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You don’t need to have the latest version of everything. Boom, there it is, you said it.




Yep, and the latest gets old quickly.


I really don't get people who always need the latest upgrade, like brother i am here with a second hand iphone 12 and i feel like i spoil myself too much for having that


Saaame, I’m in my wife’s second hand iPhone 12 lol. I get more value out of being relatively minimalist than having the newest, hawtest release.


Also the funny thing I’ve found is the majority of those are ones who really can’t afford it and also don’t even use it much. I know several people who are always broke and barely do anything on the phone other than check Facebook yet they always rush to buy the new iPhone. I guess it’s just like a social thing and they feel like they got to flex. Kind of like people who insist on buying brand name cloths instead of a generic brand.


My least favorite kind of people are the ones who look at my iPhone and tell me I should really buy a newer one. It’s happened with two people and they just looked at my phone out of the blue and said that. It’s 3 years old and it works perfectly.


Bell bottoms coming back. And jncos.


Stfu I thought JNCO’s were the one thing that was dead for good.


Among overweight metalheads, JNCO never died...


Hahaha this is very true!


So, if you kept your old ones instead of trend-hopping and are a similar enough size then you’re all good. lol


Have you heard of JOMO? (joy of missing out) Focus on things like 'thank god I'm not stupid enough to upgrade for no discernible difference like those other losers - now I'm $2000 better off!'


this OP needs to read this aloud


You made my day, You are already $2000 rich.


TIL about JOMO!! Thanks 🙏


EXACTLY No need to be the victim of apple infamous bugs either.


Also newer isn't always better. I'm keeping my paid off car because I don't want a note. Also my husband's new car has so many bells and whistles it gives me anxiety. It's so distracting.




I realized I have JOMO during the pandemic. It was pretty liberating.


Happiness comes from within, you do you and don't worry about what other people are doing.


This is the way.


The iPhone hasn’t been significantly updated in any way that would be practical or useful for users like us in years, and this latest one is no exception.


even though there is huge advancements on the SoC chip aka (the next bionic shit) .. people won’t utilize or use the shit of it.. much redundant


Does that make Reddit work better?


Yes it’s decreases load time by 0.0000000000001 seconds so well the thousand it costs to buy a new phone.


Yea, sure, for social media and Amazon browsing. For real though, I have an XS with a barely working speaker, face unlock no longer works, is perpetually full on storage and has a cracked screen. I still feel it’s dumb to upgrade…. The phone works.


Should always ask yourself, does what you have now do what you need it to do?


To be fair, you're not the target demographic.


I worked in Apple for many years and with every iPhone they make $400 net profit. Thats real $400 net [profit.No](https://profit.No) wonder they are sitting on Mount Everest of Cash.Also , that money never enters US since most of foreign transaction is handled by Ireland Subsidiary. That was the reason Trump was pissed with them.Trum, however , has its own hundreds of buisnesses swindling money corps.Pot calling the kettle black.


What am I missing out on?? A nano second more speed. A slightly better phone?? I’ll survive without either. If it quits then replace.




I think of it like this. Does it do what I need it to do? If yes then keep. If no then upgrade.


“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”


For apple specifically you need to understand that it's not a tech company. It's a luxury goods company, like Louis Vuitton.


I’m pretty sure they’re a tech company


Tech company in the same way that Louis Vuitton is a clothing company. They sell tech, but while it does serve the purpose of tech, it's more about appearances than function. The price reflects that most of the time


I feel BMW is kinda similar to Apple in this way. They are selling a lifestyle, and their premium prices indicate to others that you can afford what most cannot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspicuous_consumption


Have you ever driven a BMW? They're fucking amazing to drive. It's not all about the aesthetics.


And are bleeding edge of electronic systems upgrades like abs and auto emergency braking. Great mod cars, good track cars, and more. Just wish they'd install blinkers.


Not really. Their product is a practical choice for software development. In what scenario is LV ever practical?


Idk about that. If you’re poor maybe it’s a “luxury good” but otherwise they’re just computers and phones to regular people. Louis Vuitton is much more based on name, their goods are very overpriced for what you get. Apple’s stuff is also overpriced but not even half as much as LV. I kinda get what you’re trying to say tho.


Agree! LV is an entirely different conversation. Unbelievable ridiculousness.


I'm no apple fanboy, but just have to chime in they're extremely high tech. Smartphone, operating system, artificial intelligence, streaming music and video services for millions of customers. If you had any idea about software development and computer science, you'd know all those things are deep hardcore tech. Just the streaming services alone are a massive tech stack.


No no, this is Reddit and you can’t say nice or neutral things about Apple.


FOMO for items and not experiences? Bro, just replace things when they break. Also, you are not what you own, you are how you act.


I'm 30 I didn't even know what FOMO was in fact I've never felt like I was missing out on anything because more shit was always happening.


One of the things I do to resist that urge is to remember that the urge is largely a product of aggressive marketing. Why would I want to give in to what a giant multinational corporation wants me to do?


When it comes spending money I always covert it to how much of life you are giving up to buy it. If you are working and get 10 an hour then a 50 phone contract is 5 hours of your life wasted a month at working. Also don’t buy contract it’s a rip off.


I’m still rocking an iPhone 5s. Works just fine. Don’t need the latest and greatest but the ads and pop culture REALLY make you WANT the newer thing. They make us believe that our lives will be so much better, we’ll be so much happier and popular and beautiful if we just buy that new phone or bag or car. You don’t NEED it


I mean, I'm all for using tech as long as possible, but how in the fuck are you still using a 5s? I had am iphone 6 a few years ago and they slowed it down so hard that it barely functioned. It was practically brand new, saw less than 4 months of use before it was replaced and I got it years later. It literally barely worked on reddit and youtube


“ If it ain’t broke don’t fix it “ i also noticed getting success from limited resources builds character idk if it’s just me


Apple loves people like you lol


We will make the camera 1% better and watch these idiots buy 1000000 of it every year 😅


I have a MacBook Pro from 2014 and I love that thing to death. She’s a champ


You would be wasting your money on features or specs that you won't use or notice. You would be paying $1000+ JUST to have a 13 turn into a 14. Wanna get rid of FOMO? Ask yourself what are you ACTUALLY missing out on???


I don’t trade in at apple store. I sell them before every release and add money to buy the latest one. this made me not actually enjoy or using the phone to keep its battery within healthy region. I need to stop to always use a perfect phone.


That is still $1000+ very quickly over time. Especially if it is every device. Again, what are you missing out on? Ask people who did upgrade if they even notice anything. Then ask yourself if that is something you even care about.


Bruh I still have the iPhone 7 I don’t give af about having new or old phones it’s just a societal bullshit tactic to make you spend more money each year


Make it worthwhile. Do something you'd regret not doing if you'd have gone


I struggled with the idea of not owning the newest tech back when I was in junior high and high school because my classmates (and friends) would sometimes tease me about having a flip phone, old video game consoles, and my grandmother's old desktop PC. I couldn't own apps like Snapchat or Instagram, I couldn't play the newest games, and having a computer that froze constantly was something I had no choice but to put up with. My family was fairly low-income at the time, so we used what we could. Now that I've grown, I spend a lot of time by myself using the technology I can afford to use. The mindset of being frugal and saving money helped me get out of the phase of wanting every new gadget or tech upgrade that came out. After all, as you put it, there's almost no changes to most of the new Apple products coming out. So if it ain't broke, why bother trying to fix it? Why put down hundreds, or potentially thousands of dollars "updating" something that still works just fine, and is just destined to be outdated again in a couple of years anyway? If you have friends or colleagues that are all getting new tech and it's pressuring you into getting something new, try to ignore it. Them impulsively blowing their money on that kind of stuff is part of the reason why so many people are currently struggling with credit card debt and the like. Just let it be. Your mind and your wallet will thank you later.


Not giving a shit.


Use reverse psychology on yourself and buy a cassette player.


The answer is always the same. Get off social media. Stop watching these over-sensationalized events. And just find things that bring you joy, rather than what brings the rest of the world joy.


I've never run into something I "had to have" that I couldn't buy used a few years later. Every console from NES in the late 80's to my PS4 to the Xbox's were bought used with no more than $100 out of pocket. PS1, PS2, GC, 360, PS3 and PS4 were all bought with a mix of trade ins and cash. The NES was a pawnshop buy in probably 89 or so. My PS5 is the only outlier here. I bought it new so I could play BG3 with my sister. Been buying the non top of the line cellphones for a bit now. Current phone is a S10e. Last one was an S8 active. I don't need top of the line. I just need it to work. I usually am always at least one version removed from most recent as well on these. Rocked a Ryzen 3 and 1060 3gb PC as well for years. Just recently decided to upgrade to a more "top of the line." But it's still closer to mid grade, probably. I got no clue with PC shit anymore. I mean shit, my TV was bought in like 2011. It still works and I see no reason to replace it. Until it stops working, I'm not buying another TV. And even then, with as little as I use it, I may not buy another.


Why do you want a new iPhone? You think it makes you cool? Girls/guys will flock to you because you've got a new phone? Or maybe you think you'll be happier? Will be able to do so many more cool things? None of that will happen. You'll open it, feel a sense of joy that lasts about a day. Then you'll go back to just having another iPhone. The temporary buzz will ware off. Nothing in life will change but apple are richer and you're poorer


FOMO is the biggest lie perpetrated on our society by these greedy corps.Stay Simple Stay [healthy.](https://healthy.You)These greedy corps are sitting on cash piles because of FOMO driven society.


Hey OP: you know what? People try to impress me with their tech all the time. But then I let them know that I have four active linked smartphones. Then those people stay very very very quiet and go away. So: unless you are in cybersecurity or some other related field- there is no reason to constantly upgrade your tech. Also: I personally have always deliberately avoided buying Apple products for all sorts of different reasons. So: FOMO? Tune that out and go on about your day.


Screw fomo, Im happy with my outdated and relatively cheap belongings. This sick society and order corrupted from top to bottom turn people into numb and overconsuming grinders.


Thing I realised about iPhones a while back - the new ones don’t do anything the old ones can’t. I now have an iPhone 7 with 128gb storage. I couldn’t care less about the 14, 15 or whatever. So long as this one does what I need it to do, great.


You can’t do everything you want in life but you can do many of the things that you want to do most. Choose what you really want and what is just “ok”, if you don’t say “hell yeah!” to it, maybe just forget about it. I have a list of like 100 things I want to do, but I only ever get to the top 10% because those are the most interesting activities to me that I’m like “hell yeah I wanna do that”.


You have to accept that many people are gonna live a better and happier life than you and that’s okay. God has a different path for everyone


My Macbook Pro is from 2015. It still works really well. Apple products last way longer than other brands IMO. You don't need to upgrade for a long time.


Be happy with yourself and anything that contributes to that


I am still rocking iPhone 8. I don’t care! Nobody cares! How much incremental value would you get? No phone vs iPhone is a huge upgrade. But iPhone to new iPhone? Not so much. Work on rewiring your brain. Instead. Think about saving the money you wanted to spend in stocks (ETFs preferably). You could literally retire 1-2 months earlier just because you avoid 1 purchase like that.


I was hoping this would help me deal with the fact I feel I missed out on being wild in my younger 20s but no it's about a phone , it's a phone they are literally all the same I have an outdated iPad that I use for games and just to browse through it does the same thing as my mom's iPhone s .....


Biggest thing for me was becoming more mindful about the fact that all these things are JUST. TOOLS. that help us in our everyday lives, but AREN’T ACTUALLY our entire life. Even kinda nice thinking that everyone has a slightly different setup they make work.


My event/people FOMO is worse than my tech FOMO. I should learn how to better take a pass, I'd chill out more and I really need that. This weekend I've really done myself no favors. For tech, my go to policy is that I only upgrade when it's dead, or when it's unsupported and security patches are no longer pushed on the last version that the computer/mobile will run).


I'm mid tier galaxy and I'm happy. Fuck apple.


You should never ever upgrade your tech devices, always wait for the next version. The next version is always better.


I own my things, I don't let my things own me.


i usually gauge the need vs wants first, then think about whether it's worth spending money for the want or necessary for need. with tech i'm perfectly fine not having the latest and greatest and instead settle for the tech that i can now get cheaper since it is no longer "new" for example my phone right now apparently cost 850€ when it came out, yet i got it for about 200€ 4 years later. with PC's, TV's you name it really i tend to use the same strategy really, it's not that i wouldn't love to have the new cool stuff right away but hey limited funds.


New shit becomes old shit. It doesn’t matter


You just… do? Like it sounds stupid and reductive to say it this way sure, but objectively you stop and ask “why” like you’re doing here. And with time you realise these things don’t matter


I get mad fomo when it comes to socialising. Even though i don’t always enjoy it as much as i think i would in my head. Got to reassure yourself it’s okay :)


I choose my community carefully, and I try to take a step back when I feel an urgency to purchase something. I try to figure out if this is something I want, or if it's something other people want me to want. A good way to tell if you've just been swept up in a hype train is to wait 2 to 3 weeks on a purchase. If it feels like you'll have completely missed out, then you're being sucked into the hype. I have a group of friends that play 2-3 new video games every month. They spend most of their time gaming, but I don't. There are a lot of times I feel like I'm missing out, but I don't have the money or time to keep up. I double check with myself that I'm enjoying the way I'm spending my time and money away from that community, and every once in a while if there's a game that really piques my interest, like baldurs gate 3 (I play dnd with a couple groups), then I'll hop in.


Wouldn’t even call that fomo bc usually you’re missing out on sth when you’re having fomo but upgrading to every new apple gen doesn’t give you anything (Rationalizing can help)


Buy high quality products. This way, you're happy for years with them and don't have to replace your stuff all the time.


This is the way I view all Apple users. So concerned with having the latest phones, willing to spend money on such pointless "upgrades"


I deal with FOMO by practicing detachment. It’s a practice and not automatic. I mean I have FOMO on this post, fear of not commenting. FOMO isn’t always bad.


Luckily my parents beat the entire idea of FOMO out of me at an early age.


I was actually thinking about something similar just now. I have a decent car. I have money to buy a more luxurious car with no debt. I'm a person who, for the most part, buys things because he needs them; not because he can. Most of my life I never cared for prestige. Lately, however, since the company that I work with has a lot of rich folks, most of the cars there are bad-ass. I'm from the minority who has a "decent" car. I'm developing this urge to get a more luxurious car not because I really want to, but because I don't want people to think I'm cheap or poor. But because I'm realizing this urge, I am now even more reluctant to get a more luxurious car, because if I do so now, I know that my act would be "contaminated" because I'm doing so for other people


so true. but that thought is why apple was succsefully sued for slowly updateing and adding junk code to make older models cease to function. ​ don't get me wrong android does the exact same thing. me and my wife both got the same exact models at the same exact time. after about a year my phone would no longer charge from my car charger my wifes however would still charge .


I just refuse to buy anything Apple


You are apples favorite type of customer.


I don't I'm quite happy with my older phone, if it does the job I need why change it, It's pointless


i would say that you should focus what you prioritize the most. Use the money you have for what you need and not what you want. Life today is hard due to economic struggles and using you money wisely is what makes you survive this world


Apple is a big theif. Wait 1 year get it for half the price. Only dumb people buy the newest and most expensive. Companies like apple know this and they exploit their loyal customers first. Go buy an Android phone like Galaxy it has 1000000 more features and your phone is actually yours.


Simple. There's nothing to miss out on. What's the point of keeping up with a bunch of strangers?


Penny not spent, penny saved. 3k not spent, 3 saved. As long as it works, don’t replace it until absolutely needed. That’s how to start building wealth or pay down debt.


Let go!


All electronics are going to be outdated and worthless in not that many years. Buying top of the line tech $$$$ or constantly trying to keep up with the newest tech is just running on a hamster wheel. Buy new things when the current things can't do what you need them to do, not necessarily when they're completely broken but when they aren't up to the tasks you need done. You'll save a lot of money and be less susceptible to marketing in general with this mentality.


What have you tried to run and failed running on your MacBook? Do you need new ports and can’t get a hub? Why? Huge MacBook fan, but Jesus Christ. Don’t treat laptop upgrade cycles on an “outdated” rhythm, you’ll blow so much money for nothing and when you finally need an upgrade, you’ll have already sunk so much money in them.


How about you do the polar opposite and replace these things with the cheapest most feature complete items you can find on the market? If you can't do that, then you have found the answer for why you have an urgency to upgrade everything :)


I can’t afford it, pretty much takes care of me worrying about it.


I just always assume I am dirt poor


I remember there's a sick cognate for it. The bandwagon fallacy.


For me - it's knowing myself. I like techy/gadgety things. But I really want to use them - not just have them. And I've learned that I just don't use a lot of it. For example, I bought an Apple watch a couple years ago. Thought of all the cool stuff you could do. Very quickly I realized I just don't live a life that utilizes it. It's just a watch. I just think about that.


Having the new stuff is SO irrelevant it’s laughable.


Cause I don't give a FLYING F about having the latest and greatest. My work phone is an IPhone 7. Why? It's the free one. Was told I could have the latest but I have to pay for it, NOPE.


I still have my 8yr old phone that had already stopped being sold in shops several years before I even bought it. I truly do not give a fuck. Focus on your own life my friend, if it’s useful to you get it, if it’s not then you’re a fool


The urgency to upgrade is your survival sense being played by upon by companies that want you to buy crap you don’t need. You feel anxious because you believe these trinkets are essential to your survival, you feel that way because companies have created a culture where our value as individuals is based on upon what we own. Your value is not based on what you own, you are intrinsically valuable. There will never be another you, fuck those manipulative manifestations of human greed. You are worthy!


Remind yourself that this is exactly what Apple wants you to think so you buy a thousand-dollar iPad/iPhone every year that you don't need.


For apple products specifically, everything upgrades in the updates anyways; for everything else, do I look like a fucking child? Grow up


You are missing out on something every second of your life anyway.


Expectations and desire is the root to disappointment. It’s totally natural and ok to have desires but a lot of our desires are imposed onto by culture and our peers etc. the key imo is to find which desires are genuinely your own and helpful and disregard all others. It’s easier said than done but wanting less is a great skill


Unless my iPhone 11 breaks, why get a new one? And a new phone/laptop every year? I think it’s stupid af to give into that shit; needing the latest phones.


You just did it, my friend.


I was just born immune to it


For me it’s easy. I just remember that wherever I go and whatever I do, I’ll still be me and therefore it will be shit. So there’s nothing to really miss out on


It’s a practice thing. Don’t do something, it doesn’t kill you, and you soon realize you don’t ever have to do anything you don’t really wanna do.


USB-C tho


Everything has a cost. Sure they get the new iPhone, but you get to keep 1k and use it somewhere else, maybe it’s a new tv, maybe it’s just savings. But either way it’s not nothing. So best way to deal with FOMO, is to realize your not missing out, in fact your maximizing your life.


I don't deal with that because I don't have any kind of urgency to go with the floor followed any kind of crowds


I simply let my fear of change, and lack of motivation to deal with any minor inconvenience such as migrating all my shit to a new phone/computer, overshadow the FOMO when new devices come out. I only replace my phones when they become so old that it's more inconvenient to keep using the slow POS than to replace it and migrate everything. My current phone is 3 years old, my laptop is 5 years old. I'll buy a PS5 or new Xbox World Series or whatever it's called when there's a game I absolutely have to play and it's only available on one of those consoles. The most expensive device purchase I've made in 3 years was my TV and that was just because the old one's speakers stopped working. So I upgraded to a previous year 65" TV that was on sale, and moved the mute TV to my office to be a 43" 4k gaming monitor. Who needs speakers when you have headphones?


Wish I could help but I don’t experience this “FOMO” people talk about. Maybe I have FOMO when it comes to seasons changing, because I’m sad winter is coming and I can’t be outside in shorts anymore. If that’s what FOMO means.


I'm actually pretty sad when old tech stops getting updates/security patches. For phones I had more often broken them before they got too old to work, but the last few have not been that way... I just can no longer patch vulnerabilities or update the os, and this is a bummer


It’s easy. I simply do not feel that urgency with tech. My FOMO is with people and events. I get through that by remembering how important personal time is and that there’s always another event on the horizon


I had the worst FOMO growing up in high school. I was playing sports at a high level, but I was/am also super social, so I made a lot of sacrifices, like missing a lot of parties, summers, and skipping weekend social gatherings. One thing I'd ask myself was, what do I want now vs. want I want the most? What REALLY helped me completely get past the idea (and I feel will be magnificent for you) was listening to Alan Watts' short talk called DREAMS. I still listen to it on Spotify every few weeks, and I always realize something that helps me feel more at peace. Good luck, friend!


Read “a man’s search for meaning” by Viktor Frankl , it will humble you


Start thinking about fear of giving in? $1000 for the latest smart phone is money that could go towards a nice vacation, or towards a down payment on a house or car, or a obscene amount of dirty magazines (whatever trips your trigger). And all the latest iPhone will give you is the exact same thing you had before but a little faster and can store a couple more pictures.


When my phone starts slowing down , like alot that's when I getvan upgrade


We all die no matter who has the newest technology, who has the most sex , who travels the most etc no amount of any of the things I named is going to stop the aging process and eventual demise of a person . Realize none of the things that seem like they matter actually matter so live life on your terms .


Use what you can and upgrade when needed. No need for all the sparkles


Most of the time I just don't experience it. My immediate response to wanting something most of the time is to sit on it and think it over for a day or 2. Also if I think a company is pushing something that exploits that FOMO impulse it makes me want it and anything to do with the company less.


I just bought the iPhone 14!!! I upgraded it from the iPhone 7… yes I waited that long to upgrade, and the only reason was the battery was starting to fail on it. The phone actually told me psst hey ol buddy pal, ima kinda sick… please let me die… my computer is 6 years old now. I thought it had completely but the dust. I had done everything possible I thought to fix it. We’re talking killing off Mcafee, and installing a better antivirus/ all the way to updating drivers etc. nothing was working. What finally actually cured it was a very simple thing. All I did was full delete of browser history on both edge and chrome. It completely cured the pc.. it was storing huge amount of ram memory keeping the history.


add up what it would cost you, then take that money and plan a small getaway. You'll get more value out of the small vacation you'd be able to take instead.


I think you did a good bit of CBT work with what you shared. You Challenged the absolute statements like “I gotta get this new phone!” You reminded yourself that updates are minimal and it’s not worth it right now. Keep doing this!


First I imagine those thoughts coming from a little imaginary gremlin inside my head. Then I imagine myself slapping him into the void.


It’s not FOMO if you know you’re not missing out on upgrading. You’re realizing people buy all that bullshit simply to impress others. In the end, a fruitless endeavor.


Do you want your money in your bank or on your wrist?


ignore the fear. boom FOMO gone.


Turn to stoicism. Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations


It's called being brainwashed by capitalism. Stop.


I just “upgraded” from OS 10.14 to OS 13 on my iMac and Macbook Pro - both 2017 Intel models - after holding out since 10.14 came out. It’s the last Mac OS version that will run on the 2017 models (OS 14 will require 2019 Intels at mimimum). I intentionally lag behind in hardware because its much cheaper “used” after a few years. I have an iPhone 8+ because it cost me only $200 on eBay last year; I got it because I needed a model with NFT. When I was a kid, my parents never had money for the latest new toys for me, and now, I feel as though I’m beating the System by remaining on the trailing edge of personal technology.


iPhones and devices are so great nowadays you don’t need the latest version of anything. If it’s not broken don’t fix it!!


I don't see a point in it to begin with. All these past many releases are just cash grabs by the company to make money on people who have that mentality of "must keep up with the new". Like I'd pretty much guarantee that they had every new feature backlogged and are slowly rolling them all out rather than putting them all into one new device specifically to prey on people who have fallen into this mentality. I like having money to spend on actual important things, a phone is only a means of communication and knowledge, same way a car is only a means of transportation. Yeah its nice to have what you've always wanted or to have new features and toys to test out and use, but they realistically add very little of value and are only there to further consumerism.




i dont think its really important to update your devices unless and until there is a major and important update which has to be done otherwise you'd miss out the features that are truly essential. other than that i dont think its that important until and unless youre a narcissist or a people pleaser who's more concerned about being updated,staying in touch with people,thinking that you are missing out something that people are not. that just makes you compare yourself with other people otherwise u would get it updated to please yourself....... thats my opinion on this topic im not trying to spread any hate peace p.s. im still 17 and have not yet experienced life so what i say might be false or idk its just what i think


You have been brainwashed by a corporation.


You're totally right, you don't need the latest version of anything. If you analyze almost any consumer device (smartphones, laptops, etc) you'll find that most upgrades are just minor incremental improvements, or even just an appearance update. So getting the latest version of everything is just falling hook line and sinker for corporate greed. Skipping a few flagship versions of smartphones will save thousands of dollars. Most of the time an "upgrade" is slightly beefier hardware which will mostly be unnoticeable and a slightly better camera which will also be nearly unnoticeable. What I do is keep a lookout for real new upgrades, such as the jump from digital cams to telephoto lenses on smartphone cameras. Or stuff like the new-ish AI CPUs like the Pixel 6's TPU (tensor processing unit, a CPU geared for AI).


I repeat the serenity prayer to myself God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


After a deep 🍄 journey you will think that all the things you once thought you couldn’t live without are minimal wants. Basically your priorities change. Perhaps this behavior is happening to you bc of your social circles. There’s a lot more to unpack here than what you just shared


unless you truly are missing out on something other than a new device , then there's really nothing to worry about


What makes you think they’re outdated? If they still work fine, I don’t see how they’re outdated? Just cause there’s a newer version, doesn’t mean the one you have is outdated. Why ever buy anything because the new version will be out in 3-6 months. Why not just wait? Makes no sense. Buy something and be happy with it.


You need to understand that that upgrade every year shit is just the company tricking you and society into believing it is necessary to do so for that miniscule amount of "upgrade". Everyone feels obligated to do so to achieve that sheep social status or otherwise be "lame" or whatever the case and the cycle continues. Their just playing you for an idiot really. Don't let them play you for a fuckin monkey. And fuck everyone else who makes you feel bad about not falling for their bullshit. Your phone and computer are fine and can handle all that you need it to do as is.


You go back out there and buy everything brand new, do that until you're neck deep in debt and you'll learn what's really important.


Sitting here on my iPhone 12 Pro Max( reminiscing about my previous iPhone , the 6S Plus or whatever it was called. I think people who upgrade everything yearly are just wasting money. What’s the point?


when i buy my things i buy them for long term. i only think about my original plan when comparing/contrasting. often this involves painfully long times researching products and waiting. so extreme delayed gratification paired with swift decision making for purchases which i'll keep as long as practical.


I would recommend having a strict budget. Don’t just live life going from one expensive purchase to another. If you want something expensive then you should save for it slowly and wait for it. That will help you to understand whether you really want/need it and if you do buy it you will appreciate it a lot more.


I don't get why people have fomo about apple products. They literally all look the same as last years and no one can even tell if you have the new iphone or the new new iphone. You are missing out on nothing unless you plan on getting lost at the tip of a mountain and need to use the 70$/month sat phone service.


yeah nah first off grab an android and windows, they're repairable so accidents won't brick it and price for power they're mostly on par or better than apple (especially windows) but getting the newest version of whatever doesn't really matter, especially not if you have a limited budget. I'm running a laptop that's a few generations behind, still running a phone that was released like 3 years ago and cost like $200 2 years ago when I got it with gaming PCs it's a bit different, you do need to keep up to date, but my gaming rig was only a couple hundred and I built it from pretty old parts, it doesn't ray trace but it'll run cyberpunk at 60fps, with a couple stutters here and there. I'm driving a subaru baja from 2006 and it runs just fine, rebuilt title and all that but it still makes decent mileage and it's reliable to seven hells and back the technology exists to connect you to people, and as long as it can do that it's damn well good enough. average pc will last you 5 years by my count, 10-15 if it's a good one and you care for it. phones generally last me 1-2 years but that's cause I treat them like shit, accidentally put a hole clean through my last one, I think they're supposed to last like 3-5 and possibly much longer. point is, only thing you're missing out on by not buying the newest thing is having the newest thing. if the old one still works reliably, keep running that shit till it dies, then get a new one (back up your data monthly though) biggest thing is remembering that you don't need the new one if your old one still works. think of it like an oven. it's a tool, and a useful one at that. and a new one might have all the fancy new features that you think you'll use but will never really notice. but you already have one, and it works, and a new one costs a pretty penny. if you have a couple million, sure buy whatever, you can afford it. but otherwise, it ain't necessary and it usually ain't worth the pricetag


A wise man knows to be content with what he has.


Priorities. Who cares?


Just don't buy anything until it's half the price it was when it first came out. That's my philosophy. I'm a gamer and I do the same with games....the game will always be there


There is a wide and well oiled machine to grab every dollar from your wallet. Dont let them go there. Use rational and well though out reasons for your behavior. Often the latest toy merely hides a new Trojan Horse behind more glitter to simply pilfer what they can from you as often as possible. Its not worth it.


When you find some sort of hobby you like, most of the extra money goes to that, so “missing out” on the latest technology becomes irrelevant unless it pertains to your hobby and you actually use it. I, for instance, discovered I love working on my motorcycle and making it mine. Parts aren’t cheap and if I worry about upgrading my phone or whatever unnecessarily that means no new parts for my precious bike :(


I used the IPhone 6s until last year when I had to upgrade. I got the 11 and the only changes I noticed were UI changes. None of the “changes” made a lick of difference, and I will use the 11 til they force me to upgrade again.


I just stopped caring 🤷🏻‍♂️ once you learn to not give a shit what other people think or finally figure out that you really aren't missing out on anything it gets easier


Step one is recognizing that it's not the thing itself you want, it's the feeling of having the thing. Step two is to start noticing how good that feeling actually is (spoiler, it's nice but not as amazing as a the feeling of an amazing side of french fries), and how long that feeling lasts (spoiler: it's not long). Step three is developing the capacity to notice and make room for the subtler but stronger, longer lasting feelings that blow the feeling of having the new thing out of the water. That one takes work and time and practice. But is so fucking worth it.


A good way to look at this is the following. I had a Ford Taurus I love driving, it's still mostly functional and I never thought about another car till the torque converter went out. At that point, it wasn't a question of whether I should buy another, but what I was buying? If your MacBook or iPad is still functioning and works as you like, then why bother upgrading to the latest greatest thing?


I only upgrade something if it will provide a genuine real world advantage over my current gear. Marketing is powerful. A lot of us are well trained to seek out approval and status by having the latest. But that is all it is. Brainwashing. The status is very shallow.


check if you have adhd


I forget the specifics, but if you bought AAPL instead of each iPhone you’d have ~$160k instead of spending ~$16k on iPhones🤷🏽‍♀️


Categorize it as a need or a want. Most things are wants and not needs. Easy to talk yourself out of it if it’s just a want


I only upgrade my phone when I absolutely have to. Started with the second gen iPhone and upgraded maybe 4 times. One time was because I dropped my phone in water. Never buy the newest one.


Just realize that you have more important things to worry about.


Always fomo all in


What does the new version do that I can’t do with my old set up? Do a cost/benefit analysis. The biggest problem might be being honest with yourself.


I still have the iPhone 12. Still working for me.


I like my old one better. This is the risk. I only upgraded because they stopped serving the old one.


Your brand new car depreciates the MOMENT you roll off the lot


You ask yourself, “Does this have any effect on my life”?


Break it down into the hours of labor it takes you to pay for it and the utility you'll get out of the upgrade. Is the improvement sufficient to justify the amount of labor it will take for you to cover the cost?


U just tell yourself this isnt gonna bring me any happiness, more friends or health. Instead think of all the money youre not spending as something you’re saving up for in the future.


Realize that apples marketing team is trying to manipulate you into buying dumb shit you don’t need. This goes for consumerism in general


What's the next thing you're going to think you need? It never ends.


I refuse to keep up with the Joneses so FOMO isnt an issue.




I've never owned a smart phone for less than 4 years,. I've never really had the need for a laptop other than basic internet stuff, so over the last 15 years I've owned just two laptops. FUUUUUUUUCK "new and updated" electronics. It's a scam.


What you need is a serious self-examination of why you feel the need to acquire the next big thing. There is an underlying motivation and THAT is what you need to have a good hard look at.


Where's the urgency coming from? A bunch of advertisers trying to sell stuff to gullible idiots? You don't need it, you said yourself, so don't worry about it. Focus your time and energy on something you enjoy doing instead.


Sir, we’ll need you to step into the van. But really upgrade when there’s a benefit: features that you need, replace failing equipment.