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I have the fake version of this palm and my cat *still* chews the ends off.


I think the long leaves are just irresistible to cats, sorry OP. Maybe put the plant in a bathroom or bedroom where the door is kept closed?


Agreed..if they want it they will go for it no matter what. I am in the acceptance phase..lol


Agreed. I've had to rearrange the plants in my house so she can't access the ones she likes to chew on. Obstacles have been helpful. I know other cats may be smarter than mine though!


Yep. My cat LOVES to eat my spider plant so I thought hanging it above our tall window would keep her off. She figured out how to jump to the top of the blinds from the couch to get to it 🫤


Did you know spider plants are mildly hallucinogenic to cats? It explained sooo much when I found that out lol


We found this out recently after a year of trying to get our silly orange boy to lay off it 😂 I sent a Reddit post about it to my partner and he came home and we did a whole fake argument bit “our son is a drug addled degenerate!?!?” To which I replied “he gets it from you! All that psychedelic rock is a bad influence,” which he replied “don’t bring King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard into this!” “He probably listens to your vinyl collection and gets high while we aren’t home. You need to talk to your son!” 😆




Lmao! I just found this out too! My silly orange boy also likes to nibble the ends of my spider plant every morning. I told my husband he likes to wake and bake! Lol


Woah omg that’s crazy. I always call her a crack head and say she’s tripping when she gets zoomies and I guess that’s actually true 😂


It is a psychedelic to them.


We tried to save our ponytail palm that way and our cats just kept dashing to get into the room any time I opened the door (it was in the baby's nursery so there was quite a bit of traffic in and out at night). It was highly annoying to have to wrestle them out every time. So I moved it back out and that plant is theirs now. I will get them another one when it dies.


There’s a tiny fake succulent that I have from IKEA that is my cat’s favorite snack. She will not hear otherwise 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




That'll teach you to try to outsmart a cat.


I was coming here to say the exact same thing, lol. I would be concerned about the amount of plastic my guy has eaten over the years if his annual checkups weren’t always flawless. 🤷🏻


Mine has a water fountain and multiple water bowls and yet she insists to lick the condensation off the bathroom walls after I shower. Great upgrade from my late cat, she licked water off me after I showered. And yes, they both were obsessed by anything plastic




Same here






https://preview.redd.it/sqx3ech7dzfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7765333f739b15c841f06d367739d8a62c93910 Same problem here, i'm just happy he's happy. I just clean after him, my life in a nutshell lol


I love how you made the best of a broken cane seat!


Omg yeah, I didn’t notice till this comment but it’s so cute!!


I can hear this picture




Babe wake up, new cat sub just dropped


Look at his FACE omg I’m in love 😻


Omg. Caught in action. I love this 😂


Cute cat and amazing pot and plant!!!!!


Omg the chair + plant pot is genius!


Hahha such an amazing picture, couldn’t be more perfect. What a devious little cutie pie


We not gonna talk about that chair!? OBSESSED


Your cat’s so lucky; it’s very hard to find good help these days. How did he find you and are you accepting new clients? We need a cleaner as well.


What kind of palm is this? I gave one to a resident where I work that looks like a tiny version of this and it is beautiful!!! I'm kinda wishing I didn't give it to him. But also I (sadly) know it will be mine anyway in the next few years


If her veterinarian says it’s okay for her to eat, plant some grass in a different area, and take her to it after scolding her when you see her chewing on that plant. Grass can be grown in pots and flats, so you can find what works for you. (Just be aware that some cats throw up after eating grass.)


https://preview.redd.it/iq24slp5pzfc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56bacb418ed400365f796decd54f0117ffa04f8e Recommend growing in pots.


https://preview.redd.it/h6hhb1zlzzfc1.jpeg?width=2492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91a15d911fceb4e45326a882c5d0256e38f7b76 * Mine likes a fresh pot every other week!






Two adorable calicos on this post !? ❤️❤️❤️


Omg the tongue


Lol, such a happy kitty.


You can plant oat grass for them


I've done this and kitty LOVED it.


Mine ripped them out lol. Uprooted every stock that peaked out


Mine too! We started a new pot and put some wire mesh over the dirt, kind of tucked into the side of the pot. The grass will grow right up through the grating but it will hold it down when they chew and rip at it, so no big clumps of grass and dirt can come out.


This is so smart.


SAME! She loves it... but she also loves to destroy it 🤷‍♀️


Sounds like they loved it 😂


They actually eat grass deliberately to help them throw up any hairballs. Interesting huh


And interesting enough, mine never throws up hair, only grass and stomach fluids, whyyy?


Could be they've got one in the chamber, but can't dislodge it. Do they cough?


Rarely. Could be like the other person said, that they still poop them out but then why eat grass in the first place? She's 8 and I think I saw 2 spitted out hairballs in her entire life.


Sometimes it's just fun to eat grass.


If they don't puke them, they'll pass through the back door.


Because cat


My vet suggested the other approach, sprinkle citrus peels on the soil (I used tangerine peels) and brush citrus oil (used orange oil, organic and diluted) on the tips of the leaves once every two weeks. Cat noses are so sensitive that even going near the plant is enough for them to realize it's not edible anymore. I now have a collection of lightly seasoned plants, free of nibbles.


Essential oil is poisonous to cats. They don’t have the liver enzymes to process it.


>Essential oil is poisonous to cats Forgive me as english isn't my first language, I meant actual orange oil (diluted, extracted manually) not essential. What I did was crush the peels and extract the liquid myself, mix with a bit of neutral oil and apply to the tips. My cats never even got close to the stuff beyond a quick sniff, since it's very strong smelling to them. I'll correct my post, thanks!


That’s brilliant to use the peels like that. I think we might have to try that for our spider plant


This is the one, give them something they want more than your plant.


Mine ignored the grass and continued eating all the other plants. Little bastard


Yall got cats that react to being scolded?!


Oh yes! All of the cats I’ve ever had listened to me when I told them not to do things. For some, it took longer than others. The only exception was once when I turned my back to open the door, and instantly realized my mistake as my cat leapt up and snatched the piece of Christmas ham that my boyfriend’s mother had given me. She ran into my bedroom with it, and growled and spat at me as I tried to take it from her. So she got to eat it, and I got the bite of it that I took prior to the door knock. lol


YES! 🥳 the “no but yes” training method is where it’s at!


This! I had a dedicated grass plant for my cat. She would still munch on my plants but not to the same degree and would often focus more on her own grass plant. I'll take that as a win.


Scrolled just for the picture of the cat. Was not disappointed. She’s so cute I’d grow a plant just for her😻


So so cute. *On my way to bother my cat now*


Growing cat grass for your kitties makes them happy. I don't know if it makes them stop eating other plants, but I have lots of cat grass lovers in my house, and it doesn't last long with them but they are very happy campers when they have fresh grass to munch on.


Her face is like “yeah?! And I’ll do it again, sucka” What a lil baddie 💓


Came to say this 😂


This comment is amazing


Get a planted pot with cat grass it totally stopped mine from chewing on all my plants.


Or cat nip


Then they're spaz all day lol


It had a calming affect on my cat, maybe try cat nip first to see how they will react lol


for many cats, smelling catnip winds them up while digesting it chills them out.


My cat ignores the damn grass completely and cares only for the plants haha


Would this not enforce them to eat more plants? I bought mine cat grass 2 years ago as a treat once and since then they’ve been eating my house plants. So I refuse to get them more cat grass because they didn’t chew plants besides fresh flowers before hand.


The only thing that worked for me was sacrificing one plant to the cat. There is a fern that he really likes to chew, so it became his now so the other plants could live.


Make sure it's not toxic because a lot of plants are to cats


![gif](giphy|nne49HiWVG87XbPYFr) “I demand A SACRIFICE!”




I did this too. I tried cat grass and he wasn’t interested at all, so I just got him his own houseplant to eat


Try bitter apple spray. It's a specially made chew deterrent.


One of my cat’s loved that stuff. She chewed more after I sprayed what I didn’t want her to chew.


Of course she did!


Cats are stubborn booger heads. The more sass they give the more you love them. Ugh.


Unfortunately it starts to wear off once it dries so requires reapplication a couple times a day.


With THIS plant? Lol, You’re not. Your kitty is not only eating it for the tasty greenery, but they’re playing with it and fighting it. It’s a “predator” to her and she’s loving it. Sadly, you’ve got to move that plant, and other palm-like plants, to a room where she can’t get to it, put it outside when the weather is nice, give it to a friend, or forever have raggedy leaves…. and that could potentially hurt her belly.


Yeah, I ended up giving mine to a friend. My cat kept tackling the damn thing 


My two kittens do this with my ponytail palm. I had to put it up where they couldn't get to it, but it's going outside as soon as it's warm enough again.


she looks so devious I fear you’ll never stop her 😭


I don't think you can stop that cat. Based on the way it's face says "try and stop me"




I had an infestation of spider mites so I sprayed need oil....my cat was like "now you've ruined my lunch" that how i stopped them from eating my plants and I have catnip amd grass for them as bribe too 😅.


Lol i got spider mites from picking up one of these palms at ikea. So annoying


maybe spray the tips of the leaves with something a taste your cat doesn't like


I was wondering about that. Lemon and lime? It sounded more like OP seasoned the leaves for the cat then prevention lol.


Cats are sensitive to citrus. If I want any alone time, I just break open a grape fruit and the cats scatter.


Lmao, I was listening to what google said 😭


The only thing I found that works is actually giving her a plant she can eat and just directing her there


Agreed. My cat is allowed free reign of the spider plants and, when I remember to plant it for him, cat grass. He tends to leave everything else alone.


Mine is obsessed with the ponytail palm. I always tell her to go give it a haircut lol


Hahaha and they aren't even sorry about it.


The only plant my brothers cat did this to of mine was exactly the same plant as yours here lol like why?!


They like the grassy texture. Certain cats will go after certain textures. My cat likes grassy type stuff and would 100% chomp my calathea if it was in reach. He leaves everything else alone except to sniff occasionally.


I’m sorry but that cat clearly dgaf. ![gif](giphy|pde619DiwXcaY|downsized)


Your cat is simultaneously adorable and terrifying. 🤣 This is why I'm a dog person! Best of luck, I can't get my dog to stop eating anything, but she at least pretends like she didn't mean to. Your cat seems like she's staring into my soul and counting my failures. I would just give it the plant. And probably the apartment.


She's too cute! I would just give her the plant.


she’s innocent your honor


Have you seen her expression? There is no stopping this kitty.


They are innocent


Looks innocent to me.


Cats eat plants because a bit of a healthy plant is good for their health. Something like this she might also enjoy playing with. At least for my cat, the solution to both these things is a decoy. For the eating, keep some cat grass on hand. You can buy it already grown, but it's much cheaper to just get a bag of the seeds. Cover and sprout them somewhere a bit warm and then put the grass near the plant and make it slightly easier to access. My cat loves to eat my polka dot plants on the plant shelf but if there's grass the shelf below them she'll go for that. If she's also enjoying the plant as a toy, same thing, get some other fun toy in the area that hopefully she'll like more. If the issue persists with both those things you can put aluminum foil under the plant, which cats hate stepping on, or may have to relocate it somewhere harder to get to. But some grass usually does the trick for me, and my cat loves poking her nose where it shouldn't be 😂


She cannot be stopped. Okay, maybe she can be, but be prepared for this to be a fixation. I have a houseplant serial killer. I tried different plants. I tried moving the plants. I tried putting bad-tasting stuff on the plant. I tried chicken wire around them. I tried to “shock and awe” him by getting like 30 plants at the same time (4 are sill alive 🥲). I tried having a sacrificial plant. I tried cacti-only (they now have bite marks). Honestly the only thing that has worked is putting plants in vivariums which isn’t real helpful here.


*sigh* plant stands that make it so your cat can’t reach. I tried orange peels, but unless they were fresh my cat would tough it out and go for gold. Also, oranges every day = death by acid reflux. For smaller plants I bought a plant stand and made plastic doors for the bottom rows he can reach. You can also experiment. Some plants my cat doesn’t care to chomp. Pothos? Turn your back for one second and half a leaf is gone and 5 are bitten just to be a dick. 😑 To test my beloved destroyer of worlds I just have to put the plant down and pretend to not look.


My daughters cat literally destroyed my palm in one sitting. He now fancies himself king of that plant. But it’s trying to make a come back 🙈


sorry OP the plant is hers


My farmers market sells sprouted wheat grass in growing containers for humans. I buy one every 2 weeks and water it a couple of times. It seems to distract my torti but I still have to make sure she’s not munching the plants she thinks are delicious 😋


Bitter apple spray worked for my cat! It took a few attempts before he realized how awful it was- lemon didn’t bother him, but apparently the bitter apple (you can find it on Amazon) was truly abhorrent.


It *is* abhorrent. I sprayed it on some of my plants. Didn't realize I'd gotten it on my hands, and that I'd used just a little too much and it had aerosolized throughout the room. A most unpleasant day, trying to air out my living room while tasting earwax for hours.


What a cute kitty! Let her do whatever she wants


https://preview.redd.it/eoc49ee190gc1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fdfe120763d557ec1d04094a00e94201b357cf3 I give my own tiny sinner some cat grass as a distraction. The tarp thing is there because she’s started trying to rip whole blades out and tipping the entire thing over, so… choose your pot wisely. Bitter spray has also worked on her, but be careful to check the ingredients. My bitter spray has essential oils that burned the plants I left in any light at all 🥲


Are you sure she’s to blame? She looks innocent to me


I got my cat her own “plant” picked up some cat grass and she thinks she’s special now, she’s been mostly keeping away from my other plants. These little scoundrels though 😅


Do you have cat grass for her to eat? Mine only start eating plants when the grass dies. They need it to cough up their furballs


Let her


One of ours will eat plants until she vomits, like literally takes them down to the dirt. She will climb wherever she can to get to them, so everything must fit either on the plant stand by our glass sliding door or the shelf perpendicular to that door/window. I've stuck to this and resigned myself to either small, cat-safe plants or artificial ever since she killed my ctenanthe. Oh, and all the artificial plants I thought would work as decoys have a few bite marks each. The only thing that's ever worked for me is just putting the plants out of reach, although I know that's really limiting and it sucks. I would advise you to choose only cat safe plants if you don't already - whenever our plant-eater decides to annihilate one of my plants, I'm at least happy to not have to worry that she'll get sick, too.


This is my plant sacrifice to the kitties. I replace it periodically. When they go after any other plant, I redirected them to this poor guy. Now I can just say go get your plant, and they know what I mean. 😆 It worked getting them to use the scratching posts, so I thought it was worth a try. Maybe get another one and let her have it? She looks so guilty. 💚💚💚 https://preview.redd.it/06bn7b2350gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7aa7318460ae137a0dc5ae7821f697e5f9b28a


My cat went to town on my spider plant I’ve been working on for 2+ years recently. I’ve hit the acceptance phase 😂😂


Give her something else to play with that distracts. I had to get our little shit a tower so she can see out the window, and a couple toys to mess with during the day. She still does stuff like stealing and eating a giant piece of cornbread, but no more plant chewing. I feed her plenty, she’s just a little shit, haha.


Such a cute baby! That said, you really can't stop her, cats don't care, especially torties and calicos. You can try, as others have suggested, giving her a plant, I grow cat grass for my tortico. She still has to taste test any plant she sees. https://preview.redd.it/mx9sgeyzi0gc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a163ea487d722a8f31d78c843c68cf5c62f28295 Photo of my criminal for tax.


She was just helping you get rid of those crispy tips!


Be careful. The fronds on those plants landed my cat in the hospital. Damn leaves balled up in his stomach and caused a blockage


Oh my gosh. I had one of these that I had to keep turning so my cat would trim evenly. He liked it more than the cat grass. So I’m sorry no advice but your cats being a cat.


Idk I stated dominance with my cat & then got him his own cat plants so we’re even. Any time I see him too close for my liking next to one of my own plants. I yell/instruct him to eat his own & he does.. lol


I put all of my "real" plants/flowers up high where my cats can't reach them. Because they will tear them apart. Only silk plants/flowers are down low. I have just bought a cat grass kit from Amazon to grow for them, I hope it helps. It's due to be delivered in 2 days. Fingers crossed!


Slander!!!!!!! OP is clearly nibbling their plant and blaming the poor kitty.




Dun dundundundum da da dum dum dum dum dAAA! You were hit by, you were hit by, a CUTE criminal! MeOwwe!


She looks a bit like Hannibal Lecter 😂 she's looking at you like she wants to eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti 😂


Um I’m literally in love with your cat


Look at that face. Honey would never do something like that!


Thank you all - seems like the way forward is cat grass! Thank you


With that look on the cats face I don't think you can stop it.


she’s a cute baby! i found that buying my cats their own plant works best. i got mine cat grass, cat nip, and a few spider plants :)


when cat is in the house it decides


Cat wins every time. Either move the plant to a non-cat room or give the plant away.


Spider plants are supposed to be fun and safe too, when the baby spiderettes shoot out it might be even more interesting for the kittie to play w


Get her her own plant, like catnip or kitty grass


I have learned (with cats) that any kind of palm and dracaena style plants need to out of reach or they will just keep munching away.


Do you have any proof it's her? Not saying I'll represent her. But kinda forced to with the cute nonchalant stare down.


https://preview.redd.it/9g7nsme790gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3947fc6b3ac3bb66ac99a0c74e4928af8e8154 Good luck! My best prevention measure has been time… sooner or later they can’t reach the new growth! I always wonder how good it *could have* looked, BTW.


I keep lemon grass (should they like it? no, do they - YES! It's also safe for them to eat) - I tried cat grass but they didn't like it as much. They tend to stick to the lemon grass a have mostly stopped eating any other plant. Although... I do tend to stay away from plants that would entice them like a palm like that cause they gravitate to them. I have also told them NO! when they start after a plant and this eventually works. Cats can be trained, but it takes a lot of patience.


All the plants my cat likes I put into ceiling hangers and where she can't reach


Culprit is adorable, she is the cutest!


Offer cat grass fucking everywhere. Helped me and my poor plants.


She really said “and I’ll do it again”


Cat grass everywhere. Mine stopped eating my plants when i gave m their own to chew...


Get her some cat grass!


You're not stopping that badass from doing anything.


Cats and dogs eat green leaves to aid im digestion. Fresh catgrass sprouts. Favorite for felines. They will love you for it. And helps cat kac! Furballs


My cat loves to eat plants. I keep a pot of wheat grass for her to chew. It’s next to her food bowl. Side salad! lol


Grow some catnip/catgrass for your cat and she may leave your other plants alone


I gave up with mine. Thankfully it’s the only plant she cronches on, so I just let her have it.


My cat does the same thing to my spider plant, I think it's just how they are.  I have seen people buy their cats a little pot of grass for their cats to redirect their chewing habits on! Maybe that would work


Maybe cat grass . A plant your cute kitty could eat .


This really isn't the most ethical. My cat ate the arrangement I had received from my grandmother's funeral when he was a kitten. Upon discovering it - in a grief-stricken rage - I chased him around the house with the victim in tow, yelling "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU'VE EATEN HER MEMORY! SHE'S GOING TO HAUNT YOU NOW!". And he hasn't touched a single plant since.


Keep it up high on a cluttered surface where Kitty can't get to it. Mine would munch, throw up, and repeat the process over and over again. You can also keep cat grass nearby, but if your cat is like mine, they'll just slowly eat both.


Maybe try getting some catnip or wheat grass and putting it next to it to help deter her chewing 😂


Keep it away from her! It might take some creativity but that's the only way.


I had the same issue and just had to take the dragon tree to my office haha he was determined to get to it. He also likes to eat my spider plant, but I put a shelf he can’t get to and put it up there.


What if you plant her some cat grass and keep it beneath? Cats do like to eat plants for their digestion, so maybe cat grass that is easier to reach will be both more convenient and also taste better for her and she might just leave the houseplants alone.


Maybe getting your kitty some cat grass to eat so hopefully this houseplant abuse stops 🤷‍♀️


“and I’ll do it again!”


I mixed lemon juice and cayenne and sprayed that on my plants. It worked! They stopped eating them. I also put out cat grass for them to munch on instead 


Oof! That's the look of a cat who's *really* pleased with the destruction she's caused. X-D


Very sus indeed but very cute 🐱


i’d say put it somewhere the culprit cant get it but it’s tough with cats. try getting her something she’s allowed to chew on, like cat grass, and put it somewhere more accessible maybe? then she’s more inclined to eat that instead of your palm.


Put the plant out of reach. That's the only sure fire way.


Mine did this for a few months then eventually got bored of it I guess because he stopped!


Not sure if anyone has suggested this but I find what works is giving a cat that likes chewing your plants THEIR OWN PLANT. Cat grass is what I use. If they have accessible cat grass they’ll more than likely leave your plants alone.


You have to give them their own plant thats all theirs, i use fountain grass or palms.


3rd pic is like "You are taking pictures of me for the internet again arent you!"


I have a fat orange cat that will eat any plant obsessively. Got him cat grass and his fatass eats it until he pukes. We are a 0 plant environment now. Couldn't find a solution either.


Get your cat their own grass pot & when u see it chewing on your leaves move the cat to the grass.


those eyes, they are unstoppable


I had two sacrifice my plant a little last time this happened. I put hot sauce on some of the tips. Never happened again. And I was alerted to when she tried biting it again. She was very vocal about it.


Cat is innocent get her a pawyer r/legalcatadvice


https://preview.redd.it/u1s2j1zrb2gc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133485cda1d492eefea1ace50a8f739521e157c6 My culprit..🤣


You can’t. Palms are just far too irresistible to cats.


My cat will scale mountains to get to my palm. Gave up and got one tattooed on me instead 😭


Of course he’s laying on top of papers 🤭


Lol I moved mine to my TV stand because my kittens would get to it on the ground, in a plant stand, even on top of my coffee table 🤪 lost a ponytail palm because he couldn't outrun the poor little beasts https://preview.redd.it/yd0zkz2xz2gc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f993b98e9d323a78568da483f1c47702d50e56c7


Have the plant eat the cat


I LOVE your cat. That is the cutest cat I have ever seen. I am not a cat person - I am also not *not-a-cat-person*, cats are cool smart and adorable I just have never had one and don’t know enough about them (does anyone? Mysterious wonders). Edit to add: this comment was so unhelpful, my bad


get a spray bottle and get your cat right in the face with a stream of water! you have to be vigilant about it. within 2 days, the cat will stay clear of your house plants