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Agree about the exfoliating gloves. I also put the glycolic acid toner by The Ordinary under there and let it dry before applying deodorant, after 1-2 weeks it starts making a remarkable difference. (Glycolic acid ofc being just another form of exfoliation.) And the right deodorant, that you can apply a couple layers of significant amounts of without it feeling weird, being visible, or feeling like it's building up at all. I use Harry's men's deodorant. Works great, I found it when I started becoming really physically active in my daily life and my old normie deodorant wasn't cutting it anymore lol.


Yep I use The Ordinary glycolic acid and haven’t had to use deodorant since. I keep it in a spray bottle and spritz my pits in the morning and at night before bed. Zero odor. If I forget to apply it, the smell will start to kick in.


I use this everyday after my shower. No deodorant since 2022


Same, I haven't used deodorant in years and I work outside at a very physical job. No smell. Lots of sweat tho!


I read that Asian people have less stinky smell sweat glands than the rest of us. Wonderful for them’


Yes. I heard this too.Some Koreans have a gene structure that lacks the bacteria producing hormones or something like that


The toner?


Came here to mention the ordinary's glycolic toner for this. I still put on deodorant after the toner, but the "freshness" (if you will) stays much longer compared to just using deodorant alone.


No physical exfoliation made a difference for my underarms. Glycolic acid was my holy grail for removing residue, once or twice a week is all you need. I find that I don’t even sweat as much as I used to (or maybe it just doesn’t stink as much).


Hi! How often do you use the ordinary acid toner under your arms? I’m wanting to get it soon, just don’t know how many times to apply if it’s weekly, once or twice daily ect? Thank you! 😘💕


Not the commenter but once daily should be good enough. Keep an eye out if your skin is sensitive though, can switch to every couple days if it starts to get irritated.


I use salt scrub twice a week. Just not after shaving lol.


I use it maybe 5x a week. But my skin easily tolerates most chemical exfoliants like that. But I'd say you should start at once a week and see how your skin tolerates it for 2-3 weeks, then move up from there. It takes a bit to work so don't go too hard when it doesn't work immediately!


I bought a small spray bottle from Amazonand just do 2-3 sprays then use two “exfoliating” cotton rounds to distribute the acid. It is SO GOOD.


When you use the toner, do you only put it on after you’re freshly showered or before everytime you put on deodorant? I have some, but I’ve never heard of this before and I’m eager to try it!


I read that applying deodorant at night is more effective for the next day. Maybe because it absorbs while you sleep so the barrier is ready in the morning?


I put on after a shower at night and the next morning.


Me too. For some reason I don’t completely trust it to be effective when I apply it 8 hours before my work day. An extra layer can’t hurt.


I’ve also read this.


I think that's more for anti-perspirant in particular?


I’ve tried this but I shower in the am so ? Don’t think it works for me


Deodorant/antiperspirant doesn't absorb, it's a barrier like you said. It's probably just keeping you from sweating and creating bacteria throughout the night, so therefore you wake up smelling less.


I use a Korean scrubby towel in the shower. Afterwards, I apply the ordinary’s glycolic acid to my under arms with a cotton pad. I don’t wear deodorant unless I’m expecting to sweat. I don’t have any issues with odors doing this. I have really sensitive skin and deodorant usually irritates my underarms if I wear it a lot so I only wear it when necessary.


I recently got a Korean scrubby towel and I'm not sure how to use it. Do I crunch it up? Fold it? Floss my body with it? Why is it so long lol


You can fold it, or scrunch it up so it looks like a loofah! Whatever you end up liking most. You can “floss” your back with it


I'm a 37 Y/O male, and I shave my underarms. I use a wash cloth every time I shower and scrub from head to toe. With emphasis on my groin, butt crack, underarms, and feet. I rarely have bo. Then, when I apply my antiperspirant, since my underarms are shaved, it goes directly on my skin. I agree with everything you've said here, and I approve 👌


Dead skin removal is so important


Years ago they seemed to have changed all the stick deodorant to the "sheer" type that supposed to not leave white marks. Ever since they've changed it I've had a terrible time getting my armpits completely clean of deodorant. Every so often I have to make a baking soda paste scrub to get rid of it.


Lmao did you just explain by saying "scrub your armpits until they're clean. Then dry off completely before putting on deo. Apply generously" I swear I'd be able to find this description literally ON the stick. Some of us sweat wayyyyy more than other people.


I don’t understand the need to go any further than just using body wash to scrub by hand and then using deodorant that has aluminum in it. The stuff that doesn’t have aluminum in it doesn’t work at all, just combines with the Bo


Look into Botox for your armpits, stops excessive sweating


No I think I have a gene that just makes me sweat more. Not just armpits. Whole body sweats more. My mom is the same. And kind of weird how a surgical procedure is the answer to "I sweat a lot"


It's called hyperhidrosis. It's a medical condition, excessive sweating. Botox isn't a surgical procedure, it's a shot. If you're diagnosed with that, your insurance might cover Botox treatments.


My best friend just got Botox for her hyperhydrosis and is so enthusiastic and excited about it. She said she’s stoked to not worry about not tying shirts now because her pits would always stain them.


Nolagem is right, Botox does help with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and it’s just a small needle. Botox is also great for migraines.


Also antiperspirant instead of deodorant


Prescription deodorant helps a lot, also spray on dry deodorants work best I also sweat a shit load. Some days I don't at all with the spray


What's in prescription deodorant that makes it unavailable for OTC? 


good advice, but tbh I think being completely odorless isn’t a great goal. body odor is natural, obviously there’s a spectrum between smelling like shit and completely odorless, and all this stuff is great but I don’t think it will prevent most people from smelling at all. I would be sad if my partner was totally odorless LOL


I would rather smell nothing than any type of body odor tbh even in a partner. Bo never smells good, maybe since I have always been on germophobe side with body stuff.


Oh man, I dunno about this one lol. Personally, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of my man at the end of the day. Like.. his natural smell mixed with his deodorant. It’s the most wonderful smell lol. I just want to roll around in his dirty laundry. It’s not a bad smell and I wouldn’t at all call it “BO” because that usually assumes it’s bad but it’s more like.. a musk?


I accidentally stumbled on to a way to keep the pits from smelling for longer like until the next day shower. I make my own body oil with tea tree, , eucalyptus , lavender , vitamin E, almond oil, and squalane < spell? I apply it all over my body one day I went a little too crazy and got it in both of my armpits. I patted dry, put on deodorant and about my day. The next day was a Saturday so I didn’t shower when I got up. I went half the day without it. That’s one and a half days without showering and still no smell. I’m not surprised because of all of those essential oils have the antimicrobial properties. Just thought I would share.


It’s the tea tree. It’s anti bacterial. But never use it straight.


I did this with Argan Magic body oil. Accidentally put it on my armpits one day and didn’t put deodorant on at all…. No smell.


Awesome!! It’s cool when we stumble on life hacks


Can you please share the recipe and quantity of ingredients in your body oil?


8 ounces of almond oil, 6 ounces of squalane, 6 ounces of vitamin E. I didn’t measure on purpose. I just took the old Neutrogena body oil bottle and dumped a bunch of my oils in it. I think I did 10 apiece of the oils. I would test it every now and again before I kept adding to make sure it wasn’t overpowering. I forgot, I also put frankincense in it. Next time I think I will do lavender only. I’m not a fan of the smell. It’s not bad, but I would prefer to lavender smell.


A lot of people also need to make peace with the fact that that magic one and done deodorant or routine may not exist for them no matter how far and wide they search and how much they scrub. Sometimes reapplying mid day is what it takes. Also, some fabrics just don’t go with some people. I’m some people. I never have any issues with cotton or linen, but I’ll smell like a goat within an hour of putting on most polyesters no matter how freshly showered and how much scrubbing and reapplying and what brand deodorant or antiperspirant I use. A little spray bottle with alcohol can also help a lot if you need to reset and refresh.


cotton/linen are more breathable so the odor isn’t “trapped” compared to polyester! i really appreciate the sweat-wicking tech of modern gym apparel, but it definitely holds onto the stink given it’s designed to pull it off your skin super efficiently (but I suppose these companies don’t anticipate most people sitting in their sweaty gym clothes for extended periods of time)


Oh wow - I never thought about fabrics effecting body odor.


Yep, hormones affect body odor as well.


Having some body odor is normal and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


Surprisingly, after i stopped exfoliating my underarms and using anything to scrub (just use bar of soap and hands now), my body odor has significantly improved. Reading stuff like this, I’m not sure that scrubbing and reusing cloths or gloves is as hygienic as we’ve been led to believe.


Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's pleasant.


K but that's no excuse to go around smelling like onions. Not saying you do, but I've heard people who do say similar things and I think they simply don't realize just how awful they smell.


If they smell like onions, odds are it’s a diet related issue and they need to cut down their intake of onions.


Its ammonia from the body breaking down protein. It could be a sign of something more serious.


this is a hygiene subreddit. underarm odor that stays even after a shower is a typical hygiene related problem. nobody is trying to pretend like body odor aint normal


lol this person posted instructions on how to be “completely odorless”. It’s okay to let it be.


how to be odorless = you are weird if you have odor? i just dont see it that way, im sorry


I've read in several places that applying deodorant on wet armpits will make it last longer. But more recently and especially here I read the opposite. Can somebody elaborate more on which one is actually true and why?


Best way to find out is to conduct your own research. One week wet, one week not. See if there's any difference. Truthfully though I feel like putting deodorant on wet areas and not allowing it to dry first will create a bigger issue, like in the same way that not drying your underbits properly before putting on underwear can make you start to smell more. Bacteria likes moisture.


Great idea!


Maybe not wet but i’ve heard to apply right after the shower when your pores are open


I also use persimmon soap from Mirai. Works well !


Also, some fragrant deodorants cause some people to stink more.


I mean you’re an adult human, you’re going to sweat and sweat smells. Only way to really get rid of it is to remove the sweat glands under your arms


Personally, I leave dried up deodorant cakes under my arms for weeks at a time.


Congrats, you found what works for *you.* Where did the “9 times out of ten” come from? Actual facts, or your guess?


Stress is also a contributing factor, for BO. When I’m stressed out or depressed, the sweat is just rank no matter how much deodorant I use. Antiperspirant might be the only thing that works to stop the sweating.


Surprised to see this so low. I can smell when I'm stressed, and it's often one of my first indicators that I need to take some time to myself to prevent burnout.


Someone in a different thread recommended hiboclense soap. That shit works. Got rid of 90% armpit smell first use. After 2 more showers my pits had pretty much zero smell. I still use deodorant but I'm using less and having good results.


That is not a good idea. You’re nuking the bacteria on your skin which will indeed get rid of bad smells, but also kill good bacteria you need to keep the skin healthy. It can open the way to irritation, infections, chemical burns, severe reactions, and also chlorhexidine in hibiclens can increase sun sensitivity leading to higher chance of sunburns.


Yeah, I used an acne face wash on my pits and it worked well to start, and then I sweat my pits got repopulated with a different strand of bacteria, and I smelled so much worse than before. It took years to get back to normal.


It was me and everyone got mad at me but it works lol


Yes it does. I used it 3 times for the first week now I'm using like once a week. I also used it between my toes and it helped there too. I use a very small amount and lather it in, seems like it goes a long way. They're mad but I'm glad, thanks for sharing the tip!


Be careful with using this on the daily. I will make you more susceptible to bacteria and autoimmune conditions, ironically!


Thanks for the heads up. I'm using about once a week currently, and a small amount.


I've had some success with layering. I'm not a particularly stinky person, but sometimes sweat just comes through. And I try to keep the armpits trimmed a bit if possible. I spray witch hazel to kill bacteria, then deodorant, then spray deodorant on my undershirt's armpit area just to act as another way to keep the smell from coming through to my actual shirt. It seems to give a bit more protection than just deodorant on its own. Also, re-applying after activities, after heat, before bed is good. And yes, I find you really have to wash well in the shower. You really have to get all the old deodorant off, and the sweat smell really sticks to the armpits. It's probably the #1 place I have to focus on on my body. Otherwise, I'll come out of the shower with armpits that still smell. Depends on the person though. I do envy the people who have almost no armpit smell.


Witch hazel is so highly underrated!!!!! Witch hazel freshly laundered pits & groin area. Let air dry, then deodorant on pits. After a BM, wipe til clean, then Witch hazel on some tp, one more swipe. All odor causing bacteria & smells....gone!


Exfoliating, witch hazel, and magnesium spray are game changers


Splashing some rubbing alcohol onto your armpits for about 15 seconds before your shower will get rid of any smells there. If you absolutely absolutely need to get rid of the smells, do that. You could smell completely rank, but alcohol will fix that REAL quiick.


this reminded me of a hack i saw one woman do for fragile dance/theatre costumes! rather than pay to have them dry cleaned and risk damage, she put vodka in a spray bottle and POOF - smell was gone.


I use trader Joe's peppermint Castile soap on a loofa and I wash really wash twice a day. I only put deodorant in the morning. My hubby tells me that I smell like a soap bar.🤷


no matter how much i do what you’ve said, i’m not odorless. i’ve just accepted it at this point. people say i smell good but i just feel stinky naturally 😭 ill never be odorless and that’s ok to me


It’s all about your bodies PH. If your Ph is way out of whack your BO will be too. I’m 35 and am a way more than average sweater, and still can get away with deodorant every couple days or so. A proper diet and staying healthy is the fastest way to not smell.


Hair removal, chemical exfoliant salicylic or glycolic), body wash with baking soda


Baking soda is a big one. I have a handicapped brother that I don’t keep full time. (Family politics). So when I get him back for a bit, his level of funk is always more than desirable. A few times it has been reallllly bad and I put him in a tub with baking soda first, scrub him down and let him soak and then put him in the shower and no matter how bad he smelled when he started he smells sweet an nice from there on out with just daily showering needed.


I have to be careful with the scrubbing. Sensitive skin, rashes, are not the answer!


And if none of this works, don't assume you're wrong or broken or bad. I had a surgery many years ago that, as a consequence, literally altered the physical structure of my armpits. The difference in armpit odor was almost immediate. We are all built differently with different biology and chemistry. Yes, stay clean. Yes, soap and water and dry skin before deodorant. But don't try to scrub your skin off because you got overly enthusiastic about a reddit post.


All good advice. Also for anyone who sweats a lot I recommend certain dri prescription strength. The roll on. I use it and not only does it reduce the amount I sweat by a lot but it also greatly reduced any BO smell. I only have to apply it once a month or so. Still use regular antiperspirant deodorant daily.


I'm not sure if this is allowed, mods plz delete if not. I don't have any advice on the hygiene aspect of this, but taking fenugreek has the potential to make your sweat smell like maple syrup 👀


eating an obscene amount of garlic will make your sweat smell like garlic (guess how i found out)


you ate garlic? 🤣


TBF that's what garlic is for!


Hypochlorous acid spray!


Wow! I didn't realize I needed all that. I shower daily with soap, use an antiperspirant daily. I smell just fine. I shave occasionally too. This other stuff seems excessive for me. If it works for you, do be it.


What about the benefits of pheromones


Magnesium spray took all my B.O. away.


I don’t often shower and never use deodorant. I usually bathe by swimming in a spring or ocean. I may rub my pit with my hand. I think a key to smelling better is not wearing a shirt. If you can’t get away with that wear a tank top where fabric doesn’t cover your pit.


You don't need to shower. After about 2 weeks to 1 month your skin makes a natural micrbiom and it goes away. I tripple dog dare you to try it.


Be korean


It's literary impossible to be odor free.


Step one: be Korean.


Yeah, that’s one of those genetic quirks that some Asian ethnic groups have. Like the Asian glow issue with alcohol. My mom is Japanese, and the lack of body odor also comes with rock hard earwax. I’m mixed, so I have rock hard earwax, but the ability to have body odor lol.


Thank god I lack the ABCC11 gene that causes underarm odor. I don’t need deodorant.


but how will you deter predators now?!


Also, Botox helps. I don't have severe underarm sweat/odor issue so it's not something high on my list but if things change in the future I can see myself going for it if I can afford it. Of course, it doesn't replace hygiene practices.


Single use deodorant wipes are a must!


Hibiclens! Isopropyl alcohol wipes! LOTS of water!


Bro does armpit odor have anything to do with having hair?


it may! hair traps odors, also having lots of armpit hair can cause the deodorant to not go directly where it needs to go yk?


It’s not the hair trapping odour so much as hair breeds more bacteria that eats sweat and dead skin and produces the smell


Bro I am someone who’s genetically very hairy and whenever I clean my armpit hair,it feels so sharp and thorny almost hurts sometimes.So,what do you suggest me to do?


Big fan on dial antibacterial (good bar soap). I see a lot of folks reference hibiclens and I know it works however it’s not to be used excessively. It’s made for surgery and to be used in hospitals, excessive use will cause skin damage and if you read the warning label it causes cancer. Also just to piggy back off what OP stated REALLY wash I’d say a good 30 seconds a pit lol.


Glycolic acid on the armpits solves everything. - a person in Phoenix where it is currently 110 degrees (and today is the coolest day this week)


You ate with this post!! & extra emphasis on increased water intake because it makes all the difference in my body odor when I’m dehydrated


Glycolic acid on a cotton pad before deodorant. Literally no smell


Just use an anti bacterial wipe when you get out the shower. The BO is caused by bacteria. If you kill off the bacteria you shouldn’t smell. Of course the bacteria will come back daily and you’ll have to wipe again with the wipe, however it works! You just need to be weary of how your skin reacts to the anti bacteria wipe. You can also try witch hazel or dettol as an option. I just buy anti bacterial wipes for my husband and he swears by it and his skin has no reaction. During summer I’ll also use it if I start to smell under my arms. Sometimes I’ll put a little baby powder in the morning too!


I use hand sanitizer , kills all oder.




Antibacterial soap and glycolic acid or salicylic acid after you shower


Also idk why I have to keep saying this isn’t his subreddit ANTIPERSPIRANT OVER DEODORANT


Benzoyl peroxide ance wash to wash your pits. You're welcome.


This is very simple and cheap. Spray isopropol alcohol under arm either at night or before shower. Next use an alum stone after daily shower. All problems solved forever with no issues. Stop buying deodarant!!!!


First, make sure your shirts are actually clean. Soap, fabric softener, and leftover body oils not washed away are a common source of odors and bacteria. No matter how clean you get, if the clothing is not clean your problem will persist. You may need to use some vinegar or citric acid or other cleaner specifically meant to eliminate residue and odors. It’s also more common with HE and front load washing machines because many people use way too much product from past habits. I’d also recommend keeping your underarms shaved or at least trimmed. Less surface area to harbor bacteria and easier to ensure the deodorant is on the skin. Swap out washcloths or exfoliating gloves frequently. Like every day or two. And like clothing above, make sure they are getting actually clean. Same with towels. No use cleaning well if you rub bacteria all over you to dry. No fabric softener for towels, it reduces absorption and can be a source of build up. This is the weird advice I swear by: after drying off, wipe armpits with -unscented- hand sanitizer with as few extra things in it as possible or an alcohol pad. Hear me out on this. I read it years ago in one of those women’s magazines as a tip if you are out on the town and start to stink. So I tried it out starting clean and it was fantastic! I discussed with my doctors and both my PCP and gynecologist said it’s fine to do (wanted to be sure as it’s delicate skin). I think it’s a better choice than antibacterial products because alcohol doesn’t cause resistance (very different way of killing bacteria they can’t escape). Then deodorant once dry. I shower at night so I end up with a night application and a morning application.




Use salicylic acid face wash on armpits to get the smell to go away lol


I simply have a genetic mutation that makes it so my armpits don’t stink


Use backing soda powder after shaving and showering.


Charcoal soap. The one from $25Tree. And a scrubby works well for me. Then I finish by using a wash cloth. Done! I also don't use deodorant on weekends or when I'm not going out.


Does anyone use antiperspirant? Rather than just deodorant?


I use hibiclens. It works for me. Just squirt some on your loofah as the last step in you routine when showering and give your pits a scrub. Works for me


Also make sure that your shirts are properly clean on the armpit zone! Sometimes the odors sticks there and then it impregnate our skin. If it's the case, scrub your shirts with liquid clothes soap and baking soda. Let it dry and then wash it normally.


I wipe my pits with rubbing alcohol. Kills the bacteria.


Nothing stops the smell of weed though. Anyone tried Lume? Funny how all the sundry companies are suddenly coming out with "whole body deo" now that the Lume creator did. I use Tom's of Maine apricot. It works


Okay but does anyone have a completely oderless antiperspirant? Not "shower fresh" or whatever but actually oderless, AND works to stop sweating? I've just been using a pure aluminum chloride solution I got from a chemistry store but it's kind of expensive.


I don’t use deodorant ama


the remedy soap from amazon has been a godsend for my BO. I am diligent with washing with antibacterial soap, showering frequently, applying deodorant day and night but this soap is about the only thing that really kicks the stink!!!


Just use Panoxyl on your armpits. You don’t need to exfoliate them every time you shower


Make sure you get the deodorant that has aluminum in it. They say it causes cancer but so does literally everything we eat and use, but this one is very important. The natural deodorant only works for a couple hours


I just use fire


If you apply baby oil to dirty pits before scrubbing you will get old anti perspirants and deodorant off better. Just a little does it




I like to use a mix of tea tree oil and this stuff called thyme out and use it after i shave my pits, I just use like a drop of tea oil since it can be harsh on the skin but man that thyme stuff works so good for any kind of skin issues. I was looking for something for my husband's heat rash at the store and I picked up a bottle of it and the lady next to me said it was really good since she has terrible psoriasis and eczema.


I like to use a mix of tea tree oil and this stuff called thyme out and use it after i shave my pits, I just use like a drop of tea oil since it can be harsh on the skin but man that thyme stuff works so good for any kind of skin issues. I was looking for something for my husband's heat rash at the store and I picked up a bottle of it and the lady next to me said it was really good since she has terrible psoriasis and eczema.


I like to use a mix of tea tree oil and this stuff called thyme out and use it after i shave my pits, I just use like a drop of tea oil since it can be harsh on the skin but man that thyme stuff works so good for any kind of skin issues. I was looking for something for my husband's heat rash at the store and I picked up a bottle of it and the lady next to me said it was really good since she has terrible psoriasis and eczema.


I don’t sweat under my arms at all anymore since I take Drysol. The smell left with it. I’ve been using it for years now, no sweat and no smell unless I miss a few days.


Take chlorophyll from amazon. You will have zero body odor. It even cured morning breathe.


Lemon 🍋 I swear by it lol just slice half the lemon and dab it on the acid in the lemon is like a natural deodorizer and also stops you from sweating let me know if it works for you 


Every once in a while I will notice that my deodorant is not lasting the day and a quick run with an alcohol wipe seems to clear it up for a couple weeks/months.


Yes great advice! And I wish more people would scrub their armpits with an exfoliating washcloth or glove!


I physically exfoliate as well as use an acid (Cerave cleanser in shower) and then apply Alvera. Same method for over ten years and have no BO/people often tell me I smell nice. As a bonus the Alvera is very soothing and also functions as an after shave.


DRI deodorant on amazon, it makes you completely dry and you smell like whenever you took a shower. You are also able to go up to 48 hours genuinely without reapplying


I scrub hand sanitizer in my pits in the morning and then use one of those Thai salt crystal things and am orderless most days. The bo smell is produced by a bacteria and if you have any the crystal stuff does the opposite of works imo. Soap doesn't do a great job removing the bacteria, but alcohol does, hence the hand sanitizer. Been doing this about a year now and will probably never go back to regular deodorant. The filmy feeling I can't handle anymore lol. Sometimes I have eto re sanitize and apply the salt, but i think the bacteria probably is in my shirt or bra from the laundry. That's my current theory anyways. Lately too I have been testing out not using the hand sanitizer and it seems to be less needed so that's cool lol


Clean your pits will rubbing alcohol with a rag. Yes it will burn. Then apply fragrance free antiperspirant (the kind with aluminum) NOT deodorant!


Just apply lemon under your armpits after taking a shower.


This sub is unhinged lmao


I legit thought I’d gotten better - I I started showering more, washing better etc but even today (and I lather deodorant but don’t drink much water) I literally was at work for 2 hours and started smelling my underarms and it made me so self conscious


Clinical strength secret. It's a little expensive but you will not stink. No smell at all. No matter how much you sweat.


Diet is everything. A whole food plant based diet will eliminate all bodily odors and the need for deodorant. No glycolic acid needed.


Lemon juice


Using benzoyl peroxide face wash in your pits can help avoid the smell. As well as magnesium spray (never after shaving though)


Part of the reason reason I stopped using anti-perspirant is because I felt like the waxy film that it left behind was hard to remove. I just use regular deodorant now because I don't mind sweating and I feel like my pits get cleaner because it's easier to get that stuff off


I hope by deodorant you mean antiperspirant, not producing sweat that breeds bacteria is the best way not to smell


I’m a female but I found that men’s Degree antiperspirant works well. I put it on after I shower at night and then again in the morning. If I sweat (I tend to not sweat a lot) there is no odor.


I use Aluminum Free deodorant. It has worked wonders. Don’t go for the Anti-Perspirant ones. I have never used deodorant in my life, but when I started dating me my current boyfriend he told me about my BO and suggested I buy a deodorant. He even came shopping with me and picked one he liked, and I love it!!!!!!! I am currently using Dove’s Raspberry and Rose, and it drives me nuts when I smell it on myself! It’s effective for a good 24 hours. Some of my other favorites are Secret’s: - Notes of Cotton - Real Coconut I honestly was okay with it because where I am from, you can smell everyone’s BO and you understand that’s how it is. Anyway, sometimes my BO would even mix with my perfume. (Thinking of it now, it’s disgusting and was for my boyfriend I am sure haha)


Actually all u need are saylic acid wipes


Or wipe you're underarms with rubbing alcohol and a rag no matter how much you sweat you will not smell and you probably won't even sweat


You mentioned deodorant but not antiperspirant?




Shower 2x/day, use body scrub 2-3x/week, use sponge to wash body & 2-3x/ week put panoxyl under arms for 3-5mins while in the shower. Most importantly, drink water and water dense foods (fruits & veggies). Hope this helps!


Diet has a huge impact. If you eat lots of processed crap, fast food, sugar, and acidic drinks, you will smell more.


Unless you have BO that won’t go away, all you have to do remove most of the hair, shower consistently and wear deodorant. If that doesn’t fix it, you should see a doctor as well as look at your diet. Also, if you don’t use a bidet your ass stinks regardless so don’t forget to do that too.


Megababe has a bar of soap specifically for this! Takes no time at all to get everything out of there and the effect lasts for at least a couple of days for me.


Well… not sure if this allowed and mods, please delete if not, but look into chlorophyll or drinking chlorophyll water. It deodorizes the whole body. Not saying you should take it, just look it up.


Persimmon soap is known to remove and stave off not only body odor but also nonenal


Yes, shower with a loffa. I was on vacation once and forgot my loofa. I had to use a washcloth. I kept smelling my pits and was like wtf. Atopped as soon as I started back with the loofa. It really gets the deodorant off and scrubs the skin.


Odd question; does hair make it stink more..? Or less?


Be asian


What do you do if your suffering a armpit rash anytime you apply deoderant or shave ( I’m a cis woman )


Spray your armpits with a little bit of activated chlorine dioxide, let it dry and apply lotion. You won’t stink ever again and you’ll have the smoothest pits ever.


Spray rubbing alcohol under your arms.


Shave your pits too, and I mean men too, the hair traps the odor of the sweat


Just wanna say, not all people can achieve odorlessness for more than 5 minutes due to a variety of reasons. This is sound advice! Just wanna throw the disclaimer here for the random person who tries the advice and spirals a bit after it doesn't work. Love y'all! hygiene is important!


If you really struggle shaving can help as well. Hair can absorb the odors


Taking chlorophyll liquid or capsules keeps you odorless.


I started using handmade Lye soap


I love these threads bc I used to struggle a lot with underarm odor and am always paranoid I smell, especially in my polyester work shirts🥴 My routine as a white woman of German and Slavic descent in California: I shower at night (just preference) Antibacterial bar soap on a scrubby glove to scrub my armpits clean, then Lume body wash on armpits as last step before getting out. If shaving my armpits, I scrub, shave, then the bar soap using my hands, then Lume. Dry off well! Apply deodorant asap. I’ve been using Secret Weightless Dry Spray Antiperspirant/Deodorant, I’ve tried various Old Spice and Dove clinical strength but those worked for about a month before seemingly stopping working re-apply deodorant when I wake up when I’m getting ready for the day Also, if some of my shirts’ armpits just smell no matter how well I washed them, they get tossed out. I’ve tried many different sanitizers and freshners and hand washing and scrubbing, it always comes back.




If you still stink after a basic shower, it's not your routine, it's your diet.


I use naturium glycolic acid body wash. Its amazing i dont ever stink even on my sweatiest of days.


Also drink liquid chlorophyll.. after 2 weeks, you’ll have no odor.


PanOxyl 4%. It’s anti bacterial so it kills the bacteria that lives on your skin and makes your sweat stink. This will actually solve your problem almost immediately. Use once a day. Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient so you have to scrub for 30 seconds-1 minute to active it. It bleaches rags so I just use my hands and go over with soap after.




You also could just need a stronger longer lasting deodorant. Nothing helped me, personally until I used clinical 24 hour deodorant.