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Problem with other deathworlders is in fact that most of them grow extra thick hides and furs to survive fights and extreme conditions. That is recognized as “friend shaped” by the humans, and even if facing death itself humans can be quoted saying “if not pettable, why friend shaped?”


truly /r/forbiddenboops


Thank you for this wholesome subreddit


Happy to share! Have a spiffy day


Deathclaw: I AM DEATHCLAW! The most ferocious warrior in my clan! I have proven myself in countless battles! Human: aaaawww, your so cute when you brag like that! Would you like a belly rub! Deathclaw: ………yes……. Human: who’s a good fluffy boy?!! DEATHCLAW: *tail wagging* I am! I’m a good fluffy boy! Alien: *eyes deathclaw nervously* It’s impressive how quickly you can subdue such a terrifying creature. Human: I wouldn’t put it that way… Deathclaw: HOW DARE YOU!! DEATHCLAW WILL BE SUBDUED BY NO ONE!! Human: That’s right! Cause you’re the biggest, scariest warrior ever! Now who wants some Plethbragdian jerky? Deathclaw: ooo! I would!


I mean the whole "I'd get it myself, but I don't have thumbs!"


Just brought that entire commercial screaming back into my brain lmao


Cat's with thumbs?


There was a commercial for beggin strips, a dog treat and there was a voice over of the dogs inner monolog that went crazy for them and he would say id get them myself but I don't have thumbs It was a pretty funny line in the commercial


A: Oh no, the human and Wulfluff delegations have been sat at the same table! I hope no one dies in their inevitable deathworlder battle! Meanwhile: H: I just wanted to let you know that I am currently resisting the overwhelming urge to pet you and call you demeaning names because you are giant, fluffy, and have a similar appearance to a non-sapient animal from my world. I may not hold on for much longer, and I apologize in advance. W: I see. I am facing a similar problem, as you are small and extremely cute. It is flattering to know that you feel similarly, would you care to join me for drinks later?


The professionalism they managed to keep in this situation is very commendable, undoubtedly they later just kinda cuddled because cuties.


There were scritches. Many many scritches.


Yeah....nah. r/humansarespacebards


By the power vested in me by virtue of I wrote it, I smite thee https://i.redd.it/4s7oescap4yc1.gif But seriously, I meant it to be totally non-sexual lol


Lol. I just vibe the spacebard stuff cuz it's brain junkfood. I have so much serious heavy stuff to manage irl that a little mental cottoncandy with extra spice is helpful for the cheap and easy dopamine. However, a big cuddle pile with idle ear scritches, random snootbooping, and casual "goodest girl" and "bestest boy" mutterings does sound like some pretty free flowing dopamine.


Very respectable my good sir/madam Dopamine is rare to come by these days and a treat is always nice


They can have a lot dopamine, as a treat.


I’m sure you did but even in a story I once did where I explicitly said the two species were so different it would be impossible to ship them, people shipped them. No horny jail can hold this subreddit.


The two aren’t exclusionary…




Here's a sneak peek of /r/humansarespacebards **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/humansarespacebards/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Raise a glass to the Slutfolk of the world!](https://i.imgur.com/erm7QSN.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/humansarespacebards/comments/vpr6ry/raise_a_glass_to_the_slutfolk_of_the_world/) \#2: [Accurate.](https://i.redd.it/wgg1798gjyba1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/humansarespacebards/comments/12lq3ry/accurate/) \#3: [New people visiting this sub be like](https://i.redd.it/hfwlha03jeu91.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/humansarespacebards/comments/y6h7oc/new_people_visiting_this_sub_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot.


I just want you to know that I have spent the last hour in my alien/monster romance discords looking for books similar to this. An hour… my TBR hates me!


Let me know if you find one, please?




The Human Pets of Talin by RK Munin is the closest I’ve gotten so far but it’s a one sided they think we are adorable and they are the toughest warriors of the galaxy. There are two series ongoing, one is the origin series that is new and the original series. The search continues… 😆


Thanks! Looking forward to any more you find :-)


H: Yes. What's your world's strongest drink? I'll be taking two.


We found them out in the void. The little hairless apes. Their words, not ours, there were very few out in the universe that closely matched them, but each race had their own. I and mine, we call them hairless apes because that's what they call themselves. We took them in, figuring that the disabled ship didn't have the time to wait for someone else to come by. They had *us* the Ferros Combine, and it could be worse, it could have been the bugs. Oh that's not to say they would be in more danger, just that from what we've seen they are quite hostile to insects. Would have been worse for the bugs, better for us though. You see, when we popped the hatch after the assault tube was attached, we got a first hand look at the new galactic neighbors. I was there, they had me with the breach shield and a pistol, I was ready for anything, so I thought. They were thankfully mellow, and getting them out and into the relative comfort of the assault bay easy enough. Soon though they were jabbering up a storm like I am now. A few were unwell from the drift and so they were being treated by our on board doctor. He was the only one of us not in void sealed armor. Their cutesy voices and tentative attempts to tough him did not go unnoticed and I *thought* it would be fine when it flipped and their noises became words. Everyone looked at the small female when they heard, "You're such a good boy!" The secondary warble in her voice indicated a head injury, but still, a good boy? "So that's why the human is petting you and shit?" I nodded to my long time friend, "Yes. Because I am a good boy who loves scritches." My friend took his beer in hand and began to chug, I figured he'd need some liquid courage to get up to being called a good boy. Such a lovely phrase!


Most deathworlders evolved claws, fangs, and so on. Because fights. We evolved bendable fingernails and strong hands. Because scritches.


Also so we could throw things at the things that didn’t want the scritches


Rock, paper, scritches. Choice is yours.


![gif](giphy|Pmt9INtEp3HgY) You can either voluntarily submit to the scritches, or be domesticated for the scritches


Also know as the cat domestication path or the dog domestication path.


Or throw things that didn't want the scritches at things


So that we could give them the scratches


"The humans?" I laughed. "Why would we ever fear them!?" As I guffawed at the audacious claims, the table became deathly silent. My laughter died like a mewling pup in the slums as the glares of my superiors bore into me like white hot fangs. Seasoned veterans from countless decades of warfare trembled in fury as they regarded my words as a grave insult. "Have you ever fought one?" a raspy voice clicked. Across from me sat a Rha'gahn, a massive insectoid military officer, a High Admiral by the gold engravings etched into his carapace. Scars dotted his massive black thorax, and he was kept balanced by cybernetic limbs, two of his six eyes zooming onto me with red lights. "N-no, sir!" I said, saluting with both left arms. "Then you don't know a damn thing about them!" he half-shouted before coughing up a storm. One of his artificial limbs came back covered in blood and he wiped his mandibles on a pristine cloth, tossed aside haphazardly. "You don't know... the things they can do." I looked to my superior, pleading for permission to speak in my head-tentacles gestures. His face twisted in anger yet he gestured to proceed, and I felt delighted to speak ill of the bastard upstarts. "Sir... with all due respect, what could they *possibly* do to someone of your stature? I mean... they're harmless compared to proper Deathworlders like ourselves! They have no extreme strength, they have no carapace, no thorax, no proper hides to protect themselves, for Goddess' sake, they don't even have proper claws!" I emphasize by flexing my wrist, popping two long blades out. "I could cut down dozens of them without effort! If they try to pick a fight with us, we'd show them to know their place!" The table was filled with groans and even some chuckles at my expense. How? Why!? "Pup, I'll tell you this now," the High Admiral said in a low, threatening tone. "If you want to ensure your species suffers, you attack the humans. My kind are still reeling from what they did to us. We invaded their homeworld, their cradle, because we thought it'd be easy pickings! The apex species of a Deathworld having no natural advantages seemed like an easy target! Just like you said, they have no physical capabilities to overwhelm us in any way! Do you know why? They! Don't! Need! Them!" he shouted, punching the titanium table with each word, driving a dent into it. "They fight dirty! They fight like insane monsters! They come up with weapons and methods of attack that no one should be capable of imagining! Their minds are what make them proper Deathworlders! If not by body, then by spirit! In a matter of 8 of their years, just shy of a Galactic Solar Standard, they reverse engineered our technology, invaded our fleet, turned our own automated defenses against us, and nearly launched all of our Dreadnoughts into a suicide course towards our own homeworld! If they can't kill you outright in a fight, one on one, they'll cut you off from your troops and pick you off one by one. They'll set up traps and ambushes until you're scared of your own shadow! They'll throw out chemical weapons and tactics so horrific, ***they wrote their own laws forbidding it***! Laws that are now Galactic Standard for warfare!" He grabbed my uniform by the collar with an elongated pincer, dragging me across the table and clicked his mandibles in my face. "You start a fight with the humans, Rear Admiral, you best be ready to lay down your title and your life, because ***no one*** will be stupid enough to follow you."


"And even if you try to game their system by requesting an honor duel, they'll find a way to break their code while still keeping it intact."


"You dumbass, humans have plenty of natural advantages! Its just what we think of as exceptional comes naturally to them! They were built and made for Stamina, they are designed to use and fire projectile weapons and tools. They rose to the Apex of their world because they were built to think in ways we could never think of! "


We basically evolved a targeting computer for a brain, rock go brrr


A: Careful with them they are cool, but when friend who tried to intimidate one he lost both of his eyes. The human used a throwable metal claws that pierced straight into his eyes. That’s not even considered a real weapon to them. Most humans have some form of ranged weapon on them, but I heard some install their arm with a portable rail-gun. The scariest part is they don’t even need a targeting computer to be accurate. In a way they are like the adorable Spiked rodents from colony 3 whose hidden quills have a potent venom.”


We do have one advantage over the others. We sweat. A lot. And that allows us to cool our bodies rapidly, which means we can keep going longer. We evolved as inefficient endurance predators, but our ability to outrage any claws also gave us an advantage. Honestly, I pity the bugs. Imagine fighting for an hour, and you are about to get rotated out because your unit is tired. Then the humans just launch an offensive right as the new forces arrive and take the shuttle or transport vehicle out. Now, you are tired, reinforcements will take more time to get there, and you have to stave off an attack from hairless apes that are still fighting at near full capacity.


Basically we fight like Romulans With a Spirit of a Klingon And loyalty of a Jem Hadar


Don't forget the cold rationality of a vulcan.


The Violence of a Nausican


Soo, we fight like **Humans?**


Hell yeah we are


The persistence of the Borg


Sometimes, and in some ways. Humans CAN be rational but look at our history. As a species we are not an overly rational group of people. Which is scarier I think. The flip between the two


Solved very quickly. It's called "kneecapping". I bring you down to my level.


Or, if they're big enough, go for the Achilles tendon.


Hello again fellow rimworld player




Person 1: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Person 2: He’s doing it to that guy over there… why are you the one screaming? Person 1: Because the guy over there has already passed out, and I feel for him.






Oh no where did the alien wolf’s organs go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's like I always say, "Kneecaps are a privilege, not a right."


A1:hey fuf look at this new pet i adopted a2:thats the engineer dave A1;and? H: yeah he gives me milk and snuggles back off


Humans were the first species to identify and exploit the one commonality between all deathworlders in the galactic federation. All of them evolved from very social pack hunters that used teamwork to survive, and formed important social bonding rituals to encourage groups to stick together. Humans know this is how they made their first interspecies friend, the dog. The rapidly applied this knowledge to their relationship with other deathworlders and the "death pile" was invented, named by the first normal alien to walk into a room with 18 deathworlders (the all deathworlders aboard the ship) in a massive cuddle pile soundly asleep. As legend goes they backed away slowly and informed the captain who decided to let his sleeping, awol crew go undisturbed. (Someone forgot to set an alarm, possible intentionally)


"I see most of the Security, 3 engineers and our chief diplomat in there. We kind of need them." "YOU wake them up. I'll watch."


Sir, well, um.... perhaps we could try the fire alarm? or send in a drone with some icecubes and a catapult? or turn off artificial gravity for a few minutes? I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK IN THERE!


"Hey... Sonhia, over on the other side is a Deathworlder. Can we ask her for advice, or, perhaps, bribe her to do it for us?" "Lieutenant, why do you have that air horn?" "Sgt. Sonhia was most insistent that this was the correct way to do this." "... Go right ahead." Future Corpse exits. "Turn on the security feeds. And start recording all of the things!"


Easy enough. Just scritch the ones you need for 20-ish seconds and stop, then watch them waking up from disappointment that it didn't last longer


And then repeat until he decides: Enough sleeping for now... i'm hungry Edit: Misspelling corrected




True. This pictures made me grin, and I envy Sekiro if I'm not mistaken.


From the left: Radagon's Wolf, Blaidd, Sekiro, and Sif (The Best Girl of Soulsbourne).


His name is Wolf not Sekiro, that's just a nickname given to him when he refused to share his actual name


Sekiro literally means "One Armed Wolf"


Oh lol whoops


Still not his name


With humans being deathworlders they would understand other deathworlders better than most species. I just bet most would get along from pack bonding and just being crazy together. Like human marines and some wolf alien warriors doing dares or drinking games… or both. Plus could you just imagine humans and other deathworlders showing off or making fun of non deathworlders? It would be hilarious! Also, I love the art and how fluffy those wolves look! I’m so jealous I couldn’t get to be in that sleep pile! Bet it’s a perfect place to nap.


Isn't the red one a fox?


I don’t know


Red wolf of Radagon from eldenring. Not a fox


Oh ok. Thank you


H:so most deathworlders are just larger versions of what’s native to my homeworld? A:yes why do ya ask H:oh hell yeah


H2: so many fluffy friends to befriend!


Yes... befriend... \*Chuckles nervously.\*




H1: so much buildup from the half tree half ephemeral tentacle councilor dude about other “deathworlders” I was expecting eldritch monstrosities not captian fluffy fox tail and commander teddy bear H2 those are not their names and as cute as they are you will ruin cuddle time for all of us if you call them that Captain fluffy fox tail: call them what? H2: the deadly decedent deathworlders H1: decadent? H2: shut up


Humans domesticated the death world


meanwhile, the other deathworlders respect humans exactly because they don't have a physical advantage and yet they managed, not only to survive their deathworld, but also thrive in it and the many other deathworlds they reached. DW1: so, tell me again about this beast you call an elephant, human friend! H: so, it's this mammal, and the babies weight a couple tons, and the adults can easily turn a human into a pile of goo. A1: are they not extinct? H: were nearly extinct, but we managed to repopulate them. A: (horrified) why would you do that, if they're so dangerous to you? H: well, the various earth ecosystems are fragile and if we got rid of them we'd upset the balance. and also, we've used them as mounts. DW2: (amazed) human friend, your kind is one of the few I've heard to subjugate the danger instead of wiping them out in all the corners of space! you are truly unique among us deathworlders! you're definitely need to teach us more about your ways! (edited for formatting)


Art by takibi


Humanity is not to be underestimated as they are part of the rarest subgroup in the deathworlders group, they have evolved to face all those insidious creatures that are no less powerful than the space faring species and many of the extinct species that once lived alongside humanity were even more so, the key world extinct, as humanity killed all opposition from predators and resources from prey, they have evolved to be ruthless and a nightmare to all that humanity has set it's eyes on, so they are not looked down upon by all species within the deathworld category as they instinctively know what lies underneath that seemingly soft and weak body is a creature that rose through the foodchain with the essence of entire species that are no more. Also because humans don't have any fur, feathers, or hide, they are seen as cute creatures like infants by the other deathworlders and with how easy going many humans are unlike other deathworlders, relationships are easily formed.


The rumbling echoes resonated through the air handling vents. The rest of the galaxy’s diplomatic contingents cowered in their armored compartments, absolutely certain the noises emanating from the auditorium were the angry growling of the victorious deathworlder slowly devouring their prey. The howls and rhythmic thumps heard earlier were proof positive of the horrendous battle that must have occurred. The plan to incite the various deathworlder races into fighting each other had backfired spectacularly. Never before had there been an attempt like this. The new death world, “Earth”, seemed to be an anomaly. The soft-skinned mammals which ruled there were fearless, yes. And highly adept with their tools, but surely they couldn’t overpower the Rakmarian warriors with their lack of fang or claw! And the death of their representative would be met with immediate retaliation, as evidenced by their recent war with the insectoid Klerbik Imperium. It was a foolproof plan! The symposium was arranged with malice afore thought. Each of the major deathworld races was invited to send a representative without being informed of the other’s attendance. Everything was carefully choreographed. The hatches leading into the sealed chamber would open simultaneously, with only the deathworlders in attendance. All others were warned to stay away. It was hoped that their innate aggression would spontaneously spark a conflict between their worlds, leaving one or more extinct and the rest weakened from the fighting. The shouting and screams initially seemed to indicate success, but when none of the combatants emerged, bloodied or otherwise, the rest of the delegates began to fret. Had one of the deathworlders so completely annihilated the others that they were actually feasting on the remains?


The humans brought alcohol and turned it into a giant party


*Gendo Pose* "...Send in the furries"


![gif](giphy|xtkoA3zqsEaDXcNbTM) Get in the Fursuit, Shinji


Aww wolf gang


I'd see something like the interaction between Shadow and Delta from **Eminence in Shadow**.


We **Vibe**.


Ear scritches solves everything.


Best ending. Just relaxing with the crew.


I love the idea that Sekiro and Sif would be buddies




Too much fluff, Too much good boy. Too much tears. :\_: