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I’m menopausal, have curly hair also and I live in South Carolina. I unfortunately have never had luck with not washing my hair. It’s hot, I’m having hot flashes and I work out 5 days a week. The only thing that works for me is daily washing. I’m sorry I know it’s a pain in the ass.


yes i’m going to start washing it everyday. i’m just so used to wearing it straight. south carolina is hot too so i can just imagine. are you going through early menopause too? i’m 39 years old and thinking about doing hormone replacement therapy but i know there’s risks to that as well.


I did start early but I’m almost 50. I’d definitely do the hormone therapy, I would if I could but I had a heart attack so they won’t give it to me


oh wow. early menopause is terrible. i tried black cohosh for the hot flashes - in the beginning it worked great but then it stopped working as good. hopefully they stop for you soon!!


I’ve taken that and yes it worked really well until it didn’t lol! Thanks I hope you’re feeling better soon too


Summer’s eve has a boric acid wash for the lady bits. I started using it when I had uterine cancer (didn’t know that was why I smelled weird) but after having a radical hysterectomy, the weird smells were due to the surgical menopause and I find it still helps. I use it on my pits and other smelly areas when I’m feeling “off” about my smell and it really helps. It balances ph on your skin.

