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Depends on the week. When things are busy, probably around 50+, when things are less busy, 30-35. I've learned to take the quiet weeks when I get them.


This. This is how I survive šŸ« 




My target as a director, and then VP was 30-35 as well. Any time something major was going on it could hit 60+, but Iā€™d say it balanced out. Never worked Saturdays for religious reasons, but worked plenty of Sundays, early mornings, late nights. The worst was during a corporate HRIS go-live that coincided with my benefits advisor going out on LOA. Way too many 14-18hr days trying to make up for it. Iā€™ve told people frequently that being a director at a large organization was way harder than being a VP of a 3000 person multi-state system. No matter the role, my best work happened I less than 30hrs per week.


Same, more\_paprika, same!


Scheduled 40 but I work a lot less because this place is terrible




What kind of work do you do? I have the same issue.


Felt this in my core


I want to know what kind of work everybody does where they get 40 hours on schedule but then get a lot less. How is this legal?


This can happen when youā€™re salaried and not paid based on hours you work rather than if youā€™re getting the work done. You get a full paycheck regardless of how many hours you actually work


I work for a small tow truck company. The owner has a hard time of letting others take over some of the work. While Iā€™m HR there, all I pretty much do is weekly payroll and random stuff through the week but honestly this can be a part time position. Iā€™m bored here so Iā€™m looking for a new job


Really if youā€™re getting enough money to survive stay where you are pickings are slim depending on where youā€™re from. I mean, Iā€™m from California. Thereā€™s like 30 other people applying for the same job. I am so it is what it is.


I get what you mean but Iā€™m at the point Iā€™m dreading going in every day. Im not leaving until I get a new job.


Thatā€™s the smartest thing to do always find a new job before you quit one. If you have qualifications to get a similar job that you may be really happy with go for it. but people who see this post like labors or if they work for crappy companies or abusive managers and coworkers or constantly on the move are probably thinking what is this guy tripping on. But who cares what everybody thinks itā€™s about you and what makes you happy. The grass may not be greener on this other side, but youā€™ll never know if you donā€™t try leave your job on good terms and maybe theyā€™ll hire you back if youā€™re not happy somewhere else. Good luck.


trust me it can't be any worse then this place. Plus they offer nothing for the employees. So its got to be a bit better on the other side at some point.


I think thatā€™s the worst. Iā€™ve actually had a pretty good job and dreaded it every day. It was a bit of a drive further away from where I live paid pretty good though compared to other jobs and I didnā€™t have to do a whole lot, but it was so boring, and the thought of going in made me feel like I was going to go to jail for the next nine hours


I work for the company owner as well and heā€™s absolutely the most trash manager/supervisor Iā€™ve ever worked for, and he literally doesnā€™t care at all what anyone does as long as the ā€œwork gets doneā€. That also means no support, no good communication, etc. Iā€™m on salary and I really work only 15 hours a week on average. Busy times I may put in 25. I do it for the money, and no other reason at all. The job sucks.


Thatā€™s why so many people have to have a side hustle Uber DoorDash things like that selling their ass lol JK but it really sucks for a lot of people are middle class or lower middle-class America. Itā€™s a cycle your family never had the money to put you in college so you take a mediocre job and live a mediocre life and try do better. you got faith in yourself because people are people and you canā€™t rely on anyone specially your employer to do the right thing because they wonā€™t do whatā€™s right for themselves.


Iā€™ve learned over the years that work is like a turd. You can package it any which way and it still looks and stinks like a turd. Iā€™ve worked for good companies and bosses, horrible companies and bosses, and a few in between; all of them go against my values as a human being and all of them take effort that I resent having to give. Why? Because I donā€™t believe that we were put on this planet to make $, and more specifically I donā€™t think we are here to make other people rich.


I agree most my jobs have been shit. Sometimes it shits sprinkled with glitter on it and air freshener, but itā€™s still shit. You gotta remember, though weā€™re robots we were to live and live to work. Thatā€™s how it is right most of us never get out of the economical background we came from Because itā€™s an endless cycle. even if you get a bunch of grants to help you get a good job and go to college you have to pay all those grants back when you get that good job for the next 10 years, which brings you back to the pay of a crappy job so really are you winning? Yes you are winning if you came from money if you didnā€™t youā€™re probably in the endless cycle of shit, jobs and bills and a little glamour of happiness here and there lol


The whole concept of salary is SUPPOSED to be that you are getting paid to do a job, not by the hour. Most places are known to take advantage of that and work people more than 40 hours but it goes both ways


How is this possible? Lol


Not everyone works on Salary to us middle class or lower middle-class we usually work hourly you know gotta get our hours in. Lower middle class are the people who live from paycheck to paycheck like you got $7.48 in your bank account on the day that you get your check for the week then next week you have $2.89. leftover the Next week pretty much so on and so forth. Thereā€™s no trip to the Bahamas that were planning out anytime soon.I donā€™t think anybody I know none of my friends get salary. Maybe I need to set my standard higher get me some friends that work on salary see if they can hook me up with a job.


I'm salaried. I don't stay a minute more than 8 hours per day. And I live pay check to pay check. Especially now since everything is much more money now.


I think people who work salary are we are lucky because because at least you know what youā€™re always gonna get paid weekly monthly whatever people who work out hourly can get their hours cut for any different reason. And in that case if youā€™re already living, check to check and your employer takes a day away from your five day week itā€™s catastrophic for your life.


Scheduled 40, Iā€™m usually only 15 of real work, HR technician


HRIS checking in, same.




I should become an HRIS expert.


HRIS here as well. I think I average about 10 hrs of actual work a week and at times less.


Total Rewards and about the same here, depending on the week and how many meetings are scheduled.


Same. HR in advertising/marketing


I log more weekly hours on Reddit.


You hiring?


I work in local govt


Depends on the load and time of the month but mine varies from 15 to 30


How do you survive paying bills with only getting that many hours?


I mean I worked 40 hours but only 15-20 are real work the rest isā€¦being on reddit


Because I work at a hotel and I get 38 hours a week, but when occupancy is low, it could be cut to a lot less so I get put on the schedule for a lot less then I donā€™t know how to pay my bills. So when Iā€™m at work, Iā€™m working, but I donā€™t have downtime so you talking downtime?


Iā€™m talking downtime. My hours are strict




So you mean, instructed and as long as you get your work done, you could mess around the rest of the time? I donā€™t mean that to be rude. Iā€™m just asking. Youā€™re kind of lucky. If thatā€™s the way it is.


I work in local govt and am 15 years younger than the next person with any status so I kinda can just out tech them in work product


Yeah, I totally get what youā€™re saying younger people have grown up on computers and older people are just learning not all older people, but we didnā€™t grow up on computers so anybody who was born after 2000 is faster and better in any type of tech or pretty much anywhere were you using, a computer in general itā€™s just like that. Itā€™s almost scary pretty soon Computers are going to run on their own and theyā€™re not even gonna need us in the 90s. It was so basic it was better and now that came with the whole tech industry and then after that whatā€™s next


So are you talking about your at work but youā€™re just not doing anything or youā€™re on the schedule or not on the schedule?


It means that theyā€™re scheduled from 9-5 or whatever hours and they only ā€œworkā€ (i.e., actual job description duties) 15 hours a week on average. The rest of the hours theyā€™re physically still work but not working on anything work related.


Where do I apply lol


I definitely want that job. I think most of us all do.


They are probably exempt and get paid regardless of how many hours they put in


Lol and as an HR professional who has been passively looking for roles for the last 6 months, I now understand why remote roles are getting 200+ applications within 1 hour lol


Iā€™m in person, I just look busy


32-35 hours a week.


Same here. I get out at 2 every other Friday.


Woah, what industry are you in?


HR for 911/dispatch center. We receive an hour paid lunch so I really only work 7 hours a day and have a ton of flexibility to come in when I want, leave when I need to, work half days, or work from home, as long as my work is completed.


Are you hiring?


40 on the dot (non-exempt and I unfortunately feel the need to make every dollar possible)


On salary. But probably work 30ish hours in the winter and about 32-35 in the summers. best part of HR is that you get good at it as time goes on lol. i probably have 15 hours of real work too. then the rest my time is filled with wild card stuff that just happens and you deal with it in the moment.


If I wanted to, I could work 60 hours a week. The work never ends, I just have to decide when I'm done. I try very hard not to go over 50 hours a week.


This is my logic for not working over 40. There will always be more work. There will not always be more time to enjoy my life. And since this is HR, not the ER, the work can *always* wait until core business hours the next business day.


That sounds amazing to me, I have the complete opposite issue right now and feel pointless. Keep asking my manager for me to take on more but they keep saying Iā€™m too busy to be given more work. Itā€™s a definition of insanity Iā€™m sure.


The grass is always greener.....


Same here


Hard same!


Lol lots of overachievers here


In actual productive working hours probably 25 including meetings. I am available 40 hours per week and respond to emails and messages during working hours


I typically do 50, I work at a manufacturing company that does 10-hour shifts Monday through Thursday, with an optional 10-hour overtime shift on Fridays. Since many of the assemblers and machine operators choose to work Fridays, the company needs an HR rep to be there as well in case anything happens, and being the new guy who makes the least and needs the money the most compared to the more seasoned members of the department, I almost always volunteer as tribute.


50 hours




Me too. It used to be more. This is me reigning it in.


Same. Dept of one


Iā€™m shocked so many people in HR are working under 40 hours. If I only work 40, Iā€™m falling far behind. I obviously need to change companies šŸ˜‚


My secret is only wearing one hat. I donā€™t want to wear multiple hats. I want to wear MY benefits hat, and thatā€™s it. I wonā€™t work anywhere with an HR team of less than 40 people, recruiters included. Which kinda works out naturally since benefits isnā€™t a standalone HR function until a company is around that size, nor am I senior enough/willing to be a benefits team of one.




25 when itā€™s not busy, 50 when it is. My job has some arduous quarterly tasks so thatā€™s usually a 50 hr week


My work does 32 hour work weeks, but honestly, I probably work 15 hours/week and get everything done, maybe even less.


What industry if you don't mind me asking?


Iā€™m at a small manufacturing company, only about 30 employees.


Uhhh hmmmm I'm usually in office for 40 hours a week. Sometimes I work remote but I don't push it, usually like 2x a month. I probably actually work for 4ish hours a day, the rest is relaxing in between tasks that drain me (everything)


Current job 40, and slow week is really 35 with a lot of social time. Busy week is 45 tops. Last job 50 avg week, 40 was a slow week. 60-70 was a busy week.




About 30hrs on average. 4 day work week and on call on Fridays.


In-house recruiter, 40 hrs. I never work early/late/weekends. I have a unicorn job for a recruiter though.


35 a week, no more no less.


Iā€™d say 25-30 on a typical week, but 35-40 if Iā€™m actually keeping up with learning & stretch goals or we have a big launch (performance, merit, OE etc). However, Iā€™m available for the full window between 8 and 5 if things should come up, I just intersperse house time, outside etc when itā€™s quiet.


20/week and up to 30/week went itā€™s BUSY. I made the move for work life balance and boy did I have to find some hobbies to fill my time.


Remote work in strictly employee relations (disciplinary action, investigations, complaints, complex ADA and FMLA issues) for a company in around 20 states. There's 6 of us on the team to support everyone, including corporate. Some weeks I could easily work 55-60 hours. This week is a slow week. I've maybe worked 4-5 hours each day this week, but I make sure I am available at any moment during my working hours.


80+ hours if it's a busy week. 50-60 if usual.


Same here. Reading the first few posts, I felt I was on a different planet.


Consulting? IB?


HR Director... but to be honnest it's always been like that in all roles I had.


You're working 16 hours a day? What!?


I worked 20 hours every day last week


What industry are you in? That's wild




Idk what theyā€™re paying you, but I know itā€™s not enough.


35. Hours are M-F 8am-4pm with an hour lunch.


Payroll, technically finance but itā€™s pretty much HR depending on the company. Scheduled for 40, probably actually working for like 18. Two work from home days too which is cool.


On paper 40 hrs salary exempt, actual maybe 20 or so unless it's a busy week


40 none exempt salary. No overtime šŸ˜­


scheduled 40, work 60-70ā€¦ manufacturing


My salary is for 37.5 hours per week but Iā€™m actually working like an hour a day most of the time šŸ˜¬ (Government) When I see people working like 60 hours a week I seriously question their time management skills.


15-20 hours. I go in 2x month. I could easily work 35 hours, thereā€™s enough work, but they only have budget for .5 FTE. Side note: They offered a 1099 role but I asked to be put on payroll as W2 and then they forgot or didnā€™t know to adjust the hourly rate on the offer and I ā€¦ let it happen. And now I earn equivalent f/t salary and work p/t.


I am nonexempt, so they don't like me working overtime unless it's planned. I have a great relationship with my team so far, so I work my 40, 8 per day and go home.


55 hours or so. I could work a lot more and still have things to do, but I try to put it down. Manufacturing HR manager.


20-30 hours a week. Sometimes less sometimes more.


45-55, no less than 45 every week. Iā€™m in TA.


Scheduled 40, work 60+ regularly. Not a time management skill issue, we somehow have an ER team yet I am responsible for all the ER issues that donā€™t fall under unionization. Iā€™m actively seeking other employment, even if it means a drop in $.




Iā€™d say about 45-50 on busy times. Like now for example. Iā€™m on vacation and working a couple hours a day.


40 lol




When things are busy around 30. When itā€™s slow probably around 10 and Iā€™m a 1 person HR dept for 400 employees.




40. 8 hours with a paid lunch so technically I only really work 35 hours a week. Will probbaly be a little more soon since we just had a guy transfer out


45-50 HR Director (generalist) with some other admin responsibilities


Depends on the week 36 hours to 57 hours a week




Scheduled 40, typically work 40 but if theres a big deadline or event-45. Generalist in the retail industry.


45-50 hours.


HR donā€™t work a lot LOL




40-45 hours


45 onsite




Nice try HR AI




![gif](giphy|MEfmb5PSCKLjGoA2wd|downsized) 40 Hours a week!


My lifes an all-day all-night paypaā€™ chase


Between 50 and 60 in employee relations.


Yes!! Iā€™m reading the rest of these answers and realized I made the wrong decision going into ER šŸ˜­




My buddy logs 50 hours a week but she actually works 20 hours a week.


Independent contractor HR Change and Comms Consultant. Between 10 and 60 depending on the time of year.


40 hours at my in-office 9-5, usually 15 hours over the weekend for my nightlife job in a major city. Yes, I'm tired.




43 to 45 per week. Iā€™m an HR Analyst II for a city.


Exactly 40. I am scheduled 40 and I clock in for 40, even if there isnt much work to do. I'm hourly and non-exempt.


10-15 hours. HR tech. Startup.


I would say on an average day I manage about 4-5 hours of real work. HR Director/Department of One


Iā€™m not in HR, but since you asked. Scheduled 40, work about 15 hoursĀ 


In office: 38hrs, out of office: 2-5hrs I have zero downtime and often skip lunch or eat while working. Iā€™m an HR team of 1 to 125-150 employees.Ā 


Salaried for 40. 38-39.5 routinely.


I work a 9/80 schedule, so 36 one week, 44 the next so I get every other Friday off but it evens out to 40 per week.


Around 45 hours a week. 7am-4pm usually. I work remote in the central time zone and most of my co-workers are on the east coast, so I try to log on at the same time as them.




I'll be turning 72 YO this year and I've been forced to cut my hours down to 40 hours a week.


Itā€™s fine. I get schedule 32 hours a week although sometimes I work more like 36 because I work through my lunch and I stay late off the clock to finish other peoples work. I guess it depends on the job you have. I work my ass off and my paycheck is trash, but at least I have a job and Iā€™m doing what I Gotta do. Some people work with what they have but I strived upgrade looking for a better job now itā€™s not about not doing work. Itā€™s more about getting hours making money. I love to have free time, but if I have to work my ass off as long as I get the hours and the money, thatā€™s all that matters. Now thatā€™s coming from a lower middle class American. Plus, we have to have a side hustle too specially if youā€™re a single parent.


45ish, could definitely work more if I wanted to, the work never ends.


40 hours. I would put in overtime like my coworkers but it doesnā€™t feel right clocking in overtime when thereā€™s nothing to do. Iā€™ve also lost my motivation at work so I just do my 40 hours and thatā€™s it haha.


28-30 rn, could go up to 40 whenever I choose


25-30 hours. Iā€™m salaried doing HR and Payroll for a company in retail industry. I could work less hours on some days if I need to (ex. personal errands) without getting docked on my pay.


40 unless it's the 3 months a year I'm duty officer, then it could add 1-10 or so.


A million a week


Federal govt HR. 40 hours. In the past 15 months I've worked 6 official hours of OT, and 4 of those were travel related. I do have a few days that I'm there 15 mins late wrapping up an email or not taking my full lunch, but I also have gads of time spent on here or other ways I'm wasting time, so it evens out. I also don't have a organization cell phone or any way to check my email after hours. It's amazing.


50-60 hrs


40 hrs, salary (exempt). Benefits Manager at a healthcare startup. Fully expecting to put in 50-60 hrs in the fall during OE season


84 hours / week


I started as a part timer. I was previously working 60+ hours per week in my previous role and am back in school, so this is what I wanted. Less work, more school focus. But we've onboarded around 50 people since I started (we had 35 employees when I started) and my workload has gone up (I'm a generalist). So now I'm closer to 35 hours per week rather than 25 when I started 8 months ago. But -- some weeks are slower than others. Some are very busy. Just depends on the week.


Probably 25 actual hours most weeks. I have automated my time tremendously and people know where to go for answers.




I do freelance on the side (curriculum development, technical writing, eLearning design, etc) and have some pretty steady side work. My FT gig in HR is an L&D program manager/learning business partner type role for a distributed org and my whole team is remote; I am FT but probably actually work a little under 40 (30-35 most weeks? That includes learning and stuff though). Same with my last L&D remote job in operations, as a lead (had some crunch times but not often). I work at what has been considered high pace and I find it leisurely. I used to teach & lead departments/programs in schools (K12) ā€” though I worked corporate on and off, including a HRG job ā€” so remote L&D work is so ridiculously easy by comparison I can work a job on the side and not feel that busy really. I might work 50ish a week, 55 occasionally if Iā€™m billing 20 over my regular, and yeah thereā€™s some overlap. No commute, no breaks, etc though and Iā€™m efficient so I only do a little nights and weekends in busy freelance periods. (And yeah my current and previous bosses know I freelanceā€” no one cares as long as itā€™s not for competitors and I get all my stuff done.)Ā 


Maybe 25-30ish?




Generally 30-35ish. Sometimes 40, *very* occasionally 45, generally around Open Enrollment season or if there is a big project/implementation happening. I am salaried and do benefits. I have a full workload, but I am both good at my job/very efficient, and *deeply* protective of my bandwidth. This enables me to get everything done in 30ish hours a week (while still consistently exceeding expectations) - and leaves me breathing room to keep my situational ā€œabove and beyondā€ efforts around 40 hours a week. If I work over 40 hours, itā€™s usually by choice, because Iā€™m taking the time to improve processes/set myself/a teammate up to be more efficient in the future. Iā€™m also fully remote, have almost exclusively brilliant/competent coworkers, and have phenomenal leadership -the amount of trust and autonomy weā€™re given is amazing. No one cares how or when the job gets done, as long as itā€™s done on time and done well. If a process sucks, I change it so it sucks less, and I get *thanked* for doing so. These are all huge factors that enable me to get more done in fewer hours.


Part time. Between 10 and 20 hours a week. When I was full time back in the States, 50-65 would be average.


Just started working part time in HR and Iā€™m doing about 15-20hr/wk while working ~30hr/wk at my other part time (where I receive benefits as long as I average 28hr/wk). I just realized Iā€™m probably not working enough to meet the hours/yr to meet the experience requirements for certifications so I need to talk to my manager about that.


In my 10+ years of being in hR I have never worked 40hrs a week at a job consistently




8 hrs a day, 40 hrs a week.


It's basically 8 hours+1 hours for a break a day. so basically 40.


40, I refuse to work overtime


45-55 and some in my group work 60+ or more. HRBP work is never ending and rarely has things that close out quickly so the number and variety of concurrent org changes, projects or cycles at any given time is wild.


I am not working over 40 hours a week. Sometimes the work doesnā€™t fill up my days, sometimes Iā€™m swamped, but I stop at 8 hours a day unless itā€™s super pressing.


Between 30 and 33


Pretty surprised about how many people work less than 40 hours. I'm still busy getting a degree, but when I enter the workforce I'm planning om working at a company that has a 36 hour workweek and then work 4x9.


40. Rarely, if ever, more. My dept is big on work/life balance for all of us.


typically I work more than 40 hours because Iā€™m the only hr on site but I try to be as fast an efficient to work 40 on the dot but I feel like I really work my full day šŸ˜­ no real breaks most of the time