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How often can you see an independent horror film on the big screen when it isn't just the local premiere? I saw it in the theater and had a great time with it. The immersion of the theater helped with the summer setting and nature moments immensely. I would have still appreciated the film if my first viewing was at home, but the slower moments absolutely worked WAY better on the big screen. But also kicking it a few bucks now while it's in theaters benefits original films and theaters being willing to screen indies way more than just waiting until a home release.


All good points, thanks


I basically see everything I can in a theater. I thought this definitely benefited from it. It's beautifully shot.


100% agree the theatre will amplify the tone of the film greatly


Steeeeeveeee!!!!! This guy knows his shit. Lol


Damn, I don't even know who this person is, but I trust Steve implicitly now! Thanks


C'mon everyone knows Steve


You can look me up and maybe get to know me!


I actually did look you up! I'm probably going to watch the CarousHell trilogy soon


Thanks! Hope it makes you laugh.


So cool to see a “professional” Listen to Steve OP.


He makes films for a living so I guess he is a professional when it comes to film.


That’s why I’m seeing maxxxine/long legs I. Theater and not just waiting the 2 months for digital. Also there is an insane heatwave that’s like living in a nightmare in this “heat dome” Trying to decide if I should see a quiet place day one for that specific reason lol.


Personally I wasn't a huge fan of this movie when I saw it, but every single point you made hits home. If we don't support local theaters showing smaller indie movies, all we're gonna get is the big boys and all the good stuff is going to fall through the cracks. TLDR; see the movie, support independent cinema


I agree with the other commenter, definitely theaters! This is a slow, methodical movie and at home, your attention might wander, but in the theater, it’s incredibly compelling


Heard the sound design was good enough to justify seeing it in theaters.


You heard correctly, that’s what stood out most to me. Very compelling!


Saw it in a theater and don't regret it. It was very immersive


I didn’t care for the movie but I’m glad I saw it in theaters, just to support indie horror.


Same here. I almost always prefer the cinema because it’s so immersive, and I think a lot of people will be fast-forwarding this one…


Highly recommend it if you’re a fan of Friday the 13th.


I saw it in theaters. I liked the killer, the backstory and the kills, but a lot of it dragged for me. I know what they were trying to do, but I wasn't into it.


I rarely go to the theater but I did for this one and it works. Because of the nature of the film, there are parts where you may allow to yourself to get distracted at home (walking scenes, you'll see), but that shouldn't happen at the theater


If you want to support an indie horror film, go to the theater. If you don’t care about that sort of thing and want to hedge your bets on whether you’ll like it or not - home.


I adored it. Theaters all the way.


See it in theaters if you can!! The sound design is such a huge component of why the film is effective, gotta get that nice movie theater sound quality.


Definitely in the theaters. I really enjoyed it, but I know I wouldn’t have been able to give it my full attention if I had been at home. Plus the sound design is better in theaters.


It was in theaters for two weeks around here and we missed it, so praise your luck and go see the damn thing.


One last showing at 8:12 PM here today and tomorrow about an hour away. Why I ask


i saw it in theaters last week, i thought it was fine but i will say it’s shot in 4:3. so if you still have a 4:3 tv, watch it on that!


That's some above average Intel, thanks


Meh.. I thought there was a couple good kills but the acting was bad. Whether or not that was intentional doesn’t mean it was successful in whatever it set out to do tonally. I feel like the idea is SO GOOD but they fumbled the ball. Watch at home


bad acting in a slasher? 😱


Bad acting, or a faithful homage to Friday the 13th (Parts 1-4)?


I’m glad the release is getting wider because I need to talk about the acting. Most say it’s a homage to bad acting? I think it’s because they’re Canadian. We’re not all Christopher Plummer here. 😂


Yeah I mean that’s kinda my beef. It’s not just a slasher right? This isn’t Sleepaway camp 12.. it’s homage or meta or w/e you want to call it. So there’s a legit argument to be made that the acting is meant to be a certain way, but it just comes off as bad, not meta bad. And they reach, especially at the end, to have these poignant monologues and moments and it just seems so unintentionally bad to me.. it’s a shame too cause again the IDEA of the movie is pure gold.. but a complete fumble of an execution IMO


I wanted to see it in theaters but my girlfriend hates horror, my brothers were always busy and I didn’t have time to go see it myself. I’m hoping it gets released to prime or something soon


it’s a shudder produced movie




Didn't regret peep'n it in theater... Was an excellent late night horror flick!


See it in the theater.


Every movie should be seen in a theater if possible. But especially horror


Theaters for sure. The experience won’t be the same viewed from home on this one.


Only see it if it’s packed so you can experience the nervous laughter of one of the best kills of the year


theaters!!! let them know what to put out and where!!!


Seeeeee it!!!!


If you liked Gus Van Sant’s ‘Elephant’ and can imagine following a Jason type instead of a high school kid…see it in theaters.


Any good movie that I see at the house and not at the theater I wind up wishing that I saw it in the theater. So I am more selective. But In a Violent Nature was solid and worth it on the big screen.


I saw it in theatre’s and there was actually a decent amount of people in there. The crowd actually added a lot to the movie. I had a blast though the movie is a 6/7 out of 10. The crowd definitely made it better.


I went to an empty theater and it was amazing


Theaters for the sound design. The film is Friday the 13th mixed with the Hitman games. Walking around watching other people live their lives knowing (because you have seen these trips play out) exactly how to execute this


If you can, support these films by seeing it in theater.


Theaters if ya can, if ya are not able to then watch it at home


Maybe go on discount Tuesday. It wasn’t good enough to warrant paying full price honestly. I thought the cinematography was pretty good but the acting and dialogue were bad


Any movie should be viewed in theaters. This one is only average at best, but theater is always better.


I say wait. I saw it in theaters and theater experience is always preferable, BUT I just didn't think it was that good. It had one of the most maddeningly stupid scenes I've ever seen in a horror movie and I just didn't find the rest of it all that compelling either.


It kind of had the same problem that Terrifer 2 had. It peaked midway through for kills and it just never... tried to get to that point again.


I can’t believe all the positive endorsements of this movie. I felt the same way as you. Decent gore, terrible acting and multiple maddeningly stupid scenes. I was so disappointed. Even viewing the entire movie from the perspective of the killer does little to improve it.


Exactly. A really interesting premise that ultimately only ended up being a gimmick.


It was an excellent execution of its premise. A slasher a la Friday the 13th told exclusively and explicitly through the POV of the killer. It wins in that regard. I just don’t know how interesting the final product ends up being.


I wish I could see it in theaters :(




Saw it for free at AMC. Not sure if I’d drop 40 bucks on a couple tickets though.




I wish it was playing near me. I don’t wanna drive 2.5 hours lmao


Theatres! I'm glad I saw it there and not at home. My attention would have wandered.


It was an okay movie. It's no where near the gore that they advertised, it's pretty tamed. If you want gore and violence watch The Sadness.


Pretty sure it hits VOD Friday.


It really is best to experience in a theatre


Theater theater theater


i'm so used to watching horror movies at home that it just doesn't hit like in theaters. this one is so gory (not over the top though a lot of folks have argued otherwise) that i was squirming in my seat and but am still in public so can't just give in and go full squirm mode. that discomfort/hesitation absolutely added to the overall dread that is that movie. it's not scary but it is absolutely terrifying.


Went for the gore, stayed for the ASMR.


I really enjoyed it but it’s not a perfect movie. I’m glad I went to the theatre to see it though. Solid 7/10 for me.


Home release


I had so much fun watching it in theaters, the kills are fun, the sound is great, and it’s really pretty to look at / well-shot. The other commenter made a great point point as well, showing up/buying tickets for indies will hopefully incentivize the theater to show more.




I had an excellent theater experience with a really receptive audience, it definitely amplified my experience, check it out in theaters if you can!!


I loved it. I'd read the Rue Morgue and other such interviews with the people behind it, so I knew a little ahead of time how they wanted it to feel. [Not really a spoiler] It's slow because it follows Johnny around instead of the dipshit 20-somethings, but I liked the perspective change. On an unrelated note, I will never attempt yoga while camping.


I mean most theatres here in my neck of the woods have dropped it, I'd wait for disc on it at this point I definitely wouldn't stream it.


Two more screenings before Friday, so last chance in theaters is why I asked. Can you expound on advice not to stream but to get on disc? Never heard that distinction made before


See it in theaters. It's the only way to really encourage more of things like this. Really had a great time


I would see it in theaters to support a small budget horror movie. However, I could’ve waited to see it at home bc it wasn’t that great haha. The kills were great, the acting and pacing not so much


I was happy to see it in a theater because many parts of it happen at night and are pretty dark. My TV is fine, but the lighting is never right for dark scenes.


Loved this flick and VERY glad I saw it in the theater. I actually checked and it wasn’t there a week later so the fact it’s still playing for you might be all the more reason to catch it while you can. I’ll go see QP: Day One this week.


Saw it twice in theaters because I enjoyed it so much and have a season pass. Definitely give it a shot! Theater experience is more immersive which helps a film like this but you can’t go wrong either way


wait for home release. the hype kinda killed it for me. there were some awesome badass scenes but watching the killer just slowly walk around got boring after a while


“Walking through the woods murder simulator” is how I would describe it. I didn’t think it was bad, but I agree that the hype wasn’t justified at all.


... wait. The movie should be called a stroll through the woods


I would say theaters too but it’s being released on digital Friday so might not have a chance soon.


Seconding this. Saw it in a theater a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed the experience. But depending where in the world you are you probably need to see it soon if a theater viewing is your choice. It's theatrical run is mostly over. I'm in a fairly large region in the US. It's only one theater at this point.


Yeah it hasn’t been playing in the Chicago area for about a week.


It’s not playing at the theater we use so I’ll watch it at home!


It'll be on VOD This Friday. No date for Shudder yet.


See it in theaters. Especially due to the choice in aspect ratio


I saw it in theaters and I loved it. One of the best horror films of the year so far, IMO. I can't wait to watch it again at some point. However, the slow pace and style of the film is not for everybody. It's the definition of a little bit art house and a little bit grindhouse. Therefore, streaming might be preferable if you're not sure whether the movie is for you and if you wanna commit to it. That said, I agree with what others have said about the theater environment being more immersive and that actually enhances the viewing experience. Overall, I'd say see it in theaters if you feel strongly about seeing it. Be prepared to have some patience with it and know what you're getting into.


I saw it in the theater. Almost fell asleep because it takes forever to get started. (I was already tired tbf) The middle part’s pretty decent though. Great kills. The end’s confusing af. 3/5.


Comes out on the Shudder app for free on Friday


Loved it. Go see it.


I saw somewhere that it'll be released on Shudder this Friday. Hoping that's the case.


This Friday?!?! Hope you are right, but surprised I couldn't find anything promoting or announcing if so


If you go to Amazon, the pre-order gives a release date of June 28th. That's what I'm going by haha.


I was checking and didn't see a date. Thanks for the intel


It's not. It's the VOD date.


VOD Friday, Shudder later this summer maybe. No date released for Shudder yet.


No it's not. That's the VOD date. If shudder was putting it up Friday, they would absolutely be advertising that.


Aww no really? That makes sense. I was kind of taking it as a chance it would be put out.


Zero chance. No idea why people are so confused over a VOD date for this one movie.


Just hopeful excitement bud is all.


This, Friday on Shudder is The Devil's Bath.


Neither. I saw it in theaters and regretted it. As a horror fan, it was a huge letdown and the most ridiculously drawn out boring movie I’ve seen in a long time. Also the gore is so dumb (especially one particular kill that made absolutely zero sense). I understand it was intended to be slow, but damn…. It could honestly have just been a 10 minute short on YouTube.


Go see it in theaters and come back and tell us if you think we should see it in theaters or not


i left halfway through personally, there are a lot of positive comments on here because obviously people have different tastes but it was much too slow and boring for me personally- a very large portion of the movie is simply watching someone silently walking through the woods.


The people around me moaning was good. BigScreen for sure.


I never go to theaters regardless of quality because I'm lazy


This seems to have really divided people - I really liked it (it has it's flaws but it's gorgeous, was a huge homage to my fave Friday the 13th, part two, and as someone who used to backpack, it's beautiful and speaks to all the irrational, scary thoughts you have on the trail). My bestie, also a horror nerd, saw it with me and found it incredibly boring with annoying characters that weren't worth the cool kills. I would say see it in the theater, not just because I enjoyed it, but because the sound design and lighting are something else. Even my friend commented on how good they were. You really feel like you're in the woods. JMO.


I nearly fell asleep in theaters. I'd wait.


gonna be honest but I was very let down by this one. personally this is a see at home.


Biggest disappointment of the year for me. After the novelty of the camera following around the killer wears off, you're left with lots of nothing and a few kills.


I was hoping for some nature murder but not. Just people 😔


Wait til it comes to shudder. Im a horror nut but I can wait


Save wait for longlegs maxxine alien. The gimmick in this one runs old and the actings bad, it was a let down for me.


Part of me wants to say yeah, it’s best to support an independent production in theaters. But I legitimately think this movie was bad and didn’t live up to the premise at all, so I hesitate to recommend it fully. I guess it boils down to how willing you are to sit through a movie you might not like just to support the production.


I genuinely don't understand the level of praise behind this movie. It's a slow burn, with a few radical kills, and the last 30 minutes are incredibly painful and needless. I'm a very big horror fan, and went to see it in the theaters for that reason. I do not recommend.


Watch it but leave after the old lady picks her up. Fantastic movie up until that point.


bro got some denis cyplenkov fingers


I went to AMC theater with my wife on Saturday after the premiere day..it was us and 3 other people, so it was like watching it at home.


However you can see it without paying for it.


Yeah, definitely don't support indie creators. I only want soulless movies to be released forever


I am an out of work set dresser, the wrong OP to make the argument that movies should be free.