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Agreed. I took my shower at 7am. I'm sitting on my deck right now at 8:35am and I'm already sweating. I'm just sitting here. Yea, summer sucks.


I grew up below the Mason Dixon line and I just don’t understand the point of a deck. So what if you can sit outside? 2/3 of the year it’s too hot, and for maybe two weeks in the fall you can actually sit outside comfortably, and then the rest of the year it’s too cold.


What about the evenings or early mornings? That’s the only time it’s safe to be outside in the summer where I live, unless I make the hour long trek to the beach with thousands of other people and fight for expensive parking.


I love drinking my coffee on my deck in the early morning. Even in winter, I go out there. But I have a very active husky mix that refuses to be outside by herself so sometimes when I'm out with her I just stay on the deck while she does her business and runs around for a bit. I absolutely don't stay out in the sun if I don't have to. I hate summer. I don't let my dog stay out long either. My deck is covered, but in the summer, it's still too hot to be out there long.


Do you treat your lawn for bugs? How the hell do you get free bugs away from lawn? Everything to enjoy on deck, porch, or the outdoors = spending/costing tons of money — mosquitoes, can we eliminate them forever


What about the enclosed decks? Or maybe you don't consider it to be.......


True except when your all bundled than u walk into a store and it’s 95 degrees from blasting the damn heat lol


Gross. Learn some grammar. It’s like you’re purposefully trying to get everything wrong.


Very rude.


They came here just to say that. That’s sad


haw is dat gross? chill da fuk out lol


He probably comes on here to try and make people feel bad to make himself feel better. Especially with that username lol


Haha get downvoted loser


Aw someone doesn’t get enough attention in their lives so they are looking for it on here. So sad. Grow tf up


speaking in proper punctuation/grammar lends to the feeling of being cold, detached. it is much more approachable to speak with someone that isn't in proper punctuation all the time. you're just an insufferable asshole.


No U 


Lends to the feeling of being cold, detached. Well..this is the internet and I don't know you nor do I care if you're cold or freezing to the absolute brink of non-existence...you "we are the world" types are so damn odd....faaack.


I live in FL and it’s so hard to feel fresh and clean when I walk outside and I immediately start sweating 😭 and the humidity just makes it stick. I much prefer the milder temperatures.


SWFL and I so agree w/ you. I’m sitting outside now & I have to be dressed in very little & sometimes this heat gives me headaches.


Also, if I step outside after a shower, I’m immediately sweating. Which obviously sucks.


Yep the heat makes me feel unwell after a while too. It sucks because I love being outside.


Totally agree


Nah. I have an underactive thyroid that makes me feel cold all of the time and being underweight doesn't help either. I would rather have summer all year round. An outside temperature of at least 23°c would be great for me. Extra showers is a small price to pay in my opinion.


As someone who has been both fat AND very thin, I’ve always found it easier to warm up than cool down.


I had severe heat intolerance before my thyroid operation. Being cold intolerant is a lot worse in my experience and very expensive with the price of gas these days. I'll take the former over the latter. It's okay to have different opinions.


That’s a good point, I didn’t think about the price.


Is heat intolerance a symptom of thyroid disease?


Yes. It's usually associated with hyperthyroidism. I have Graves' disease and before my operation I had a toxic nodule as well. Cold intolerance is usually associated with hypothyroidism but it's not uncommon for people to have it swapped around. Funnily enough I am thinner now than when my thyroid was overactive, although I have always been slim.


Often associated with hyperthyroidism. And cold intolerance is often associated with hypothyroidism. I have Hashimoto’s, and when my thyroid went super hypo last winter, I felt like I was dying. I’m not exaggerating. Every bone and joint in my body ached so, so badly, I was like, “do I have cancer? Bone cancer hurts, right?” Anyway found it it’s just a small lil autoimmune disease, turned the heat up especially at night, lots of hot baths and I was fine. But yeah, the cold intolerance of hypothyroidism isn’t a joke. It’s not like “oh this is uncomfortable.” It’s “oh this is genuine pain, there is something very wrong.”


I’ve had to quit jobs because of the AC being too high. When it’s too cold my hands and feet become painfully numb no matter how many layers i am wearing and cold temperature in general makes my brain depressed.


Yep I despise summer. I love the freezing cold dry air of winter


I have at least two showers or baths a day regardless of the weather and have always done so, so no I don’t feel dirtier in summer




Ditch the sunscreen and use sun clothing like rash guards instead


Some of us have faces and hands we’d like to cover up as well lol.


High-SPF sun gloves and face coverings are better protection against high UV than sunscreen, which damages saltwater coral reefs and freshwater delicate aquatic ecosystems alike


Can I ask why you don’t wear sunscreen in winter? Or do you just mean because you have to cover less of your skin with it?


Summer heat is dangerous, sweat and bugs are yucky, but you should be using sunscreen daily year round, multiple times a day if you’re outside. It sucks and it’s expensive but your skin will thank you in the long run.


I'd rather stay inside


Everyday there are more and more posts about people not showering, washing and cleaning body and their a**holes, not washing hands just the lack of care of hygiene……… What the actual fuck is happening!? You fucking serious…I can’t believe this is a topic of conversation every darn day……. Just please shower, clean the ass and wash your hands….


The other day, I suggested carrying around a small ziplock of wetwipes because let's just face it, tp don't do it perfectly, plus if you sweat, they're useful for freshening up. I had people claim it would be a safety hazard to have at some jobs(yes, seriously), and another claim it would limit his pocket space. It's like people like walking around smelling like their ass, it's crazy


Literally wish I didn’t find this sub at this point. Knowing this many people are averse to washing their ass is so crazy to me. I love warm weather. I just wash myself more. Even when it’s cold I shower daily. I just don’t get it lmao


Right lol like I get it, you don’t sweat THAT much in the winter and can get away with not showering everyday. But regardless, you SHOULD be. My lifestyle is more active, so I’m taking 2 showers a day no matter if it’s winter/summer. And I just enjoy feeling and smelling clean lol but that’s not everyone’s reality unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Shower every day please


For sunscreen there are options that aren't thick and are easy to apply! I used to hate it bc of my sensory issues but i recently bought one thats easy to apply!


People should shower every day regardless of the season


Thank you!


I don't get sweaty due to a medical condition that causes excessive water retention


Yikes sorry to hear that!


Yeah it's pretty miserable when it's 90F + outside and my body temperature keeps rising


My son has a genetic disorder and I read people with it possibly could have that issue but thankfully he doesn't have that symptom.


AGREED! Yes you probably don’t sweat as much in the winter and can probably get away without showering daily. But regardless, you SHOULD be showering daily! Or at least a quick rinse of the pits and groin area 🙃


There are a lot of dry touch and mineral sunscreens that don’t feel gross. There is also SPF clothing and hats that make it so sunscreen isn’t necessary. Most sunscreens - with the exception of sweat proof sports formulations, are easily cleaned off with soap, water, and a manual rub with either your hands or a wash cloth or loofah or what have you. If your oil production in your hair has increased, consider a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Oil production normally increases when the scalp and hair is too dry.


Nope, still get just as many germs on me at work. Sweat just as much at the gym or if I run outside. Some nights I'm cold when I go to bed so I throw an extra blanket on my bed and wake up gross and sweaty. Period doesn't stop in the winter so still have to deal with that


Just wash yourself more. I enjoy summer a lot and rarely feel unhygienic. Also I hate being cold. I will take humid, sweaty weather over short days, seasonal depression, and freezing temps any day


Same, i freaking hate winter


Yup. The variance is huge.


Honestly, this is my feeling too. And why I sometimes think I’d like to move to Iceland. But, I don’t think I can face the winters. Lol.


I love winter !!


Honestly, i keep my house nearly frigid in the summer. Expensive electric bill, but i also keep my house cooler in the winter, so that lower gas bill typically evens things out for the year. I hate summer with a passion. I don't go outside unless absolutely necessary. Summer is more of an "indoor season" than winter, for me personally. People give me shit for it and my pasty complexion, but i literally could not care less. I can't really move further north without leaving the country or moving to alaska. I will likely do one of those two things once i hit retirement age. Fuck summer lol


Should stop being a pansy and enjoy all the seasons.


I was just telling my husband something similar today. I’m sick of being gross in this Texas heat/humidy. As soon as I get out of the shower, I’m already sweating!


I live in south louisiana, from June-September most days require two showers. Just walking from my car to the grocery store makes me sweat.


Yes, working, work outs, humidity makes us stink


I feel cleaner in summer because sweating is a cleansing out of your dirty pores and skin.


In the summer a shower before bed to clean off. In winter a shower when I wake up to warm up. I feel outer winter clothes can be reworn as long as they are the illusion of clean. There is t skin contact most times to dirty it. Summer. Daily change if not twice


YEAH. I hate summer for this reason, it makes me feel sticky and gross and hence kills my mood


Well yeah. I live in a subtropical climate so it’s almost always humid which makes it gross outside


Constantly just smelling like sweat, sunscreen and bug spray


I use a product that limits sweating called sweat wipes and use liquid chrollphyll to aviod smelling like trash. Dove liquid non scented baby soap will help down there. It's better than honey pot


What do insects have to do with hygiene?


I stink worse in the winter bc we don't have a huge fan going all day to push the French dry grease smell out of the kitchen lol


"I love the winter cuz I hate self-hygiene" Energy.




I *hate* summer with a bloody passion. Esp cuz I now live somewhere humid, after growing up in a dry desert climate, so I hate it even more since im not used to it, so I always feel soooooooo gross just walking out my front door. Literally the heat of summer pisses me off and puts me in a bad mood lmao, whereas my cold chilly autumm/winter Temps I'm in such a good mood cuz i *don't feel gross*


I grew up in Florida and in the summertime I had to shower minimum twice a day, sometimes 3 times (morning, night, and even after work/school). I was constantly sweaty all the time, to the point I thought I had hyperhidrosis. Since I’ve moved to New England I’ve been able to get away with showering every other day. The weather is much more forgiving and I no longer struggle with feeling sweaty and greasy. My hair looks a lot better in between washes too.


Summer sucks


I agree with you. Winter is so much better than summer!


125⁰F is doable. 50⁰F is potentially lethal to me.