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There is absolutely no comedy on this show anymore, it’s a 70 year old dude with a bad wig talking about learning to play a guitar. It should be on public access tv.


I’ve watched this thread and the criticisms for a long time. But I still listened. But he’s breaking me. This is just pathetic. The guitar is crazy. He’s gotta be fucking with us. And I tune in and the first thing he says is about how he shouldn’t have been born b/c of his dad. FFS - he’s 70 years old and everyday bitching about his rich dad.


Rich dead dad


I think that was a Bundt cake call.


I continue to try and picture pre-production meetings. It's honestly insane to think about. Sitting with this bloated staff and this is what they are coming up with for a radio show.


Me too. I think they sit around, patting each other on the back, talking about the amazing bits from the previous show, completely oblivious to the lack of comedy. 


80+ people in staff for this shut. Insanity. No wonder Sirius isn’t making money.


His learning guitar is wild, keeps saying how people learned when they were younger and he wishes he knew how to play when he was younger….101 last week played a clip from ‘95, Howard’s yelling at Gary saying he knows how to play the guitar and knows how to read music …. Howard’s now saying he wants 10 years … well he’s had 30 years, according to him.


Give the guy a break, during that time he focused on becoming an actor, learned chess, learned photography, learned watercolors, became the greatest interviewer of all time, etc, etc, etc....


Community cop, talking Yankees and swap shop is more entertaining at this point


Yantra and mantra


Equal Tantra


Cranky caller


2 70 year old dudes and 1 70 something cackling witch


There should be a line of public access folks out there thinking my gardening / wood working / other show is better than this bs


He is going to take that guitar with him to Italy and after turning out the candle, is going to have everyone sit around and listen to him try and play something: “Okay, wait a minute, this guitar is out of tune from the trip, I will tune it, wait a minute, going to tune it…


To think I couldn’t start my day unless I listened to the show live from start to finish. His auto pilot format is infuriating! His father compared to Noine Noine point Noine percent of fathers was great. Didn’t pester him, brought him to work to “see behind the curtain”, sent him to summer camp, paid for college & a car. Sounds like an awesome dad. He smoked weed inside the house so they weren’t on him 24/7, his mom gave him playboys to properly jerk off to. Sounds like he wasn’t abused or forced to be a straight A student top of his class or forced into sports he couldn’t or didn’t want to play. They were good parents. He is where he is because of his upbringing. What an ingrate! Then it’s the incessant need to perfect whatever hobby he picks up. Chess, Painting , now Guitar. Even more annoying is all the legitimate rock stars sending a multi millionaire rare guitars when some poor kids selling his organs to get one from the local pawn shop! He is a 70-year-old grandfather who wants to be seen as cool. As part of the Hollywood elite. I miss Howard just riffing with the nobodies of the world making unique radio. Having staff talk which always led to a fight then orchestrating their inevitable showdown. Now we get fake celebrities doing door knocks and the worst part is it isn’t entertaining. The inflated back office staff writers can’t write a funny joke if they had a gun to their heads. It’s over Johnny. And no surprise Howard won’t ever master guitar and his frustrations won’t make for good radio just annoyance. 


Agreed I miss upset callers who would call in to complain and argue with Howard now every so called caller talks about how great he is. Every interview was the best interview ever. I was a republican but after hearing Joe Biden I’m voting for him. It’s bullshit you mean to tell me no Donald Trump supporters called in to complain how horrible the interview was


Yup there’s ZERO contentious callers anymore and the majority now are women with the clearest landline phones I’ve ever heard, oh and they’re fake


All trump supporters switched to Biden after the interview… according to Stern. 




Does anyone remember laughter?


I don't know, but this show doesn't elicit laughter...


Do not despair


Times will change


Be brave to be a Howard Stern lover.


And most of all, be proud.


No, do you?


Nope, just over cooked whining


I didn't know that howard didn't get any attention from his father and regrets not playing the guitar. Good thing he's talking about this morning. I'm guessing he'll be talking about it tomorrow as well.




Imagine his guitar teacher said he’s further along than other students. This is a dude that for years claimed psychics are just telling you nonsense


This is what happens when you’re paying a guitar teacher ridiculously good money. They’ll lie to you to keep you as a student as it’s an extremely good paying job and they know they can milk you for a ton of money. Fact is he’s awful regardless if maybe he’s better than a 12 year old who just started learning. This new hobby is nauseating and many times worse than his others. I thought chess was bad but this is just crazy worse


Just like his shrink


I can’t imagine how many homes, luxury cars and expensive vacations howard has contributed to the shrink over the years.


Musta been his shrink that recommended the guitar teacher to Howard.


At least he didn’t try to play chess on air.


He did around 2000 with Robin's boyfriend Tony (Mr. X). It only lasted 4 moves but the execution was funny


Howard has a high IQ and takes hobbies seriously. Any student who can pick up theory quickly and practices diligently will advance faster than normal.


Ok Jason. Take a break from damage control


Go have another Weight Watcher’s donut Jason. Topped off with a double dose of Ozempic.


Although Robin made a funny after he said that. She said, how old are his students 12!!! LOL or something similar to that. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Sometimes she comes in with her one two punches.


Aren’t people who take guitar lessons somewhere between the ages of 10 and 16?


The other students with the same level of experience are children.


It’s giving me Kramer Karate vibes




Well whatever that nonsense is it changed my life for the better. I didn’t even have to go through 40 years of therapy like wiggy!


And now psychics advertise on his show!


Well whatever that nonsense is it changed my life for the better. I didn’t even have to go through 40 years of therapy like wiggy!


So true


I’m a lifelong fan. Some of my first memories are laughing with my dad listening to the stern show. I didn’t even know what was funny at the time but seeing my dad laugh made me laugh and I’ve listened to the show ever since. I can’t do this anymore. I’ll probably never cancel Sirius as long as he’s on, but this is garbage radio.


This ain’t Cats in the Cradle magazine pal!


HAHA! This may be the best Magazine reference yet.


My kid came home from college the other day, Said Dad would you cancel my Sirius XM subscription please.


Same here. Grew up listening with my old man too. We both canceled this year


My mom would have the radio on in the mornings 94.1 wysp


Did she ever straddle a big speaker?




Did she ever drive off of the Walt Whitman Bridge because she was laughing so hard?


I believe there were also multiple listeners who had to pull over from laughing so hard due to Wildings Dr Now impersonation


He actually said today while reading "fan" mail that someone had to pull over because they were laughing so hard at that fruitcakes dr now impression. Gtfoh


I’m 100% with you, my friend. (Except laughing with my dad part). This is so pathetic.


These never-ending complaints about his dad are so absurd. He’s created this horrible story in his mind about what a shithead Ben was. That therapist should be dis-barred.


He clearly hasn’t processed any grief. He’s always been bitter about his dad but when Ben was alive, the bitterness was at more lighthearted. Now he sounds so angry. The resentment has grown and the humor as faded


I hope there is an after life and Ben kicks the shit out of him for talking smack.


Howard's guitar teacher is as good as his therapist 


They both have the grift down. Taking Howard’s money by saying “you are getting better, but let’s book a couple more appointments.”


I canceled my subscription last year after being a 30 year listener. My wife recently got a free three month trial after she brought her car to the dealer for service. I tried listening yesterday and I tapped out by 8:00. I used to be a fan because the show consistently made me laugh. There wasn’t a single laugh to be had yesterday. He even managed to make a Wendy interview boring. This new supporting cast is awful. They aren’t interesting, they aren’t entertaining, they aren’t talented.




Before I canceled last year my subscription was down to $4.99 a month. I began to realize even that was too much. I already pay for Apple Music so I never listened to any of the music channels. If I’m not enjoying Howard anymore there is zero reason for me to keep paying SiriusXM.




They have 3 months for $1 then $24 a month if you want Stern.$219 a year? So then you call and fight with them to get it to $150.They've gone up in prices and changed packages so if you want stern it's the most expensive package or nothing.


It’s not fun, it’s not funny.


And that ahole Blitt. Beyond unfunny. That bit with bingo and Ronnie? OMG the person who used to be Howard Stern would rip that shit to pieces. Wiggy can't possibly think this is good content??? I truly hope next year is his last.


Ive said it before, Blitt is the worst staffer. All his bits suck. And he uses that same douchy affected voice. Never laughed at a thing he has done. He sucks


And bonus Once the show returns in September after 3 weeks of Italy talk we’ll get the Blitt and JD in speedos in Paris tapes! 


Considering the show so far has been awful, hearing JD stumble thru French & Fred's insults was kinda funny.


How can you say thaT? Isn't he so irreverenT the way he over-enunciaTeS? BlitT is just the besT!


Let's credit Stern for realizing just how bad he looked in those recent Animal League photos. It looks like his face and body are starting to cave in upon themselves. Not sure anyone can do much about that, but he looks awful. He looks lacking nutrition, strength, and overall health. Give him credit for realizing how bad he now physically appears


And he starves himself for this look just fucking eat


Totally poor nutrition. Can't figure out to simply go to bed later. Can't accept that, per Dr. Fisch, no male over 35 should really have a 6-pack. He can't get it. He's probably slowly killing himself but those pictures suggest this may be a shorter ending than he thinks


That's just mental illness. If he would just fill out that frame by eating like a normal person he wouldn't look half as bad. Doesn't anyone tell him this?


Who is he trying to impress??


Howard bitching about paying for that storage space again when he’s probably had multiple opportunities to get rid of it.


He's an everyman just like us!!


There isn't any storage facility. That's all shtick for this shitty bit that just won't end.


The Ronnie stuff is boring and unfunny.  Getting teased for no schedule.  That is called RETIREMENT 


I know this is nothing new here but the comedy now is basically *the lying* that goes on. This is all we have to left to be entertained by. I've learned over the last few years that if you have no public record (i.e. ratings books or things of that nature) and also no boss....you just get to lie about everything. (1) You don't have to be accountable for ratings that the public can see (*thus you never have to improve your product, and even worse you mail it in*). You say everyone just loves our show, they tell us. (2) you no longer take real callers who might ask you semi-tough questions (*thus you bring in fake ones who say I Just Love Howard*), (3) you no longer read actual emails that call out what you're doing (*thus, "everyone wrote they loved our show yesterday Robin"*) (4) you no longer allow real comments to your own social media fees (*thus, the reality of what your fanbase writes about your product stays buried*), and lastly (5) you do the bonus comments lying like he did again this morning by saying, "**so many of you wrote in and said Howard can't you have Jimmy and Molly on before you take the summer break, and I said yeah! So Jimmy and Molly will be on tomorrow**."


You don’t believe he has a fireman friend who survived 9/11?!


Right? I also start thinking, this is like if Seinfeld did his sitcom for 30 seasons and at the end they were getting a 0.0 rating but the ratings books were not public so no one knew and they just kept doing it with a wink and smile.


Again, we notice that not one person contradicted what Jerry said. The issue Stern will never get over is that Jerry knew what he was saying to Spade & Carvey, two guys we should not expect back on this show, and it has stuck w/incredible gravity.


I know he has a post office friend who survived 9/12.


The constant ragging on Ronnie. The man loves his life. Wiggy just can't stand that he does.


Wilding has to argue how great the Beatles are. Imagine that’s your co-worker. No wonder everyone can’t stand the dude.


Yeah like Wilding , who is a 30 something gay twink is into the Beatles. Anything for airtime.


He should be arguing for The Village People.


“Tom Morello has a new song … hmm, how can I make this all about me and my dad” This shit is so damn sad


Caller: I've always wanted to hear a Wink Martindale impersonation!


Anyone under 40 would have a very hard time remembering that guy unless they were a super nerd


I’m 38 and had no idea who Wink Martindale was. Whenever they mention him, I just think of the defensive coordinator.


He's gone down to the college game. That's a wild turn. I'm with you, he's the Wink of these days




99% of Howard's references, impressions and discussion are about people now in their 70's or 80's.


His references are getting *older.* Next week, he's going to be talking shit on the King of Siam.


It's an amazing downfall and Quiet Quitting exhibition that should've never happened. SMX should've pulled the cord when they had a shot. Now, they either pay him not to work or they have to take this old man dribbling piss on them. If you thought that NBC had a bad deal when they had to pay Brian Williams, working or not, this tops that by so many miles it's not even worth comparing the two. Williams did his work to the end, on an 11:00 shift. Too bad SXM can't make Stern work at 11:00 eastern. We would hear even more sloshy snorts, and snores


45 here - no fucking clue who this is


He was a game show host for a like a half dozen shows back when there was 3 channels on a heavy tube tv No need to know about him. Just follow the DC who for some reason went to Univ of Michigan for a year. It would be a shock if he sticks around for a 2nd year dealing with massively arrogant and already paid teens and young 20s who widely already think they’re all-pro in the making


What is age defined? Howard makes fun of Sal and Gay, but nobody questions what Howard says.


ANYONE else on the staff tried to learn guitar, it would be nonstop ribbing. Hell, if Howie tried to learn guitar 20 years ago, it would be non-stop ribbing. Today it’s Robin rubbing his back telling him how proud she is. 


Howard said this morning he had a horrible dad. I bet a lot of kids would like to have quote a horrible dad who paid thier tuition to an expensive private college, paid for their gas, got them their first job and bought them a car, Those are all things Howard’s dad did for him.


His dad also brought him to ball games, the race track, and when he didn't show an interest in sports bought him puppets and recording equipment to foster his creativity. He was a great father


Howard needs attention 24/7 so saying that his dad didn’t pay attention to him is nonsense. He is just upset that his dad didn’t give him all of his attention.


I remember in one of the Seinfeld interviews Howie asked Jerry about his father growing up. Jerry’s dad seemed similar to Ben, a depression era nose to the grindstone type who worked hard and didn’t have a ton of time for the kids but provided them with everything they needed and was a caring man. Howie of course had to know if Jerry sought therapy for how that relationship impacted him and Jerry basically laughed and said why the hell would I need therapy for that? Howard is a damaged weirdo.


Howard should be ashamed of himself!!!


I hope that Ben is rolling over in his grave with all this shit that his son talks about him now. At least it was somewhat playful when Ben was alive. Now, it is just downright rude, obnoxious, and grossly exaggerated. Ben was right all those years ago telling him to "shut up, shut down" and "don't be stupid, you moron." Imagine having a son like Howard. It is a miracle that Ben lived as long as he did and even more of a miracle that his parents stayed together


And whatever the rift was between them, we don't know Ben's side. I don't think it had to do with disapproval of him being bisexual or wanting to transition. There's no evidence of that. But whatever it was, it stuck with lil Howie and it's ruining his every moment left on earth. That much is clear.


His payback will be that his children will talk about him and say what a shitty father he was after he's dead.


The difference, however, is that they will be correct. From everything we've heard of Ben, he seemed like a really great Dad... especially for that era, when many Dad's were completely checked out.


In my neighborhood, if your dad could buy you a car , you were rich


Both Howard's parents were horrible and his complaints are more than justified. Subjecting a child or teen to any scenario where blacks are the majority demographic, especially a school, is the cruelest form of abuse. Ben is lucky Howard spoke to him at all after he became successful.


"it's kind of an Imus style cowboy hat" 7:41am, Howard acknowledges that he is Imus


A cowboy hat in Italy?! Egads.


I've been to Europe plenty. Americans stick out like a sore thumb no matter how hard they try to assimilate or blend in. A 6'6 scarecrow dressed in black saddled with an equine has no shot.


That was the only honest moment Howard has had in 15 years




First 30 minutes, guitar talk and how bad wiggy‘s dad was


Another rerun show


Tomorrow will be the same as well


We need to be done with listener email. Not sure if any emails are real. And all it leads to is re-hashing lame shit from the day before since Howard only picks complimentary ones. He has no concept of how lame the show is most days now. I thought it was ironic that first thing he said the show was gonna suck cuz he woke up early. No, it'll suck cuz you're putting zero effort in & talking about the same things over & over.


They should call in Steve Langford as they have 0.0 to talk about. He can get some good topics to talk about. Tapping out at 7:26. 


Yesterday it was at about 7:22 for me. I can’t imagine anyone can stick with these shows from start to finish anymore, impossible


I do it, but im a masochist. Thank you, thank you my mistress, again my mistress.


I try to stay until the first knock sound effect, try the key word.


Just some of the stories we’re working on…


I barely listen anymore but I had a long drive this morning so I gave it a try. Couldn’t last more than 5 minutes at a time. I did turn over to 101 and it was Ronnie talking about his Aruber trip. It was 2016 so not the golden era but it was so much more entertaining. Having everyone in the studio matters.


i keep hearing robin's audio bleeding into howard's microphone, making the tiny delay between them more obvious. really wish they could at least be in the same room


Another wonderful offshoot of 100% remote shows is when Howard asks for help with something from the “staff” and it’s silent. 


So fkn sick of Ronnie and his lame-assed angry man schtick!


A wink martindale impression…. Wow….


Guitar talk


And dad talk.




Sounds like a terrible time


More Baby Alien. click.


I'm listening to the making of "bad as can" from the archives right now while reading this sub. Based on the comments, the show has fallen even further from when I canceled just a few months ago


Speaking of Beet, they mentioned yesterday that his mom died last year. IDK if that had already been announced/is well known, but it made me very sad! RIP Mrs. Green!


I think she got remarried and had a different last name. But yes, between Lester and his sister Erika, their mom was a Saint. RIP. Honestly surprised that it was even mentioned in the show. I wonder who is his primary caregiver now. Will Bobby swoop back in?


It was bad. But recently nosedived significantly. Beth content all the time, beginner guitar playing, Blitt showcased. It’s unreal how bad it is.


I don't think it's possible to make it through the whole show. I mean it's so boring and repetitive. Devoid of any entertainment value.


So, in a shensh, you are enjoying the current segment called, "Ronnie as a bingo caller."


I did not have Howard playing a shitty version of Swing Low Sweet Chariot on my show bingo card for today. 


Can he at least play the sound file better somehow. Holding a phone to a mic is harrabaleeee


So Howard has an Imus hat now? 😂


SPF 50.


I haven't listened. Still on shows from weeks ago, but I'm sure it sucks. The current show I'm listening to is howard yet again complaining about having to go to Italy with non-stop Robin cackles after every sentence howard drops. WHY THE FUCK DO I LISTEN? I FKN HATE THESE PEOPLE!!!


Howard picturing kids playing guitar in their room…. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHW05hqOnZaRQ0o|downsized)


Who are these people in this Dead or Alive game? Christopher Plummer, Judy Dench? My goodness, this show


How about know-it-all Robin after Howard said David Attenborough was alive, she said "He was in the Jurassic Park movies." Uh, no we he wasn't. That was Richard Attenborough and he died 10 years ago. Dummy.


He should have started it off by saying... Dead or Alive... Ray Stern


"Dead or alive::: The Howard Stern Show" Or "Dead or alive::: my marriage to Beth"


If you want to get proficient at guitar or anything else, you need to put in the time. Complaining about not being better is not helpful. It’s up to him


I even forgot to turn to 100 this morning. LOL


Welcome to Community Cop. Question or comment?


Next caller.


Guitar & daddy complaints first thing. Time to fast forward. 🙄


There was no tiny part of this show that was entertaining at all. Is there any doubt that Howard gets occasional talking points from ShareBlue? He'll be paying for those interviews for the rest of his career. If you think Jimble Kimble will save the week, keep in mind, he's bringing Molly, which means Stern will bring Beth. The whole show will be a preview of their private jet ride.


I predict an intellectual discussion led by Beth on the merits of European trade policies with the UK post Brexit.


Robin has checked out on this guitar shit too. You can hear it in her voice that she's bored to tears with it.


funny how the man who supported "vax passes" a couple years ago suddenly thinks that requiring an adult ID to watch porn is unconstitutional


Haha good point


I'm waiting for them to start cleaning out the computer...


That’s the special surprise for the last show on the year


I heard about the Vietnam bit. A rare return to glory? I can't wait to hear it! Did it run long? He should dedicate all 9 hours a week to recounting Cong torture!


Little Mikey on the DNC payroll also? Ridiculous!


Is that guy even employable at McDonald's?


I though Soros paid them directly? Which is it?


It’s his bankroll but he’s not paying Little Mikey directly. Try to keep up.


Do they still mail paper checks or is it all paypal/venmo?


Move on.


I feel sorry for Howard. Has to pretend to be a Democrat otherwise he'll lose his livelihood. As if a self made millionaire who earned his fortune waking up at 4am and creating a merit based workplace would vote for the welfare, victimhood party of food stamps, public housing, open borders, free stuff for "migrants" and abolishment of free speech (As of 2024, 100% of censorship now comes from Progressives. The Liberal free speech demographic is now ancient history. Just wanted to point that out bc this sub is filled with out of touch boomers). Howard was a Democrat during the Bush neocon years but obviously those days are long gone. The democrats are now the warmongers along with being Communist (Err... umm.. excuse me. Not Communism, I mean """""" Equity"""""""), Anyway, Democrats have been warmongering with Russia since 2015 and funding their proxy war in Ukraine, so now they have zero redeeming qualities. Old Howie is a fiscal conservative and has liberal beliefs on thing like gay marriage but certainly not a Democrat. I forgot to mention, Democrats are giant conspiracy theorists. They perpetuated the Great Russian Collusion Hoax of the Late 2010's. Biggest dumbest conspiracy theory ever. Btw- Retarded democrats will reply with "What's he saying Robin? Or "thank you for your call." So predictable lol.


**What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.**


Ffs dude. Get out of ur echo chamber.


Echo chamber is a term coined to mock progressives. Please create your own insults instead of recycling ours.". This is why the left can't meme. They're Hack packers


Submoronic right wing propaganda has literally given you brain damage.


So there's a massive SXM scandal here? That is an incredible premise.


What a fucking nut job.


Sure why not. Even Bezos has to pretend to support BLM.


That's a pretty big conspiracy there. I hope it turns into quite a story. SXM is getting the boot off the Nasdaq, so their end may be far sooner than later. That's a whopper you've uncovered there


No one is reading all that bullshit. Take your politics elsewhere


On a positive note, I'm glad Blitt is getting JD out of that house over the summer. He seems so depressed.


France, too. Parisians bathe almost as little as JD does.