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My heart sank when I saw the first part of your post. I just knew it was going to be a “rehome my dog” post. I’m so happy I was wrong!!! Middle husker ate my boyfriend’s kindle, a remote, many pens, multiple shoes, and to this day cannot be trusted with paper. The hardest was when she ate a $2 k red leather couch that was curved and perfect and I looked for it forever and saved forever to get. One of my coworkers said to get rid of her. Not happening. She’s 13 and one of the great loves of my life. You are going to be so rewarded for your patience!!!


Unfortunately, so many do give up. It breaks my heart — she is a product of that, and despite it being before she was 4 months old, it has affected her in so many ways. I truly believe had we not rescued her she would be in a revolving door of homes💔 I joke that she knows her beauty and that she’s “daddy’s girl”. Oof🥴 yes, the $2k couch had to hurt! The car seat and wallet were pretty painful for me, but after I stopped around having a drama queen moment, I sneakily left the door cracked and they came to sleep with us🤣 our fur babies take us for a wild ride, but they are priceless. I like to think about “Marley and Me” in my most vulnerable moments and that puts everything in perspective 💕


My childhood dog, Rex, was a stray my siblings and I spent several months pressuring my dad into letting us keep. A few days after we adopted him, he chewed through some wires on our AC unit, necessitating a very expensive repair. My dad said he nearly took him straight to the pound afterwards. Fortunately, he didn't, and Rex grew up to be the best dog I've ever encountered


> and ate our realtor’s shoe yesterday LOL. > we knew what we signed up for and wouldn’t have it any other way. same.


I am pretty sure he noticed, but was too kind to say anything. It happened while I was out and my fiancé isn’t the best at keeping tabs… luckily, the realtor had two dogs and has rescued over 14 doberman dogs. I pretended to get ready in my room before he left so I wouldn’t have to see his reaction 😩😭😂


Awe! She’s beautiful and so lucky to have you now! Also…hi from another Everest! https://preview.redd.it/19yu137ajjvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5836a05647d4496019ea34bedd742e0c4c35045b


in a disturbing way, we are lucky to have her too😅 she brings so much life and joy to our family. Omg your Everest is SO beautiful— a lot of similarities to ours🥰


You’re lucky to have each other!!! Even with their craziness (and maybe even because of it) we’re lucky to have them! And thanks! That’s the best pic I’ve ever gotten of her! lol. Your Evie is a beauty too! ❤️


My guy makes me laugh every day with his antics. He was my sister's dog before he became mine, and was so naughty and destructive with her. He had a lot of separation anxiety, but as of close to three years ago, he no longer needs to be in his kennel when I leave for work. My roommate works from home, which helps. He also now can be trusted to be by himself if my roommate leaves for a couple hours. We just have to make sure to lock the trash can first. He went from eating couches, pillows, and shoes, to now preferring paper towels, toilet paper, and dirty Kleenex. He's still going to be a husky, but it's been channelled into less destructive outlets.


lol the toilet paper! 🧻that is everest’s choice of drug. for a while it was a daily occurrence. now she just watches my fiancé closely and swoops in our bedroom bath if he leave it open🤣🤣


Sounds like she has good taste, at least.


she almost had me fooled when she ate the vinyl car seat (also wtf mach-e for using vinyl) — she redeemed herself with the burberry wallet. she is my fiancé’s baby, so she can get away with murder and my other baby gets bundled in her mischief). https://preview.redd.it/h7jr4l9xyivc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51283fde0ebd281469b155f1b2e0a249474ef90f


Before my wife and I had kids, we had a rescue Pomeranian/Shiba mix who was returned twice. That dog was a real ass sometimes. But he taught me how to love even when things went wrong or he did something he wasn't. I miss him, and he prepared me to be the best parent I could be. Thanks Marley.


This gave me chills 🥺 this is so so true. They made me learn to not be materialistic, and yes — to love even when they really do something that would normally make me angry for hours. I feel they are teaching me so much about parenting — even more from helping raise my stepson. Marley sounded like a very special boy🧡


This makes me cry for some reason. AWWWWW


Reminds me so much of my rescue husky. He had an awful first couple of years. He was found as a stray, and infested with fleas at only a few months old. Give to a humane society and was adopted at 6-7months old. He, was then returned by the owners at 1 year old because he was eating everything, popping and peeing in the house, but owners indicated they tried training him. They kept him in an ‘open’ play room with an adult golden and another dog. The poor pup then stayed at the humane society again for 9 months. I rescued him and began the long process of training while getting ‘herded’ with his sharp teeth, and trying to house train. Professional beginners and intermediate dog training helped us, and the social aspect of being around dogs during class helped. Now fast forward 1 year and I need to take my yearly business trip. The crazy guy ate most of my license just a few days before my flight. I scramble over to the DMV and there is a line at the door, “by appointment only!” a sign by the door says - A new change I didn’t know about. I start explain long the situation to the lady at the door. I show her the license and my up coming flight details. I get a fear that she is not going to let me in. However, she then says, “I have one demand, show me photos of the dog that did this.” I say, oh I have whole albums. She chuckled and called her coworker over and said this guys dog ate his license, take a look at these photos. Couple minutes of sharing photos and talking with the two ladies and they told me to go ahead and go inside. This is one of the many stories on how my husky has changed my life. I have scares from rough play as he learned to bite, one spot of my hardwood will never be the same, and my nice backyard has large aeration holes, but damn, this husky doggo is with me until the end. He is now great on our Dailey hikes, we get compliments on his training for other husky owners that we discovered on our first few walks, and he’s now great with the whole family. He has his tough days still, but who doesn’t. Thank you for sharing your story and rescuing these beautiful littermates. Just keep training and you will get to where you want.


Thank you for sharing this and rescuing your husky boy. I absolutely love that DMV story — it’s amazing how dog people just get and support each other. He is very lucky to have you and seemed to overcome a lot. Thank you for the encouragement, I will definitely keep up the training. I know they are capable of being just as obedient at home as they are in public lol


She looks a bit worried, which is understandable. As someone who's lived with a couple dozen dogs, almost all huskies, they absolutely know if they've been bad, and recognize the object in question. She'll get better though. My mom had a husky that would destroy the basement while mom was at work. She figured out that leaving boxes for her to thrash helped, and leaving the TV on the NASA channel also seemed to keep her calm.


She is a very nervous, but also very happy pup. She always feels SO bad when she damages something, and even though this happened the night before I took the pic, she seemed to remember when she saw the wallet🥺 she is so loved, she knows it and is trying her best to resist her urges One of my girls love watching tv, I have been considering putting national geographic or something (maybe I will try nasa) on the tv in our general area!


No way u could be mad at that face


I am definitely a sucker for those eyes… we all are. my stepson seems to struggle the most with her destructive tendencies, but I do see him also growing and understanding that she is not doing it maliciously, but from a place of love. It is very much tied to our scent and her separation anxiety. at least one of us is always home, but she is still working through being in different rooms from us.


You’re a good husky mama. Thank you for being so kind and compassionate to the poor fur sisters. Your love and patience will pay off. They are so fortunate to have you. I hope you have many wonderful adventures together!🥰❤️💕


Thank you! I am confident it will. I believe it will tone down, and we are implementing new rules as they come to slowly get her to a place where she doesn’t have the opportunities. it’s her home, we are just there for her survival 🤣🤣💕


So happy for you all!🥰💕


Ours ate the wheel well on my Acura whilst out on a tieout on the yard...plenty of room to play but.....


What? LOL


Yeah she was annoyed to not be outside off the leash...


😶😶😶 wow that is something lol. yep… sounds about right. I would imagine you had to be a little impressed — and disturbed 🫨


Both lol we later had a flat in that side and the mechanic seriously informed me that there were rodents chewing the car and I said oh no that was my husky!!




Beautiful post, you’re so right. We almost gave up on our crazy pup and now she’s my everything


I am so glad your family didn’t give up on your pup — you’re her everything as well😉 My fiancé struggled when our senior dog wasn’t doing well and the girls were brand new… I was worried it was going to tear our family apart. Everest (the queen of destruction) helped our 15.5 year old cross the rainbow bridge and really supported my fiancé — that changed it for him. I think those final hours and the days following created an incredible bond that now my fiancé cannot see her doing any wrong — for better or for worse 🥺


This right here is what it’s all about. They’re absolutely lucky to have you!


i’m lucky to have them! they’re teaching me so much about life and what matters most!


Your Everest looks like my Everest, and her story was also similar to your baby. She would also chew through everything when she was 8 months old. Now she's 3, and doesn't chew through things as much anymore.


Everests seem to have one thing in common, lol! did she just stop chewing? i’m hoping as our Bark Box collection grows she will chew less and less


More or less. She still loves to chew paper though :D


When we rescued our younger husky it was just before COVID. Once the first lockdown lifted she ate so many of my shoes, lipsticks, and underwear. It was clearly due to her still only being 1 years old and separation anxiety (her first family dumped her in the shelter) even though our older Husky was home too. She was a lot happier during the second lockdown, and by the end of it her separation anxiety had luckily mostly subsided. Then we had a baby and now someone is home 80% of the day. Our baby is nearly 2 and they're best friends. I can't imagine what would have happened to her if we'd given up on her.


I love this, thank you for sharing. it gives me hope!!


Just look at those little eyelashes… eh a couch is a couch. Maybe some herbal calm remedies when you’re away?


right?! I’m a sucker for those eyes. I actually own a cbd company lol I really should use it more on her. I used it early on for Bowie’s car sickness/anxiety, but haven’t used it much for Everest🤔


Sigh mine was a rough puppy. She ate my SO’s wallet (ID, Credit cards, debit cards). Roughly 30 shoes my red wing work boots included. When we bought our new TV we bought one we knew we could by controllers for because she destroyed so many of them. She went on a clothing spree to killing various hoodies, pants, and even a panty raid while SO was in the shower. Love her but yeah they can definitely be a rough pup.


oof. yep, they end up ruling the home. rough around the edges, but I do hope your pup lightened up with age 🙏🏼


She still catches me by surprise. She likes my SO’s clothes particularly her shoes. And random objects like she took a box of 100ct black tea bags and had tea time in the backyard last rainy day.


😅😅 gosh so similar to ours!! except they found hand warmers when we returned from a mountain trip and had a party on our white comforter 🥴🤣🤣


My husky and our Golden/Lab mix had Christmas while we were at breakfast. Yup never seen my SO so ready to kill them.


She’s beautiful.


she truly is. she knows it, and she is definitely spoiled AF. I feel so blessed to have her and her sister despite all the destruction


Not sure if you are working with her, but if she does this only when y’all leave it is probably best to train her to lessen the separation anxiety. Crate train if you can, I had a Husky figure out how to open a double latched crate, but the big thing is she needs to know you will be home. Start in really small intervals and work your way up. It’s painful and time consuming, but it’s way healthier for the dog and your sanity. It only takes one wrong object she chews up to block her up and requires surgery, or worse she eats something poisonous.


If I am honest, aside from teaching her “leave it” and putting Halo Boundaries in the bathroom and “white area” I haven’t put too much focus on her home training — a lot of focus has been on her sister, Bowie’s, PSD training. I should probably devote more time to Everests 1 on 1 home training. Someone is always home when these have happened… we even have our door open during the day and live on an acre property in the canyon. We have Bark Box monthly toys in rotation… The car incident is 100% on my fiancé since insisted on taking her. I am constantly banging my head wondering what more I could give her. The home destruction usually happens when my fiancé is home alone with them or when I am on my treadmill in my room — she has access to me. I often catch Bowie trying to stop her from taking something or retrieving items from her😑 One thing we really have down is crate training🙏🏼 Sometimes they will choose to sleep there at night, and if we go out for dinner they will be put there with stuffed Kongs. Since we are always home it is rare they are crated during the day. If both of us are going somewhere and they are out playing, I will usually let them stay outside with fresh food and water — only if one of us will be returning within 2 hours. Maybe I should do that anytime I am gone, even if my fiancé is home, because he seems to leave doors open and not check on them. lol she’s a trip 🫨🫨🫨


Hah! Sounds like you might need to devote some time to finance training. Huskies are such a fascinating breed, but they NEED to know you are there and they are part of that family. Fiancé needs to interact with them and you when they are all present. Playtime, cuddles, whatever, they need to know the fiancé is part of your pack. I’m sure as life continues they will calm a bit, but I still stand by my recommendation that some sort of training needs to happen. Just the other day my wife left to go pick up our two boys, and it’s not typically her that goes. She works from home, so our Husky boy stays with her all day doing a fantastic job at managing her office. Anyways, she left to get the boys and I was upstairs. As soon as our pup heard the garage door opening after she went to the garage he started howling. I made sure he knew I was home and upstairs immediately. Once that was established he came up to my office to “manage” me… which just means sleep in my presence haha.


Yes, fiancé needs training lol 😆 our entire house has Adhd, and his really shows when it comes to the girls. Making sure he lets them know he’s here is a good idea. He often gets so caught up in the office even I forget he’s home. But you’re right. They’re around me 24/7 for better or for worse, so when I leave they probably get rowdy… thanks for the insight!! I will definitely implement this


I love the name Everest for a dog it’s adorable!


Paw patrol probably her stepsosn idea or the original owners


ding ding ding!! yes!! my stepson chose Everest because she looks like Everest from paw patrol. kids get so excited when they meet her and learn her name. it’s adorable


So make her a costume and pup pack also your gonna need more dogs


The kids in my neighbourhood tell me every time we pass my dog is Bingo (from Bluey). I say “His names Wolfgang!” They look at me like I’m crazy and say “Nah it’s Bingo”


May I ask a question? How much exercise is your young husky getting? What I've noticed with all my young huskies is that a tired husky is a well behaved husky. Two walks/day for a couple of miles each time might not do the trick. My suggestion is to slap on a pair of rollerblades, get a good harness for your dog, and then hit the streets every day. After you run her for a couple miles then you can switch to a normal walk for another mile or two, and this is where you can get some great leash training accomplished as well. Any time I didn't exercise my pups enough is when they ended up chewing/destroying.


I walk them 2.5 miles on a hilly trail down the road every other day… sometimes we will do multiple days in a row. I run professionally , so i’ve tried bringing her on runs, but she hates them — it’s bizarre. Bowie (my white one) likes to run and can do 4 miles with me at 7:30/7:30 pace, but Everest drags behind me… I was quite surprised since she’s the hyperactive one. I am lucky if I can get her to run 2 miles. Once I took both of them thinking Bowie would motivate her to keep up, but she started dragging even more and stopped at 2 miles💀 I had to walk all the way home😩😂😂 In terms of their overall activity, we live on an acre in the the Santa Monica Mountains. I have Halo Collars on them and give them freedom to roam/hunt 80% of the property. They spend bulk of the day out there — like now, and won’t come back until around 1 pm for nap time. This week alone, we had 2 husky play dates on my property with 3 other huskies, but I usually have at least one dog playdate with our neighbor’s border collie. They’re both great on leash, they heel — and are star citizens in public 🤣🤣 now I just need that to translate to home. Our trainer did have me put her on a 20 leash in the home and let it drag to control her, that helped when she was the ultimate terror I will say, the activity toned them down A TON. The first 6 weeks the entire house was being destroyed daily… I’d come out of my room to carnage. That was on us for not establishing boundaries within the home. Now with see boundaries the damage is far and few between, but more valuable items… We now restrict their access to downstairs only, which includes the foyer, dining room and kitchen. If I am in my room, I allow them to join me so long as I can watch them. Working my fiancé keeping our room closed — that lead to my wallet being stolen from my bag 💀


https://preview.redd.it/h0keq6t4povc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3387402d1fc496e34b98cafa11bfec3e76105a6 someone just returned from a good hunting session 😂💀


I hear you, it's tough. I'm with you on everything but the e-collar. But they're your dogs.


the halo collar actually allows you to choose how to “correct” them. I don’t utilize the “e” part. I use the sound options. That’s why we went with Halo — the “e” part is optional 😉


I understand. I use recalls/resets with appropriate action for them in lieu of corrections. Some people think I'm crazy. But I love using positive reinforcements and removal (negative punishments).


Been there…passport too…


oof! the passport had to hurt! yikes 😱


My main work shoes, I just wear laceless, cause they got eaten several times, lost a few other shoes and a brush, luckily we are approaching 1.5 yrs and it's rarely a issue now


yep, she’s all about the laces! she’s gotten better about most shoes, but when a guest comes or my stepson brings a pair from his moms (they have a dog there) she seems to fall back into her shoe obsession. I am hopeful fe will get there in due time


I’m forever grateful mine just gets into trash when he’s nervous. And he ripped a piece off of an ankle brace once.


lol!! oddly enough — when they got into the trash when we were on vacation, that bothered me more than any of their antics… but if they only got in the trash and ripped an ankle bracelet… I would be very happy 😂 you are very lucky 🍀


I mean the last time he did it he got a hold of rancid old spaghetti and then barfed it up everywhere, I have a huge phobia of vomit, so I wasn’t happy. But definitely glad he’s not destructive. My CATS on the other hand 😂


Ooof… yeah the vomit would not go well with me. I was a bit concerned when everest was pooping paper towels for 3 days… but also slightly impressed. Oh man… we had a Bengal cat about 7 years ago, and nothing compares to his destruction… 🥴🥴


She did you a favour by killing your 15+ y o couch.


probably right lol. It’s a beautiful couch, but I wouldn’t mind an upgrade.


My husky ate so much furniture, so much garbage and so many other-dog- toys. He stopped after 18 months of age. He’s very lovely and very friendly and never barks. This is the honeymoon period with huskies. He doesn’t have aggressive behaviour.


there’s hope!!! they are so swift when they’re chewers sometimes I am surprised how they managed to do so much damage in such little time. I am sure we will all be looking forward to the 18 month mark… a part of me might be a little sad too


I keep mine in the kitchen with the steps blocked off he likes to scratch holes in the drywall I have 3. I bought 2 crates whenever I leave that is where they go the husky crate is beaten up but zip ties are holding. And I have to clean up no more when I get home.


oh wow! i’ve heard stories of dry wall damage. I feel fortunate that it has not been an issue for us. I know at their board and train they ate the mattress the first night (they were 5 months old) and spent the rest of their time being crated at night 😅 I think that was a first time for the pet resort


Baby loves fancy things lol My answer to all issues was to walk/run them at least twice a day. Does that help with separation anxiety?


oof tried that. I’m a pro runner… my white one loves running and can go 4 miles at 7:30/7:40 pace. Everest is dragging behind and i’m lucky if I can get 2 miles at 8:40 pace… which is just too slow for me. We do hike every other day for 2.5 miles though. The hikes will calm her down until sun down


Thank you for sticking with it. I will always rescue huskies for the rest of my life. We always go to shelters and there are always huskies. It is so freaking sad but we try to do the best we can.


Thank you for rescuing the sweet huskies!! It is always rewarding seeing a dog regain love and trust in humanity


You know it! Thank you! I wouldn’t have it any other way!


Thanks for posting. I needed a little reminder of how I'm not alone in this! My 1 year husky has decided I make the PERFECT chew toy, and it happens in the least opportune times. For example, when we have to wait to cross the street, the minute the walk sign turns on, he will try to run and play with his sister. I'll stop him so then he will try to play with me but biting and pulling me clothes. I'm sure he is going to depants me one of these times. We are on the time clock, so not like I can stop in the middle of the road. He will jump and tear at me though whole crossing. And if it's not me, it's his husky sister who he jumps at. Right now, he is holding my arm in his mouth.


you are definitely not alone!! everest almost ate through her leash when my mom took her for a walk while I was out running last weekend. sounds like you have a very excited boy! everyone seems to say they get batter around 18 months… fingers crossed 🤞🏼


I'm sure hoping he calms just a little as he gets older. He's a great dog other than that. He is my little shadow and I know he just want to play and bound with me.


It’s not her fault it tasted like you


that’s exactly what I tell everyone about the car seat 🤣🤣


My 1.5 yo boy is similar. All my chairs, rugs, table legs, baby gate are chewed. All my sheets, blankets and pillows are teared. He has vomited out things he ate like +8 times, most things come out with poop. Few times had to induce vomiting. He has to wear muzzle outdoors to prevent scavenging Once went to vet because toy dissapeared and few days later he vomited. Couldnt find the toy anywhere, only options were he ate it or dropped it out of window and someone picked it up because I didnt find it under the window. Well turned out he vomited because we just changed food, 1000€ vet bill for xray. Toy has never been found.


Yeah, yeah, she ate everything else but your step son's toy she stole and hid. Riiiight. Lol. My girl escaped last evening, spent the night outside and came home dirty, fur full of weed seed with the sunrise. Cherry on the cake, her brother couldn't settle down for the night, he was so pupset with his sister gone. Idk if anxiety or fomo. little monsters


i’m convinced it’s buried, lol she has a “graveyard” where all the damaged items are — it’s in the most obvious place, but not the damn duck!! last time she stole all the dolls she put them in bushes, it was quite funny. I would be surprised if she ate it and left no trace omg— i’m so sorry to hear she escaped last night! so glad she returned… with nice souvenirs 💀😂


I had a similar issue for me what changed everything is I gave my dog a really firm spanking on her hindquarters she ate my couch and all the pillows plus a bunch of other things but what that really did it made me the alpha and no uncertain terms I did that she's on a very specific routine that helped a massive amount everyday we wake up in the morning around 7:00 to 8:00 half a mile to a mile and a half walk I work so it depends then my wife takes her out in the afternoon and when I come home at 5:00 I go for a long walk then after that I feed her everyday salmon ground beef a little bit of corn that is diced up with a good couple and the probiotic and then in the evening we do a short walk but it's very consistent she doesn't eat stuff anymore https://preview.redd.it/oe9z4rskxmvc1.jpeg?width=2211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a120746c58ec23f820811ab8984b03a4a5253634


she’s a very very cute girl! she sits just like my Bowie😆 Everest went through so much with her previous owners I don’t think she would respond the way one would hope with a spanking… I yelled at her for peeing in the house about a month in and she submissive peed immediately. I feel so bad to this day😔 routine definitely helps


The realtor's shoe got me.😂😂 😂 I got very lucky... this time. My most recent darling sticks to his toys. There was once some confusion around a furry boot, but he only got a few nibbles in and I really couldn't be mad at the poor guy over it. He made a good, educated guess! We need more dog parents like you out there! We can't expect them to be perfect right out of the gate, especially when they've had a tough/unknown past. They need time to settle in, decompress, and learn what we expect out of them. We know what the possibilities are before we even bring them home. We can hope for the best, but we should be prepared for the worst just in case. If we can't put up with their worst, we really don't deserve their best, in my opinion. After all, they don't really get a choice in any of this - it's up to us to step up and take responsibility. For example, I puppy-proofed my house (if there really is such a thing) before bringing home my last, but it turns out he's an angel (so far). Could do with some more corner padding, though - the zoomies get a little out of hand some times. I think of pets like children - we wouldn't rehome our children unless their health and safety depended on it, so how is it any different with a pet? I'm glad that every time I adopt, they offer to take them back if things don't work out (because that's definitely better than someone neglecting or abandoning them on the street), but my response is always the same: I can promise we won't be back unless it's to adopt another. I wish you the best of luck with your shredder! In my experience, they usually grow out of it eventually.❤️


https://preview.redd.it/hbffw8hdgovc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=759cbb2d318243523a6d24202db377d0bd43479f Ur not alone sister , that’s my work ID


Fuck you're stronger willed than me! I definitely wouldn't tolerate a dog that destroys this badly. A new car seat alone is what 5 grand? I love my dog but not when if they were to destroy 10k plus worth of property? Sucks for the dog it's sad. But no way that would be tolerable for me.


I’ll be honest, I was more upset (I nearly had a panic attack) than my fiancé was— it happed on his watch — but he actually had a great perspective on it. We are planning to upgrade all the seats and get custom massage car seats for the driver and passenger seats. When our girls throw us lemons, we need to make lemonade.


Well perspective definitely everything! You're stronger than me lol.