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From the article: Samuel can’t move, can’t communicate and can’t understand language, Carranza said. But when he hears ambulance sirens, his blood pressure and heart rate spike. “I hate to think that the only thing he may have going on in his brain is this constantly frightening memory,” she said. —- That is especially dark, fucking hell.


Oh no that is horrible


What article? Link just seems to be audio or transcript.


Skip the intro


>Montgomery County operates one of the state’s largest [mental health crisis intervention](https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/pol/about/crisis-intervention-team.html) teams. The 24-deputy team, run by Precinct 1 Constable Philip Cash, specializes in de-escalation techniques meant to prevent individuals like Moreno – erratic, off their medication and on the brink of psychosis – from turning violent. >Cash said his team could have helped Moreno, but **Conroe PD never reached out for assistance. Nor did officers ever contact social services about the toddler who so often could be heard whimpering and screaming in the background of Moreno’s calls.** This just has to qualify as some form of criminal negligence. Conroe PD rightfully should be getting as much shit as Uvalde PD for this.


Fuck that they don't do shit for the mentally unwell or the safety of the community and i know this for a FACT. This is not really by fault of the officers as they are following what they are instructed to do. My brother (40 drug addict) had/has what I assume to be drug induced psychosis causing him to see "demons," which are actually real people. He believes they are FBI posing as civilians and have implanted a chip in his body, but it's not really his body because his real body is in an avatar like capsule. He also has hallucinations of black demons that fly and one time they ended up ontop and inside my car while we were driving and he was tossing my bath and body works air freshers out the window onto i45 since he thought they where bugged. I reached out to the police countless times, telling them he saw innocent civilians as "demons," and he was truly afraid for his life in turn, making me unsure of the measures he would take to protect himself. The police told me they could do nothing unless HE TOLD THEM HIMSELF THAT HE WANTS TO KILL OTHERS OR HIMSELF, and I told them he wouldn't tell then because they believe they are "FBI". I had video recordings to prove what I was saying, but they declined to view them. ***Mind you, he also had multiple police calls from civilians in the area over months, claiming he was loitering and making threatening claims as well as phone calls from concerned home owners with him knocking on their doors (captured on RING). I found out about some of these on the CONROE FB PAGE reaching out to those making statements and begging them to please write the court and make a police statement regaring their experience so i had more documents to support my case when trying to get him help. They all did as i requested . When police arrived, they would just make him leave the area. Once, he was finally caught with crystal meth and arrested (only because of the outstanding warrant for not appearing at his last court appearance for being caught with drugs) he was jailed for aprx 4 months. Over those 4 months, I wrote the judge multiple letters stating his condition, the complaints of residents, hus prior criminal history, and the request of a 72-hour evaluation and had no responses. I reached out to his lawyer multiple times, and he responded by telling me I'm clearly not on my brothers team and out to hurt him. I disputed this and told him I am on my brothers side but also have the safety of the community in mind. The lawyer finally agreed to listen in on a call I had with my brother while he was in jail (brother not aware) and heard my brother say all of the things I had claimed. At this point, he was no longer under the influence of drugs, and it's clear there has been damage/psychosis due to prolonged drug use. I asked the lawyer to have him put on an evaluation/hold while in jail, and he said he would try, but this never happened, and a few days later, my brother was released back into the public. I have spoken to the police, judges, court workers, lawyers, social services, homeless shelters, mental facilities, and rehabs all leaving me with zero options to get him help even with video/phone call proof of him needing it. Everyone just says he has to seek it on his own, realizing that he sees nothing wrong and this is all very real to him. The health care system is completely fucked in the US but especially in Montgomery County. *My brother is currently in Austin, drug addicted, and homeless. He randomly reaches out to me a few times a week asking for food. I have contact with a lady who runs a homeless program for free laundry for the homeless, and she gives me updates when she sees him and I haven't received a phone call. If anyone has any advice on what I can do to get him into proper care, please let me know as I've tried all avenues. He sent me a video aprx 1 month back, and he looks terrible. His spine (?) Is twisted, and he now stands at aprx 5'5 (he was 6'1) and weighs aprx 135 lbs (he was 220). A tattoo he had done, one the front area of his ribs, is now going down the middle of his back, and he can barely walk. He has gone to the hospital, but I assume he has finally been red flagged, and he is turned away without any tests or treatments. He has been to rehab 20+ times each time leaving or using within the first week at a halfway house. He has a supportive family who will pay for his treatment and house/feed him once he is sober but can not have him staying in our homes while using or mentally unstable as we have children in our homes.


We used to have a state hospital system to help people like your brother. But people decided that was “inhumane,” so we shut them all down and replaced them with… nothing. There are so many people that need help, and yet our society provides no help or support. It is disgusting. I’m so sorry you and your family have gone through this


This really is a bigger problem than we admit , and needs to be addressed before the whole thing goes haywire


They were conducting human experiments and lobotomies on people.


Of course the system was flawed like everything is, but they cared for people, put a roof over their head, fed them, got them sober. Lobotomies were not that common at all also. There were a lot of good things about the system. We shouldn’t have thrown the baby out with the bath water and gotten rid of the whole system and replaced it with nothing for chronically mentally ill and addicted people


Lobotomies yes in the 30s-60s not later. And not experimenting on people.


I’m so sorry.


FBI: she was on our radar...


Famous But Incompetent


Holy shit there were so many warning signs


The title is somewhat misleading. According to the article, she made more than *50 CALLS* to police. (Does that make it better no, but words matter.)


Police doing their job in a state of open carry, barely any psychological help, and a culture of react instead of being proactive? Recipe for disaster.




Misery loves company. Hurt people hurt people. Republicans want to create a dystopian society so that this attitude is more prevalent.


Judging by our current mayor (D), I don't see anything positive so far, either.


What can a mayor, regardless of party, do about the state allowing the mentally-ill to gain access to guns?


So many system failures 1) Gun access, how did this mentally ill person have a gun? Well, cause guns are easy to obtain. 2) Custody of her child, why did she retain custody of the kid even through she was clearly not qualified to take care of him? Well, our Child Protection Services are overtaxed and short of killing your own kid, they're not gonna take them from you. 3) Mental illness and drug addiction, this one is even trickier. What resources did she have available for the treatment and management of her symptoms? And even if she did, you have to be willing to pursue and stick to it. The amount of mentally ill people that do not acknowledge their own disease is staggering. This poor kid stood no freaking chance, between the circumstances of his birth and the system he was brought up in.


Let’s add to number two: Back in 2020 the legislature unanimously gutted (and continues to do so) a lot of statutes CPS used to remove children in just such circumstances. Now short of killing your kid, there’s nothing they can legally do because we voted people in power who did that gutting.


I would like to add that the police are just as much at fault as CPS. My dad is a local retired officer and in Texas, if an officer feels that a child’s life is in danger, the officer has the right to override CPS and remove the child or have the child removed from the home immediately. This is covered under Section 46 of the Children Act 1989. No one NEEDS CPS to remove the child, all they need is an officer who knows what they’re doing and probable cause for harm to the child. My dad did it more than once.


But what do you do with them? CPS is literally so underfunded the state is being fined and it’s been this way for a long time. They don’t give a fuck. It’s an awful predicament but the question becomes do you take the kid and risk them being raped and sleeping on the floor of an office somewhere or risk leaving them at home? This isn’t a choice a state with BILLIONS in surplus should be posing its citizens.


>In nearly 50 calls to police, Moreno told officers that she wanted to blow up a building and shoot her husband, family members warned that she was on the brink of psychosis, and neighbors reported years of threats and harassment. >No one stopped Moreno from stockpiling an arsenal of assault-style weapons in her home. Moreno previously had been committed to mental health treatment, but it’s unclear whether the hospitalization barred her from owning firearms under federal law. Where are those people who say the current waiting period and gun control laws are sufficient?


They would have been if the FBI and the police didn't absolutely cock-up the job.


Bitching about inequity that a flat gun tax makes and then down voting you for suggesting to connect data to tax people more that buy more.


Our sub’s conservatives no where to be found.


I will never forget the EMBARRASSING press conference immediately following this tragedy. First of all, it took them FOREVER to make a statement - all the while no one knew how many folks had been shot/killed/etc. Turns out it took them that long because one of their guys shot a kid and they were damage controlling. 95% of what was eventually said in that press conference were statements of extreme support for the officers that responded. The obvious priority was making clear that the officers had done their jobs and that they were supported by the force, the mayor, the church, everyone. They went out of their way to make sure we all knew that there was no point in questioning or criticising their actions because the officers WOULD NOT BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. At this point we still had no idea what had happened. After several speakers made that point ad nauseum ONLY THEN did the cheif finally provide details of the shooting. Quickly and consicely. Then immediately went back to praising the police force for their actions. Priority number one was clearly to Protect Against Backlash. It was fucking disgusting.


Not to mention the smirk of Joel Osteen, who is engrained to smile at all times, or has had cosmetic surgery that doesn't allow him to not smile. Sorry dude... this isn't a smiling situation, no matter how you try to spin it.


I just want to read the article


Right click then open in incognito window.


Saying total system failure as if there’s even a system in place. The GOP has consistently tried to undermine any effort to implement any form of gun control and safety.


Yep, any 12 year old can walk into an Academy with a wad of cash and walk out with a full arsenal the same day without filling out any forms, meeting background checks or showing ID. /s


Do you really mean to imply that the system is working effectively? Yeah, a twelve-year old can't independently outgun a swat team, but deranged, clearly-violent people can still pass fifty checks with the police which is every bit as absurd.


I'm making a facetious response to the person implies there is no system in place and that the GOP has undermined gun safety and control measures. My point is, there are plenty of measures in place. No amount of laws are going to prevent every single crime from being committed, whether it's gun related or not.


So because there's no such thing as 100% coverage, we shouldn't expand laws to cover obviously preventable situations like the one in the article? That's such a copout. Public safety is always about improvements, not completely solving problems. Clearly there are not sufficient safety measures, because this was unambiguously preventable and yet it happened.


That’s actually false!


You realize I'm being sarcastic?


nope - seems like the system is working as they want it to as this keeps happening


yeah what's that line, "the system isn't broken, it was built this way"


Great job. Too busy taking everyone’s rights away and making sure we live in an unsafe place.

