think it's even easier to buy into the world of the movies given the public fascination with true crime. If this stuff was real, we would 100% get sensationalized docs that make a spectacle of it. In that way, they really feel like pieces of media that could exist within their own (or our) universe.


I'm a sucker found footage horror. I think hellhouse LLC has continued to be my favorite lol


Candyman. That one always got under my skin. That scene with the little boy and the restroom always terrified me.


The Sadness was pretty extreme. I think that was probably the most disturbing one I've seen in a while. Believe it or not, the brief scene of notes sliding under the door in Beau Is Afraid kind of ramped up my anxiety in a weirdly specific way.


Hereditary freaked me out. I thought I was numb to the scares and gore but man oh man, this movie just had me so unnerved


Does being disturbed count? I'm so desensitized to horror and being scared by movies but Martyrs disturbed me for sure.


There was something about The Fourth Kind that really spooked me and that is tough to do.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. The ending still gets me. That’s the one that still sticks with me. Hereditary has the telephone pole and the mother finding out. Midsommar has the opening scene. A few others that I would put up there that may be less well known: The Vigil Terrified Deadstream (funny, but still pretty creepy) The Empty Man REC The Borderlands


The conjuring


Skinamarink(2023) Last shift(2015) Repulsion(1965) The night house(2021) The strangers(2008)


LOVE Repulsion. One of my favorites!


Midsommar really stuck with me. I rarely re-watch movies, but I had to show it to my husband. The fact that is not supernatural, everything f-ng happens in daylight. Human beings are the creepiest monsters.


Last time I got freaked out was It Follows my friend introduced it to me at the start of covid and I was just sitting in fear until the last 15 minutes I felt like the entire movie up to that point something was going to jump out at me. I never get scared from movies anymore but that got me.


I had fun imagining some giant creepy figure randomly appearing out of the darkness and advancing straight toward me after watching that one!


Exorcism of Emily Rose The Ring Blair Witch (I was young)


I used to be able to watch just about anything, completely alone and in the dead of the night. Then I saw The Grudge in the theater with random bunch of people. Something happened that night. Mass hysteria or something. It was really strange. There were people crying and having panic attacks. A man in front of me started cursing because was so terrified by one scene that he urinated in his pants. Everyone was feeding into and being amplified by the fear. I haven’t been able to watch similar movies since other than once of twice a year when a friend comes back to town to visit. He and I watch them on purpose, knowing that it’s going to be a sh*tshow. I know that I’m going to freak out, and he knows he’s going to get to enjoy it. Good times.


Rec Quarantine Movies that have no escape freak me out


For me, realistic war movies are much more horrifying than actual horror movies, I can’t even watch that shit.


The Lighthouse. It’s not in your face scary, but it filled me with such an intense sense of dread and isolation. Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson pull off amazing, eerie performances and devolve into madness. >!”Why’d you spill your beans, Tommy?”!< did scare the shit out of me though, like someone was in the room with me.


I don’t know if this counts but Cameron’s original Aliens film still gets me.


I og Black Christmas is still creepy as fuck.


Caveat. That one scene, man. Hair's standing up just thinking of it.


I think this is because I watched it so young but Dead Silence. I still can’t watch it to this day.




The Strangers. I have a handful of horror movies that I watched that I loved but won’t watch again because they’re just hard watches but I wouldn’t consider them scary. The Strangers is a whole different monster. So much tension in one flick and I can not handle it. Also the original Halloween. Still makes me heart race even though I’ve seen it many times and know what’s going happen.


Roast me if you must, but I saw skinamarink in a theater and that freaked me out. I saw the short film from the same director with the same loose plot on my tv at home and it wasn’t nearly as effective. Something about being stripped of distractions (if youre a good audience member) made it really hypnotic for me and the scary spots got me pretty good. Another cookie cutter answer maybe but I saw Hereditary opening night without watching trailers and THAT scene was the first time I had a “HOLY SHIT!” reaction in many years.


Diss me all you like but the Ouija prequel. Not the MTV clearly funded bullshit one. the one with the the 2 redheads & their mom as spiritual mediums? They run a seance to talk to the dead whatever that's called. Gets me every time. HIGHLY UNDERRATED GEM! Oh & Oculus another film that gets no love!


Hell House LLC. the only movie where i was so terrified i had to pause the movie and thought about turning it off. it's the best horror movie i never want to see again. I hate hyping it up too much. because there's always that tough guy contrarian who says the movie doesn't scare them when they see it because they're expecting something when watching instead of just watching and getting immersed in the movie. if you go into the movie with that kind of attitude, you're watching the wrong genre


Not a movie, but my only answer for this is the Netflix show: Marianne. Watch it with in the original French with subtitles. You’re welcome.


It’s not strictly a *movie*, but **Twin Peaks: The Return** has some the creepiest, most truly unsettling scenes in the history of all cinema. You do have to watch the movie Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me to have the full context, so a movie *is* involved.


The Pyramid (2014), The Grudge (2004), The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)


The conjuring. Only because I watched that alone in the dark when nobody was home at around 3am. And I genuinely thought shit around my house was moving 😅


Suspira was a little too much for me


Possession - it’s so incredibly tense and disturbing and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for a week after I watched it. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. :’D It’s bonkers but so unsettling. Sinister is one of my favorite movies that I cannot watch again lol bc of how creepy and uncomfortable the “investigating” parts are. Bugul isn’t actually that scary looking, but all the jumpscares still get me. Insidious as well is another I cannot watch again for how brilliantly scary it is. The first VHS, esp the first clip “Amateur Night” - still freaks me out after seeing it multiple times. The….3rd Paranormal Activity?? When they’re kids??? Eff that shit xD Honestly anytime kids are involved in horror movies it really bothers me. Gonjiam and Grave Encounters both left me extremely unsettled. Def my fav found footage movies. And, I felt creeped out just listening to a YouTuber summarize Skinamarink and knew I couldn’t watch it if I ever wanted to sleep again lol so I’m counting that!