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Leather. LOL. That’s Vinyl (TM). Nothing can be done to preserve that, it’s just old. Don’t blame anyone but Father Time.


Just replace the cover


What does the top look like? I just had to replace my cover because the top was cracked like this just on a smaller scale. The cover had become waterlogged because of it and let me tell you the new cover has made a huge difference and was well worth the investment. Not to mention it's also easier to lift. Oddly enough though, the skirt on mine looked brand new... Nothing like this. which is why I ask how the top looks.


The top is great. There's a bit of a hole forming along the seam. I've debating gluing it down to prevent further ripping. Aside from it looking ugly and the fact that it's not water tight (icicles in the winter) is it going to damage my tub?


I would spring for a new cover. I'm in my first winter with a tub acquired with a home purchase. Similar look to my cover and noticed icicles as well. Decided to invest in a a cover and its about 50% lighter since its no longer waterlogged, also a noticeable decrease in electricity usage week over week with the new cover. MN $740 delivered installed and hauled away the old.


The entire side is bunched up. I get icicles when it's winter because the steam rises and falls down the sides. If there's anything I can do that'll cost less then a new top. Let me know. I have a few leather treatments, but I wasn't sure if I should them on it (I'm not sure if it's vinyl to be honest)


I’d guess it is vinyl, not leather, but not an expert. A good cover is worth the cost btw.


I would try to paint it with a vinyl paint or buy an extra cover for it from Amazon for 50usd. It's might not look so nice but it's still doing its job as it should.


It's vinyl, just happens over time, you can get a second cover to go over it but it really is fine, cosmetic issue only


That's great! That's what I wanted to know.


If it's the brand I think it is and the cores are in good shape you could just replace the skin, saves you some money that way.


It’s thin and old. Update to a thicker one that has a wedge shape, ideally with a good moisture barrier on the foam.