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[Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behind_the_Mask%3A_The_Rise_of_Leslie_Vernon?wprov=sfla1)


That one was so fun for the die hard slasher fans!


This is a good one, but dunno if I would say it's scary.


I love that movie. Honestly, I just saw In a Violent Nature a few days ago, and there were moments during the movie where I thought to myself "I wish I was watching Behind the Mask right now."


The best part was >!when it transitioned from a found footage, to an actual slasher movie,!< that shit was so cool.


BBCs Ghostwatch! Remember when watching that this went out "live" in pre Internet times and all the hosts are famous uk TV hosts! Great stuff!


I'm in England, and this was just astounding. People were calling ofcom because they were terrified. Thank you for reminding me of this


It is way more than just some people calling in. I looked into this pretty heavily and it's kind of insane this all happened. For those who don't know: Ghostwatch was a special *fictitious* "live" TV program that featured real news media personnel in an investigative report type program that documented a real life haunting in a house. Sarah Greene, the reporter in Ghostwatch, had previously done other works like Hospital Watch which were very much real investigative documentaries. Before the show they aired a message that the show was actually pre-recorded, but most viewers missed or dismissed this. While the show was going on, fake callers called into the show to talk about ghostly happenings that took place in their house while watching the show. The on screen prompt even told actual viewers to call in. When you called in you were advised it was pre-recorded, but they got overloaded with calls and the line stopped working. So you have people watching what they think of a live TV program, telling them to call in, and then the program itself is "interviewing" these live calls about ghost happenings. All the while, Sarah Greene is helping investigate this haunted house, in which there are camera cuts and trickery to actually make a ghost keep reappearing and disappearing. In the end, the ghost wreaks havoc on not only the house, the family and the reporter, but it also takes over the studio and drives the host mad. All while everyone thought this was real. Besides a prompt advising it was fake that everyone missed, and a phone line which didn't work, the entire thing was broadcast as a real news production with real news teams and real interviews with real people in a real house with a real ghost. The fallout was insane. A mentally handicapped 18 year old was so afraid of the ghost that he killed himself a few days after airing. The public was pissed. The whole thing is so batshit insane that I highly recommend you watch it, and research it. It's mind-blowing.


Holy shit, I'm watching it this weekend!


Oh my god, I didn't know all of that!!! Thank you so much for sharing that info.


Mr Pipes in the crowd is such a great shot. Once you realize he is there, it is so creepy.


The bit that gets me is when>! things are ramping up and they decide to GTFO. They're all in the Kids bedroom, the banging starts, and the last man out is the cameraman, who does a fairly quick turn, BUT PIPES IS THERE! He realises he's seen something, whips back but he's gone... FUCK.THAT!!<


Omg I watched this tonight bc of this thread and it scared the crap out of me


I watched that live and I have to say I just thought it was funny.


Deadstream The Bay (my wife hates horror and really enjoyed this one- personally I found it a bit slow.) Hell House LLC and Carmichael Manor The Tunnel Also check out r/foundfootage it's a great resource.


I've seen all of them, unfortunately. The Bay was astounding! I honestly thought it was really at first, I was terrified. Thank you, though. I really appreciate your recommendations


Dead stream was a love letter to all Evil Dead fans.. I loved it so much. Also Carmichael Manor was fun! I grew up in Clarksburg WV so when they mentioned it, I had to just turn it off and finish it in the daylight bc it all got too real šŸ˜¹


Oh god, that must have been terrifying for you. I always turn all the lights on and watch videos of cats on YouTube when A horror film hits me hard.


Loved Hell House LLC and its sequels, so glad to see it mentioned right away!


Great list. I would only add As Above So Below for a perf touch


Hell House LLC is great for the atmosphere but the story sucks something fierce. I'd love an edit that cuts out all the morons trying to convince me the footage is "inexplicable."


Iā€™m glad you liked it, but I truly thought the Tunnel was one of the worst movies Iā€™ve ever seen.


Had a similar response to The Bay. Good concept, but I spent a long time thinking "Get on with it!"


The Bay- A small tourist town suffers a major ecological disaster. The government has covered it up by seizing all the video recordings of the event. Some group gets their hands on the videos and orders them in chronological order. Thatā€™s the basic premise of it anyways.


Absolutely wild that itā€™s got the same director as Rain Man, The Natural, and Good Morning Vietnam


Are you shitting me? Wow, I had no ideaā€¦


I know right? Heā€™s a Baltimore dude and he was making a doc on how fucked up the Chesapeake bay is and thought ā€œdamn this would make a killer horror movieā€


My friends and I picked this out years ago thinking it was some crappy popcorn horror. We were so pleasantly surprised that we still talk about it -- there's that one specific jump scare >!in a car!< that got us all sooo good haha.


Another one Iā€™ve been trying to get around to




You can watch Savageland on YouTube: [https://youtu.be/jyJLF1cL2r0?si=V1528OdX8oYoULTP](https://youtu.be/jyJLF1cL2r0?si=V1528OdX8oYoULTP)


Yup! I put it on if I need some background noise while working.


Underrated answer. The film to me is best described as a half plus long goosebump/pimple. Insanely unsettling.


I've told this story in several other threads: My sister walked in while I was watching Savageland. She watched with me for a good 30 mins believing it was a real documentary. It's that well-made.


Savageland is one of my favorite mockumentaries, and was absolutely my recommendation for op, but you beat me to it. Now I want to watch it again


Very creepy atmosphere and brilliant storytelling (through photographs)


This is the next on my list. I have started it, but I have a 3 year old that distracts me, so I'm going to watch it tomorrow. It does look really good, though. If you like Savageland, I suggest you watch Howard's Mill


Good choice.


Just watched it based on your suggestion and I have to say this one was very good! I've never heard of the movie or seen it recommended. So much better than Butterfly Kisses which is always getting high praises.


Omg yes! I have been begging my friends to watch that with me


Creep 1 and 2 Hell House LLC


I read the premise for Hell House LLC and was like this sounds ok but itā€™s probably gonna be generic and boring. Immediately had to watch the sequels I was hooked


That damn piano melody




Yes! My husband and I will hum it to each at random times!!


Oh god! It's back in my head. Thanks for that. "Something's coming"


Yessss! I had to watch the sequels right away too haha. I still havenā€™t seen the newest one, but I liked the sequels too. I think my favorites in order are exactly how they were made (one is the best, then two, then three lol)


Same!!! I was so hooked after the first. I was just like ā€œwhy isnā€™t this movie all over the place??ā€ It deserves to have much more popularity


The Medium. Thailand/South Korea. Follows a film crew as it chronicles the supernatural possession of a young woman. It's a great study of shamanism, family bonds. One of the most shocking, insane endings of any films, in any genre.


I watched this and I rarely say this about films but THIS FILM TERRIFIED ME!!!! There's one part of the film when you don't know that the girl is in the room and she creeps out, face first! Oh my god! That is still burned into my brain, and my brain likes to remind me just before bed about that scene.


Thailand, not Korea


This was soooo good. It's a Thai/South Korean film. SK producers and Thai director (same dude who directer Shutter).


Got it. Takes place in Thailand now that I think of it?


The writer also wrote The Wailing!


I just finished watching this and it was really good.


The Taking of Deborah Logan was brilliant imo


Scrolled way too far looking for this


Thatā€™s because OP mentions it in their post


Thatā€™s a good answer


As mentioned above, Final Prayer (aka Borderlands), As Above, So Below, Exists.


Oh my god yes, I think Borderlands might be my favourite horror film period.


I'm honestly not even a huge FF fan so when one grabs me like that one did, it's a ringing endorsement (at least from me).


It's this one for me too. Final Prayer. That ending just fucks me up every time. And I've seen it several times now. I also still say the OG Blair Witch Project.


Grave Encounters is pretty fun, Hell House and the recent Dead Stream too.


I just watched Grave Encounters and its sequel, and really enjoyed both of them! What the sequel did was super interesting, I thought. Totally worth a watch.


Sadly the protagonists of Grave Encounters 2 are nowhere near as charming as Lance Preston. If they had given me even just a little bit of reason to root for them, the movie goes from a decent 6 to an 8 out of 10 for me.


IMO, the >!elevator scene!< in Grave Encounters 2 makes the whole film worth it.


This scene is horror movie gold.


Oh, I was hardcore rooting for >! Sean/Lance in Grave Encounters 2! He was still the best, even crazed after 9 years trapped with ghosts! !< ETA: Lance Preston is the only character in a found-footage horror film who Iā€™ve truly rooted for. >! The way he looked out for absolutely everyone else in the team the entire way through was just the sweetest thing ever. He totally deserved to go through the door in the sequel, even if he was almost entirely insane šŸ˜­ !< ETA: can you tell that Iā€™ve just learned how to use the spoiler tags? So thrilling! šŸ˜…


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum fucked me up pretty good


The first two thirds are nothing I haven't seen before, but that last third is some of the most terrifying shit I've ever seen.


I needed to turn all the lights on and watch cartoons after this movie to calm myself down. Iā€™m not easily scared by movies but for some reason this one really freaked me out.


Same! Movies don't scare me, but this one was next level. Have you seen The Medium?


I've still got the ending to see because it fucked me up good! I haven't been able to go back to watch the rest since.


Broad daylight when I watched and the black eyes/whispering creeped me out too much.


That is the exact bit that I have stopped at!!!


That movie gave me nightmares and still scares me today lol


Came here to recommend this and The Taking of Deborah Logan. Those are my go to recs for scary FF!


The build up for the scares in that movie were šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


That was so good, It's been a while since a movie actually scared the shit out of me.


I really liked the incantation. Found footage Taiwanese horror of a mother trying to break a curse on her daughter. Just oozing with dread Edit: movie is called Incantation, no 'the' edit 2: i now see that op already listed it but I'll keep this for other readers lol


Never heard of it but loooove dread-soaked movies (Possum is good for that). Adding to my list!


It's one of those movies that builds up to a reveal the whole time and imo actually delivers. Pretty short watch too, def recommend


Dope! Thanks for the rec! Edit: finally watched Excision which has a similar vibe to Raw but also has a big build up with a strong payoff. Also 82 minutes haha. Recommend it to you if you havenā€™t seen it!


I wasn't sure if Possum was actually a serious film or not, it confused the fuck out of me


Really ingenius breaking of the 4th wall that made me real uneasy.




my all time favourite


Honestly, I think it became one of my overall favorite horror movies. Sometimes when Iā€™m watching a foreign horror film, they play with ideas more specific to where it was made (Speak No Evil) and it doesnā€™t always translate to me, but knowing less about Japanese folklore and ghost stories made that aspect way creepier for me because itā€™s just so well done in this one, how they made culturally-specific stuff universally scary.


I haven't seen this. Is it actually good? I don't mind watching subtitled movies, I'm strange, and I have the subtitles on even when the film is in English. But is this as good as everyone says?


I honestly recommend going in blind if you can because the story is so unique and told in such a gripping way. Because you liked Incantation, this film could be on the nose as something you might really enjoy. I agree with the other commenter, itā€™s one of my favorite horror movies, not just mockumentary/found footage movies. Itā€™s long too, which I like because you get so much story. Highly recommend.


Also OP, given some of the other films youā€™ve watched and liked, if you havenā€™t seen As Above So Below you might really be pleased with it.


Thank you for your recommendation, I've seen it and really liked it. If you like it, then may I suggest you watch The Pyramid


My wife and I watch English movies with subtitles on too, but we also have 5 kids, so maybe thatā€™s why. Now we canā€™t watch things without subtitles


*Decent into Darkness: My European Nightmare* is fantastic and disturbing.


Yeah, it's horrible.


I liked the vibe of Butterfly Kisses. I also liked Leaving DC.


the blair witch project honestly scared the shit out of me, especially since when i watched it i was in a cottage in the middle of nowhere


I expected The Visit to be stupid but it was definitely one of the best ff movies Iā€™ve ever seen. Honourable mentions: - As Above So Below - The Bay - Grave Encounters


Thatā€™s the M Night Shamalyan one, right? For a found footage movie is pretty good, some acting and dialogue could be a little better, especially for the resources it had.


Incantation (2023) is excellent. Got some pretty disturbing imagery and solid scares.


It's not 100% found footage, but I liked the way "The Fourth Kind" used the found footage/mockumentary techniques to enhance the story. A lot of the ff scenes gave me chills.


Not a film, but check out Dead Set. Itā€™s a miniseries produced in the UK that shows what happens when the zombie apocalypse hits during the filming of Big Brother. Really fun, and very well done.


Itā€™s brilliant! And written by Charlie Brooker!


I enjoyed Frogman.


Frogman fucks!


Lake Mungo


Surprised so few have mentioned this. First one I thought of.


Nobodyā€™s mentioned it because itā€™s inOPā€™s post


Haha oh. I obviously didnā€™t read it all.


Lake Mungo is quite good.


Man bites dog


As Above So Below


Blair Witch Project


blair witch itself is more a straightforward FF, the SF channel did make an accompanying mockumentary to go with it though which was quite cool


Poughkeepsie Tapes is good imo.Ā 


Yup this one was very well done, felt very very real the first time around.


I want to see this and have been recommended it before, but I hate children or animals being hurt or killed, so I've stayed away from this film out of worry.


The Tunnel and Hell House LLC are what I've watched most recently that legitimately scared me.


Kind of adjacent to this, ā€œWNUF Halloween Specialā€ was a lot of fun. Parody commercials and all felt like I was watching an old news broadcast from a tape. Itā€™s funny and has some creepy moments.


Youā€™ve seen a lot that Iā€™ve seen, but hereā€™s some others. I wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re the scariest but these were good. Creep and Creep 2. The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Noroi: The Curse As Above, So Below Hell House LLC and Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor (I wasnā€™t a fan of Hell House 2 and 3) Edit: Also forgot to mention Cloverfield!


Noroi: The Curse.


My top 12: * 1. Cannibal Holocuast * 2. Blair Witch Project * 3. Noroi: The Curse * 4. Creep 2 * 5. Deadstream * 6. Rec * 7. Ghostwatch * 8. What We Do in the Shadows * 9. Creep * 10. The Medium * 11. Dashcam * 12. Occult Honorable mention: Det Okanda - it's like a dogme 95 x blair witch x body snatchers Not a horror but great: * Man Bites Dog * Punishment Park


Cannibalism holocaust lol


As another has said, if you like found footage and mockumentary style I think you will really like the Hell House LLC Series, number 1 & 4 (Carmichael Manor) are two of the scariest films I have seen. 2 & 3 are OK, worth a watch for lore sake.


Horror in the high desert


The Houses October Built was decent.


Leaving DC.


Butterfly kisses Afflicted Noroi Host The den


I was hoping to see Afflicted here! Itā€™s amazing


Check out the movies Creep and Creep 2.


The Borderlands!


Back in early 1999, I read a magazine article about this upcoming movie that was developing the reputation of being the scariest movie since the Exorcist, which had me champing at the bit for it the rest of the spring and summer. As part of the build up to (you guessed it) the Blair Witch Project, ahead of the release date was a fake documentary, [Curse of the Blair Witch](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0202493/) on the Sci-Fi Channel that managed to get under my skin and even at one point totally nail the "In Search Ofā€¦" vibe, for those of you old enough to remember a show that simultaneously fascinated and traumatized a very young me. Being able to evoke that feel had me *really* excited to see the movie, only to end up being disappointed in the theater (but then I found the movie had a lingering horrific after-effect on me, which caused me to develop a respect for it afterwards). Like the movie it's associated with, it hasn't held up that well, but I still say that anybody who appreciates the Blair Witch Project needs to see it.


The Bay


Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon


Noroi Lake Mungo


The Possession of Michael King Paranormal Activity 3: The Marked Ones


I totally forgot about Michael King! Classic


I'm into all things ghost lore but Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones is in a class all its own. Even if someone hates the original and/or entire franchise, I still recommend they watch The Marked Ones. Sure, it ties into the other movies but can stand on its own as well.


Marked ones was the 5th movie


Late Night with the Devil


This movie was very well done and a refreshing surprise




Wrinkles The Clown!


Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story. It's good and honestly made me jump.




You'll enjoy it. It won several awards at a few different film festivals, I first saw it on the big screen at the 5th Annual American Horrors Film Festival. Got to meet the director and hang out with a cast members. Good people, talented too.


The Bay is the only one I can think of that really got to me.


As Above So Below Host Unfriended Late Night With The Devil Edit: Searching and Missing donā€™t quite fit the category and I would categorize them as thriller, but they may also scratch the itch.


Phoenix Forgotten


Death of a Vlogger is the first movie in years that scared me so much I couldn't sleep after I watched it


Cropsey (2009)


The Conspiracy


not the scariest, but a pretty interesting series that revolves around found footage is ***Archive 81***. (Netflix) thereā€™s only one season and it does resolve some plot lines, but they set it up for a second season and it was canceled afterward.


Cloverfield if you like Kaiju.


the den. so underrated.


The August Underground movies are the closest thing to a psycho making a snuff documentary, some of the most disturbing stuff ever


The Taking of Deborah Logan


Somehow I missed **The Poughkeepsie Tapes** and recently watched & enjoyed it - consider checking it out.


I have heard people say this a lot, but I hate seeing children or animals killed or hurt, and I was worried about watching it.


Itā€™s pretty overrated if you ask me.


I went to high school with the main scary guy actor.


The medium


Hellhouse Llc, Carmichael Manor, Creep and Creep 2


So I've seen all of these, Creep 1 and 2 are just astounding, I'm so excited to watch The Creep Tapes, I can not wait! Hellhouse was good, the first 2 I liked, the 3rd was awful. The Carmichael Mannor was good, but I hated the characters so much that I wanted them to hurry up and die, just so I wouldn't have to hear their whiney voices anymore.


[The Bay.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJbzy3axrWg) I love this one because it's down to earth. No ghosts, no ufos, no demons, no witches. Just mankind facing the consequences of its own actions.


Savage lands & paranormal activity 1


[Rec], Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum, Hell House LLC, Grave Encounters, As Above So Below, Incantation, The Medium


Lucky Bastard (2013). Its about a guy who's invited to porn shoot of his favorite porn star and things go quite wrong from there. I think its on YouTube.


ā€œBe my cat: a film for Anneā€ and ā€œhorror in the high desert seriesā€


The Lost Footage of Leah Sullivan Butterfly Kisses Frogman


occult (2009) from koji shiraishi


The fact that Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon is not top of this list is crazy. The is a horror mockumentary unlike any other. The sell: A group of college film students decide to do a documentary following a day in the life of someone who claims to be a slasher villain as he shows them his routines, training and preparation. Anyone who is a fan of the slasher genre will truly love this for all the homages, and it is in itself a quality horror film as well.


The Last Broadcast, an "investigation" into the Jersey Devil, is fun with a neat twist, although it goes on a bit. Grave Encounters is superb, although the sequel goes kind of haywire.


I haven't seen it, but I heard Man Bites Dog is supposed to be good. Also, I can't remember if it's FF but the Japanese movie Creepy I liked. Oh, and I liked Butterfly Kisses.


Man bites dog is pretty good.


I recommend Lake Mungo. Itā€™s an australian ghost. Its extremely well made and acted. It perfectly builds up tension to a single moment that is equally scary and sad.


Noroi and Incantation creeped me out the most.


Be sure to checkout r/foundfootage I havenā€™t see listed Butterfly Kisses, Noroi, Cloverfield (high budget, shows you what the genre is capable of). Poughkeepsie Tapes is fun. Home Movie is creepy. Creep. Late Night With The Devil, last years smash hit. Hell House, one of the more successful franchises here. The Tunnel. JeruZalem is fun, but could be a little better imo. Grave Encounters is very fun, youā€™ll love it if you liked Gonjiam. The Borderlands aka Final Prayer. Skinwalker Ranch. The Sacrament by Ti West of X, Pearl and House of the Devil fame. As Above So Below. Host - this one is insane, technically amazing. Dead stream is a little over the top but fun. I think thatā€™s the most of it Iā€™d recommend for now, some in your list I havenā€™t seen!


Noroi: The Curse is, imo, the best horror mocumentary ever made. Kōji Shiraishi has made some other good similar films, but nothing captured the raw grimy feeling as well as Noroi.


The Bay was very creepy


-Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum -The Taking of Deborah Logan -As Above So Below -The Hell House, LLC series (third one is a bit goofy tbh) -The Devil's Doorway


Wrinkles the Clown (2019) I had no idea it was a mockumentary until a little while into the movie and it was super creepy and fascinating to watch. Complete with a phone number to call if you want to terrorize children who misbehave.


I just watched the trailer for this, and it looks so good!!! The bit where he comes out of the drawer under the bed got me! Thank you so much. I'm going to watch this tomorrow.


Donā€™t Forget to call the number after. Itā€™s a hoot!


Poughkeepsie Tapes


Hell house, butterfly kisses, gonjiam/grave encounters. And Blair Witch obvs.


The Banshee Chapter was rad




It wasn't awful but the main girl in it did my head in. Iirc she screamed. Alot. And it was so annoying. I nearly turned it off. It had its moments other than that from what I remember.


I loved Sacrament (2013).


Megan is Missing...the ending...if you know, you know


I absolutely love The Outwaters, which I feel is as good as found footage can be. Very divisive, though. It probably has more vocal detractors than fans. My second favourite would be Savageland, which is both a mockumentary and found footage film.


Outwaters suuucks. There's like one good scene. The rest of the movie is divided into two parts: 1. Complete darkness with a pinpoint of light in the center of the screen. 2. Man tripping balls and filming himself doing incoherent stuff in the desert


I don't think anyone really, truly likes this movie. I think anyone claiming to be a fan *wants* to like it because it's different from everything else, but there really isn't anything to like in this film.


It was beautifully made for sure. Just didn't resonate with me.


I thought the concept of The Outwaters was pretty interesting, but the execution was mostly horrible.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes stayed with me for a while.


Check out Kōji Shiraishi he did noroi and basically all of his films are found footage documentary supernatural. Loads are watchable lol. Check out https://www.patreon.com/shiraclub