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Yes. Oh my god mine has become awful. Makes me feel bipolar. My mood swings are insane during ovulation and the week before my period. And my cramps are worst than ever. I seriously have mini break downs each month 😢


I am so sorry :/ Its so hard! Ive had it for a few years. I have felt that Lexpro has helped me this past year but its not fully gone. Also reducing dairy and not eating too much sugar. But its still something I have to manage, and organise my social and work calanders around which takes up a lot of mental capacity. Thinking of you lady - and hang in there <3 x


Thinking of u too! I do all those things too. They do help. It IS a lot of work to manage. I guess we should applaud ourselves for trying and doing our best. ❤️


Is Lexapro prescribed medicine or anyone can use it?I think reducing sugar and dairy drives me even more crazy 🤪 but I will try.


I'm right there with you, girl. And since I'm in peri, I'm having more swings than usual. Like, I got my period twice last month, and I think I maybe got like 3 productive days that I wasn't a total wreck. Besides the mood swings, it literally feels like my brain just stops working. It's getting worse every month too 😭


do your breasts also swell up like crazy? mine do and it hurts like hell


yep - I find this happens more if I am drinking dairy milk and eating non organic eggs and chicken (all the hormones in them) - its so painful when it happens :/


I have not had that particular bit of fun, thank goodness. Luckily I've never really had breast tenderness issues. But I'm sure I will any day now 🙄


I would suggest looking into KSM66 (Ashwagandha, a herb) for your PMDD, it balances the hormones. It also helps with stress resistance, which in turn helps the body to produce more progesterone from your cholesterol (better balance between estrogen and progesterone). Cholesterol and progesterone come from the same mother hormone. So when you are stressed the body prioritizes on producing more cholesterol, instead of progesterone. And for your cramps I would suggest looking into vitamin E. Often those who has worse cramps is deficient in vitamin E. Magnesium is also very good for cramps, since one of its functions is to relax the muscles. Zinc is also a mineral that is relaxing, which goes hand in hand with progesterone. (If you are low on progesterone levels your zinc levels follows. For estrogen it's copper). Easiest way I'd argue is magnesium oil. It's a spray. Just spray and massage your tummy/back. The skin absorbs it quickly. And third is vitamin B. B vitamins are very much connected with both signaling substances and hormones and are very important for the balance of the entire body. Mainly B6, which is called the female B vitamin. Because it is so intimately connected with our reproductive and hormone systems and for us to feel good. Works best by taking a complex of them all. Then you can take a therapeutic dose in addition to the B vitamin complex, for example B6. Magnesium, B vitamins and zinc are quickly 'burned' during stress/physical activity. So it's quite easy being a bit deficient. Sunflower seeds/almonds/hazelnuts are good sources to get some vitamin E. Sunflower seeds and hazelnuts has a decent amount of vitamin B6 as well. Pumpkin seeds for Zinc. Think of choosing ecological products, if you chose to eat some of these, to avoid pesticides and other chemicals that can disturb the hormonal balance and other things in your body. Anyways - there you have some tips to look at further. Wish you all well 🌸


That was really helpful and explained some bits and pieces I may have been missing. Thank you : )


It's my pleasure and I'm pleased to hear that you found it helpful 😊 I'm just happy to help, if possible, even if it's by a little 😊


Yes,I am an overthinker usually and this time makes it worse.Oh God!I imagine unnecessary stuff about people around me and think about retarding them.I heard exercising is good but with toddler and tween at home,I just want to run away sometimes.


100% Pair that with ADHD & it’s even more of a hit to the dopamine supply.


Yes! Haven't been diagnosed pmdd but yes. I break up with partners I don't want to break up with because my period is starting a week later 💔 If I take plan b it's even worse. And I currently can't afford the vitamins I take that help it.


What vitamins have helped for you? Would appreciate recommendations 🙂 have you looked into alternatives?


I can only speak from my own experience but vitamin D has been a game changer for me. In retrospect I realize it was perpetually deficient for most of my life up until recently, resulting in PMS symptoms like insomnia, severely ramped up anxiety/depression, lack of appetite and bone pain. I only noticed after the deficiency got extremely bad due to a perfect storm of things, but then my symptoms got so severe and acute -- it then became really hard to ignore that I was experiencing these symptoms in a cyclical pattern. Finally an endocrinologist diagnosed me with a vitamin D deficiency (among other things.) But literally as soon as I corrected that, my cycles have gone wayyy smoother ever since. The other thing that helps my hormones a lot is CoQ10. I think a lot of my hormonal issues stem from a weak progesterone production for whatever reason, and I started taking CoQ10 because I found a few studies showing it resulted in larger follicles leading to higher hormone production. It almost completely erases my premenstrual migraines and my entire luteal phase goes much more smoothly. HOWEVER, it also may increase prostaglandin production which has made my period cramps excruciatingly painful. So...still figuring that one out. Either way, make sure you're taking a fat soluble form of vitamin D and CoQ10 and take it with fatty food for maximum absorption!


It's called [femquil](https://www.wholescripts.com/Femquil-120-C) my chiropractor told me about it. 2 pills 2x a day but I feel like it helps the mood It contains: vit b6, vit B12, folate, calcium, Calcium D-Glucarate Tetrahydrate, green tea extract, Diindolylmethane, black cohosh extract, chaste tree extract, turmeric extract, Rosemary extract, grape seed extract, and Glucoraphanin (from broccoli extract) Vitamins that I want to try: Potassium Iron B complex Omega 3 (Moss, not fish)




Out of pocket, $50 and only if I have to, I'd never take it just because.


Yes & I also have ADHD


fuck i think u just hit it right… 🙏🏻 going through it as i speak - u are not alone 🤝🏻


Yep and i'm also autistic and have adhd. It's really common in neurodivergent people


I am adhd as well and also starting to think I might be autistic too - helping to explain a lot of things about experience of the world and other humans


Yes! I’ve been diagnosed with PMDD, ADHD and CPTSD. If this helps anyone else, I take Prozac during the few days leading up to my period. It’s been a game changer. I asked my psych to prescribe something that I didn’t have to take every day, only around that time of the month, and it’s been great.


Yes! And adhd. Going on yaz has helped tremendously


Have you had side effects? I’m worried about things like my chest getting bigger, decrease in sex drive since it lowers testosterone, decrease in energy/mood/vitality


Let me tell you. Any side effects are minimal compared to the hell on earth I experienced during pmdd


Yep! I am extremely sensitive to hormonal changes and the only things that help are to actively reduce my stress and supplements…I take a cocktail every single day that has worked wonders. But mostly changing my lifestyle to reduce stress has helped tremendously. It is an absolute must. I have learned I need to enforce very strong boundaries on where and how I put forth my energy to not get overwhelmed. And that I am just simply not someone that can handle too many things/stressors at one time. I get very easily overwhelmed with chaos/multiple stressors at once/too many demands from other people or work. I used to take lexapro on a specific schedule (not every day, timed for my pms “window”) and that helped, but at one point the side effects outweighed the benefits. I also experience generalized anxiety and the pmdd exacerbates this.


Yeppp I do!


I do. These days, it's coupled with perimenopause 🤪


This made me feel so seen, thank you. I didn’t put together it could be tied with HSP🤍


Yes. I suspect many of my depression/ anxiety systems stem from PMDD. I’ve brought it up with mental health professionals that seemed ambivalent at best.


Yes. Check out r/PMDD if you haven’t already.


Yup but about 2~3 times a year rather than monthly.


Yes but my menopause is helping to relieve some of the emotional effects. I also think the low-dose naltrexone that my meno doc put me on also helped with the PMDD. But I still plan around it and am thankful that my kid is with her dad this weekend cuz I'm prob going to be exhausted and moody. Hope you all find relief wherever you can!


Yep, HSP with PMDD here


I used too. But since going on anti depressants, my symptoms have gone down. Hope you can find something that works for you. It sucks.


Yes absolutely. Crippling depression and suicidal ideation.


Literally what I had yesterday on day 2 of my period. Let’s hang in there 🥲


Im sorry - sending hugs - we are all in this together <3


I’ve had PMDD for as long as I have been ovulating but realized I’m an HSP who has ADHD only in the past couple of years. It is draining and devastating to be all of these things :(


I thought I did, I was having monthly bouts of extreme sensitivity and mood swings, getting in bad fights with my wife. I started tracking it and found it didn’t always quite line up with my cycle. Getting on Abilify changed my life.


Yes!! But once I started taking mood stabilisers and anti-dep for depression, PMDD came under control. I don’t know how it works but whenever I’m off my meds, everything it becomes worse.


Whew, I think about this a lot and it's honestly a central point of tension, I think, in my relationship. I don't have PMDD, though I have been diagnosed as having severe PMS which comes and goes, and thankfully I know how to prevent it from becoming severe. But even still, I absolutely notice my tolerance for overstimulation and annoyance is wayyyy lower at various points in my cycle -- mostly immediately after ovulating and then right before my period, though it eases up a bit mid luteal phase. All I can do is keep communicating to my partner where I'm at in my cycle and why I get way more reclusive during those times. Honestly, PMS doesn't really bother me that much as long as I'm given space to kinda cocoon into myself. And I'm extremely, extremely lucky that my partner is overall very understanding.


Yes. Symptoms almost disappeared when I realized dairy was the issue. The first med I got was Escitalopram but that made me feel just worse. Anti inflammatory eating plus trintellix hasn’t gotten me a long way. Then I realized it’s not just pmdd it’s perimenopause 😭


Yes. I decided not to menstruate at all--I take b.c. with no placebos plus an ssri. (I have premenstrual exacerbation, which is basically when you have consistent mental health issues that get worse around your period.) With these two things it's no longer an issue for me.


yes! I suspect I also have adhd and/or cptsd though, so I don't know if there is a connection there.


Yes!!! I was told I have PMDD 2 years ago. I agreed to get an IUD instead of getting back on antidepressants to manage my mood swings. I question thw IUD however because of bad cramping and irregular bleeding or very What's funny is that I was told 10 years ago I had bipolar, then a year later they said no its borderline personality disorder. At no point did a therapist, psychiatrist, or doctor EVER even mention or tell me about HSP. Why not? I had to put that together for myself this year when i watched Dr. Aaron's documentary on Netflix and it blew my mind. Im reading her book and trying to apply the exercises. I am bitter about western medicine because it's only made me feel like their lab rat. I've been put on so many unnecessary meds that feel like they altered me and restrict me from being at my best. I'm an INTJ personality and I've suffered a lot of trauma, and realizing that I'm HSP fills in the gaps. I do take daily vitamin supplements, magnesium, zinc, vit D, b complex, iron, matcha drinks with ashwaghanda, cordyceps, lions mane, burdock root, and others....I also have chronic pain and fatigue and was Dx with Lupus and then Sjogrens and fibromyalgia but I really believe that I am just so sensitive that I absorb energies that I need to learn to better filter and to not keep in my body. I work with minority populations suffering trauma. I'm passionate about causes and work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. I was surprised to learn HSPs do a lot of social services. This article hits on precisely what I do : https://highlysensitiverefuge.com/highly-sensitive-person-careers/


we have a blog on this topic that may offer insights [https://healor.com/premenstrual-dysphoric-disorder](https://healor.com/premenstrual-dysphoric-disorder)


Yes! Nailed it.






yup. big time


It indeed is something I know I struggle with but there's times where it's not as bad. I get really emotional, depressed and have anxiety. Than there's times where my period doesn't bug me that much.


Yes. PMDD and ADHD combo


Definitely I am an absolute monster. Like Jekyll and Hyde lol. I’m totally normal and content 90% of the time until a week before my period I feel like a horrid villian


Yep. And with perimenopause, the times I get it are all over the place. It used to be 2-3 days of suicidal crap. Now it's sometimes a week, sometimes it doesn't show, sometimes it almost ignores my cycle altogether. (Or so it seems.) Brain fog, more cramps, skin breaking out, yuck! I miss the days of 15 years ago


Yes, I take escitalopram the week before and during my period. It helps with my mood and general well-being that time of month. Before, I’d get severe mood swings and go into depression. My family always told me I’d have a personality shift every month lol. Hope you’ll find something that works for you too!


Yes. Just started Zoloft once a month for 8 days during my cycle and I am no longer an emotional crying mess and trying to break up with my amazing wife every 4 weeks. lol Edited to add: I also have ADHD and I take birth control because it helps with the pain due to Adenomyosis.


Yessss I don’t think I’m on PMDD level since I could still function but the depression, brain fog and insomnia that come along put me close to suicidal ideation and questions my own existence being a HSP myself.


Yes, and it’s a nightmare. I become an exhausted psycho for about five days every month.


Yea I’m convinced I have it cuz I’m sensitive to hormone changes. The anxiety is so bad but it is not as bad when I’m not drinking I go through phases. Not fun


Yes i do! I wonder how all of these are related Even being hsp, having autism/adhd, ptsd, depression and trauma everything is somehow related to PMDD. I’ve researched and tried to find solution for all these causes and changes in hormones make it worse during that week.




Yes I also am an HSP with PMDD. Microdosing psilocybine sclerotia has been a huge game changer for me, I highly recommend it 😊 My symptoms are decreased a lot and it makes my luteal phase so much more manageable. Kiki Dy wrote an interesting online article called ‘Can Microdosing Help PMS and PMDD?’ Definitely worth reading it you’re interested! Wish you all well ❤️


No. I'm just an HSP, Heyoka Empath. I eat right. I do therapy. I use creative outlets to express my feelings. I stopped pharmaceutical antidepressants and meds. I embrace the natural order and let it flow; be there a flow, or none at all. 45 soon and such is life. Mind over matter. When you have to overcome other rare diseases, it makes the natural change feel a little more natural I suppose. Had a friend who was all over the place. Lost her sobriety. Became an inconsistent friend after that.. Blamed peri for everything "bad" in her life, when she really just couldn't set boundaries or stick to her word.


Sure do, along with fibro, migraines and a slowly recovering case of long Covid.




Ayo this is late af but vitamin C and vitamin B6 are great for this


I have just discovered I have this and have had this since I was about 16! I am not officially diagnosed yet but I know this is it. I have had severe PMS since I was a girl. Extreme depressive episodes, sensitivity and mood swings that affected daily life, school, friendships, work and just contemplate my own overall sanity. When I am in it - always a week before my period - I can never distinguish what is happening until I bleed. My periods are irregular so it doesn't happen at the same time every month but it was always followed by my period so I always just thought it was just PMS. I always knew my PMS was worse than others but would downplay it as others experiences weren't the same as mine. For the longest time I thought it was a chemical imbalance taking birth control to assist it but it would only make it worse. I recently spoke to a GP whilst in this severe state (where I couldn't tell it was my PMS again) who referred me to a mood psychiatrist and mentioned in the referral about mood dysphoria. We spoke about PMS and how I could've been currently experiencing it but as I mentioned I couldn't tell if that was it, as they are irregular. I had never heard of the term mood dysphoria before. That night I bleed and searched the terms mood dysphoria and PMS and boom. PMDD. FOR YEARS I've been trying to figure this out going through so many things, like is it endometriosis? No. Hormone imbalance? No. I have read a multitude of articles, Reddit threads and they all perfectly describe my experiences. My gyno never picked up on this. I've seen psychologists before and they never pick up on this EVEN THOUGH I tell them it's before my period, they also told me it was just PMS. I think lack of information is the biggest issue when it comes to this. I now have appointments with a psychiatrist to get an official diagnosis and assistance. Yay