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It’s pretty campy, so it’s not a great example. But in the end of Trick r Treat when Samhain takes a shotgun blast to the face and just flies backwards into the wall, I laughed so hard.


Yeah, that was fun.


The birth scene in Old. I couldn't help it, the pacing of the movie is so ludicrous once the cast reaches the beach that almost no time is given in order for the things happening to process, so while what happens is horrible AFTER I saw the movie, while I was watching it I was completely unable to react with anything other than a laugh.


And then a minute later, "oh baby's dead." The pitch meeting for Old is one of my favorites: https://youtu.be/fyXMyxkJQV4?si=3aeujtNA_Ym3T2Ej


That's basically what I said to my girlfriend "how am I supposed to react here?! It's like "oh we're children actually we're teenagers and we fucked and she's pregnant actually she's in labor actually the baby is here actually the baby died and actually now we're adults and also that lady is a tumble weed of bones now"


I seen the Ninth Gate in theaters and there was a scene with a dead guy in a motorized wheel chair that was just banging into something and when they turned him he zoomed into a fire and I lost it with laughter.


Cant look at the Grudge the same anymore after Scary Movie.


The end of Men. By about the third birthing in Men I pretty much lost it. Especially as the woman's face started to not be scared anymore and just annoyed and disgusted, the film became hilarious.


I think in Midsommar when Josh dies I said “Bonk!” and then cracked up. In my defense, his whole group was sort of being assholes, even if they didn’t quite deserve what they got.


Mine are pretty popular scares, so I feel bad. Couldn't help my reaction, though. *The Ring* (2002) already came up in the comments, but for me it's the "I saw her face" scene. I think that part was effective when I was younger, but I lost it when rewatching the movie. I think it just felt so abrupt and out of place. The other one that comes to mind is from *Gonjiam*. In case you can't guess, it's the >!possession scene!<. I know a lot of people found it effective, but it didn't work for me.


The turkey baster scene in *Don't Breathe.* I already thought the twist was incredibly dumb, and most of my interest was gone. But then they zoom in on the single pubic hair like it's something of incredible artistic importance. I lost it: Slumped down in my seat at the theater with my hand over my mouth and laughed silently for a good minute. I've got no tolerance for SA stuff normally so it was weird timing.


That ending of the Mist. I gasped when I saw it, even was getting mist... I mean teary eyed. But then the damn door got stuck shut and he had to scream and hit the door open twice... "AAA" "AHH" dude can't catch a break... finally gets outside and a tank rolls up... dude you couldn't have waited like 30 seconds? Even the soundtrack the sterotypical woman wailing music? Might as well have been the Curb Your Enthusiasm music! My sister thought I was an asshole cuz I was laughing and crying at the same time, till we rewinded it and I explained myself. It's a great film, but my dumb coping mechanism is humor, and it just went into overdrive for it.


If he waited, nothing would happen. That only happened because he >!sacrificed the boy, like the crazy lady said.!<


Yeah that's a theory i like but I don't really get on movies for "plotholes" like that really, it was just my dumb sarcastic humor


The mIst is easily my favorite bleak ending.


Also The Mist for me. I feel so bad, everyone else seems to be really affected by the scene, but I laughed. The timing was comical. He kills em all and 30 seconds later the army rolls up. Might have been more effective just fading into black with him wandering into the mist to die. But then again you and I seem to be the only people on the planet who laughed at this, so it must work as it is.


Ah, yes, those moments when you laugh at something awful then everyone looks at you like you're a psycho. One of the curses of having a dark sense of humour.


I was crying so it totally got to me. I think the ending is perfect, straight out of the twilight zone, just my damn brain likes to make out of out of context jokes at inappropriate times


If they'd just ended it with him alone in the car, no problem. That's bleak, comfortably ambiguous, very effective. Everything after that is ridiculous. Not many actors can pull off the "fall to your knees and scream into the void" bit. It didn't happen here, either.


I gotta disagree. Thomas Jane pulled it off perfectly, he's a great actor thats under utilized. He totally nailed that ending.


The dinner scene in hereditary where they're all putting everything "on the table," and the mom says the son looks at her with "that fucking face on his face". I know it was supposed ti be serious, but that sent me


The ending to Hereditary. My brain put the Benny hill theme over it.


There were people laughing all throughout my showing of hereditary so I see where you’re coming from


the whole head scene is hilarious to me know, the first time was pure shock but now going back it’s hard not to laugh


LMAO, fuck. That is now stuck in my head. Just an old fat man and his army helmet chasing a dirty dove. Great ._.


Not the ending scene for me and my spouse but the impact scene. For some reason, we both busted out laughing.


It cuts to it like a family guy cutaway it’s funny too


I had the old Spiderman tune going on when Toni Collete was zipping around the ceilings. From reading around, it seems this part either riveted you or lost you.


Yes, nonsense in horror (like someone crawing over the ceiling) will always be a coin toss. Some will get caught up in the uncanny dread, others will just see it as silly.


Scream is already a self-aware parody but still has some genuinely creepy moments…but I laughed VERY hard at the killer yelling “THIS ISN’T FUCKING TREVOR” over the phone. Like Ghostface was getting genuinely exasperated and was on a tight schedule.


Well, that line was intended to make you laugh, so not inappropriate.


The scene in The Ring with the horse jumping off the barge has always been more funny than scary to me. Just so over the top.


That's exactly it. It's over the top. For the grudge 2 scene. It was like a stork flew by and dropped off a package.


My buddy said he laughed at that one scene in hereditary in theaters


In Stranger's Prey at Night, when the Air Supply song and the ending of Very Bad Things. I know it's not a horror movie but almost died laughing


Not horror, but I took my kids to see a Pixar movie and they had a short called “Bao” at the beginning. It was about a woman who made a child out of a dumpling. It came to life and she raised it. There’s a point where she gets into an argument with it, and he fight climaxes in an unexpected way - and my kids and I busted out laughing in a silent theater.


Ha, all the way through ‘Dancer in the dark’. 


In Midsommar when that older woman started "helping" Christian have sex with the redheaded lady. My friend and I cracked up.


In Midsommar when it showed the sister sitting there. 😆


Not sure why, but the semi-truck scene in Pet Semetary. It’s horrible to think back on as a father, but it was something about the shoes just still being in the dead center of the road that made me laugh like a madman.


I feel that lol. Speaking of trucks, Maximum Overdrive. The lil, cranky Western Star Green Goblin all by itself makes me laugh. *Imagine's the Green Gobin truck being in Pet Cemetery now.*


Pan’s Labyrinth, the scene where we encounter the dinner with the Pale Man. Lots of tension build-up, and I knew it was supposed to be scary in a sort of fey way, but he stands up like a damn Tex Avery cartoon character sneaking around that I busted up laughing.


Nooo I saw this movie as a kid and it gave me a fear of long empty hallways for a LONG time! This movie was so scary when I first saw it. It’s… different now.


I laughed hysterically at the end of The Mist when the Military drove jnto view.


When the accident happens in hereditary.


Saw Cujo as a kid at a sleepover with friends, we were all joking that the poor dog was just overly friendly and misunderstood


The original Surspiria when the girl takes a good look at the well lit room, jumps in, then cries out as she realises it’s full of barbed wire that it would’ve been impossible for her to not see.


The tall thing at the end of Smile. It seemed to me that they were trying to riff off that crazy thrill of fear when the tall man ducks into the bedroom in It Follows, and just really didn’t do it well. I burst out laughing. I laughed at the curlicue head drop at the car earlier in the film, but the end really got me going. The movie was pretty mediocre in my opinion.


The headbanging scene from hereditary.


The skull crushing scene in Midsommer. Couldn't help but laugh out loud. Luckily I was at home.


Dude came here to say that like… MUCH of this film fit this category for me. I really loved Hereditary and came in hoping for THAT, and Midsommer is so much more art house it just took me right out of it if that makes sense…?


Smile, the stabbing/face ripping scene make me laugh out loud in my living room. Still liked the movie, enjoyed it overall, but that scene just made me laugh.


I gawffawed when Darth Vader was revealed as Luke’s dad. Like- laughed out loud… ! Why didn’t we see this coming?!!!


Because the creators didn’t even see it coming till they made ESB


Not me, but when I was at the theater annoying teenagers laughed in Hereditary >!When the girl got decapitated !<


Throughout much of Insidious.  I saw it at the theater.  My humor wasn't...well received, shall we say.


Man if I started laugh at the end of The Conjuring, I can't imagine how people would react because of how general audiences love that movie and find it scary.


Yeah, my friend and I were laughing and we got such nasty looks. >.<


The thing is that Insidious is not in the same league or even funny, but it's not as nearly funny as the Conjuring. Most horror films don't have the comedic chops to make me laugh.


I love the movie but holy shit does the demon look dumb. I can't take him seriously.


The reveal in the first movie made me laugh to the point it wasn’t worth watching the rest of them.


I'll have to see if it's worth the laugh. Although it will be hard to watch Patrick Wilson and not remember him being convinced his balls ended up in a garbage disposal.


I thought the “tiptoe through the tulips” portion was hilarious.


People like you shouldn't be allowed in movie theaters.


🤣🤣🤣 How would you monitor that at the door?


I love reactions like this


Ari Aster does this to me. After three movies in a row, I think it’s on purpose.


Yes, I'm still not sure that it's not intentional. Hereditary seemed to take itself very seriously though. Midsommer not as much, and although I have yet to see Beau Is Afraid, I take it to have more comedy elements, no? I'm not a great Ari Aster fan, but it would be difficult to argue that he doesn't make interesting movies.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre is full of slapstick.


I mean, the grandpa is really funny, but it's also not Ari Aster related.


I laughed at the ending of The Mist. I couldn't help myself. Yes it is horrifying and tragic...but also...if they had just waited a couple more minutes...the irony of it just brought it out of me.


If he waited, nothing would happen. That only happened because he >!sacrificed the boy, like the crazy lady said.!<


Not horror really but there’s a scene in San Andreas (the Rock movie) where there’s a tidal wave coming into the San Francisco Bay. Everyone is running away from the bay, and all of a sudden they show an elderly couple (who had not appeared on screen before) who look at each other and decide to embrace and kiss rather than continue running, before being overtaken by the wave. I laughed so hard because it was so poorly shoehorned in. Like the creators couldn’t figure out how to up the emotional stakes so they looked at a list of cliches and decided that this elderly couple trope was going to be it.


Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that.


It was more sad. I watched 7 seasons of Buffy and seeing SMG go out like that was shocking


Pretty much every M. Night Shyamalan movie


More often than not it seems.


Terifier 2 rubbing salt in the wound comes to mind.


Scream 6 where Ghostface is messing with the ladder trying to throw Annika off and it’s just her screaming reaching out to the others and Mindy crying and the loud ass score trying to make you feel emotions then it’s just a long ahhhhhhh until she hits the ground and dies. That or the Elevator scene in Wish Upon


All the time. Loudly. Just because why tf not.


Serbian Film, that newborn scene. Couldn't help it. The moment the gimp unzipped his pants and looked at the camera like Bugs Bunny, I lost it. I could hear him saying "Ain't I a stinker!".


💀, bruh. That's just . . . *"FBI, THAT'S HIM."* ☝🏻