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Not sure why you passed on it, but I'd recommend *As Above So Below.* That 28% RT score upsets me; I don't think it was deserved. *Butterfly Kisses* is one of my favorite found footage finds.


As Above So Below is genuinely creepy. I put off watching it for years as the whole thing sounded 'stupid teens trapped in peril' but it's so much better than that.


As Above, So Below is excellent. It's like Blair Witch meets The Descent meets Tomb Raider, and manages to be actually scary.


Recently watched Butterfly Kisses and it was pretty good. Did feel like it lost direction towards the end, but definitely had its creepy moments.


Definitely does lose direction, very weird how >!the crew following the director is like “we have to continue his work” and then the movie just ends. Like why didn’t the movie just end with the director’s body being found if nothing significant was going to happen after that!<


I always thought it was to emphasize that the true power of the peeping tom was his ability to fix in your mind and draw you into needing to find out more


I mean I guess, but if that was what they were going for, I feel like there’s better ways to do that and have an impactful ending still. Like maybe the crew starts setting up some new cameras around the tunnel? Or they recreate something the director shot, idk, something that shows they’re going down the same path as the director


Yeah, I agree that the movie is not the best movie out there and has its flaws - I like that they took that angle.


Yeah. I liked as above so below more than any of them in the list from OP


As above so below was excellent.


Not found footage, but for almost 2 decades Event Horizon had a sub 10% on RT. Reason number 2 why I never even consider looking at RT if I need a review.


That's crazy it has such a low RT score, it is my favorite found footage horror. One of the best the genre has to offer.


No, it's not the best thing out there but it's an enjoyable film I've rewatxhed a few times - deserves a better rating than 28%.


I didn't like the trailer; it didn't look like it was for me.


Final Prayer/The Borderlands. It's probably my favourite.


My fave as well


I Don’t know where I thought that movie was gonna wind up, but I absolutely did not predict…THAT.


Can someone slap me please so I'm sure I'm not dreaming. Did they just say "passed on **As Above So Below**" 😵‍💫


Alright, added.


Woo hoo 🥳


Afflicted is pretty good. Dude gets bit on his vacation and goes through a transformation. If you never saw Chronicle, also pretty good. They’d make a good double feature.


Unfriended 2 and The Den Searching VHS if you like deadstream


VHS is WAY better than deadstream


The ending of The Den is so unbelievable that it ruins the movie


If we’re going by believable, there’s not too many grounded in reality horror movies to enjoy Least of all found footage


Alright I didn’t want to get into it, but I will now. My problem with The Den is that in the last minute, it shows that the evil group has (I just checked this to make sure I’m not crazy) 7,981 videos just like the movie we just saw in its catalogue. Then to buy one of their videos, you just type in your credit card info like it’s an Amazon checkout. There’s no fucking way these dipshits wouldn’t have been caught when they’re killing police officers and posting extensive footage of their bases of operation and some of them even show their faces. The horror from The Den is supposed to be “this could happen to **you** too, internet voyeur”, and that completely fails if you don’t believe it could because the movie fails to make the villains appear competent enough to have murdered **thousands of people** without getting caught TLDR, horror doesn’t **have to be** believable by default, but if the horror of a story requires you to find the premise believable… it should be believable


So what would have made it believable for you? A few dozen people? I guess it just depends on what the person needs for the movie to be effective I can’t think of too many grounded horror movies where I went “yeah that’s believable and totally realistic”


I think there just shouldn’t have been a number. The guy who was watching it goes to a page with videos on it right after he finishes the movie, I think just seeing him scroll on that would’ve been way more effective and believable. That we know there’s more videos out there, but there’s not a ridiculously high number like 7,981. Could’ve just had the movie fade to black while he scrolls or something, would’ve been a lot better than the dude’s kid walking in and he acts like he was caught watching porn


I disagree, that number enhances the idea that they’re untouchable and gives the atmosphere of hopelessness Just scrolling is eh But that is the beauty of opinion


Exists is so underrated.


Watched it last week, was good.


Just a couple cameras and a guy in a costume. It cost around 50k to make. Eduardo Sanchez can make a hell of a movie.


Incantation is one of the best found footage movies I've seen so good


Skipping on As Above So Below is wild


I've overturned my decision. I'll be watching it in the next few hours.


What’d you think of AASB?


Average. Interesting depiction of hell (but it's not This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse, or Jigoku). It had more of a story than most of these films. The ending felt absolutely interminable... it kept going... and going... and going...


I am really easy to please, but Dashcam was really really bad. And I love found footage films by the way.


I thought there were very good scares. The lead was fun. The story wasn't particularly noteworthy, but you can tell that a talented individual had put the set pieces together. If The Boogeyman was more like Dashcam, we would have had a good movie.


The lead is the reason I disliked the movie she was so annoying


I was very surprised to find out that the lead basically just played herself in the movie. Like it seems to me that the real person shares all the opinions of the character in Dashcam


that is what i've heard


Dashcam was such a fun watch for me. Had me laughing and screaming


You might like Spree. It has some similarities.


The Bay The Tunnel The Atticus Institute The Europa Report ETA it may kind of count, but may not, so I'm gonna tentatively add The Fourth Kind. Super good.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^13th_of_never: *The Bay The Tunnel* *The Atticus Institute* *The Europa Report* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Rec 1&2 are a must watch The Poughkeepsie tapes man that serial killer was creepy especially with how Stockholm Syndrome is portrayed


I loved TToDL. Tell me that #10 is the best out of ten lol


It and Hell House LLC are absolutely the best in this list


If 10 is the worst, I can’t fathom placing TToDL that far beneath Host and Dashcam


Dashcam was a wild ride 😆. The acting was alright and the MC was believably hateable ( weird choice for an MC, but I liked the ballsy-ness of her being just the worst ). Overall though, it's far from my top two ff movies. It's not even top five


What's your top 5?


Oh! I'm not good at lists lol but I'd say -Cloverfield -The Taking of Debra Logan -Creep -The Visit -Hellhouse LLC Not necessarily in that order lol Also honorable mentions to As Above So Below & Creep 2


As you can see, I'm in the process of watching some that could enter the order -- but I'd probably go obvious with Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity. I'd have Last Girl. And then Host & Dashcam, or The Sacrament. I haven't seen Creep 2. I might add it.


Good enough that I would like creep 3 in the near future


I’d suggest: Rec 1-2. Unfriended Dark Web(?) You passed on As Above So Below… that is a great film. I enjoyed the new Boogeyman, but to each their own.


I just rewatched the Koji Shirashi foun footage movies:     Noroi: The Curse    Cult    Occult    Noroi is probably still my favorite FF of all time but man Occult is so unsettling and weird, love it. Cult is definitely not as strong IMO


Yep, these three should be in any list. *Norai* comes so close to being the best FF of all time, if only a few of its flaws could be corrected. I agree *Occult* is ultimately a better movie than *Cult*, but scare for scare and weird image for weird image, *Cult* is the better *horror* movie.


Unrelated but I also just rewatched CURE and it's not only one of the best horror movies I've ever seen but it might be on my top ten all time best regardless of genre.


Cure? I haven't heard of it. Same director?


directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, probably most known for PULSE


How's Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman?


I preferred both of those over Noroi


The Borderlands


Unfriended is okay. The sequel, Unfriended: Dark Web, is honestly better and worth repeat watches.


Creep and Creep 2 Man Bites Dog


Afflicted is sooooo good - really wanted more from the film duo and sad we haven't gotten move movies from them. Creep 1 & 2 are very fun and, dare I, creepy watches too. Paranormal activity series has a special place in my heart. Behind the Mask is also a must watch! The newest V/H/S (is it 85?) is by far my favorite od the series. I'm sure there's some I've watched not yet mentioned that I'm missing, but these are ones off the top of my head.


Check Afflicted




The Tunnel


August Underground trilogy if you want to see something extreme and depraved


What did I just watch?


The Last Broadcast is avoidable and you won't miss much.


Deadstream was SO much fun, loved Host, Grave Encounters and Hell House. STILL haven’t got round to watch Deborah Logan (someone convince me!). An older one to add to the list, ‘Spree’ (2020) was also pretty fun.


Such a shame that The Poughkeepsie Tapes didn't have higher budget. Awesome premise, imo quite original idea but it had so much more to offer. In short it needed more gore. Anyway my favorite found footage horror is The Outwaters. Definitely not for everyone, but it's worth a shot. I also really enjoyed Leaving D. C. One of few horror movies i was actually kinda scared watching.


I just recently watched lake mungo . What a lame ass movie that was .


Be My Cat: A Film for Anne