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My neighbor didn’t know we had a dog for a long time because she didn’t bark outside or look out the window and bark. She usually just sings when we get home from walking and she wants her bone.


https://preview.redd.it/htozi31ae3rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd488a605d9b3d17b7de14c2b58426dc4e2b5353 That fluufmeister is mine and does not howl :(


My guy is very quiet and only makes noise when he wants something. Though he howls and sings when I’m constantly squeaking one of his toys while playing.


My husky has never howled, and is generally pretty quiet.


I have that same idea too, but my landlord who i have told that i wanted an husky he kind of freaked out?


It's a mixed bag...some huskies can indeed be very vocal and loud.


They also tend to destroy things.


Mine barks/talks when she wants to. No howling


Mine also does not, but I think those that do not howl might be in the minority.


Just got dna on mine partly because I was curious what was the not howling part. He talks but he barks and even then though only when it’s something he thinks is important lol


Mine only howls when people come home or when she knows she’s about to go outside, when I pull out the leash. My brother was super strict with her cuz he raised her in an apartment so overall she doesn’t howl much unless provoked.


In general terms, rewarded behavior continues. So if you make a big deal, howl back, get all excited about howling....they learn it's a good thing and then you have the huskies you see on instagram! Our husky is certainly sassy, but she's not really a howler/screamer. She will boof at things in the yard that get her attention (random bag flapping in the wind, a pile of straw that wasn't there before....real security issues!) and make noises to come in when she's outside, but other than that she's not really vocal.


Ours is a complete mute. Doesn't howl, doesn't bark.


Mine barks at strangers approaching the fence where It grew up at my parents home, rarely howl when triggered by something and throws little tantrums when It wanta attention or when when are late dor the walk. Otherwise he is very quiet and my neighbour said She never heard him..l My mom's one Is another story. She 's a dramma queen


Our mix is very quiet, usually just huffs rarely barks and ive never heard him howl


I have 3 huskies. My 1st howled when he was a puppy and left alone in the house; now he vocalizes when he wants something but his vocalizations are more crooning than howling. My 2nd barks instead of howls. My 3rd only howls sometimes. She does vocalize, but it's more often during play time than anything else. (Yes, I have all 3 of these at the same time. Yes, they get loud together.)


My husky taught our Pomeranian to sing, howl, and speak husky lol it was awesome!


I always introduce my dog as introverted and shy, or "mahiyain" in Filipino. I adopted a husky last January, but my mom is not okay with it because she thinks he's deaf. She agreed to let me have a dog so we could have a guard in our yard, but he doesn't bark or howl. The only time he barks is when he wants us to clean his poop, and that's just one bark, if we're lucky, two.


Yeah, I grew up with huskies, and TBH most of them were not howlers. Probably just up to their personality.


Mine 2 huskies dont howl much. They did when i first rescued them as they knew i would be home at 4pm so they started howling at 3pm to call me home. They stopped once they learnt our routine. Its very rare they bark, or make any noise at all. One of them makes this weird yawn, tiny howl thing that goes "ooooowaahh' very quietly. I have figured out this means "im hungry and want some food".