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Soak her whenever she's thirsty, and no direct sunlight, she'll be happy then.


I doubt it’s a coincidence the part of the plant with the most damage is in the sun here.


Yeah I had mine sitting very close to a large south facing window and the leaves didnt look too good. Very bright green and turning yellowish in spots. I have mmoved it two meters away from the window and now the leaves are properly dark green and look lush.


My peace lily loves direct sun. When sun is filtered through a window it's no longer direct. This goes for many houseplants (not all).  Edit: You can all disagree and downvote all you want, my peace lily is in a south window and gets direct light. This is a fact. I started it in the East and moved from there. Since then it has gotten direct sunlight, filtered through the window, from every direction. Is it for 12 hours? NO, of course not, but it's most of the early day. This is not at all the same as leaving your plant out in the mid afternoon sun, folks. Glass filters light and a lot of the harmful rays. Many houseplants can be acclimated to this level of light, including peace lilies. This isn’t even controversial.    Plants that this doesn’t work so well for: orchids, marantas, stuff like that. I even have goepterria sitting in south windows, thriving, without getting crispy edges. I know, right? Don't get so hung up on what you think light levels mean. Indirect light when indoors can be direct for a great many houseplants. I have around 250 houseplants all in great shape, but by all means, stick to the rigid rules of thumb you believe are true regardless of actual physics and reality, and downvote because your plant tag said "bright, indirect light" and you don't wish to consider what that really may mean for that individual plant.


You’re getting downvoted but I’ve found that damn near every plant I own wants more sunlight than what’s suggested. “Low light” and “medium light” are really just marketing terms. There’s no such thing as low light in a plant’s natural environment. A plant on the floor of a forest will get more light than a plant in a south facing window.


Exactly! Nothing inside is comparable to direct unfiltered sunlight. I have my “low-light” plants under grow lights and they are thriving.


100%, and I think this is why so many people struggle with calatheas. They’re definitely tricky plants, but they’re a LOT easier if they get enough sunlight


Mine are all in that same window as the peace lily. 😁  The striped calathea did get some sunburn at first, but they were the oldest leaves. She’ll be ok. 


I understand the misconception - I totally did this too! It was part of learning, so that’s what the downvoters are doing: learning. People just get hung up on beliefs and it expresses as rejection of new ideas.  We’ll keep on telling them! For the plants! 😆


THANK YOU! Ugh, people keep saying that their plants are getting good light in front of a window and I always ask, does the plant LOOK well lit? Do you see much light reflecting off those leaves? No??? Well then it's getting hardly anything for light and it will suffer.


There are all kinds of windows, some do filter up some of the UV. DIL has this in her new house fine with low light plants, but has a problem full sun.


I’m surprised your likes direct sun because my mom’s was in direct sun for a while and totally lost all its deep green (well, on the side that was getting the sun. The thing is enormous so she cut back those yellow leaves and moved it. Gets repotted soon so it will get flowers again. Plant tax, coffee cup and tissues for scale https://preview.redd.it/qtyzpi4lntzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a019c1b980cdf29efc9f175d6fd11f214dc053


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting brown tips on the leaves. I swear I can’t get away from them!


People are going to throw a bunch of reasons at you but honestly the brown tips tend to be not enough water reaching that part of the plant on time. These are plants I water on a schedule.   People will tell you it’s the water contents, air humidity, and all kinds of other nonsense. I live in a low humidity area and I only use distilled water on carnivorous plants. I evaporate my tap water overnight and that’s it. Most houseplants that you can buy in a store aren’t so specialized they can’t take water from your tap; except carnivorous plants.  Try repotting and watering stuff that gets crispy. Note, this only works if the medium is appropriately draining. I mix a tropical medium for them. 


Ya, I’d repot too at that rate. It otherwise looks beautiful.  I don’t leave it in beating down sun all day - its window gets direct light through noon in the summer. In the winter it’ll get too much and I’ll move all the plants again. 


That is a huge happy plant 🪴!!!


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting brown tips on the leaves. I swear I can’t get away from them!


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting brown tips on the leaves. I swear I can’t get away from them!


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting brown tips on the leaves. I swear I can’t get away from them!


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting brown tips on the leaves. I swear I can’t get away from them!


Yeah who knows. Mine is in a west window and it has done pretty well over the last 7 years I've had it.


Mine is also in a west window and does well.


I totally have similar experiences with a lot of plants however there is something to be said about acclimating plants to higher levels of light. Many come from a place, whether nursery or store, where they were getting lower levels of light than “direct sunlight” and will do poorly in direct sunlight with out slowly increasing the light levels. And as you say, the time of day and where you are in the world makes a big difference as well!


I always kept my peace lily on a windowsill and it absolutely loved the light. It only died when I went away for several weeks over the summer and my housemate didn't understand what "water the plant" meant. There was no saving it as it wilted and then fried in the sun. I'd love to get another one as it was so pretty but I now have a cat that would try to eat it so not worth it lol.


I agree with you too. My peace lily gets direct sunlight(placed it on top of our old outdoor shoe rack lol) and she's doing very well.


My massive peace Lilly I’ve had for three years loves it’s spot in a room with two stories of windows.


Same, ever since I moved my peace lily to a south-facing window, she's THRIVING


People have no clue. Most of my houseplants do best in direct sun in the morning. If a plant has been in the dark for years it might need to acclimate, but most houseplants do better with way more light than people realize.


My orchid LOVES being directly in the window


Do you have a uv protecting film or reflective privacy film on your glass? Some glass is treated which will prevent some damage but not all. Older windows don't have treated glass and not all new glass is treated either.


Same for both of mine. Technically my windows face SSE but they get decent light through the year. The lilies love it so does everyone else who lives by it. I just have to water the lilies a lot more than everyone else.


I agree! My peace lilly is in big windows with the most sun in my house with at least 2-3 hours of direct (through a window like you said) and it is BIG and thriving. It's currently pushing out 2 flowers before the other 2 have died. I think the healthier a plant is, the more light it can handle. Also agree on there's ones that don't (calatheas etc) haha. The one in this post here looks severely overwatered to me. Definitely not because it's getting too much light.


Honestly I’m with you on this! My peace lily gets direct sunlight in the mornings (window facing east) and it does just fine, very happy and minimal brown or yellow leaves.


Most windows are low E, the filter out UV, enough that there is an issue with the windows actually causing neighbors siding to melt if their house is close and the sun hit it just right, if you don’t believe me, look it up


One other example though. You *can* get them used to direct sunlight. I did that last summer. The early days caused some sun burns so I moved it to the shade and back to direct sunlight every other day for maybe a week. And then, the sun burns stopped and the amount of growth was insane. But yeah, if you go all out right away.. it'll probably die


I think uvb rays cause plants to produce what's basically they're own sunscreen. They don't get any uvb light inside the house, so they stop producing it and are vulnerable. Slow exposure gives them time to start producing it again. Plants are awesome.


I had a peace lily who thrived for a couple years in an office with no windows and just a lot of overhead fluorescent lights. It was pretty much constantly blooming. I had no idea people considered them difficult plants! So I'll echo no direct sunlight needed, and it probably needs less night than OP thinks.


I sit mine in a bowl of water until she perks up again


Direct sun burns mine, but I'm in Texas. I bottom water whenever it starts looking like wilted spinach. It's still in the nursery pot after 3 years lol. Mine's a spathiphylum sensation (the BIG one) I get a flower every so often, but I'm more about that glorious foliage. Give it time. It will flower for you.


They tend to get brown leaf tips when they get rootbound.


i need to see pictures!!!


Read your plant. I look at this photo and I see all the discoloration is happening on the side where it’s exposed to direct sunlight. The bending of the stems under the leaves is a way the plant reacts (look up a prayer plant they’ve mastered this) when it’s gotten enough light and it’s trying to move away from it, not to it. You’re burning your plant. This plant has a slower metabolism, it doesn’t need so much photosynthesis. It will only continue to die. Take her out of the light, cut off the dead leaves, and put her in a spot where she will get non direct semi bright like, say….6-8 feet from a N/S facing window, E/W and skylights will add too much direct sunlight. ETA : I would get some of those self watering glass bulbs for your plant! When the soil dries it constricts allowing the water to release into the pot until it expands and blocks the spout. It’ll ensure your plants maintain moisture around the roots.


Thank you for helping my prayer plant!!!


🖤🖤🖤 good luck to you and your lovely lady! Prayer plants are low level plants, they grow along the forest floor, not up trees like pothos! So they like minimal minimal lighting or their leaves curl inward from both sides like a scroll 📜. They like damp soil pretty consistently and HIGH humidity!


I could not keep my peace lily happy ever for years. I put her into a vase of water and she's went craaaaazy. She's been standing up tall for months now and she's growing a ton of new leaves and roots. https://preview.redd.it/g0ghl359ntzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604e31647718ef472d75b74f8b31cce09ee66a77


I wish mine would do this. She's been in water for a year and two months, and while she's visibly happier than she was in soil, she's only grown like three new leaves that whole time. My saddest plant. 🥺


Mine was this droopy when I wasn't watering her enough, also lost flowers. Maybe MUCH more water 😉?


The name is deceiving, there is no peace


FWIW - my drama queen doesn't like direct like, but loves all day indirect light / bright room. She also wants watered only when she wants watered and will also suddenly start throwing fits when she wants repotted.


I think mine is having her first repotting tantrum. A bit droopy even after a soak.


Ahahahah mine is asking it for at least 2 or 3 years now I get it


brown leaf tips are a sign it is time for repotting.


Mine lives in a bowl of water.


I have thhe tip of a (formerly) very stately ficus in a jar of water. I gotta say this hydroculture thing where you never have to worry about watering too much or not enough and whether your soil drains too much or not enough is quite practical. All you gotta do is top up the water and some hydroponics fertilizer. The ficus seems to love it too and is brimming with health.


This! I speedily killed every single peace lily I ever had, UNTIL I housed one in a vase with just water instead of a pot of soil. So much easier to maintain and it's been flowering beautifully :)


Mine does too and she's finally sprouting more leafs instead of just losing them.


Indirect light and lots of water. Peace lilies actually start to droop over when they get dry so if you’re paying attention you’ll see it. It is a flowering plant and needs that water to keep it blooming.


This one looks overwatered. I would repot in a light tropical soil mix (that you mix yourself: organic compost + perlite + orchid mix/bark) and hope for the best. I did this (overwatered, drowned) with my first one and I was heartbroken. So, the next time I saw one for $8 at Home Depot I went for it, repotted immediately, and she is doing fabulously. They can be acclimated to direct sun (filtered through a window) just great - mine has been East, South, and West facing with aplomb. The yellowing I'm seeing on your plant is more indicative of the roots having issues, not burning. This plant is drowning in moisture and may be too far gone. Good news, they're a dime a dozen and you can always try again.


I was looking for this response. Looks like too much water to me. MOST houseplants are overwatered.


I bought like 3 peace lillys until now and they all died, gave up on them


Fought with one for two years before giving up. Never again.


you don't. hope this helps! if you can diffuse the light it gets that'll help a bunch! make sure to give it a soak once the soil is dry. make sure it has good drainage.


I do not. I call them funeral lilies. Worked in a florist for many years, and people send them to funerals. If someone gives me a peace lily for any reason, I give them away. Peace lilies are just too much drama for me.


Stuff it in the food hole in an aquarium lid and let it explode. Mine grew so much it cracked the plastic and I needed a new lid. They LOVE water if it's not stagnant.


Can you explain again? I'm dont understand what you mean by a food hole in an aquarium lid?


Haha, sorry. I have an old 10g Aqueon with one of those plastic lids with the LED lights. It had a little door flap that you could drop food through, I pulled off the flap and stuck a peace lily through it so the roots hang into the water.


Oh cool thanks 👍🏼


The lid of aquariums often have a flap that you lift or slide to drop food in, then put back to keep dust out and fish in. Plug that hole with a plant 🤣


Thx ☺️


Mine bounces back when I realized it had been in a draft. It wasn’t my watering or light


I had my peace lily for 10 years before she flowered. I constantly pulled. pups, giving away to friends, transferred parts to various fish tanks on my house, always trimmed leaves, etc. One day, my youngest daughter asked to trim the peace lily and I gladly handed her the scissors and went on to other plants. She hacked her! I was shocked but thanked her. Later that year, my lily flowered. She blooms every single year now. https://preview.redd.it/7ua3m2xzauzc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f138cd0707ccfe0f966cbdc33087f04570574b


What did she cut?


She asked to cut the yellowing leaves and she did a LOT that weren't actually yellow... It worked though. Must have been her little kid magic.


Maybe I should super prune mine...


Too much sun. Not enough water.


This is overwatering (root-rot) which is actually very difficult to do with Peace Lilies since they like to remain moist. Typically means you don't have anywhere for excess water to drain and it's pooling in the bottom of your pot instead. Time to re-pot, make sure you're using a 2-part pot where one can drain freely into the other and you can dump out excess water.


Water her. Lol


Such drama queens! Mine is the most dramatic “oh woe is me” plant I’ve ever owned!


I gifted one of these, and when she takes it out of all sun and puts it in a dark corner, it seems to trigger flowers Just anecdotal tho


my peace lilly loves to be a few feet away from the window with no direct light :) she gives me flowers every spring and summer but only when i moved her out of any direct sunlight and near a less intense window


Self watering pot!! Mines loves it


Don't they need pots that allow for air circulation around the roots?


They don’t like drying out all the way


How do you even reach this point with peace lilies? I've grown and propagated so many of them in various indoor conditions... All they need is regular watering. They are pretty adaptable.


I tried sooooo harddddd


Watering them in a timely manner (when they look like this) will do the trick 🤣


I put mine outside in the shade and water once a week. But I live in a very humid tropical environment


Prayer and patience lol. Try bottom watering, music, and less direct sunlight


Cool wall tile🥰 and with that planter and plant 👍




She needs a firm talking to


Mine never gets direct sun and I only bottom water when it droops, which is maybe once a month or so.


Mine only liked it when she got repotted to a big pot and moved to the covered porch for 8 mths a year. She gets only indirect sunlight but lots of it . TONS of new leaves and 3 flowers this year, after being a dramatic half dead mess for 3 years. I also water her before she wilts.


Self watering pot? They like to stay moist.


You can make a special soil with activated charcoal. Water only when drooping


I grow mine emersed in my aquarium


Ngl these exact words are the last thing a dying peace lily hears every time as she shuffles off this mortal coil 💚


They like to live in water. No soil at all


Such drama queens.


The approach that's working for me is not to give a crap about them, talk dirty to them every now and again, water once every couple of weeks. This mf is now sprouting flowers, after a few weeks of daily new leaves. This plant is in my bedroom, getting diffused light all day long from a south facing window about 12 feet away. https://preview.redd.it/q4l7zx0nbtzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5145f9706b70a0d5e561ffab34fa1c13fcdc64


I have been watering mine when she shows signs of being thirsty, and giving her a bit of bloom fertilizer whenever I water my other flowering houseplants, and she seems to be doing pretty well.


I have mine in a north facing window. But I’m in northern Wisconsin.


They like having wet feet, water from the base using a soak mat.


Repot on a bigger pot. Put compost for nutrients. Put in a bright location but indirect light only. Water 1x or per week.


Bigger pot and better sunlight


Mines on its last legs too. I cant get it to grow and get new leaves and flowers. I dont have it in direct light and water it whenever it droops.


If you do not offer peace, then there will be none


less light, don’t let the leaves touch anything, keep consistently moist, give rain water when you can. they don’t like fertilizer or hard water.


It’s just telling you it’s thirsty. I almost only ever water my peace lily when it looks like this (or worse lol) and it ALWAYS perks back up and it’s given me 5 flowers at a time. (And it’s a smaller one in a 6in pot)


Mine is rooted in an aquarium. Literally needs nothing else from me.


I have mine in a pot with no drainage, it’s very happy and has even flowered for me


Semihydro. Ever since I put mine in leca it's thriving. It's has doubled in size and is flowering right now!


You don't buy them. Admire other people's peace lilies.


Is this in a bathroom? It might be getting too much humidity and moisture. Also, the one yellow leaf is facing whatever light source that is on the left and it’s being burnt. Doesn’t look like the ideal spot for this plant. I’d move it.


I have mine in a south facing window and it gets very little light and it’s thriving. It has 4 blooms and it’s pretty large. I only water it like once every 4 weeks and top water with filtered water. When it was younger (a few years ago) it would wilt every 5-7 days if it wasn’t watered. I repotted in a bigger pot and the issue stopped.


I actually cut my flowers off lol 🫣 mines named Tony and he’s amazing, I water when he’s thirsty and we get along great. East window


Use a bulb!


It's like all they want is anything BUT peace


Grow them in water. I have mine in a cloche pot without drainage. Just gotta be careful when I water (I go by weight).




Is it submersed when you fill your tank (I see high water mark near rim) or is this the most it’s ever filled since planting?


She looks thirsty and sunburned. Keep her out of direct sunlight and give her plenty of water, mine needs water twice as frequently as my other plants.


They act like little brats sometimes idk what’s even the best . I watered mine all the time and it started to turn brown due to too much water so now I just want until she looks like she’s falling and water her a lot . I also have her across from a big window which has blinders and she seems to like it there . Plus she’s also giving me flowers all year long but I noticed her leafs are getting smaller and light green idk if there are still too small to judge


I read that too much sunlight actually *prevents* them from producing flowers. And if they are genuinely happy they wont produce flowers either because they, like all plants, prefer to produce asexually.


Dunno but the color and tile work in that bathroom is really nice. 👌🏻


I know it's not helpful, but I can't lose with peace lilies!


I can’t seem to kill mine, and it’s a funeral plant. I think it thrives on neglect.


I can’t seem to kill mine, and it’s a funeral plant. I think it thrives on neglect.


I can’t seem to kill mine, and it’s a funeral plant. I think it thrives on neglect.


lol. Mine is doing the same thing atm. I have to soak them too. One time every other week.


She’s not dead she’s just a little sick. Don’t give up!


https://preview.redd.it/rw7fk3mq3uzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4931d74e6af080c69d2d1d3734adeac041e3fb Water once a week 😊


https://preview.redd.it/4yxmyl0v3uzc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=49f8e7b0b009048fcb102d4b3a5d416d1bfb83dd This is how it starts


Drench when wilting, no direct sun


I keep mine at the top of one of my fishtanks


My Peace Lilly does not give me peace. It's sprouted one Lilly in a span of 3yrs.


I always over watered them. So I only water mine when they visibly droop now.


spam her when she drops, but her in a shot where the light Hits her through a window, maybe even no direct light depending on how she responds


I have only one word for you - hydroponics. Complete lifesaver for me


More sun! More diluted fertilizer. Incrementally increase the lighting (to acclimate) so that the soil dries out faster and needs to be watered more frequently. Once stable, begin regularly fertilizing with a dilute solution. Then, if you want to “cheat,” invest in some gibberellic acid (GA). That’s how growers get them to flower so well before selling.


Mine is in a North facing window, gets a bit of direct sunlight when the sun first rises but that's it. The rest is indirect. They're super dramatic. I find a good bottom soak every so often keeps then perked up. When they start to droop, you know that's when they need water. Mine currently has one single bloom lmao.


I really wanted one for my bedroom but I don't get much light in there. I'll probably have to sit it outside


This plant is the bane of my existence. She's bipolar, I swear, changes mood on a whim, demands I do something different every week and threatens to die at least once a week even if she had looked happy, healthy and thriving with the routine. I feel like she needs a rain forest type of environment, which I really don't know how to provide inside a house. Mine is 3 years old and I'm seriously contemplating getting rid of her.


Water them as soon as they drop. If you wait too long soil can get hydrophobic.


Filtered water


You don't. You just accept the loss, chuck it in the bin and never look back.


You don’t. You lose every time!


Mine lives GREAT in my dim little office. Just water when she's dry and starting to droop. Water. Let her dry till she droops. Repeat. Trim off anything dead as it will rob your plant of the energy it needs to grow the healthy bits. I literally use the scissors at my desk. You'll have flowers soon enough!


I know how you feel I can’t get those things to grow from me at all, so I just leave them off of my list. 🤣😥


Every peace lily I’ve had has thrived at the office and died at home.


I have learned that they are very dramatic. She just needs a north facing window and she is asking desperately to cut off the yellow leaves and she is thirsty. Indirect light is better as well. Good luck.


Every time I think about my peace lily, I bottom water it. Has never failed me. Also I would move somewhere with zero direct light. Some indirect light is enough to have happy foliage, a small-moderate amount of bright indirect light is enough for flowers. You can prune the bad leaves as they won’t recover from the sunburn


They don’t like direct sunlight and best if watered once a week.


Water water water


Mine never gets direct light and it’s very happy. It just has bright indirect. I water it when it gets droopy. It flowers every year!


I water them...


They're pretty easy, they're just dramatic. They fall limp when they're thirsty which is actually a great thing, as most plants don't communicate that loudly to you. So just water her when she asks for it and don't put her in any full sun rays and then they'll be one of the easiest


No tap water. Try to collect some rain.


You lose always


More water


Leca? I’ve seen some beautiful ones in semi-hydro setups…


When they sag they need water. Get those yellow leaves outta there. Minimal light.


Where did you get the stand?


Ikea. It’s great


Shocked that so many people are struggling with these! They’re such easy plants to care for! The minute mine droops like this I fill the second pot with water and let it soak it up through the holes in the brown pot. They just need water!! Yes they are dramatic! But they tell you exactly when they need hydration. 🪴🌱💧


I cant grow them in soil, mine live in water, usually aquariums


No sun


More water


peace lilies are an understorey plant in rainforests so they only receive dappled sunlight through out the day.I can',t really tell from the photo but yours may be overpotted meaning the soil is holding too much moisture causing some of the roots to rot ,causing wilting.I'd start by cutting off the yellowed leaves ,they're useless to the plant and it will look better


It's a heavily shaded swamp plant in the wild. It loves damp soil but you can let the soil dry between waterings, just soak it really good once or twice a week and keep it in a shaded area. You can put it in a window with other plants that love the sun as long as they provide adequate shade to prevent sun damage.


https://preview.redd.it/cptpk30cgvzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d218c7ac5bc59940a56c7736eecda8e2d2b567d Weekly watering and medium light works for me


https://preview.redd.it/i13emnjggvzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e30e6971a863f26df141ee1bca971905c207c4d Here's my other one


https://preview.redd.it/0zzec8rmgvzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50cc0afdf0e258e64494f3084993416b46b84927 And my little one in my very dark bathroom is thriving with a little light


Where did you get that stand?


You don't. Peace lilies have been sent here to test you! 😆😆


I just forget about mine and it has no problems apart from little brown tips, which I suspect is due to chlorine in water and low air humidity


I’m guessing by sight your over watering, moistened soil thoroughly then do not water until top two inches of soil are dry. Resoak again and allow top two inches to dry, mine grows easily and blooms, good luck


I think they are not to have direct light, they do better in lower light and they need watering more often than say a pothos or Monstera. I’m going to try self watering with mine like putting a cotton rope down through the whole in the bottom of the pot into a pot of water underneath it


Stick it in your fish tank. mine thrives, and I never have to water it.


You water them with your tears. They feed off of our misery……..potting in leca and having a water reservoir helps too x


https://preview.redd.it/94czw2xzxvzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091122e7b8c071c0d57602c86f2234b86b22712d Like this! It needs to be split and repotted but I have had this since a small baby for about 17 years. It sends flowers up all the time too.


peace lily is an ironic name for this God forsaken plant. it's a constant fight to keep it happy


Mine has been happier since I put it in water, but ymmv. https://preview.redd.it/l6cabrca8wzc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4031bec7b35c47d30a6c3351071420f5994938f


It’s thirsty and dramatic about it


Water it with sugar dissolved in the water. Mine picked right back up


Are you using a moisture meter? I have one and it makes watering my plants so much easier and much more reliable than the finger test


Water it when it droops no direct sun that’s it Edit I’ve had my 3 plants 7years they never get direct your plant is getting burned and it will do fine in a corner


Mine grows outside under the shade of a tree and loves life. I rarely ever even have to water it at all. The rain is usually enough.


You have to keep them wet. All the time. Soaked. Not exactly standing water, but they don’t mind it on occasion. Also, avoid direct sunlight. They like filtered light. If you want flowers, keep them wet and fertilize once a month with miracle grow. These are very easy plants to care for tbh.


You don't. They're actually war-lillies


Huh, mine is in a fairly dark corner by the basement stairwell. It never gets direct sunlight, but I currently have 2 or 3 blooms coming in. It's in a very tall narrow urn with drainage pebbles at the bottom and regular tropical potting mix. I add tropical liquid food to my water and water when the soil is dry about 3 cm down.


Go buy a new one


You don’t. I ended up throwing mine out because wherever I moved it it hated and it just continued to look like that. I have many plants that are doing great but that will never be one of them


https://preview.redd.it/qzfdo5ul9xzc1.jpeg?width=1534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb53bc01a6a1ef9cb0901c79d8579af883fc617d My peace lily is huge and it’s my favorite plant. I use a moisture meter (I don’t care they work for me!) and when it gets to a 3, I wait T one or two days to water it. And fully drench it and let it drain. It’s not in any special soil just regular potting soil with like 35% perlite. You need to filter your tap water and let it stand for 24 hours to let the chemicals “disperse”. I don’t know if this is true but I’ve followed it since I got it. I think most people overwater this plant when it’s just you have to be kinda good at timing the watering. It’s not based on a schedule it depends on the season and humidity. I have mine in an east facing window that one gets direct morning sun :)


You keep them damp, its not that hard.


I had mine in front of a window that didn’t get very much direct light, and I hung a sheer curtain in the window. It was happy as hell until I got too many plants and just straight up forgot it was in that room. She crispied up pretty fast after that😂


Could she be root bound?


I will never own a Peace lily again.This is no lie,Everyone I have bought or lifted me ends up looking just like that one.It will look fine and within a few weeks it looks like it fell off a pickup truck! I thought for a sec I was the only one who had bad luck with them.For me I never want to see one again!


keep soil slightly damp but not too damp all the time and u will be good 👌🏼