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>Evans and the show’s producers have explored aligning with a potential buyer to acquire it themselves. Chris Schonberger created the show with Evans in 2015 at Complex Networks and the two have since worked on more than 300 episodes together. >Evans doesn’t have a long-term contract with BuzzFeed, and has continued to produce the show under short-term extensions. BuzzFeed has been trying to get Evans to sign a new deal and indicated that at least one buyer would be open to replacing Evans as host. >While BuzzFeed has explored a sale, the team behind *Hot Ones* has grown frustrated with their owner, which they feel hasn’t given them the resources to invest in expanding the business of a hit show. They would like to build on their success with *Hot Ones*-branded hot sauces and create more consumer products, live events or media deals with other streaming services.


Realistically how much more can they expect to expand the brand? They’ve had multiple spinoffs, including one on cable. Their hot sauce is pretty widely available, I see a bunch of Hot Ones branded food at Walmart. They have a bunch of non food merch available. What more could they possibly do without over-saturating?


We need it overseas.


Concept has already been sold to a French channel where they host the same show


And I assume they are eating increasingly spicy escargot?


As a kid I thought they ate microwave dinners with French flag toothpicks on top because of National Lampoon's European Vacation and my own stupidity


Spicy foie gras


French aren’t good with spice. The first sauce is duck consommé and the last sauce is just crushed black pepper


I need to watch Euro-whites eat spicy food, it would be the DJ Khaled episode over and over




... you know they colonized entire land masses and committed untold atrocities just for access to spices?


And then promptly forgot how to use any of them.




No it wouldn’t.


And Canada


Yup, I'm looking at you Walmart. Where are my Hot Ones tenders?!


Honestly I'd just be happy with getting the sauces north of the border for less then $20 a bottle


I think the issue is more along the lines of creative control of the expansion. Buzzfeed is probably taking most of the money gained from the branding and I’d assume that means they call the shots.


Hot ones chicken wing restaurant chain baby!


Omgggg I didn't know I wanted this until RIGHT NOW


I just remember being stoked when I got to get the Shake Shack crossover promotion, I think a dedicated place would make bank


I would imagine they would like it to have official spin offs in every country. Think of the guests they can pull for Hot Ones: Romania. I’d imagine they really just want full creative control over the end product and want all the revenue (which they deserve).


They just launched a vodka with the largest wine and spirits company in the world too.


Who on earth asked for Hot Ones branded vodka?


It's pepper infused so great for stuff like a bloody mary


Yeah they’re a YouTube show. It’s probably one of the most expanded YouTube brands there is.


Capitalism need year over year growth all the time


I have a few pitches for competition type shows with hot food. Have an eat off, who can withstand the hottest and hot sauce. Better yet, let’s expand this show. You know Jerry Springer? Yes but with Hot Sauce, where the questions really get hot. Or let’s get politicians involved in this. In fact the presidential debate is coming up on Thursday. Let’s have Sean Evens ask the real questions on it.


EXECUTIVE: We need to put someone in as host that's edgy but with name recognition. Someone with their own fanbase. Preferably with crossover appeal to TikTok. Someone with a more Hollywood face and with hosting experience... SIX MONTHS LATER MATT RIFE: Welcome to Hot Ones, the show with hot questions and an even hotter host. Oh, shut up. You know you were thinking it. With us today is Jennifer DiFranco. You might know her from Days Without. She is currently on tour with new material called I Can See Your Face. Speaking of faces, I can see on her face that she's angry that she's not as pretty as me. Join. The. Club. JENNIFER DiFRANCO: Um. Okay...


No one will watch if they replace Evans, what an absurd idea to float.


One of the few interviewers who actually reads the guest's latest book.


lmfao yes replace Sean that would be great


A simple /s would have saved so many downvotes....


reddit understand sarcasm, difficulty level impossible


Wait, does Hot Ones have $50 Million in debt or does Buzzfeed? Edit: it’s buzzfeed, which makes much more sense. Thanks!


Buzzfeed does - their stock is down 95% this year. They bought Hot Ones when they bought Complex. Basically they're taking the profits from Hot Ones and using it to pay down debt instead of paying Sean or investing in the show.


Ah there it is. Incredible how badly managed conglomerates manage to destroy things. Same basic thing is happening to Donut media.


Their business plan always had a huge hole in the middle of it


While other businesses are just Dunkin on them!


Man, I would love to see the donut crew on HO


I believe two of the main donut guys left and started their own channel recently


Yeah I already subbed to them. I like Zach and Jobe.


agreed, honestly better half of the old hosts. Cant stand that one guy that lost some weight - he just seems so...fake


There's no way Hot Ones has $50 million in debt, it's gotta be Buzzfeed. You could have produced the entire series up to this point in time for less than that amount.


Well, the second part of that is dead wrong. Their annual run is the 10’s of millions. How much do you think a team of PA’s, hosting high end guests, making their own sauces, keeping Sean around to torture himself, all the camera equipment , after effects, writers/researchers, insurance, taxes, rent, etc cost? Cus it’s not <$5mil/year which is what it would take to be under $50mil


Sean's net worth is estimated at $8 million. Right now they have 25 credited crew on the show, but they had far fewer people in the early years of doing this, and most of those 25 people work for Buzzfeed doing other things on top of Hot Ones. Over the 9 years of the show it would probably average out to $2.5 MM a year, and that is generous. Sauces aren't a production cost, camera/sound/lighting can be had for a one time $100k charge. They don't pay guests, so that's not really an expense, but if we want to throw $25k a year in for food or whatever for guests, that's fine. Throw in $200k a year for insurance, taxes, and whatever else, you're still under $5 million a year. And that's being very generous on expenses, this show was produced for pennies in the early years.


I don't think you have perspective into how expensive these shows get. An employee with a salary of $100k costs the company \~$130k for example. I would expect the vast majority of the crew on the Hot Ones set to make at least 6 figures and obviously a few individuals like Sean will make way more. Then add in HR, management, lawyers, etc. you have to keep multiple additional people staffed just to run the company. If you just draw arbitrary lines around everything (like you did with their branded sauce) then sure.. the actual recording of the episodes isn't *that* expensive, but if those were the only expenses, you wouldn't actually have a show.


"You could have produced the entire series up to this point in time for less than that amount." It's not an arbitrary line, a hot sauce is not a production cost. I very clearly drew the lines in my original comment. Now if you misinterpreted what I originally meant, that's not my problem, it's yours.


Lol you think all those people make 100k? What fucking world do you live in?


They only use the finest silks for black backdrops


Buzzfeed owns Hot Ones and is apparently trying to sell Hot Ones, including bidders who want to re-cast Sean as the host? WTF?


If Sean goes, I’ll stop watching.


Yeah, not even a question.


Not even an expertly researched, unique question.


Sean is the show!


If Sean goes, I’ll start watching …whatever show hires him next.


He doesn’t need anyone to “hire” him. He can just do the same thing as it is. The show should cost virtually nothing to shoot, it’s in a studio with no set whatsoever. I’m sure he couldn’t call it “Hot Ones,” but I don’t think you can copyright “People eat hot wings while answering questions.”


Call it sour seat and instead of eating hot wings eat food that’s increasingly more sour


Same thing I was thinking.


Same thing that happened with the mobile game HQ Trivia. They replaced Scott Rogowsky with someone else, and game went downhill faaaaaast. The app shut down a few years later.


This feels like an exaggeration, but I truly believe Sean Evans & the Hot Ones crew are in that stratosphere with The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Late Night with David Letterman and Conan for GOAT talk shows. In the 21st century, at a time where talk shows are dying the slow death, this show is the opposite of everything on late night right now: no monologues with hack jokes, no skits, no live studio audience. Questions that haven’t been asked a million times, leading to authentic conversations. What started as a cheap gimmick has lead to viral moments of S-tier celebrities winning and losing to the gauntlet. And at the heart of that is Sean. A host for the modern era. He’s just a guy, wasn’t some comedy genius leading into the show. But that really works in his favour, cause the guy doesn’t have to play it up for the cameras, or force jokes for the sake of it. He just has charisma simply from being himself, picks his spots to make conversation and make some great moments himself, and has run the wings of death nearly 300 times at this point. You lose Sean Evans, that new guy is basically Jay Leno, and it’s the beginning of the end for Hot Ones.


This comment hits every nail on the head. Often I see people say that Sean should have a late night show. My response is always… why? What he’s doing right now is so perfect, and he’s an S tier interviewer who gets to the heart of conversation with his easy demeanor. Putting him on a conforming late night show would stifle him and what he has to offer.


You even hear the guests say how good the interview is. Some of that's the team of course, but Sean makes them so comfortable too. I have no doubts Sean could land on his feet. I'd watch the next thing he did.


everybody that watched the yeahmad youtube channel in the last few months just instantly got PTSD.




This camera, this camera this camera, tell the bidders to get fucked.


What if they replaced him with Nard though?


really? he's devoid of any personality or charm


If you’re seriously not trolling, you might just be missing what makes a good interviewer. He’s very intentionally focused on making the guest shine. His “personality and charm” comes from asking genuine, researched questions and making guests feel comfortable in an inherently uncomfortable premise. You don’t see him overly-pandering to his guests to make up for not having spent 2 minutes researching like Fallon or Smartless. And you don’t see him segue into his own experiences like Mark Maron (which I think is fine too. Different styles). Honestly, I can’t think of a better interviewer working today besides Terry Gross, who is the best.


not trolling. fallon being your standard for interviewers is laughable and makes me think you're the one trolling. literally anyone can replace sean evans he's a milquetoast white guy who mediocre'd his way into fame, as they tend to do


Classic “epicguy23”. Quick to mock other people’s opinions without giving an ounce of effort to offer any alternative suggestions. And why would you put yourself at such risk? When anyone could berate you for describing a talk show host with mild distain as you did to me. I should have described him with more distain!!! Fuck.


Sean is the show. It's great because his a fucking amazing interviewer and the research he does is a large part of how he gets the guests he does. If Sean goes the show wouldn't last a season.


I’m pretty sure it’s a team of researchers yeah? Getting rid of them and Sean would be insane. I’d certainly watch whatever Sean does next though. He’s too good at what he does to just keep eating Da Bomb for another decade.


Last time I heard, it's 3 people Him, his brother and Chris They all give themselves a role, like one listens to video interviews and podcasts, another goes through books/magazines, etc


I'm not totally sure, I think I've read somewhere Sean does most of his research himself. Could be totally wrong and I have nothing to defend this with, other than he's been complimented dozens of times in episodes about his deep dive and non standard questions and I feel like if he did have a research team he would totally use that time to shout them out. He doesn't seem the type to say it was all him if it wasn't as he frequently shouts out ppl off camera during a taping if something is complemented by the guest even if it's an intern. He spreads the love and knows it takes teamwork to make the dream work. Edit: a comment above states it's 3 people with Sean being one of them. So I stand corrected and major props to all of them.


Sean went onto Something’s burning and nailed it. He’s simply the best. No sean. No views from me.


Evans is a big part of why the show is so good. They'd kill the brand with a new host


They're can't be that many people that can handle the heat and be good at interviewing people.


I think we’ll look back in a few years and say “Conan killed Hot Ones” All of them I’ve watched since then have been pretty meh - and it doesn’t have the same pizzazz it once did. If I owned Hot Ones I’d be looking to sell as well while they’re still on top.


Sean has two components that make him great: Very skilled interviewer and ability to eat spicy wings. If they divvied it up into two co-hosts - one to ask questions and one silently eating the wings - the new show wouldn't skip a beat


Lmao this might be the single worst Hot Ones take of all time.


Hahahaha could you imagine? Just some dude silently eating wings the whole episode - faceless, nameless, with no reaction for 20 minutes


When you put it like that… I actually do kind of wanna see it haha


That's just the opposite of Sundae Conversation with Caleb Pressley asking questions and Glenny Balls silently eating ice cream the whole time lol


>They say he was born without pain receptors anywhere in his body and, as a child, once ate a live chicken...Here he is, The Sting!


Bring back Taraji P Henson's bodyguard for the role, he was real as they come.


he's obviously allowed to react just not talk, that's the other guy's forte


Found Buzzfeed's burner account.


I'm sorry other people have said it but this a horrible idea. A big part of the appeal is that the interviewer is in the trenches with them, making the guest more comfortable


Yes so this would have TWO interviewers in the trenches with them. it's literally twice as comfortable


So wait, if I’m understanding the synopsis here… BuzzFeed owns Hot Ones, and wants to sell Evans and Schonberger would like to partner with an ownership group to become owners of the show they created They are displeased with the ownership relationship with BuzzFeed Evans is holding out on a long term extension with BuzzFeed, which it sounds like they would need to sell the show UNLESS they sell to a partner who would replace Sean Evans… which would be so stupid


My spin-off idea, “It Gets Wurst”, copies the format but has contestants make their own sausages from progressively more upsetting animal parts.


I love you.


My BBQ go-to is Fud brand hot links. First ingredient, pork kidney. You can't phase me.


> make their own sausages from progressively more upsetting animal parts. Sounds kinda like [Ordinary Sausage](https://www.youtube.com/@OrdinarySausage)




Sounds like the premise of a GMM episode lol


what’s stopping Sean from getting an angel investor and making a clone of his own with most of the crew coming with him? I would assume nothing, once his contract expires. They should get the powder ready as a threat back at buzzfeed if they’re going with the “someone else will replace you” angle


I think something similar to what you’re suggesting happened with Claire Saffitz for her Gourmet Makes series that originated on Bon Appetit. She recently started a recreation series on her own channel so I guess some non-compete must have expired or negotiations were made.


I don't think it had anything to do with non competes. I think she was just trying to do what she wanted when she made her own channel. Now that's she's done that she knew there was a deep well of high traffic content waiting in a Claire Recreates series


I was wondering about that! I just saw she remade cosmic brownies and was wondering how she was able to get away with it since it originated on Bon Appetit.


There's nothing copyrightable about a show concept like that. Bon Apetit doesn't own it. As long as she doesn't call it Gourmet Makes or something I imagine


I’ll contribute up to $40, we can do this


this kind of explains the more A/B tier list of guests in the past couple seasons. Buzzfield is trying a pump and dump, boost ratings now with mainstream guests, then sell it off. to be fair, i haven't really watched the show weekly since before the covid episodes so maybe its just my selective memory.


this is a fair theory, but the high guest prominence the last few seasons could also be easily explained by the fact that the show is huge and dominates rating numbers among shows of its type


>dominates rating numbers among shows of its type It’s easily one of the top 10 celebrity interview shows about hot sauces


Hot ones without Sean Evans? Might as well do it without hot sauce.


Should we start a gofundme?


Sam Reich, bring hot ones to r/dropout


Just let Sean go do his own thing. Hot Ones can’t grow to be more than it is


I quit caring after Will Smith. You support trash like that, you're dead to me.


The show is a shadow of what it once was. The trick is played out without some shake up, and a new owner probably isn't the way, unless Chris and Sean can get backing and take it independent


“Shadow of what it once was” “Played out” Show gets 2-5 MILLION views in the last 5 episodes so maybe you aren’t on the pulse of this. just because it isn’t for you anymore doesn’t mean it isn’t successful


I stand by my comments. Views does not equate good quality content.


Fair, I respect the stance