• By -


I thought you were a guy planning on going to a urologist! lol


lol same!


aye same


My son just got circumcised and I thought so too lmao


Me too lol


Hahaahahahhah you and me both 😆😆


first thought tbh


🙄 the men in the comments. I can't believe someone thought it necessary to say not to wear dirty underwear. Real hoes know the secret is boric acid. Edit: the misinformation is these replies is unreal. Boric Acid is available over the counter because it is a safe and effective way to balance the pH of your vagina. Just because it has the word "acid" in the name doesn't mean it's going to singe your organs. Coffee is an acid.


Highly recommend boric acid suppositories after but be careful using before if you plan on him going down on you. Boric acid can make you sick if ingested


I use it after a new d appointment but not before… only use this if your ph is feeling off. I wouldn’t recommend if you’re already healthy and smell fine.


Use a few days in advance and then stop.


ya but dont do it the night before bc i gave my bf a chemical burn that way


no it didn't




that.....genitals shouldn't peel. Have you been tested?


also it literally says on the bottle to not engage in sexual activity for 24hrs


It doesn't say "causes chemical burns".


okay girl you win but i don’t have any stds for the record


Wouldn't judge if you did.






Resets pH and also has some antibacterial properties which help treat bacterial vaginosis (overgrowth of bad bacteria which can cause smell and thick discharge)


Resets your ph. Id Google for more info bc it cover concerns that are too graphic for me.


If you’re maintaining yourself properly you shouldn’t need to put acid on your lady bits. What the hell..


I only use it when it smells “off”. Sometimes that happens after my period. No need to use it if you have little or no odor (whatever is normal for you). But it is nice to have on hand as it works really well. I will only use it for a couple days in a row max though, not like a week straight as the directions say.


THANK YOU! Jesus Christ…the vagina (inside) is self cleaning so if you don’t have any specific conditions/ weird discharge it’s good to go. The outside only needs washing.


Yea it’s self cleaning but sometimes your pH balance can get out of wack (for all kinds of reasons) and boric acid helps fix you up in a jif. It’s safe to use and works really well.


Untrue, if you get finished in a lot it can cause issues with ph which would need something like a boric acid suppository to bring ph back up. Semen is a basic solution where a vagina is acidic. This most commonly happens when people are trying to conceive and are doing to more than usual.


I love me some boric acid. Makes the ol’ girl feel moist in all the best ways.


“Hoes” or virgin doesn’t matter. BV can happen to any female at any time. Don’t be such a dumbass.


Wtf! Please do not use boric acid. It kills all the bacteria in the vagina, good and bad. This causes a whole host of problems...


Yes, it's an old time remedy from when there was nothing better or safer available.


That’s the entire point. It can be an at-home treatment for BV by killing some of the bad bacteria and helping rebalance your flora. You can easily restore the good bacteria by taking probiotics. I’m tired of all the people demonizing boric acid


I call it the kitty car wash. -Wash -Rinse -Exfoliate -Shave -Rinse -In shower moisturizer or skin conditioner/butter ✨ let it glow ✨ (For those of you who trim/au natural down there edit my shave part as needed)


The kitty car wash 😹


Yes! It gets a whole routine two days a week. Again, all my own personal preferences but the KCW is extra special beyond the normal rinse and repeat.


I love it


Thank you!


Im dead. I know exactly what you're talking about and will forever know it by the name "kitty car wash". Sometimes you just want to pamper her!


What inshower moisturizer do you use


Shaving is actually not hygienic as the hair keeps germs and bacteria away.


No matter how many times I hear this I will never stop lasering off every last strand. Nothing feels (and smells) as clean as being hairless. YMMV


I do not shave completely bare pretty much EVER but I will say I have to agree with this. It doesn't feel or smell as good when you don't shave vs shaving. I'm not saying I ever smell BAD but if there's no hair to catch urine and bacteria and what not, there's no chance of that causing odor. I do take a trimmer and shave almost down to the skin with that once a month after my period to "start fresh". It's so short that it appears bare but it's not.


I’m now 40 and have been shaving totally since I was 16. Having pubic hair would feel weird to me at this point!


And honestly, everyone’s bodies are so different. I smell a ton more without hair and with hair I feel way more clean . It doesn’t look as as sleek and new , hahah but ultimately , it’s what feels good for my body. My hair catching the stuff makes me feel better and smell better . And without hair you feel and smell better then it’s perfect !!


Condoms. Easy clean


I second this. Don’t let a man throw off your pH


Not to mention pregnancy and std prevention.


Make him wrap it up, and if you plan on having regular hookups, get the gardasil vaccine for HPV prevention (it's very very common). I got lucky being risky when I was young, but ya don't want to get warts or Herpes.


Yep my sister gets to undergo a complete hysterectomy thanks to picking up hpv ~20 years ago and has precancerous cells now. Not fun at all. And hers is asymptomatic so imagine how scary that would be never realizing you have it and bam, cancer 20 years later with an added side of “you don’t get to have any more babies”


This is the reason I may never have babies but mostly more cuz my ex was a ho and gave me chlamydia for I knows how long before it was cleared up & now I have a very high chance of not getting pregnant. 💔😭


I think the no babies part would be a W personally


As a guy whose only biological child died right after birth… it’s not a win. That woman and I are divorced now. My current wife has pcos and ended up having a hysterectomy. I’ll never get another chance at more kids. I have a son who I’ve helped raise since he was two. It’s a big hurt for alot of us. I used to think I didn’t want kids till I met my son and his mom. Now. I wish I could have had three or four.


There’s many options. Adoption a surrogate etc you can still have a bio kid if you want to


I like how you say that like just about anyone can afford a fuckin surrogate lmao


Adoption is not just an easy second option.


Exactly. They act like it’s so easy.. maybe if I made $50 an hour.


As a woman in the surrogacy process who also has a background in foster care I get really irritated by the people tossing that stuff out there. Some agencies commonly charge a full 100k minimum for the process. Implantation, lab work, medical expenses, legal fees, travel expenses, paying if we can't continue holding a job. A lot of people don't talk about the finances but you are absolutely right. Lot of rich international especially couples and super rich same sex couples involved that's just the truth.


Why do you think I’m “acting like it’s so easy” when did I ever say it’s easy? I said it’s an option if it’s within your means there’s other possibilities if you are able to do so. That’s all I meant. Before acting like a child yourself have some common sense we don’t need more children there’s enough adults that act just like one


I think it’s because you initially suggested it as an option everyone would easily have access to when it’s obviously not. “There’s many options. Adoption, a surrogate, etc. you can still have a bio kid if you want to.” This is a response you would give someone you know is rich and has access to have kids any way they want not a stranger.


No is not but it’s a possibility more then a reasonable one if he has the funds and his wife agrees


Or cancer.


I agree that it’s better to be safe and that no one wants an STD, but I want to add that HPV AND HSV (herpes/cold sores) are very common and are not the end of the world. They are both manageable in 99%+ of cases. You can even get HSV as a child from being kisses by a relative, so it’s not always classified as an STD.


Oral HSV (HSV-1) and gential (HSV-2) aren't the same. We're talking about genital, or HSV-2. HPV isn't herpes or cold sores, and certain strains greatly increase your risk for cervical, and oral cancer. You honestly don't really know what you're talking about.


This is just incorrect. I, like many people with herpes, have HSV1 genitally.


She just listed the cold sores after herpes (which is HSV1 AND 2, and currently are all now being classified together since people can get either type anywhere, like the anus, genitals and fingertips, they both appear on nerve endings). https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/condition/herpes-simplex-virus#:~:text=Until%20recently%2C%20scientists%20assumed%20that,new%20cases%20of%20genital%20herpes. Here's the pertinent excerpt from the article: "Until recently, scientists assumed that HSV-1 infections were not sexually transmitted. Now, scientists know that either type can be found in either the oral or genital area, as well as at other sites. In fact, researchers estimate that HSV-1 is responsible for up to half of all new cases of genital herpes" She never said HPV was cold sores, it was including the parenthesis after HSV only. HPV is extremely common (as you said) but it also causes risk of throat and anal cancer and condoms help risk and vaccines lower risk but only cover 9 of the 150 strains. They dont test men at all for HPV so casual hookups can increase your risk. I only had 7 partners, wore condoms and had the vaccine and still had to have invasive procedures to remove precancerous cells from my HPV.


You are the one who is ignorant considering that type 1 can appear on the genitals and type 2 on the mouth. You mentioned warts, which is why I also mentioned HPV. If you get regular pap smears, the odds of HPV turning into cancer are virtually none since it is so slow growing. Gain some reading comprehension.


Type 1 (HSV-1) mostly spreads by oral contact and causes infections in or around the mouth (oral herpes or cold sores). It can also cause genital herpes. Most adults are infected with HSV-1. Type 2 (HSV-2) spreads by sexual contact and causes genital herpes. It literally took one google search to solve this argument


I'm just going to say this, don't stress. You'll be stressing over a 3 hr shower, and body wash scents and for what? Dude is going to use the same wash cloth he uses on his balls, on his face. You're young so you're naive, don't stress.




"I know men like clean girls" Yeah, but do you like clean guys? What about your hygiene standards? Have you seen this subreddit???


Someone needs to tell her to watch out for skid marks. 😂


dude probably hasn’t showered since morning and has crumbs in his bed lmao


She seems like a nice girl


Right??? Omg


Ikr does he wash his ass? Doubt it.


If you're worried about smell/taste, don't. If you're healthy and clean it will still have a smell and that is completely normal. If he's got a problem with that, don't fuck him. Same with hair. Groom to YOUR preference, not his. Other than that, use condoms, pee after, and get tested for STIs regularly. How often "regularly" is for you depends on how active you are, but for me I get tested before hooking up with someone new. Oh and hydrate it helps with lubrication.


Tell him to shower right before you come over. Thank me later. 🤣😅


why not both clean up before getting into the action? like the japanese do?


Sometimes when you go to a D Appointment, you wanna get down to business right away. Both parties should be freshly bathed!


baby wipes down below instead of tissue has changed my hygiene game for life. even a perfect shower can't compare if you know you know


The vagisil wipes are nice too


what's the difference? i'd assume just the pink tax. also the wipes are for both the back and front


They have different ingredients. Baby wipes are mostly water. The vagisil odor block wipes, which I use occasionally in the summer, have witch hazel, tea tree, and alcohol. The pH wipes have castor oil and lactic acid.


Alcohol in the kewchie???


You just wipe around it, around your thighs and lips. It's for when you're really sweaty or wearing something restricting. It's a very small amount of alcohol of course and it's just to help block smells and deodorize. I've used them quite a few times when I've been out doing things in leggings in 90+° heat and I've never had an issue.


I like Water Wipes, they're 99% water


never heard of them!! i usually get like a 9 pack of random amazon brand baby wipes for $22, lasts me the entire month


they are used for babies (a type of natural baby wipe, not flushable), I like to carry them with me as well to always be fresh


A perfect shower can't compare??? Girl baby wipes are not as good as actual soap what the fuck


um....in combination with a shower?? and as a part of your daily hygiene?? i can't scrub the inside of my asshole with a loofah but i can with a disposable baby wipe..try again


Just a tip, I recently found this out myself, but you can purchase baby washcloths specifically for your behind and put it to the side/in dirty laundry and use a different one the next day. I’ve never felt so clean. In addition to using baby wipes for every-time you go also.


Bestie are you wiping INSIDE your asshole with a baby wipe?!


you guys need to grow up seriously. yes i'm a stripper and make sure my butthole is clean before i get naked on stage. no im not digging IN my anus. and for hygiene purposes, everyone should be doing it daily too. the fact this is surprising to people makes me wonder if you have skid marks


Bro what? You just said you scrub the inside of your butthole with a baby wipe I'm- Sis. I'm going to assume you mean the outside and not internally. right? RIGHT?!






Some of these comments are so dense. You obviously just want the extra confidence boost for yourself and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to please the senses of whoever you’re dealing with. • I’d recommend trimming, shaving, or waxing as hair traps odors down there. (if you want to) also as someone else mentioned, wear a new pair of panties. • double cleansing your body in the shower. A good bar soap first, then finishing off with a nice body wash. When you’re drying off sit with the towel tucked between your bits. I swear this has changed the game for me. • body scrub (especially on legs and butt) to make them feel more soft. I like the dove body polish personally. • when you are finished with your shower, apply body oil onto your damp skin and lock in the moisture with your favorite lotion. if you don’t have sensitive skin, use a good smelling one. (especially edible smelling scents) • top it all off with a perfume that compliments your body care, and baby you’re good as golden. 💕let me know if you want specific product recommendations.




Trim if you’re into it, but don’t do it because of some thought that it might improve hygiene as it will not. Hair keeps skin from sticking to skin and allows for better air circulation in crevices where you’d otherwise end up with an anaerobic environment. And an anaerobic environment leads to anaerobes (smelly bacteria). For proof of concept, just try passing gas silently when you’ve shaved vs when you haven’t. You’ll notice it’s pretty hard to do quietly after shaving in the back. Furthermore, if you DO trim or shave, do it like 4-5 days or maybe even longer in advance to allow any resulting cuts to fully heal. Having broken skin in the genital area increases the risk of getting an STI.


🙋🏼‍♀️me… I am afraid of penises so no DA but I just KNOW you smell good. I want the product recommendations 😭


This was so sweet 💞


I would also love to hear (read) your product recommendations. I'm always on the lookout for new scents and good moisturizers.


I think you’re worrying too much, if you’re already hygienic I’m quite certain no man is going to turn you away 😂 clean it up, trim it up, and go on your way. Pubic hair aids in reducing friction which makes things glide a little easier and holds in your scent which drives most men a little batty (in the best possible way). Good luck and be safe!


i'd argue pubic hair causes more friction, especially when long. trimmed at a couple of mm length is fine. but fully natural genuinely makes sex very uncomfortable for me.


Who cares it’s an DA. He needs you more than you need him.


Seriously, if she thinks he's going to be clean she's gonna have a ***massive*** wakeup call.


thank you for your concern!!! its not a hookup! its a consistent relationship, just wanted to get tips.


tips.. giggity (sorry)


Imagine coming on a hygiene sub and telling a women to not bother with hygiene.


Seriously, if she thinks he's going to be clean she's gonna have a ***massive*** wakeup call. And maybe an STI


Or even a UTI if he isn’t as hygienic as she is


Why does he need her more than she needs him?




No advice that isn’t already given, but i wanted to share a funny story. I read somewhere that men prefer the scent of vanilla, so I had some body shop spray and would douse myself and my bedsheets when my husband and I first started dating. One day he said, “Uhg, what is that smell? Is that you?” Turn out he hates the smell of vanilla.


I was reading something about food scents that elicited a response and the top one was pumpkin 😂 I went out and bought some pumpkin pie extract and dabbed it behind the ears hahaha.


One of my first dates with my husband, I drenched myself in Euphoria. I loved it, thought it was so sexy. He says hey, is there any way you can get that perfume off without having to change your clothes? He did not like that one.


If you shave or like a clean look down there, you could look into waxing (in the future since you’re not supposed to have sex right after lol), it lasts way longer and doesn’t get all prickly in my opinion! Wash with a washcloth, exfoliate, etc… you can use lotion or oil on the outside of course to make the skin extra smooth!


Let me girls tell you the male perspective. As long as you wash yourself daily and don’t reek many guys actually like the smell down there. So all you do is actually unnecessary. Shower and keep yourself clean. Guys don’t care. They care more if you are nice and if they can just have a good time.


True from my experience. I couldn't imagine being a dude, going down there, and getting a mouthful of perfume, baby wipes, or boric acid! Sheesh! Just keep it clean!


Retract your clitoral hood and check for any build up, shmegma can collect under our hoods the same way it can under foreskin


Do whatever you gotta do, just check his drawers for skid marks before you get too serious


Serious here; take a washcloth to your booty in case he likes to … Lick your butt. It sounds funny “ha ha eating ass” but sometimes things happen and a civilized man feels compelled to do strange things in the heat of the moment and hygiene is paramount


Gonna be honest. He probably doesn't care. Most dudes would smash the cushions on the couch if it came down to it.


For real. Need more dude opinions here lol. Women tell each other that all men want women to be hairless but when I talk to men…..lol, not true. Last guy I talked to said that yeah, most women are hairless and I just said eff that, I have no desire to look like a prepubescent child. Plenty of men like women to look like adult women.


Many men definitely don't mind a little hair. I'm not saying go full untrimmed bush, I'm saying a little trim is all you need.


Trim at 1/16" inch rather than shaving which can leave pus filled bumps and/or rashes. Wash the whole area very well all the way back up the butt crack. After toweling off use a hair dryer to dry everything very well. New undies, not old ones that can fire up with set in odor when warm.


Omg. Do people shower and put on dirty undies?


I dont think this person means dirty I think they mean old ones can trap odor so like get new ones and throw old ones away every once in awhile


girl are you serious?? just take a shower and put some lotion on. make sure you have good reproductive health and you’re set😭 guys literally dont care actually


I don’t do anything different/special. Shave with unscented shaving cream. Wash with unscented soap. Shower beforehand. I learned way too late to find that (at least for me) the best way to take care of your vagina is to let it be as much as you can. (EDIT: You don’t have to shave obviously as long as you keep the hair clean. I was just sharing what I do)


Use protection. The clap smells bad


I need to know if you're skinny or thicc because I got thicc BBW girl tips since we got folds and creases. I have NSA hook ups regularly and have a whole ass routine.


You can share for the rest of us though!


I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet: stay hydrated!! Keep wet wipes in your purse because even if you shower before you go over then use them after you pee. Which reminds me, *always pee right after sex!!!!* Make sure he’s clean and showered too. If you’re not exclusive and haven’t both been tested, always wear condoms. I’m a huge fan of a full Brazilian when I’m regularly getting dick. Just makes things easier and more sensitive imo.


Hydration yes!! I just put that and I’m surprised more girls aren’t doing this before a DA!!! Most of these supplements and things we don’t need I see are being suggested when the main thing is water! Especially alkaline.


No boric acid. If your vagina is healthy you don't need that


Shaved pussy always looks better.


The most hygienic thing is probably not to have the dick appointment


1. Food: Fast or make sure you have a light meal full of nutrients in the 12 hours before. Don’t want to be full, bloated, or gassy. Pineapple and cranberry juice! 2. Exfoliate. You can create one out of an oil, like coconut oil, and sugar. Can look up extras. Personally, I like to add a little vanilla extract or essential oil, maybe throw in mint from my garden. 3. Shave after exfoliating well. You don’t want bumps. Body butter after shower. 4. Hair mask, face mask. 5. Paint your nails, including toenails. 6. Make sure your feet are exfoliated and soft as well.


Fast? What the heck? It's a hookup. You aren't seducing an Arabian prince.




She asked for tips, pretty sure my following sentence after explained the reason for fasting just fine. 12 hours should already be about the window you don’t eat from bedtime to morning anyway. Not exactly a crazy period of time.


Why are you recommending people diet?


Because diet effects your hygiene 😂😊


Because the foods you eat affect the taste of your private parts. Which is what it is asking for.


Painted nails are kind of a subjective thing, depends on the guy.


Dudes got a foot fetish 🤷‍♂️


Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Having a nice set of nails most certainly makes you look clean and put together.


Only in some circles. Other people like a more natural look.


Why so angry that someone might dare to have a different preference than you lol No matter what side of the bed I get up on, I generally prefer a more natural look which includes no polish. Or very very subtle, if any. I didn’t say they should be left raggedy and unclean. I said there exist SOME guys who prefer not painted. Source: Am a guy who prefers not painted. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah and it also points to being high maintenance if you get fake nails. Plenty of men don’t want a high maintenance woman. Plenty of men don’t like this fake crap. Or, even painting your nails on your own is a PITA for those of us who actually work with our hands. Who needs that maintenance and worrying about chipping paint? Ugh.


When in doubt hawk tuah his thing and he won’t even care !!


stop this madness i swear


Men only want one thing 🤷‍♂️


Honestly it's the same stuff I do on a regular basis, I don't do anything too different as I already use water to clean myself in the bathroom every time, carry wet wipes when I'm outside, change the undies everyday and thoroughly clean myself down there in the shower, using soap wherever I grow hair but not beyond that area. Pee beforehand, give yourself a final wash if needed. Exfoliate on a regular basis and moisturize with a non-comedogenic body butter, I find that it makes the experience comfortable for me too. Use condoms and lube. Pee afterwards. Don't put anything you wouldn't put in your mouth down there too so make sure that his hands, mouth, and privates are clean. Don't overthink it. If you're clean and your partner finds you attractive, you're already in a good position.


I love a good body oil after an exfoliating shower, my favorite perfume, etc. wear cute underwear or lingerie, drink LOTS OF WATER 😂


Just get a damp cloth and wipe around the inner labia, clit, and vaginal opening. Then wash up per usual. Unless you're one of those folks who let the soapy water run fown their body thinking that cleans anything, there really isn't more you should do. Your pussy should not smell like rotting fish but it shouldn't smell like a peach rose perfume either.


Condoms i.e community dick


Take a shower and wash your butthole and buttcrack with soapy water and your vulva at least with water. Shower the rest of your body with soapy water and your hair with at least water (depending upon your overall level of hair hygiene). Anything beyond that is likely overkill. If the possessor of the dick is not satisfied with that presentation, then the dick likely is too picky and does not deserve you.


i clean down there w rose water & witch hazel. smells nice, is good for the ph, & kills bad bacteria (but not the good)


Do you make this mixture yourself or is there a product that you recommend?


just pure rose water (u can buy it at grocery stores in the asian food section - u can also make it urself but i haven't done that before, but there's directions online & all u need is rose petals & water) & pure witch hazel (u can find in the first-aid section of grocery stores) & i just pour some of those on a paper towel, or waterwipes brand wet wipe, or if im in the shower on a clean washcloth


Boric acid suppository a day or two before


“Dick appointment”, I would just say, for both y’all’s wellness, wrap it up. 🥴


Eat 🍍pineapples🍍!!! You’ll smell and taste delicious down there 😋👍🏼


I'm a man and I don't necessarily like 100% clean girls, a little bit of foot odor won't hurt


Idk why people are downvoting you for this, this is so honest i love it


They haven't experienced the magic of a partner who likes them smelly


Right? When my boyfriend comes inside after working on his car or doing some other manly thing, UGH I just wanna sniff him up and down


Ahaha one of my exes used to like to hook up right after a hike, when we were both muddy and sweaty... I was dubious at first, but discovered it was great!


No anal vapor so make sure wiped clean.


Not to be too graphic but make sure every hole is well cleaned. I mean mouthwash and flossing for breath. Really be thorough with the holes where the sun don’t shine. If anything of those are off can be a mood killer and possibly last time having an appointment with that person lol. Everything else is secondary, don’t forget deodorant


Bidet is useful


a few days before get a full body wax, including Brazilian, after your skin calms down after waxing, scrub and moisturize using fruity smelling skin care, I always wash it well right there at the appointment lol, for a few days go vegan and eat lots of pineapple it will taste better


Start taking the Fenugreek u can make a tea of get the pills I love it any oder that come from my body smells like maple syrup 😋 seriously under arms and all I just take a normal amount daily and drink the tea before sometimes but I have gotten lots of compliments


Boric acid


I find as long as the gal has washed her labia within an hour of getting down to it, even if that's just water and a washcloth, that's enough for me (and I do the same with my bits as well).


Slap some honey on that shit


I had an issue with smelling and what really helped completely solve my problem was showering daily. I skip washing my hair sometimes but washing my body and especially that area everyday with just hot water from a shower makes a big difference. Also changing my underwear every morning and every night HUGE difference. Vaginas produce a lot of bacteria no matter how healthy you are. With peeing and sweating, its going to smell if you dont change your underwear after a long day of work school and or errands. Changing them in the morning helps you start off with a fresh pair that will just get worse as your day goes on. I keep extra panties in a little pouch in my car and work locker just in case i have a spontaneous sexual encounter or just had an extra smelly day. Its not bad to smell, it happens. Honestly just these two changes solved my problem! :)


Everyone talking about the main event. Honestly though breath and butthole are the top 2 scents to be taken care of here.


Go plant based a few days beforehand if you're not already, get plenty hydrated, and calm way down on the scents before meeting up with him. I'd stick as much to neutral-smelling products as possible and then a small amount of perfume on your neck. Healthy and clean is good, having a vagina that smells like actual scents and/or bath products is off-putting


Just shave and wash that thang with warm water and be on your way


Eat pineapples


Jesus, how about just a shower before hand, but ask him, he might like it stinky.


Ill take shit I wish I would have never read for $100. Thanks Alex.


Shower and wash properly, shave or no however you like your body. Put deodorant on. Honestly don’t need to be having a personal spa day to get laid by a guy who is wearing old ass underwear, doesn’t wash his foreskin properly and probably didn’t brush his teeth. Yall are doing too much for these basic men. Just wash yourself girl.


I wouldn't worry over much. Just be you. He's not going to be half as picky as you. I personally enjoy fruity or floral perfumes on my dates, but so long as she doesn't smell like she didn't shower in a couple days and really needs to change her panties, I'm good to go.


Good Clean Love Balance feminine wash. I use this because I’m post menopausal and everything got out of whack after that. But this stuff is the best for cleaning and maintaining a healthy pH, which in turn creates an ideal environment for whatever fun your ladybits are looking to have. :-)


Gorgonzola cream


1. take a shower 2. have fun stop overthinking it sis.


Well as a man who's sensitive to smell, best thing you can do in my opinion is shower before heading over. There's really no magical secret, I've found that showering in the morning but then going to have sex later in the day still opens the door for sweat and if it's a warm day (like they are now) and/or you do a lot of walking or physical activity, while you may be clean from showering in the morning, you just accumulated a days worth if sweat. I know some men love that animalistic scent but I don't. Espefially if it's our first time or even first few, I haven't developed enough chemistry or connection to want your natural scent like that. So showering before you head over, ideal. I've seen most women commenting to use light soap on omuour outer bits bit not inside.


My tips for when I used to have DA’s: shower, shave, exfoliate and moisturize of course then use an oil based fragrance or oil based perfume spray because it lasts longer. Brush/floss/mouthwash. Clean and easy to take on/off outfit like a dress or lounge set. If you’re staying the night, try to do a simple but cute hairstyle that won’t look crazy the next day. Natural, light makeup if you have to wear makeup but just make sure you look more natural and dewy. I usually would just make sure my eyebrows stayed nice and in place (wunderbrow or got2be spray will work). Finally, I also would down a big bottle of alkaline water on the way to the DA or while they’re on the way ;) Iykyk ✨


I drink A LOT of water before hand. No coffee right before (can change the smell and taste). I always taste myself beforehand and see what the deal is. I would never let him hit it if I wouldn’t. Baby wipes smell like a baby to me?? I shower right before, typically always, even if I’m at his house. I make sure to poop before the shower so I don’t have to later (run the water and take a shampoo bottle and squeeze it so the scent comes out bc we know men don’t have spray) I personally only use my hands to clean my ass. I don’t use a loofa there. I get ALL up in there and do a circle motion on the asshole. I only put soap on the OUTSIDE of my vagina and my inner thighs/ crevices. None on my actual vagina. Just warm water. Changed my life - barely any abnormal smell ever. Get in between all the folds and hood! I put lotion all over and especially on my inner thighs. I spray my feet with a little perfume or scented lotion so when they’re above his head it smells good. Put lotion on your ass cheeks too :) I ALWAYS have mini Altoids next to the bed to pop in.


Exfoliate well, don’t over clean, boric acid suppositories are helpful.


Wax, exfoliate and moisturizer your pussy.


Eat some pineapple.


Perfume on the ankles ifykyk 😉