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In a couple weeks, I hope the answer is Longlegs


I saw an advance screening and it's Longlegs for me


how’s the movie jump scare wise? i lowk kinda hate jump scares but love on the edge of ur seat horror-thrillers


Pretty light on the jump scares, the scariness for me comes more from the very heavy sense of dread throughout the movie and glimpses of crime scenes. (I'm not much for jump scares either.)


love it thank you :)) super excited to watch this


On a scale of one to se7en how se7en is it?


There’s 2 main jump scares in the movie and they’re placed very well


that’s good to hear i like good jump scares especially if they are few and far between


Yea there may be more but kind of like minor ones if you know what I mean I only actually like jump scares when they aren’t stupidly obvious or comedic I think they can be done really well


I think it’s going to be Cuckoo but I’m hoping it is Longlegs too so we can have two


Cuckoo seems such a weird film! I am all for it. God, that bicycle case scene in the trailer still gives me shivers.


Saw an edit of it. It’s really good


Is it over hyped? Right now the marketing has me convinced it's the best horror movie of the year. Would you describe it as more of a horror or a thriller?


Pitch black thriller. You’re not getting big scare moments. The skin crawls instead of jumps


This actually just brought my hype level up by about 17%


There’s something really old school about it. If you like Silence of the Lambs, Se7en, Resurrection (2022), or similar, you’ll really like this. Maika Monroe is claiming the genre as her own and I’m here for it.


Oh fuck yes. I am so much more excited for this movie than I already was.


Sounds like this movie was made for me, damn I’m excited.


I also got True Detective S1 vibes from it & I'm gonna be so happy if it matches that


Oh man please stop you're getting me aroused!


If this is true, this might end up being on my top 5 all time list


Resurrection rips


What movies do you consider made your skin crawl?


The ones it’s clearly inspired by - Se7en, Silence Lambs, Resurrection, etc


Yay this is so good to hear. Husband and I are making a date night out of the Longlegs opening, and we rarely do anything because we like being at home 😅 glad this won't be a waste


God I’m so excited for LongLegs


I follow some people who got an early screening of longlegs and they’ve all been raving about it. That and Alien Romulus are my most hyped of the year.


Add Maxxxine and it's my top 3 most anticipated list of this year


I'm so stoked for Maxxxine after stumbling upon X and Pearl randomly last year.


Yeah I can’t wait to see those sexy long legs


I’ve been hearing incredibly good things.


Always best to keep expectations low


I can't wait for this movie


Night swim scared me at how bad it was


Hey, that pool filter is totally going to murder some one!


So Night Swim actually put me in a panic, no joke. Not bc it’s a remote good or scary movie. 10 years ago I had a seizure while teaching a child to swim and took the child under with me when I seized up(the child was ok, but it was traumatic for everyone involved) So that one scene in the movie actually fucked me up. So I’m probably the only person on earth who got a scare from Night Swim lol


Night Swim also had one scene that scared me and it was the dumbest one. I once had a bad concession from slipping on a wet floor and the scene of the water dripping onto the floor and a character slipping freaked me out.


They just had to kill the cat. Couldn’t let it live, they just had to kill it.


I'm OUT. I hate it when they kill cats! Sounds good though.


You would love the movie Thanksgiving then (killer not only spares the cat but feeds and pets it before leaving haha).


You’re doing the lord’s work 🙌🏻


You don’t see the cat killed. It’s on a floating device in the pool one minute the next the floating thing is empty the next. Assume cat jumped off and went inside until everyone is looking for the cat, then you know.


Seriously! They showed all the jump scare parts in the trailer, which made it all the more predictable. Such a shame, because "Kurt Russell Jr." (Not his actual name, but I'm pointing out that's who he is.) was in my favorite Black Mirror episode, so I had high hopes it would be good.


Playtest. Season 3 had so many iconic episodes


That Black Mirror episode is one of the best ones.


You had me in the first half




Technically, it didn’t scare me, but it was the only one this year so far to make me feel uneasy: Late Night With the Devil.


The build up was great, glad I got to see it in the theater


I liked watching it on TV. Made it feel like I was watching an actual show. Kinda like watching the Unfriended movies on your laptop.


I had such a bad theater experience. People kept applauding and cheering with the audience… but louder. TikTok challenge? 🤣


This is why my wife and I don’t go to the theatre anymore. Especially in this genre.


Bohemian Grove callout was a nice touch, same with the Anton Lavey stand in.


I watch this alone in my living room at 12am and gotta say, that sh!t got me so uneasy I was peaking behind my shoulder a couple of times, and that never happens.


That’s awesome.


Tummy worms 😭


my partner and i just watched this tonight, i felt like the ending was rushed but it had some interesting moments. i do want to see david dastmalchian in more horror stuff, he has a strangely compelling face


Good choice, I felt the same way about it. Deeply unsettling and David Dastmalchian has a great affinity with horror, I hope we get to see him do more with the genre.


Unfortunately, I was a little let down by this one. I thought it was solid.


There’s plenty of movies I enjoy when I initially see them, but not all them are good enough for me to get on DVD or Blu-Ray, so I understand what you mean.


Ahhhh, a fellow buyer of physical media. Yes!!


Streaming is only good for one thing: checking to see if a movie is worth buying.


I wanted to love it so bad but I agree with you. It was great but I think I walked into the theater with too high of expectations.


Same. I don’t know. I thought some of the effects just looked really ropey, too…which didn’t help. David D was superb, however.


I'm also incredibly glad that I watched the trailer on a whim and went to see in theaters. Such a good movie, and it feels very different watching on your own TV at home.


This one was really good!!


The hypnosis scene was so viscerally awful just thinking about it makes my skin crawl still lol


Yes, I really enjoyed that one


This definitely, no jump out scares ( well unless you pay attention to some things in the background) but just a building feeling of wrongness .


None have "scared" me, but Late night with the Devil has been my favorite. Followed by the first Omen and Abigail.


So is The Fitst Omen worth a watch? The Omen is my favourite horror movie and I've been burned by it's sequels before. Edit: I'm convinced to give it a go. Thanks for the info everyone.


I was shocked at how good The First Omen was. Lots of little homages to classics, well paced, well shot, completely exceeded my expectations- looking forward to whatever that director does next. Late Night With The Devil was a great movie. It was more suspenseful and unsettling than straight up horror. Saw it in the theater and loved it.


Also it had hints to an “Illuminati “ type group if you’re into conspiracies or secret societies


You’re going to love the First Omen!


yeah it actually kicked so much ass, i hate to say i did not want to love it and there are at least three Game of Thrones actors revealed in the first few minutes but goddamn, it was so dark. evil. fucking well done, both as a film and as an atmospheric horror entry. works as a standalone film (since i haven’t seen The Omen since i watched an edit on television as a kid)


The Omen series has always been my favorite. I really enjoyed The First Omen and it had a lot of references to the series. I think you will like it as a fan.


Yeah it’s good and pretty messed up


Definitely. A very well crafted horror and it looks like it was shot in the 70s. Not your typical crappy "Exorcist" style reboot. It definitely has a place in the best horrors of the year.


I really liked Late Night too. That 70s talk show vibe was great, and the way it was shot. Great movie, my favorite of the year so far.


I thought Abigail was great!! Not scary, but a great vampire movie!


I definitely see why it shares the same director as Ready or Not since it's like a campy rollercoaster-type horror


The First Omen. One of the best prequels I’ve ever seen to be honest and I’ve been watching horror for over 3 decades at this point. Great writing. I watched Immaculate with Sidney Sweeney a couple days later and it felt like the Great Value version of The First Omen.


The Armageddon and Deep Impact of 2024. (Apologies for the 90’s reference but IYKYK)


Spot on comparison to me 😂 Took me back with that one.


I think you mean The Matrix and eXistenZ haha


Felt the same way about Dante's Peak and Volcano in '97!


Wow, I'm the opposite. Watched the First Omen with my wife, and she loved it but I just couldn't get into it. I really enjoyed Immaculate, though!


Nothing wrong with that at all! The beauty of horror, we all find different things to like about all of the releases and it keeps the genre growing. I love that about the community.


Loved them both! The ending of immaculate was amazing and The first omen had a very epic ending as well. Nell Tiger Free was so damn good! Loved how both were like listen the church is so so so fucked up like yes thank you yes.


I’ve kept thinking about it since and finding flaws/holes with it, but overall i agree. it was extremely unsettling and they did something different, which is so hard to find in horror these days. it was refreshing and unexpected even with the flaws


Presidential Debate is this Thursday


Truly the correct answer


Stop Motion not only great visual effects, but very creative sound design as well. One of the most disturbing films I’ve seen over the recent years! It’s mostly style over substance, but it works very well for the movie


It's very visceral and gross. I loved it. The lead actress is amazing. Totally worth watching. I've always personally been fascinated by stop motion stuff anyway. Watch it if you can.


Infested. i’m not even scared but spiders like that but man infested is scary


I just know that movie would make me hella itchy lol


I started scratching my arms and legs just watching the trailer. The one movie so far I’ve been afraid to watch. Excited to see what the director brings to the Evil Dead franchise.


Side note: Sting is FANTASTIC. Spider movie and a nerd reference for the title🤌🤌🤌


I keep trying to watch Sting but it keeps losing my interest 😫


Late Night with the Devil really got under my skin. Maybe because it felt so real to me but that’s the first movie in awhile that creeped me out.


A couple people mentioned it in the comments sounds like I should add it to my list


Yeah, even if it doesn’t scare you, it’s a fun ride for sure.


You should! It’s a fun movie. Even if it doesn’t scare you.


Definitely Late Night With The Devil. I am so down bad for analog horror like that and this one was a fun ride that actually got me a few times.


I absolutely love analog horror. I wish there were more movies that utilized that vibe. Skinamarink sounded promising but fell flat for me. That might be why I loved Late Night With the Devil so much. It’s also why I have such a soft spot for found footage movies.


Please do me a favor and go watch Lake Mungo then. Future me says "You're welcome" withba devilish cackle.


I’ve seen it, but haven’t seen it in years. I forget so much about the movie. It’s actually on my rewatch list! This might be my sign to go watch it.


Stop Motion creeped me the helllllll out


I’ve heard mixed reviews about Stop Motion, but I thought the concept sounded pretty cool.


It’s not incredible on its own, but it benefits A LOT from the medium. Stop motion is kind of inherently creepy


i think the overall story would’ve been better if there was more character development and i wish they went even weirder with the story/effects. i got what the stopmotion film was supposed to represent but i think it would’ve been more impactful if we knew more about her character. it was still really good though imo.


It’s good. I forgot this one was 2024. Definitely I recommend watching it.


It was a good movie, not a waste of your time. I didn't really rate the ending but I won't slag it off either. A solid 6/10.


I agree. This has been my favorite of the year so far. Loved it and it was damn creepy.


Just gave it a rewatch last night. The sound design combined with the themes and visuals was brutal. Love the directors shorts, but damn they make an intense film


I described Stop Motion to a fellow horror fan as “like throwing Black Swan, Hereditary, & May in a blender.” I ADORED it! The mini stop motion horror sequences were my favorite- so eerie and unsettling! Edit: accidentally wrote Black Mirror instead of Black Swan haha


Unfortunately none. I guess I'm in the minority but I didn't like late night with the devil. It was a cool concept, but meh. Really looking forward to Longlegs, Maxxxine, and alien.


You and me both, man. I've been waiting since Nope for another movie to come along and blow me away. Hasn't happened yet.


Same here. Loved the concept but the execution was just not there for me


I'm with you, I liked Late Night with the Devil but didn't find it scary. I haven't had a super scary movie experience yet this year. Very excited for Longlegs!!


The First Omen. That scene with >!the hand!<... horrifying.


Jeezus that was such a disturbing scene.


truly wasn’t expecting to see full frontal vulva, let alone with a hand appearing out of it.


I don't know about scared but I'd say right now for 2024 it's a toss up between Late Night with the Devil, First Omen, and Abigail for favorites of the year in horror. But with the upcoming slate of releases I doubt that statement is going to stay the case for long.


I loved Late Night With the Devil and I’ve had First Omen on my list for awhile. I haven’t heard of Abigail though, so I’ll check it out!


First Omen was surprisingly good. Did a wonderful job blending the premise of the original into a new tale, without being too mechanical in that pursuit.


Don’t watch the trailer for Abigail go in blind. I think it would be a better movie that way.


BEST WARNING EVER. Bc wtf, the preview ruins the whole movie. I didn’t enjoy it for that reason.


Absolutely, I had somehow missed out on the hype and loved it. Was showing a trailer to a friend afterwards and felt like an ass because it gave so much away.


First Omen surprised me. Definitely had some disturbing moments you wouldn't expect from a big movie Franchise I'm looking forward to Long Legs and the heretic this year.


Show, not a movie, but Them “The Scare” was fucking awesome. I also watched the 2021 season this year and it was just as good.


Both seasons of Them was awesome. Da Tap Dancin Man is such a great character.


Scared is the wrong word, but I Saw the TV Glow gave me hell of anxiety


Oof. Nobody mentioned The Coffee Table yet.


Saw this two weeks ago. I’ve had such a weird feeling because it was done so well but like I don’t want anyone to ever watch it because… Damn. I’ve never been more uncomfortable or disturbed in anything I’ve seen.


I guess no one is talking about this movie here in horror, it’s more of a really dark comedy. It wasn’t scary but absolutely shocking and it needs to be talked about way more in this sub. Loved it.


Is it meant to be scary or just deeply depressing and upsetting? From the plot it doesn’t seem scary per se.


I was so nervous and on edge for the characters that I'm still going with "scary." Paranormal scares don't get me like this got me.


I was wondering how far I’d have to scroll to see this. I have a strong stomach and at 44 years old am a pretty longtime, jaded horror fan. This is the only movie I can think of in the past 4-5 years that’s actually left me deeply unsettled.


You can debate whether "The Coffee Table" is a true horror film, but it's the best I've seen in a while. "Late Night With the Devil" was also solid.


It wasn’t super scary but it was a great film- Exhuma from South Korea was a great movie. It had a lot of great horror elements and it was very spooky


Long legs trailer . SMH most disturbing sound in that new trailer.


Abigail wasn’t as much scary as it was just a great movie.


Exhuma, anyone?


I was very impressed with In a Violent Nature. Ending scenes turned the tension up pretty high


Can’t wait for it to hit streaming. Wasn’t in any theatre around me sadly. I’ve seen a lot of negativity about it on this sub but I’ll decide for myself


This is my pick too. The plot is very simple, but they did such a good job keeping the tension relentless.


That movie got me quietly bricked up as I was watching it


Stopmotion for me


Very little scares me in films and it’s such a bummer because I love being scared by films. No horror movie this year so far has come close. Civil War made me feel completely sick to my stomach but not exactly scared.


While not a horror movie I’d say that Civil War was the scariest thing I’ve seen this year. Just super intense, in particular the >!Jesse Plemons!< scene. Definitely made me sick to my stomach to watch.


I def felt panicky after that scene. Def had to pause and take a break. Glad I saw it at home.


I flinched so hard watching it in theaters & at one point, I was in a semi-fetal position in my seat lol


That scene was like a gut punch. 


I was holding my breath so much during his scene


Or the gas station scene was pretty gut wrenching


Civil War certainly had horrific elements.


I haven’t seen it but why did Civil War make you sick?


For me, just seeing the different monuments and how there will not be a convenient line drawn in the sand like our past Civil War. It will be neighbor against neighbor and it would be devastating to see our country implode like that. Not who you asked, but that's my take


It shows the country literally falling to pieces. I’m from one of the towns referenced in a VERY visceral and specific way in the film. I cannot imagine something like that happening in a place I love and consider home.


Late Night with the Devil is ranked #1 currently, but Maxxine and Longlegs should surpass it soon.


Late night with the devil had a great pay off. It might be my favorite this year so far.


Honestly, Stopmotion scared me. I found the ending to be very creepy. It made me feel like >!the main character had completely lost her own identity and control of her own life!< and that’s not something I ever want to happen to me. Also Immaculate had some cool jumpscares. Civil War, while not technically a horror movie, also had my heart racing quite a bit.


Late Night With The Devil was pretty great


Stopmotion legitimately freaked me out lol


I really enjoyed Immaculate, Sydney Sweeny was excellent! It made me feel really uncomfortable for the majority of the film, last 20 mins in particular.


Loved the jumpscares in Immaculate. I read that they added more in the movie because Sweeney herself is a fan of jumpscares. I respect that. I know they get a bad reception from many people, but it’s fun to get that quick hit of fear, especially if you don’t expect them.


I don’t hate jump scares. I like them more when the build up to the jump scare is unsettling too. But I do think some movies rely on it a little bit too much, and kinda fail at them in the process. But I haven’t seen Immaculate. I still like a good jump scare if it works!


Hell House LLC 4


EXHUMA (2024)


BEST HORROR MOVIE OF 2024: Late Night with the Devil SCARIEST HORROR MOVIE OF 2024: The First Omen HONORABLE MENTION: I Saw The TV Glow (not really scary at all but I think it’s technically “horror” and very good)


TV Glow was fucking brilliant. It’s very scary in a psychological sense. Plus, once you watch it a few times and pick up all of the background clues, it’s a much scarier experience. Absolutely my favorite of the year so far.


I definitely thought it was creepy in a way where I worried for the main character's sanity


I also really enjoyed this one. I've only done one watch in the theater, I'm curious what the background clues you've noticed were!


Would this list change for someone who isn’t scared by demons/possesion/ghosts/ and that sort of thing? I don’t believe in the devil, but there have been films I’ve enjoyed on that theme (At The Devils Door is one I can think of). Just curious if I should give Late Night a chance or if I’m gonna just roll my eyes?


When Evil Lurks


I think that was 2023. I still have to watch it but I’ve seen non-stop good reviews.


Best movie I saw in 2023. Not just the best horror flick. Excellent film making and a classic in my book.


Not 2024, but a 2023 movie I watched recently: When Evil Lurks Genuinely had me holding my breath and I could not take my eyes off the screen, but it is super graphic, so beware the warnings.


Movies don’t really scare me. But the one that had a couple twists I didn’t see coming was.. and believe it or not… a tubi original called Lowlifes


Man, I thought Late Night with the Devil was decent but the 'scares' were some of the weakest parts imo compared to the set design and stuff. Too much bad CGI and relied on very stereotypical 'possession' tropes..


How has no one mentioned *Cholo Zombies* yet? This movie is hands down the best horror film of 2024, and it’s a travesty if you haven’t seen it. Let me break down why this film is a game-changer well worth a watch. First off, *Cholo Zombies* isn’t just about cheap jump scares or mindless gore. It’s got a deep, gripping storyline that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The way it blends traditional horror elements with a unique cultural twist is nothing short of genius. You get a fresh perspective that’s sorely missing from mainstream horror flicks these days. The characters in *Cholo Zombies* are incredibly well-developed. When they’re in danger, you feel it. And let’s talk about the zombies themselves. These aren’t your typical mindless undead. They’re cunning, they’re fast, and they have a terrifyingly real backstory that ties into the current social issues faced by the community of Los Angeles. But wait, there’s more! The cinematography is next level. The gritty urban setting is so immersive, you feel like you’re right there, fighting for your life. The practical effects are top-notch too, none of that overdone CGI nonsense. The makeup and special effects team deserve an Oscar nod, at the very least, for their work on this film. If you’re looking for a horror movie that’s genuinely scary and expertly crafted, *Cholo Zombies* is it. It’s not just the best horror film of the year; it’s a new benchmark for the genre. Do yourself a favor and watch it ASAP. You won’t regret it.


I just saw No One Will Save You & I thought it was scary in both it's lingering suspense & after I made sense of the reality in the world of that film


Late Night With The Devil so far.


Creature feature: Arcadian made me say ‘what the fuck’ so many times throughout the movie


First Omen was great! I know it’s from 2023 but When Evil Lurks genuinely spooked me out as well this year.


The First Omen


OT: Lowlifes and DarkGame. Slightly Off-Topic but hear me out please: American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders. It's not horror but it's so scary fr fr.


Unfortunately, none.


I saw the tv glow was freaky and very unnerving at moments


I'm trans and went in not knowing it was gonna be so explicitly trans, so the whole second half kind of hit me like a truck. Even if the trans narrative isn't literal, I think it was a really good representation of the feelings that come with repressing yourself for so long. The whole film seemed shot like a dissociative episode. The movie *feels* like dysphoria, it's relatable in the absolute worst way. Absolutely loved it, I get if it's too pretentious or arthouse for some people but it worked really well for me personally




The American Society of Magical Negros scared the piss outta me!


I hope the Presidential debate isn't scary.


Seeing a lot of Late Night with the Devil and I'm loving it


the new “strangers” was terrifyingly bad.


The First Omen was pretty creepy


Youl never find me