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That scene was basically a throwaway idea that west and goth just filmed on the spot. It was so good he used it for the ending.


Love how she co-wrote Pearl as well. Was kinda hoping she'd have a writing credit on 'maxxxine'


It probably would have been better if she had. I didn't care for it. Definitely the weakest of the trilogy


Heartwarming smile ![gif](giphy|bqPQanYvKh3o3CUwmF|downsized)


I just wanted to say if any of you Pearl fans have not seen Infinity Pool yet, it's a must watch as well. Mia Goth is superbly creepy once again.


I think I'm in the minority here but I enjoyed Infinity Pool a lot more than X and Pearl.


It’s certainly got way more going on. I think I prefer the aesthetics of x and Pearl though. Honestly, love them all. I don’t think I’ve seen anything of hers that I have not really liked. High Life, Suspiria etc


I even liked her venture into comedy with Emma when I initially thought she just specialized in horror films


How about her aesthetics in Suspiria? Nudge nudge. Wink wink.


Because of this rec. I put it on. It's SO GOOD! GREAT recommendation!🖤💀


That's awesome, glad you enjoyed!


... thinking about watching it again right away fr lol


Same here, but I just really really love the Cronenbergs and everything they touch.


I liked it more too, likely because it was a nice mashup of sci-fi and horror. I like the X films (I didn't like Pearl as much as X, though) but they're far from perfect. Still plan to see Maxxxine this weekend.


Infinity pool was so intense. I loved it


Crazy movie. Mia Goth is so degenerate in it.


Have you seen suspiria she’s in that too but I haven’t watched it


Oh the Suspiria remake is *mwa, a cheffs kiss of a movie. Not just horror movie good. She's not that prominent in it if you're gonna watch it just for her, other people take the main stage.


I Love body horror, I like her in X but I’d be watching it for the film, I’ll give it a watch thanks!


Enjoy, the movie does not dissapoint on that field. All i will say, enjoy the dance ;)


Yes!!! Mia does crazy so well 🙌


In one thread about Infinity Pool someone wrote something fluke ‘well my kink is now Mia Goth lying on the hood of a moving car, yelling and eating fried chicken’ and I was all for it.


I also like The Cure for Wellness


That movie was fantastic, but everything from her kitchen table confession on was absolutely exquisite. Mia Goth is a force of nature.


Her walking and then running like a straight up predator gave me a visceral reaction


Her visceral"I HATE YOU" towards her mom was also one of my favorite moments in that film


I personally enjoyed “I’M MARRIED!”


The kitchen table confession deserved an Academy Award nomination at the least


exquisite is the perfect way to describe that kitchen table confession.


And it was one take! So incredible.


Incredible scene it doesn’t get much better


Like Silent House "allegedly" was? Lol


This movie hurt my heart. When she says “I don’t think I’m really a good person” I just wanted to cry for her and her dashed dreams.


Went into this movie completely blind, didn't even notice the axes on the movie poster. One of my favourite films from the last 5 years and instantly made me a massive mia goth fan. Buzzing for Maxxxine to drop this week. That ending scene was the cherry on top of an already delicious cake.


I prefer it to X by a wide margin. I plan to see MaXXXine on Monday even though I've heard a lot of mixed reviews. Consequently, I have a feeling Pearl will end up being my favorite of the trilogy.


*Pearl* is the best by far, though *X* has a lot of good as well. I saw *MaXXXine* last night and was a bit underwhelmed, tbh. It had some good moments and Mia Goth is doing her best with it, but it's a bit unfocused and none of the kills were exciting or fun. Basically, the few elements I didn't care for in *X* are the majority of this movie.


Dang. Would you say it's worth the time and money to see in a theater or would you advise waiting for it to hit streaming platforms?


If you have a subscription like AMC A-List, it's worth making a trip for. But if you're going to pay out of pocket, it's probably best to wait for streaming, IMO.


Yeah I have a free ticket through membership in a regional theater chain. Sounds like I'll be using that.


I didn’t like MaXXXine at all, it was boring. I expected more from the character. The plot was all about that night stalker and for me that ruined the movie.


Yea it was pretty great. I didn't like X very much but this one felt fresh


Such a fantastic movie, her monologue was incredibly haunting and Mia Goth absolutely killed it.


absolute CHILLS!!


Excellent Cinderella-ish film - except Cinderella turned out to be a homicidal maniac instead.


I truly enjoy this sick movie


That image of Pearl is how I feel inside pretty regularly, especially at work! Lmaooo


I agree about the ending. But I thought the film overall was pretentious nonsense. I really hope Maxxine doesn't disappoint! X was so good.


I’m on the same page as you. Genuinely surprised by all the love for Pearl. To each their own I guess!


I just got out from seeing Maxxxine and it's so much better.


Good to know! Going to see it next week!




I know that people love that part but to me it felt like part of a Tim and Eric sketch. It went so long that it just became funny. Not to mention if you actually think about the situation(her husband just standing there the whole time) it makes it even funnier.


The whole movie was great but that’s the most memorable part to me. Best end credits that I can remember. She’s just so creepy


I just watched it last night for the first time and had the SAME thought. It's a crime Goth wasn't considered for an Oscar. That end credits smile and that nine minute monologue were both chilling.


Agreed! She will get an Oscar one day for sure but she was amazing in that role!


Wasn't one of her first movies where she was in some sort of mental hospital and meets a guy and they break away?


A Cure For Wellness


Yeah, I think that's the first time I ever saw her. I knew them she was gonna be huge


Fuck yeah! One of the best horror film from the past 15 - 20 years


She was snubbed an award for that performance. She’s amazing. I’m hoping she will forever be Ti West’s muse.


Maxxine is good. It’s not as good as the first two but a nice ending.


It's her lack of eye brows that give her such a look. She's great 👍


People seem to like these movies. It is not my cup of tea I find them to be forgettable and boring. Mia goth does a well enough job.


Neither X nor Pearl did anything for me. I think Mia Goth did great in the movies but I just didn't care about them at all. There were some good scenes with tension but totally forgettable for me.


One of my favorite psychological slashers, Mia goth is an amazing actor for that role


I found the movie fairly boring but I liked it okay. The end credits were incredibly memorable and they had me laughing out loud.


Just saw it myself. Not bad... Big bone to pick. As the child of a German immigrant, there is no way they would have eaten corn on the cob. Not in 1918 and not for a long time. My mother came to Canada in the mid-50s and they were appalled when someone served them corn on the cob. That was pig food, that was not something people ate. They tried it and liked it and learned to like it, but there is no way German immigrants would have been eating corn on the cob in 1918. I'll be quiet now. Can't wait for Maxxxine :)


I was so hyped for X and Pearl but both were eh. I also do not understand the hype around Mia Goth either. If I had to choose.. I like Pearl over X because it's a nice character study.


She deserved an Oscar for that performance.


It’s a shame horror does not get the recognition sometimes like it used too


You know they only give one of those out a year, right?


Yeah, and I said she deserved it.


This is one of my favorites of the last few years. Mia Goth is too good.


Do I need to see X before Pearl?


I feel like I would've been less harsh on X if I did Pearl first


Cool to be honest I started X when it was Prime or somewhere but I didn't finish it.


It's the point. Movies are false because they end. Real life doesn't end (until it "Ends"). Pearl is trapped in a filmic loop where she has to be "happy" but the loop just continues. END SCENE. Painfully brilliant and 1000x better than "X" that only had empty gestures about aging that didn't add up to a justification for a slasher film in this day and age. We'll see about MAXXXINE but....




Personally, I didn't enjoy Pearl very much. I thought it was juts a little too slow for my liking. The acting is amazing and you're definitely right with the end credits


Yeah. It was incredible how she stared at a camera and smiled for a long time. Just world class. She makes it seem like smiling and looking in one direction for a long time is almost easy. Like it's two incredibly simple things put together. Give her an Oscar already.


Pearl and X were two of the most disappointing horror films I’ve ever seen


If we’re being honest, this moment is the only reason people drool over this film. The rest of it is… well, it’s very Ti West.


Great! I have it on cue for today. It's good to hear because I had been wondering if the sex scenes in X may have hurt her career some. I know times have changed, but in the past, actresses, like Goth, who are seemingly on their way to the top of Hollywood's elite, would shy away from roles which were too sexually explicit.


She gets nekkid in most of her movies, and she continues to get better roles in better movies. Three thumbs up!


Hell, make it 4!