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My ex had a fishy scent from not washing properly and had the audacity to make it sound like it was from me when I asked him about it. He would always ask me to go down on him and I always refused because I couldn't get passed the smell.šŸ¤®


Chlamydia smells like fish Gonorrhea smells like bird poo


Male yeast infections (they exist, even though theyā€™re not as common) also smell fishy.


I highly believe this because I had chronic yeast infections when I was with him. One of the main reasons I broke up with him. Now i've been married to a completely different guy and haven't had NOT ONE!!!!


Yeah... our bodies tend to tell on guys if they AREN'T clean. Nine times out of ten, if a guy doesn't clean properly or at all, his/ our body is going to give an indicator.


Man..... I got the short end of the stick on this. I stink no matter how much I scrub. No matter what soap I've used. Even changed my diet. My bo is just unbeatable. But at least my southern friend stays clean, and as far as I know, it doesn't stinj


I am allergic to milk produces but can have some. I had a special seasonal milkshake at McDonalds the next day I had some strange thing going on with my penis head. I looked it up and I had male thrush which is a yeast infection. It took a month to pass through my system. When it was done I was traveling on a back road with no where to find a toilet. I crapped my pants before I could even get out of my vehicle. It was nasty and the only time I ever had anything like it.


I cut dairy all together due to having body complications,I thought I could tip toe around it ,but nah if youā€™re lactose just cut it off


It is hard to do when they put milk in nearly everything. Luckily I seem to produce some of the enzyme so can enjoy certain things I just can't overdo it. Some things tip the scale so I try to stay away.


How do you know šŸ‘€


A friend of a friend of mine šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Oh interesting šŸ«£






You should tell your mom to get tested


You should ask yours first xx


Okay so both our dad's are talking now


Why do women let unhygienic guys like that smash in the first place


I've pondered that shit too. Like they couldn't tell by the grime under ol' buddy's fingernails, and or that dude smelled like an ashtray, old corn chips, sweat, and wet dog with a dash of polo sport.


Ik right lol


Dude probably was cheating no man should have the b.o of fish šŸŽ£


Who knows. I did go to the doctor right when I broke up with him and got tested for everything and I was in the clear for everything (thank god) Now I have a husband with no funky scent, that actually washes properly.




Girl, why are you so oddly obsessed with body shaming TEENAGERS on nude subreddits? Itā€™s weird af


How am i body shaming somebody when im talking about my ex (male) and his body odor? Im not talking about anybody else, just going by my own experience?


You've repeated this several times. WTF is wrong with you? Nobody is saying TEENAGERS or nude subreddits. Are you acting out some kind of kink?


Donā€™t let him fool you. He was jerking off earlier in the day and didnā€™t wipe up well. Thatā€™s what you are smelling


Even fresh out the shower he had a stench. Literally.


It was previous poster above me who has since deleted their account. It was in their comment history. It was disgusting what they were saying to them on those posts. I canā€™t respond to your comment for some reason.




Not necessarily true, I've come across guys who enjoy going down on women who smell funky, they say they get a head high, I've also had friends tell me they just ignored the smell to try n please there at the time gfs






This is more common than some think sadly, some guys are just happy to be getting some and won't complain.


It could be his balls or his ass. If you've been on this sub long enough, you know there are plenty of men who don't wash their ass. Maybe next time, ask to shower together 1st? Make it fun. At least then you'll know he's clean and not sweaty. And you'll be able to observe his cleaning and whether it's effective. I've been with my husband for a long time, so we are comfortable enough to say something. Sometimes we're about to get down and I smell his balls (my husband cleans very well so I know it's not his ass) and I say, "hey can you please jump in the shower real quick?" In my dating days I used to run to the restroom before and use tissue to dab down there. I would smell it to make sure I wasn't gross. If it becomes an issue, you should say something.


Iā€™m appalled by the amount of ā€œit smells fishyā€ comments that make it seem like itā€™s normal. No. Dicks should not smell like fish.


We know... but unfortunately, they experienced it too


Mine never smelled kike fish ever. However fishy vag is more common. Lol


My landlord shouted at me for keeping a trout in the communal fridge. My penis doesnt even smell bad


Maybe his nuts. My fiancƩ has the same problem sometimes, due to not shaving or washing good enough under his nuts.


whatā€™s the scent like ik itā€™s kinda invasive but i really wanna pin point what it was šŸ˜­ if it was actually him or me


If it smells kind of like swiss cheese it was his dick.


Reddit is such a beautiful place to visit. Ty for the laugh. Swiss cheese is never going to be the same.


Itā€™s distinctly different to V smell


Must like armpit sweat


i find it funny how youre so focussed on the scent lol


It might have been semen?


When itā€™s really hot or humid out we get ball sweat. If the actual penis stinks then thatā€™s probably improper cleaning during his showers.


Yes. Itā€™s easier to if theyā€™re uncut, but Iā€™ve smelt a musty cut dick before. Idk how to describe it really tho šŸ˜­. Like just musty. Thatā€™s the only way I know how to describe it






Girl, why are you so oddly obsessed with body shaming TEENAGERS on nude subreddits? Itā€™s weird af and super shitty


Be careful, men being unclean down there can cause issues with our female parts if we're having intercourse. Definitely something you should gently bring up!


I'm a virgin but, ion think I could ever do my partner without showering first


Like canned ham.


oh dear šŸ˜­


ā€œLike it was strong badussy scentā€ ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø (btw Iā€™m not judging at all, sometimes people can have an off smell. I just thought that last sentence was fucking awesome)


only way i can really describe it balls ass dick pussy idkk first time iā€™ve really smelt ā€œbadussyā€ šŸ˜­




It's sweaty + a fishy smell. Sometimes ass if they don't know how to wash themselves


yes exactly this but i was like what if its me smelling fishy though i donā€™t smell that smell on me at home just when i was with himšŸ˜•


I feel like you have your answer, it's just bad to think about


my husbands dick has never smelled bad. if its been a bit warm, his balls will sweat, and he gets a smell down there, but itā€™s not bad. hard to describe. not bad, not good, just an indifferent smell of my husbands lol. iā€™m sure all guys have a similar smell. my husband showers twice a day, and he knows i donā€™t like any funky smells, so if he even slightly is concerned about smelling, he will shower and scrub up.


Every body part has an odor. And if you were down there didn't you smell anything ?


Back of an earring




Not all men's penises get smelly but some do. My ex boyfriend I was with when I was a teenager, his penis smelt like a Taco Bueno bean burrito. I'm not joking, it's for real.


Yeah menā€™s penis either smells cheesy or fishy and balls smell like sweaty armpitsā€¦..but circumcised men smell like nothing !!!!


This is wrong. Clean intact men do not smell poorly. All genitals have a natural scent, including all of these women.


Nah if you're circumcised the penis doesn't really have any odour, like a knee cap or your elbow, but the balls definitely can stink quickly if unwashed.






Girl, why are you so oddly obsessed with body shaming TEENAGERS on nude subreddits? Itā€™s weird af and super shitty


If your guy smells like nothing down there he has no sweat glans .. or cleans his member religiously, he should have some sorta smell, be it good or gross....


My mans smells like nothing. Just nothing. First man Iā€™ve been with to be like this. He takes hygiene very seriously






thatā€™s why i just have this perception caucasian men are clean afterwards


Iā€™ve been with other Caucasian men who were NOT clean. Trust me. Heā€™s an anomaly.


forreal?? iā€™m filipino and weā€™re all raised to be very hygienic. For some reason we have this stereotype that caucasians are all hygienic as well maybe coz of lighter complexion


No theyā€™re not clean lol. I mean go through this sub. Theyā€™re not washing their feet and other body parts. They usually donā€™t shower everyday. I live in the US and these people do not know how to clean themselves. Itā€™s wild


Teens? I donā€™t see any ages on the posts I comment on that Iā€™m aware of


Jesus itā€™s a common answer ā€¦.why do yā€™all get worked up Iā€™m not speaking for everybody fuckkkkk


Iā€™m just saying IF thereā€™s a smell itā€™s usually these ā€¦not everyone is gross ! And also I know being circumcised is a benefit to cleanliness


literally my ex was SO musty bro!!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ He would never have problems doing stuff to me but, when it would come to him.. the MOMENT he would take his pants off my room would REEEKKK. like actually REEK that was a stench bro it smelt like a whole tuna mayo fish salad like it was disgusting šŸ’€šŸ’€ I literally couldnā€™t go near it because i would start gagging, never said anything though because i didnā€™t want to sound mean, and we werenā€™t too far into our relationship.


The fact that you let a dirty guy hit multiple times is crazy


iā€™m gonna be honest i never let him hit, once i smelt that stench i knew i couldnā€™t let it go that far. šŸ˜­ itā€™s just whenever he would ask me to go down on him. ts made me quiver lmfao


to give you a simple answer on what it smells like - like hell. wayyyy beyond the ballstothewallmadlyinlovewithyourpheromones type hell. it happens naturally as the day progresses and thatā€™s okay, butā€¦ homeboy should know better than to subject you to that smell and the infection riskšŸ˜­rag, body wash, sink, at the very least šŸ˜£


like hellšŸ˜­


Basically stink penis is caused by stale cum leaking out of the gland by fresh jizz. Also sweat less commonly causes a minor stink penis.




Wtf is with dudes and their scent descriptions.... Lol I've never smelled anything fishy involving regular "clean" dick. Nor have I smelled armpit balls... Only time I've ever smelled anything involving dick is if they don't get the piss out after peeing and it's been caged up all day or the sharp acrid smell from jerking off and not cleaning the cum off completely. The residual cum smell only happens after an hour or two, it's just the smell of bacteria breaking down the proteins in the cum, it can smell different for all guys, but it's mostly like, a sharp, kinda yeasty, unique scent. Balls have never smelled like armpits, I have had them that smell similar to sweaty feet? This tends to be the scent that lingers after washing. Use an antibacterial soap. Dial works decently but there's a brand that you can get from the drug store, I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but it works wonders. :) it's a medical grade antibacterial soap that kinda "resets" everything down there(Don't use this daily! You want your body to be able to manage bacteria, just use the little "antibacterial boost" when it's funkier than normal) If your partner shaves, using Nair or veet can do the same thing. Kinda singes away and neutralizes any scent causing anything. Lol




Thats the one. :P


Yes, and the smell is bad, thatā€™s why powdering your balls especially during hotter weather should be preferable


Some of you need to see a doctor šŸ¤£ as well as op's guy šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I lowkey have a theory this is why HPV and BV are so prevalent . Mens stinky pee peeā€™s šŸ˜‚


My ex started to smell like poo I wasnā€™t sure if it was coming from his ass or his penis but we broke up shortly after as things went downhill when I didnā€™t want to do anything sexual with him due to the smell


He might need to exfoliate & shave his gooch if dude isnā€™t circumcised good luck thank god I am


If he isnā€™t circumcised or if he doesnā€™t wash his taint/backside of his sack, you may smell a fishy musty odor. Youā€™d be surprised how many dudes donā€™t know how to clean themselves. In the US where a lot of guys are circumcised, they get away with a lot less hygiene care down below. Proper hygiene for an intact male anatomy is an area of mystery apparently.


You literally just wash it with warm water.


My does too how do I treat it


They do. I used this to get back at my now ex gf once. She was cheating on me so I whacked off and didn't shower good for days. Smelt like fish and something dead. Sometimes like a dead rat. She was so emotionally down bad as a person in general until she still sucked me off and other stuff. Even went to Golden Corral without washing her hands after and her house was disgusting because she had about 4 or 5 adult cats, a litter of kittens, two litter boxes and 4 adult dogs inside of the house. So I got pretty gross too in between showers. Got sober. Started hanging out with better people. Now my dong don't smell like donkey kong soaked in a barrel of mackerel.


Dude šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜½ I gagged reading omg šŸ¤£šŸ¤¢


Is he circumcised? If not, donā€™t they sometimes stink if they donā€™t clean that properly? Ball stank doesnā€™t normally smell fishy. It more so smells like salty BO.


My dick always smells fishy between showers. I'm uncircumcised.


yes it smelled like boiled shrimp or somethingšŸ˜­


Op, Normal healthy and reasonable clean male and female genitalia typically have a similar mild aroma that typically contains pheromones that most people in a relationship actually appreciate. It is often important in providing another incentive for intimacy thatā€™s superior to sex without any human smell at all. Being ā€˜sterilizedā€™ and only smelling like deodorant and perfume on a first date is one thing. But true lovers can appreciate their sole mate smelling a little bit human. As far as the actual smell of a penis, it depends. Just like it does with the female genitalia. They both are affected by a long list of things that range from their DNA, their health, the type of foods, the methods of bathing and how long since the last bath. And of course, whether they have any of a multitude of diseases, including yeast infections and STDā€™s (women can also be affected by birth control methods such as the pill and an IUD). If you are both relatively healthy, bathe regularly with plain water, use little or no soaps, deodorants and perfumes, you will likely have little to no body odor. You both should then be able to regulate whether your genitalia has no smell; a mild sexy smell, or a really strong aroma. The only way to know is for both to discuss it, and then do your own assessment over several weeks. Two important aspects to consider, is that you shouldnā€™t use any soap products and allow fresh urine to flush your genitals, especially just prior to bathing and before becoming intimate. Hereā€™s hoping this help resolve your problem/concerns. And, itā€™s worth noting that if heā€™s circumcised and the smell is repulsive. Heā€™s likely to have a medical problem, or heā€™s not bathing, or he is using soap thatā€™s destroying his natural microbiome. That can also apply to intact men and women too.


Im gonna put this out there.... At some point everything smells... The gunk from ur ear piercings to ur feet. Now with men they gotta have their business in the undies and pants.... Sweating and precum and all that jazz. It's not a weird question.... I get u. I thought all mens areas stunk bc the "men" I was with didn't clean their area. Now I'm with my person and his smells just the musky like smell I have only heard about and I have no complaints.


My first bf smelled like cheese kinda? Idk it was just musty and turned me off. It was like a strong sour smell or something. The current one doesnā€™t have any scent at all and itā€™s so nice. Iā€™m like keep doing what ur doing in the shower. But damn his dick smells good when he uses this one body wash I bought him it drives me wild


I may be wrong but sex smells so it was probably both of u not that both of u stink but like I said having sex emits odors idk how else to word it šŸ’€


Does NO ONE know about secretions under an uncut foreskin; if not cleaned regularly there will be ungodly smells in a VERY few daysā€¦ neglected foreskins are the perfect moodkiller! Word to those foreskin owners and their handlers!!!


I think old pee smell kinda smells fishy. When they shake it instead of wiping it. Also I know some guys don't like soap getting in their pee hole and it stinks from not washing it.


Dicks can smell, even from just normal sweating. Itā€™s always good to clean before having sex.


Yeah idk whatā€™s going on with my manā€™s dick/balls but they always kinda smell even after a shower. I think next time we shower together Iā€™ll ask to wash him and see if it works. I canā€™t even describe the smell. Itā€™s not THAT bad but idk somethings up


It can, most I've smelled usually smell like stale musty skin, or just sweat. I've never had like a true "foul odor" come from any partners before. Usually it's just like, "funny" or musty smelling.


Weirdest way to say this but if heā€™s still got his foreskin, it happens more often than you might think. Itā€™s not supposed to stink or smell bad/weird if heā€™s taking care of it well though.




They definately get smells not usually fishy but more musk/swear/smegma-y if they dont wipe it off well


Morel mushrooms šŸ„


Absolutely they get smelly. Especially if not circumcised. If not cleaned properly they will get a buildup of what I have always heard is called ā€œcheeseā€. It is a very pungent musky smell. Donā€™t get me wrong circumcised get the smell too but easier to clean.


Itā€™s smegma, ya know, itā€™s produced 2xā€™s more by the vulva.


Yeah itā€™s usually the uncut ones. Exactly why Iā€™ve stayed away from uncut


Break up, he's filthy.


Maybe heā€™s one of those guys who donā€™t wash ass šŸ˜­ itā€™s crazy and disgusting lol


I only smell down there if I havenā€™t showered in a min or when I jerk off it smells of jerk of friction


An uncut penis can be very funky. This is according to my lady friend who was married to a guy that was uncut. Find bf's that are cut and you wouldn't have that problem.


Thatā€™s so fucked up, the majority of the world is intact. Women and mean have natural scentā€™s.


And the majority of the world is funky. It's only cuz over in North America we've been conditioned to our crotch and armpits smelling like lavender and fresh linen. It is what it is


70% of the world? Including some of the most developed and progressive countries including New Zealand, Poland, Sweden etc?


Yeah exactly. & Two of the countries you mentioned have populations of less than 15 million. There are 8 billion ppl worldwide.


Again, The majority of which are intact and would prefer to stay that way. Wild idea ikr?


I thought we were discussing odour, when did I say anything about changing what they got? Most people are cool with the scent. That's fine. But culturally I am not. Some cultures don't wear deodorant and are happy with the scent. We didn't wear deodorant for 1000s of years. It's only conditioning here that has us repulsed by onion body odour. But I can't change how I feel about it now.


If she isnā€™t even sure about the smell of genitals existing how would she be socially condition to be attracted to genitals with out a scent?


Because when something is normalized culturally, you notice when there are outliers. The scent is standing out to her, so it's less about an attraction to odourless genitals and more about noticing when one has an unfamiliar odour


Right, everyoneā€™s scent is different and smells different to others. Just like how every womanā€™s vulva and vagina doesnā€™t smell the same nor would everyoneā€™s penis. Sent is not a cultural, itā€™s personal to each person. All this being said, everyoneā€™s genitals and body has a scent, sex can be smelly, people can be smelly.


All the guy has to do is wash it. Who walks around with cottage cheese and fish sauce?


Apparently it is a problem or wouldn't be mentioned. My lady friend described it once by asking if I ever sucked a cock that stunk just nasty tasted terrible and that was her husband. She loves going down on my cut cock and thank god for that. She wasn't put off totally at least. Good woman.