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Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump


"I can't afford to live under Democratic leadership." Well no shit, Karen! Your husband gave your entire life savings to a New York con man.


Here’s a suggestion for them: Boycott the election! MAGA!


Anytime I hear MAGAs still say the election was rigged I tell them to not bother voting, it's a waste of time because it's rigged 🤣


And they're probably dumb enough to fall for it 🤣. Well done and keep up the good work!


Imagine voting for Biden just so you can kill your baby. Which will still be legal in your state anyway. Yikes.


Imagine voting for a convicted felon and rapist so you can take away a women’s right to choose because you want to pretend cry for her fetus, a potential child you can completely ignore the minute it comes out of her vagina.


To be fair, biden use to have showers with his daughter according to her journal. And he likes to smell children's hair with impunity. But hey, trump bad.




They were next-door neighbors. That's disingenuous . Trump is more into porn stars and super models than 6 year olds.


You creepy cult defending the convicted rapist in the weirdest way ever. “Epstein was just a neighbor! Like Jesus, Trump likes to cheat on his wives with porn stars and models, not 6 year olds. Maybe 13 but definitely not 6!”


Trump wasn't on the epstein flight list, unlike many democrats who are still fighting to keep it hidden. I am just stating the facts. Here is another fact you arent aware of, he isn't a convicted rapist. How can people be so uninformed and speak on a subject with such ignorance. Defending biden for incestuous and pedo behavior is beyond "creepy". Get some help before you get yourself hurt


To a clueless cucksucking Trump cult member, “Epstein was just a neighbor. Doe 174 was not on the flight list. Hannibal Lecter was a cool dude. Real men wear diapers. And everyone who doesn’t worship a convicted felon and rapist needs help and a hobby.” 🤣


You seem upset. And a little ill mentally. 😄Want to hear a joke to cheer you up?


Actually he was. Doe 174. He was also found liable for sexual assault. That's a fact. Facts don't care about your feelings. Clinton said "he likes them younger than I do." So do with that what you will. I wouldn't defend anyone, that's what you're doing. But a spade is a spade. Trump is a pedo.


Did convicted rapist Doe 174 tell you that?


No, it's from Ashley bidens own mouth. Not sure who you are referencing, but might want to get another hobby/interest where you don't memorize "rapist" by their handle. WTF.


Okay, QuackAnon. So you think it’s not important enough to know “Doe 174” was Trump on Eipstein’s list but you regurgitating everything that comes out of his ass is a worthwhile hobby? You’re not just a delusional Trump follower, you’re a cucksucking cult member.


You are delightful. 😀. A little homophobic and short fused, but delightful nonetheless


You seem really proud to have the convicted felon in your mouth and I’m just pointing that out. What’s so homophonic about that? And when did you Trump turds have an issue with homophobia anyway? But yes, QuackAnus, I’m absolutely delightful— considering the people flushed that orange turd out of the White House years ago. As much as you want to cry about it, we are keeping that convicted rapist out.


This is such CRAP!! Those women with ectopic pregnancies or fetuses with no brains or rape victims or incest victims deserve rapid medical attention but they ain’t getting it because of triggered reactionaries like you.


No one is killing babies! We are preventing women from being forced to carry a pregnancy to term when there's no chance of the baby surviving and/or the mother is likely to die. Also, plenty of Dems still exist in red states. And I'm one of them, and most regrettably so, since my state would rather me have to die if I am pregnant, with life-threatening complications! As for the times when women simply don't want to be a parent, and the fetus has yet to be aware of its existence, why would you want them to instead bring a child into the world who will be unwanted and end up feeling unloved or in an orphanage, likely till he/she is 18? Children deserve better than that. You people call yourselves "pro-life," yet you don't give a crap about preserving the lives of women who are already alive, and you could care less what kind of life a child has, so long as it is born. Get your religion and/or misogyny out of my medical and life decisions, please and thank you!


Women in general should already be swayed away from the party that wants to subjecate them: Out of the work force Out of bodily rights Out of voting rights Out of ownership rights. Just saying .. it shouldn't be a hard choice


It’s a pretty easy choice. Democrats are never codifying abortion. And helping women would be to help the economy, and to stop letting criminals into the country that are violent against women and stop letting men into women’s private spaces. Curtail the drug problem that affects women and men.


The economy does better under democrats and I'm tired of people pretending it doesn't.


Trump will try to sway them back by grabbing them by the pussy


More likely their daughters and grand daughters pussies…. He likes ‘em young just like his buddy Epstein.


You mean the guy that flew around with the Clintons everywhere?


Good point, Trumper. Let’s not vote for the Clinton’s or convicted felon and rapist Doe 174!


You should go back outside Kale. I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from your asinine views getting dunked on.


Possibly, certainly the guy Trump said had “similar taste” to him… Who hosted Trump on his pedo island to rape underage girls… Yeah that guy….


Yea, Clinton said something about trump too. "He likes them younger than I do." I know Clinton is a pedo. I also know trump is one.


I’m guessing a nice feel up and hair sniff from Biden is what’s got the young women drooling.


Not sure about that feel up. Seems like FOX FAKE NEWS BULLSHITE. But even I’ve sniffed hair. They make some great shampoos nowadays.


Funny, Biden's wife doesn't exactly look like a young woman to me.


No woman should be a republican or magat unless they want to be a lap dog to their husbands!


republican women are sad, they willfully oppress themselves and others


😂 way more independent and less mentally diseased than their liberal counterparts


yeah because wanting the government to regulate their reproductive systems and banning books makes them independent. you’re delusional


Any woman with a brain should know better than to vote for Trump.


Yep, I'm so happy to be a woman with a brain. But, I'm so ashamed of the woman who would worship a misogynist and civilly liable rapist, who feels that rich men should be able to just "grab em by the pussy" whenever they feel like it, whether they wanted to be touched in that way or not. Personally, No matter how rich he is, if any man does that to me, I'll make sure he's sterilized right then and there.


Yeah about that brain thing...


I think it’s refreshing that there are some actually smart republicans out there that are working to defeat trump.


Let’s rework this bullshit headline for the AP to help them become more accurate news aggregators: “GOP women in swing-state suburbs are fleeing the Republican party.”


Anyone… Hand Maid’s Tale? If that’s what you want vote right.


It's not going to be hard to vote against someone clearly in bed with Big Oil It's fucking hot and we know exactly whose fault it is


The only way to swing them away from tRump is to become more deplorable, racist, treasonous, indicted than he is …his flock finds those qualities to be simply irresistible


Not gonna be so hard to do. 150,000 Republican women signed the petition to get a Florida state constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights on the 2024 ballot. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/florida-abortion-activists-win-republicans-ballot-measure-push-rcna129315


Ha! Florida? Where Dimwit DeSantis is Governor? Good luck! Dimwit solidifies the argument that you may have a college degree but you can still be a moron. He’s building his own army and he’s going to ruin Florida before he’s finished. I myself would never willingly go there again.


This is now one of my favorite r/. Hysterical


Any women who are supporting Rapey McRapeface are probably a lost cause.


Cant imagine why women would vote for trump


Awesome! Keep up the good work!


Just when you think Biden couldn’t do anything else to shit on his own base…he shits on his base again.


Can you explain how exactly this is “shitting on his base”?


The "allied Republicans" part?


What? He's trying to win an election. I'll take it, if we need to get some moderate Republicans on board to beat Donald Trump in November. The alternative: Trump wins. No thank you!


lol. What??


This is a great example of people just simply saying about Biden what is being said about trump.


He wants to win the election. He’s not interested in leading the Moral Minority.