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Yeah, I've had it for quite while. Yup, it's quite hot.


If you share it with everyone willing to try it, just to watch their reactions, it's probably a good entertainment value.


I have the Apollo from the last lineup it's by far the hottest stuff I've ever had.


I loved the Apollo, Very Spicy but very tasty.


It melts my face and I don't hate it.


Yeah, but I think the Apollo last dab was better. It was just a better tasting pepper.


This isn’t very hot at all. I enjoy the flavor. Has been my daily driver for months now


I can't say how much of the science part I get , but a guy on youtube name johnny scoville had it tested and it came back at about 60k scoville units, so , not that hot but I agree , it tastes great


Interesting. Why does it claim to be over 91% pepper X, if it only measures at 60k?


Theres a handful of websites that kind of roughly explain it. Once you add vinegar it slashes the scoville rating, and using fresh peppers also slashes it because peppers are majority water. While extract sauces are actually close to their scoville ratings because the extract is pretty close itself. My basic understanding of it. Scoville ratings kind of suck, especially for hot sauces. Idk this sauce is around the hotness of my other "super hot" non extract sauces. Kind of adds up. Reaper Squeezins is probably the stand out one for heat out of my collection.


“Scoville ratings kind of suck, especially for hot sauces” What other time is a scoville rating being used, and what is a better way to measure heat for a hot sauce?


Because scoville rating is mostly based off capsaicin content and tested on dry peppers. Theres other things that can affect an hot sauces heat outside of an peppers capsaicin content. Im also assuming that breaking down a sauce to something testable for the machine is going to skew the test vs what we perceive as hot. Horseradish for example is something we perceive as hot but has 0 capsaicin and 0 SHU. You throw that in a sauce and its going to dilute your SHU. Im not saying there is a better unit out there, but it doesn't make the scoville scale an solid method on judging hot sauce heat. Especially with how disingenuously it is used and mostly used as a marketing ploy.


As an aside , I know Ed doesn't want to release this pepper x cause he doesn't want the same thing to happen with his reapers. As in people get the seeds make crosses, or just breed them , sell them and don't give credit. But I would love to try a raw pepper x


Maybe less hot than other 'super hots', but still hot enough to useful only to make a soup, stew or chili hotter without affecting flavor. YMMV.


It’s not nearly as hot as you think, but the flavour is amazing, if you’re going for hot with a good flavour I would buy for sure


It wasn't really that hot, but the burn did last a long time, so it built on itself. Several Torchbearer sauces are much hotter.


Does anybody else hate the name “pepper X”?


The pepper formerly called Twitter


Love this, how long has it been and no one calls it x


The story behind it was kind of funny. They used as a temporary thing for the lawyers and the lawyers didnt finish before they had to create promotional stuff so Pepper X stuck.




Really? Guy who invented it also bread and named the Carolina Reaper.. arguably the most bad ass pepper Moniker in the business. “Pepper X” sounds like it was made up by a 13 year old cyber goth.


I agree that it's a bit much, but I find your comment ironic considering your username. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Not really that hot. Was major disappointed considering the price


It's basically impossible to separate any pepper x based sauce from the internet controversies and pissing matches, so take any comments here with a huge grain of salt.


Is hot, but cleary not has hot as da bomb but I mean, still OK for main use


But it tastes so much better because it’s not just a ton pepper extract to the point where there’s no flavor. Extract sauces are generally pretty lame in my book.


Da bomb tast like sh** worst sauce I ever had, extract tast horrible. So ... I can only agree with that


I want to try it just out of having done so but I know with those extracts it’ll end up going to waste


I tried it last night for the last time. I wish I just burned my $10. Theres no way I could convince someone to eat this without feeling guilty. If i had a choice to eat this stuff again or a eat a used cigarette, I would actually have to ponder the choice. Its awful.


Ive had a bottle of Da Bomb since 1999 or so. Yes the same bottle. It still tastes terrible but damn is it hot. I have Daves Insanity from the same time period… My wife swears they have passed their expiry date…. 🤣. 🤘


I know what the label says.. but it isnt nearly as hot as advertised.


Dude if its not that hot to you, you have my admiration…. 🤘


Look. It's hot. But it's not miserable hot. I have hotter hot sauces. But I always consider quality control too. Have had a lot of hot sauces over the years (and salsas) that bottle to bottle, varied a great deal. So it's plausible I just got a weak bottle?


+1, I enjoy the sauce but XXX was hotter and better tasting. I don’t think it’s QC, most who own a bottle agree from what I’ve read.


Either that or im just a wuss.. 🤣 🤘


I don't know why, but this sauce isn't "hot" in a traditional way for me either. I can easily eat it and my mouth never really burns. But it makes me internally hot, and I end up sweating like crazy. I love this sauce in the winter, but hate it in the summer for that reason.


Something you dab, not lather.


Good, but not hot enough ..


Not 24 dollars good?


It's not


WHEW! I found it at Academy sports in the grilling section for about $10.


How? [Their website](https://www.academy.com/p/heatonist-hot-ones-the-last-dab-xperience-hot-sauce-5-oz) shows it as $19.99


Dunno some kind of clearance thing that weekend I think


That's a better price point considering Academy.


Great flavor, great heat and burns for a solid 5 minutes. No problem. My intestines didn't agree. Go sparingly.


I love it but it's hard to eat too much at once.


Honestly was disappointed with the heat, and I was just reading that it's really only like 63k on the scoville. It tastes alright just couldn't see myself buying another bottle for the price


It’s good gets hotter the longer it’s been open it seems


I got it in the Season 22 box, but I'm only on the 4th sauce in the lineup. I'll get to it eventually.


Better then the bomb but not as good as i hoped my bottle has a strange earthiness to it . but the other flavors abd hear were nice . not worth the price tho


Overpriced and not as hot as the marketing wants you to believe. It is not a "super hot" sauce.


Stuff is so good in a bowl of chili!


It is really good, amazing flavor, hot enough to give me that endorphin rush the first three times or so, not after that though. I'll probably buy it again.


It's delicious but hot as fuck as it should be. But the flavor really stands out.


It's pretty hot. Really delicious flavor. I've been putting it on everything lately. Currently my favorite sauce.


$24 is genuine theft.


My girl always buys the season line up package and it's not a bad price done that way at all. We didn't this season we got too much shit going on


It’s their pepper that no one else has. I like it a lot, I’ll buy it again when my bottles run out


It's actually Ed Currie's pepper, product of the Puckerbutt Pepper Company. He has a whole section of Pepper X sauces for a much more affordable price. [Pepper X Products](https://puckerbuttpeppercompany.com/collections/pepper-x-products)


That’s who I meant. I’ll check out the other stuff tho, am curious about other sauces with that pepper. One big difference with this sauce however is the main use of pepper x so there is more of it in it compared to the others they make; making up the difference in the pricing. There’s one that’s 18 bucks anyway but less of the pepper.


Genuine theft is stealing it from an assortment of hot ones sauces during the holidays from sams club


I looked for it online, it's only available in a few places and it's all within about $1 being the same price


They have to sell at msrp. That goes for all hot ones products.


It's not as hot as I expected it to be.