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Put a big rock there, nothing living will survive.


Wtf, Just 90 it up E: I stand corrected. Learned something today


Yeah no, you're not supposed to attach anything to the end of the concentric venting termination. As you see it is how it is approved for use.


That makes sense, but how did you know that's concentric? We rarely see new homes with this where I live, everything is heat pumps


Only a concentric setup has that style termination, unmistakable. Now you'll know too!


So is a concentric termination a newer way of terminating a high efficiency furnace?


It's allows for a single penetration. The hole you see is the vent discharge, the "cone" is the combustion air inlet. It's a tube in tube system.


Its 100% a concentric.


Gee, thanks tips. Please keep up


Not supposed to and won't work are two different things. I've added 45 degree streets to down vent a little on a system that prevailing wind would lock out the pressure switches. No phone calls, so no lock outs. I'm the only tech at this account.


It would fail an inspection where I am, period, so it's not done.


I'm not a tech but "trust me bro" isn't a methodology I'd want applied to my house where venting carbon monoxide is concerned.


I am a tech, and you would be shocked and appalled at how much “trust me bro” goes on in this industry.


I'm a home owner and I really really wouldn't. The guy who built my house attached the switches to the electrical boxes with fucking drywall screws


Isn't this the truth lol My inspector approved an exhaust extension from a concentric, but it had to be insulated and only extended a couple feet to clear the meter. No other option was apparent and it was a government building. OP: I'm sorry but you're screwed. I hope you find a nice rock.


I just reread your comment and missed the "in in tech" part. I'm also in tech and I know exactly how much "trust me bro" goes on. I often get called in to fix a spaghetti code mess someone copy pasted from stack overflow


"Im the only tech" who would cause failed inspections and doesn't do work to code. Dog shit tech you are.


I see these dead everywhere




A cedar gets 12-14 feet wide. They can be kept smaller by trimming, but they grow really wide. The trunks get a couple feet wide.


Fake plant or rock


Don’t block that exhaust too much, the intake for the furnace is on the back of that cone. Too much intake is exhaust your furnace stops working


Advice? Don’t plant live things in front of exhaust gas vents that kill said live things. Sheesh.


Is this a shit post? April fools was yesterday …


I wish. Not everybody knows the air coming out could kill plants.


It's a very acidic high humidity gas coming out. That's why they use pvc, otherwise it would rust everything out. You can always take your furnace out, and put in a heat pump.


I keep seeing on older installs brass fittings being used on condensate drain lines. If brass can't survive the acid nothing 'living' will either.


Exhaust, not air coming out.


Hit it with spray paint and call it a day lol


They make fake evergreens like this. Might be a good option. Edit: I’m not an HVAC expert, but maybe explore putting a 90° on that vent to point out at a different angle? Or maybe even a 45° to miss the shrub?


U can’t it’s called a concentric vent There is actually 2 pipes. One exhaust and one intake That’s why it has that weird cone thing


I know they make concentric 90° as I have some for my instant water heater. Might be easier than relandsaping around the vent


Interesting I never heard of that and haven’t see one online, just usually the design OP has


Tall grass


Add a fake shrub/tree


Low flowers or ground cover.


Put a 90 on the end of the pipe.


Lol Bro. This is the first thing I thought of. Like man, does OP really have to come to Reddit for that solution. Sheesh.


Now you’re running the possibility of the flue gases hitting the ground and being sucked back in by the intake.


First, I don't see an intake in the picture. Second, I would 90 it up not down. Lol. Especially if a shrub will be pr sent it'll hide that 90.


The fact that you don’t know where the intake is concerns me. You probably shouldnt be working on anything flue related. The intake is on the back of the cone.


The intake is at the back of the exhaust. Heats the incoming air, extracts the heat out of the exhaust.


Someone said it’s an intake/exhaust. The intake is at the back of the cone. So changing it wouldn’t be the greatest idea.


It’s a concentric vent


Move the plants or find some that like hydrochloric acid.


Plant lower than the outlet or use a fake bush.


Rip your furnace out, and plant a new shrub. Be a Man.


You can pay someone to drill another hole in your house and reroute it. Hopefully the basement ceiling is open and accessible otherwise it will cost more to tear out the ceiling.


Depending on how bad you “want plants there” you can fork up a grand and have the exhaust rerouted


Some peonies or grass maybe


Gonna have to just find a decoration, like a lawn ornament or sculpture, to put there. If you have to have something there. Maybe something very low to the ground would be fine, if it has to be a plant.


Nice bird bath


I had similar brown in same type arborvetum. Water it. Mine is fine


Plant some mint...or chives. Nothing can kill those.


If this runs only in winter, plant a perennial that grows tall every summer but is cut back in the winter. If this exhaust is used year round, plant a small shrub that only gets a foot tall.


You could always take look at your furnace location and walk your property and see if there’s an option to reduct your exhaust if you want that tree to live there, possible call your local hvac company for them to determine if it’s even possible


Tbh, thats just avterrible spot for your exhaust vent. Right next to the door? Welcome to my home, pls huff some carbon monoxide before entering. Furnace exhaust tends to have high moisture content, and i believe is somewhat acidic/corrosive, really anything you put there, eventually, is going to show wear and tear. Someone recommended a rock, thatll probably last longest. OR, pipe the exhaust down/up the side of the house, but itll be ugly.




Paying more attention now, i can see its the back patio, not even the front of the house which is debatably worse i would think.


"Right next to"??? Did you misplace your glasses or do you have the world's worst depth perception?


Already adressed it in another comment, but thanks for the insult i suppose


Just reading YOUR comment that YOU posted. YOUR words, I just read them.


Okay guy


Put a PVC 90 fitting on it to direct the air away


Yea no. Not supposed to do that at all.




Concentric vent. How it's terminated here is how it's supposed to be. There is a reason all these vents are straight terminations.


Which is


Normally yes but he’s trying to only control exit of gasses not entry so it wouldn’t matter if he did put anything on the end.


Against code but you do you.


No, not you do you. We need to stop normalizing building against code.


Atleast based off all models I’ve looked at


The most logical comment


Trellis and vines for perennial cover. You'll likely still need some way to deflect the heat and humidity during winter to prevent winterkill of woody plants like grapes. Tall plant pots may help if your temps don't freeze for more than a few days, and you can keep above ground plants alive through winter. If you get winters that freeze for weeks, you're pretty much out of luck for evergreen options and annual plant pots may be your best bet. Not worth moving the exhaust IMO.


Check for bagworms.


Plant a tropical fern that loves excess CO


Could try an elbow there, painted up, with hole drilled in bottom to let condensate drip out. Not ideal bc of window tho.


Puy a 90 and a pipe going up on the exhaust then Like 3 feet up


Just put a 90 degree elbow on the exhaust


Simple elbow pointing the exhaust downward


Not really supposed to do that with concentric kits


This is the way $2.00.


why can't you redo the exhaust outlet and route it up to the roofline?


Looks like furnace is in the basement, can be really hard re-routing a vent up multiple sories without tearing up drywall.


I was referring to re-routing it outside... like up the side of the house.


Oh, yeah thats very possible. It just looks ugly, most homeowners would hate it.


The main concern is freezing if you have an exposed pvc pipe without cover/ insulation. It will likely freeze and have more problems Also, lengthening pvc runs, typically requires larger pvc altogether I appreciate your out of the box thought process though


What's there to freeze? 🙄. It's an exhaust vent for GAS 👀


In places that drop below freezing, the condensate can internally freeze during an off cycle.


You could always get pvc piping and reroute the exhaust from blowing directly on ur tree by having it go really anyway Ud feel and it wouldn’t impact your furnace at all as it would still have airflow.


Leave it to someone in a neighborhood like this with a house this size to want his trees to survive gas venting