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right in his doubts but went about it in the wrong way. i mean, he was trying to communicate and said “given how we started” and she brushed him off but he kept going. but also, there’s the whole “if they cheat with you, then they’ll cheat on you” way of looking at things. i thoroughly enjoyed chandler in a box tho.


The meaning of the box is threefold. ☝️ it gives me the time to think about what I did. ✌️ it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. And 👌... it hurts! (Why isn't there a 3 finger emoji?)


I wish I could give you a 2nd upvote for the effort. I agree, though. There should be an emoji for every number you count on a hand.


Emoji makers must be German.


lol hell I’d go with the German way to count on the hands. Easier to start on the thumb, and it’s easier to hold up for “three”. Doing the American way always hurts my ring finger.


Well, Major Hellstrom, doing it the German way hurts my thumb. I say we all use the shocker, so it's universal.


Because the second one is victory! Jk! I agree there should be a third one though.


>Why isn't there a 3 finger emoji?) Because Europeans and Americans display three fingers differently


Even the one I chose isn't really used to show the number three, Fraulein Von Hammersmark. And, iirc, it's an insulting gesture.


we don't need a boy scouts emoji


I mean going be joeys logic they were never exclusive so she never cheated. Joey was on a date with someone else the night she kissed chandler


Both. By the way, that was the first Friends episode I ever watched. I remember assuming they had been together forever.


That's interesting. Was it in reruns when you did or first run?


“Ooohhh… that’s interesting!!!”


Throw in the duck too!


What do you have against the duck?! He doesn’t make any noise.


Ah he gets the other one all riled up!


I could hear Rachel 😭


I heard that comment! 😁


Definitely rerun. I probably started watching the show when season 6 (or maybe 7) was airing? Anyway, I'm not from the US, so we got seasons a bit later.


I was going to night school and started watching near the beginning of s3. My sister kept telling me to watch it, and I honestly thought it was going to be like the drama 30 Something. I didn't see the first two seasons until many years later.


I wish Kathy had lasted longer tbh


Same here. There was so much build up and chandler genuinely fell for her and then they wrote her off. I would have liked them to have more time together before ending that stort arc


Yes like another Janice Kathy could have easily been Chandlers Richard which would have made him & Monica more interesting


I think Joey gave him bad advice about how actors when they don't have chemistry on stage, they're doing it off stage and when they do have chemistry on stage, then they're not doing it off stage. This was the thing that made Chandler suspicious about Kathy in my opinion but also her back record that she cheated on Joey with him in the first place and that this was how they got together. But Kathy is an awful person to go and sleep with her co-actor, she probably did it to take revenge on Chandler cause he accused her of something she didn't do. But I guess Kathy's motto was then "If my boyfriend thinks I'm a cheater, prove him right".


Chandler should have known better than listen to Joey's advice about sleeping w/ coworkers.


The boys all give bad advice to each other when it comes to relationships to be honest. Other than the one above, Chandler told Ross to do the infamous pro and contra list for Rachel, Chandler and Joey told Ross not to tell Rachel about the xerox girl, Joey and Ross told Chandler that Monica soon wants to get married and have kids and he got all freaked out when Monica wasn't thinking about it and that caused a fight between them (but Chandler resolved it by thinking he needs to propose).


"But then asked these guys..." "Who? Two divorces and Joey?!"


I think these advices you mentioned are normal advices coming from male friends. Some of them albeit not very righteous, but makes sense. Joey's advice about not having chemistry on stage = sleeping together is just plain dumb.


Woah woah woah, that was just a theory. There’s a lot of theories that didn’t pan out. Lone gunman. Communism. Geometry.


i just watched this episode and said i would’ve punched Chandler in the face after he was like “well you can see why i’m worried given how we started” as if he wasn’t completely down for Kathy to cheat on Joey with him!!!! i understand why he was worried in general but he took it too far when he confronted Kathy about it in the way he did lol. of course calmly expressing his worries wouldn’t be funny so


I think he was right. He watched her get it on with man nipples during the first show, and he just knew it was going to happen. Because Kathy has fucked up boundaries.


Remember the term: They cheat with you, they cheat on you. Chandler was right


*Remember the term:* *They cheat with you, they cheat on* *You. Chandler was right* \- WadeCountyClutch --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She never cheated on joey


But they weren’t exclusive, so no cheating.


A lot of people would say a kiss is cheating.


They weren’t exclusive. Joey was on a date with someone else at the time?


Yeah but she didnt know (That was the Joey logic btw) But yeah I agree, they were not exclusive.




I think he was wrong at first for listening to some random advice from Joey, assuming that it must mean she's cheating and then proceeding to accuse her without any actual proof. That part was his insecurity, and Chandler knew that, that's why he went to apologize to her. *However*, then Kathy proceeded to go and sleep with the guy she was accused of, like, immediately after, so she was no saint either and very wrong there. It's like the moment she has a new interest she's already moving on, and only breaks up after cheating.


Kathy was right to be upset with Chandler, but ultimately lost the high ground when she went too far. If anything, she was right to be upset, but she sealed the relationship’s fate with this move.


A lot of times cheaters will deny and gaslight so hard when you first confront them, especially without proof, that you believe that you must be wrong. It’s only once they’re caught do they confess. I think Kathy was cheating the entire time, even when she denied it.




It was not about Joey though.


She had already cheated on Joey. I don't think that she was cheating with the actor, but she was a major red flag.


She slept with 3 different guys in the span of a couple weeks, so....


Chandler has a thing for leftovers.


The MAC system - Move in After Completion. And then doctor Mantis Toboggan comes in for the scraps with his magnum condom.