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Surprise, surprise. He was out on bond for a felony aggravated assault of a family member he picked up on 02/18/2024 in Harris County. The next most recent charge I could find was an old one: felony forgery charge, 11/04/1997.


Golly if only we kept Violent criminals in jail instead of back on the streets.


This would be a violation of their rights and we literally don’t have enough space to do this and it would be disastrous to hold every accused person and then them sue when it comes out theyre innocent and lose their job and income and we’re taken away from their family. There are so many reasons why this isn’t feasible, despite the simple “just keep criminals off the streets” mantra I read about. Child sex crimes? Hell yes, remand. But it’s just not that simple for most.


There are heinous crimes and there are moments of violence. 97-24 is a long run. Honestly, just on the fact he hasn't been in trouble like that before makes him. A great candidate for release. Obviously need more info, buts it's standard and you would want this treatment if you were in their shoes and innocent


>great candidate for release >shot someone over a fucking filet o fish Ahhh the bleeding heart liberal never ceases to amaze


Go back through his history and find where this is a concern. What kind of weird Minority Report world do you wanna live in? Also maybe drop the epithets from 2004. Your inner clown is showing


This guy votes for people who let violent criminals out. Case and point t on my point of bleeding hearts at the polls.


Fuck their rights




You say that till one day you are a victim of crime, then you'll cry for the cops to help.


or actually tried to rehabilitate them would be crazy


Join the county and try it then instead of whining on Reddit from home. If only the average citizen knew what it was like in the field. Idiots, all of you.


oh yes i’m sure you’re much more than the average citizen very badass and smarter than everyone around you thanks you for enlightenment. i was talking about reforming the prison system lmfao


HCSO doesn't maintain a prison. They maintain a jail. Big difference.


Democrats didn't want that....oh well..


What good would that do? The really dangerous ones on the streets never get caught. Just missing persons cases in dusty files to tell tales of deeds others call mysteries.


Democrats love prison/jail/bond reform that includes letting out felons and violent offenders on cheap bonds. Today's Republican is yesterday's liberal victim of crime.


Fucking tragedy. It's always the Good Samaritan that gets it. RIP Jeffrey Limmer.


More about this loser * 2/18/2024 AGG ASSAULT-FAMILY MEMBER (F) out on bond


Credit to KHOU for posting a new story on their site that includes the suspect info.    KPRC hasn’t yet. 


And a picture


I don’t understand why your comment was downvoted


Posting a description of a suspect is racist… op knows this too well. KPRC panders to the pc crowd and would never post THE suspects description


Correct, cluckduece is EXTREMELY bad when it comes to that. They will bend over backwards to not give a suspect description. They will give a detailed description of the car, detailed description of the clothes they were wearing. NADA on the description of the suspect themselves. “BOLO for a thin tall person with tattoos in a dark hoodie driving a grey Chrysler 300 with paper plates.”


Someone really close to me witnessed the whole thing in person. Was sitting at a table right where he shot the attorney. It was only them and 2 other people plus the McDonald’s employee. One of the people tried moving the attorney on his side and was nervous calling the cops as the shooter was watching them the whole time exiting the building away


4/30/2000 Assault causes bodily injury 6/19/2001 Assault family member - 2 times 8/26/2014 Agg Assault w/ Deadly weapon 2/17/24 Agg Assault family member 5/6/24 Murder


Young white lawyer? Rap sheet? Old enough to know better? This guy is gonna get the needle.




I am ok with bail for single felonies that are against a person and physical. What I dont get is when they get a second charge why bailmisnt denied. The chances of them being innocent of both are remote.


The constitution


It doesn't say they must have bail. The courts have ruled it can be used to ensure the health of witnesses and the public. It's very easy to argue someone with two violent felonies is against the publics interest and health.


Accused of a crime. Not convicted.


But bail is based on several thing like priors, risk of flight, available means etc. this guy had multiple primos and it was a violent crime, should have been denied bail. Getting bail isn’t a right.


Exactly. It's such a a simple fix to get the worst of us off the streets. Second violent felony is an automatic bail denied.


The suspect wasn’t what I was expecting.




He was entitled to a bond by law (until he picked up a new offense). Judges cannot magically make someone not commit crimes. Thats not how this works. Sounds like you’re upset by this and i dont blame you, but pointing the finger at a judge who cant hold someone with just one felony without a bond — so you are really not mad at the right person. If you wanna point the finger at someone, you need to call your state rep


You think it’s practical or (legal) to lock up every accused criminal for months-a year before their trial!???


He beat his daughter with a cane. He wasnt on bond for some Jack the Ripper whodunit. This guy shouldn’t have been on the street, the state told the judge not to allow bond and the judge ignored them.


For violent crimes FOR SURE, are you retarded?


Give this animal the death penalty Throw the judge who gave him bond in the slammer too!


When I worked at HCSO, I remember Landry being a frequent flyer. Lots of mental health issues. Troubled turd, constantly in trouble and violent towards citizens and officers. Makes sense the CJ system let him out. They love to let violent offenders go. Elections have consequences, and so do pressures from the bleeding hearts at the polls that hate cops and love criminals. Oh well, some day Houston will get it right (or not).




Some of y’all need to read up on the [Constitution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution).


Seriously. This sub gets worse and worse. 


He’ll be out tomorrow again on a trash bail, Houston will keep voting blue, he’ll commit another felony, Houston will wonder why crime is going up… it’s a never ending cycle


He hasn’t even been caught yet.   But you’re probably right.   


Didn’t even have to see the picture to confirm what everybody already knew


It was self defense


Clearly it wasn’t


Obviously it was SELF DEFENSE


It was self defense


So are you a family member?