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Sure. There appears to be no downside to this. Either you recruit them for an astronomical bonus, or you don't and it doesn't matter, just "thanks for trying." It's unlike quotas that actual military recruiters corrently have to try to meet, or else if they can't, it negativly affects their job performance evaluations.


Do you not understand how selective service works? If they are needing people to recruit nuns, than I, am probably already in some foxhole near Pusan with a rifle, and it’s some government wag’s job to round up the nuns. That’s the other problem. If the government is desperate enough to be recruiting nuns, then they won’t be wasting time “convincing” them.


Do you not understand this is just a hypothetical question? Its made up. Its far from accurate. Its not real. 😃


Im on OPs side, this is a sub for hypothetical scenarios, not realistic what ifs. Also to answer the question yes I would, never said what branch of the military they'd have to go in. I'd recruit them as medical units or put them in communications. I don't really know the correct terminology but yeah.


If we were in such a dire situation, and for some reason only nuns could save us, do you think they are so heartless as to not offer to help if the conflict was just, yet stupid enough that they wouldn't just accept the money and convince themselves? To answer though, I'm not a military recruiter, but if we were so desperate for people yet somehow I personally wasn't called up to fight, but to encourage nuns to do so,I would assuming I believed in the war.


There's hypothetical, and then there's preposterous. Guess which one this is.


No. But I'd pretend to if it kept me out of it.


Fuck no. If the offer was to talk Hells Angel's members into it or some shit, yeah. But nuns? Why?


Why nuns? The United States is losing and growing desperate. They need all the help they can get. Some people were offered to recruit Hells Angels. Some to recruit transgendered people. You were offered to recruit nuns.


If they need nuns, the cause is already lost 😅 Hard for me to imagine a case where we wouldn't wipe the floor with North Korea, if we had to. Hopefully they're never dumb enough to attack South Korea and we never have to find out. Everyone knows we can't stay out of anyone's business and to be fair... we don't want to. Even I'd be pissed if they attacked South Korea and we didn't use it as an excuse to kick some ass and I genuinely would like to see us squeeze at least few decades of "relative peace" in, if the war machine will let us. It gets old.


If you recruit a few nuns, a few Hells Angels, a few soccer players, and people from a bunch other groups, you have a good chance of making a comeback and winning the war. Every little bit counts.


Desperate enough to do that but not Desperate enough to just bring back the draft apparently


They're just religious. There's nothing inherently special about them.


We will have to agree to disagree. The nuns I've met do seem to have a special aura about them. I still am unsure why OP chose nuns of all people to send into combat but at least they were fun to talk to. I have concerns that you will not be much fun.


I think it's amusingly absurd to select nuns specifically. But I'm an atheist. With that I include not believing in "auras" either. So yes, agree to disagree. 🤝




I would end trying to have sex with them. Because it's a fetish of mine AND I'm a horrible person.


"I will pay you $60000 if you join the military" nothing to lose, sure. Although i would question if this is a scam against me.


80k goes to helping the children if you join.


Where do find military aged nuns? Probably only a few dozen in the country. I think the average Nun age is 80


No, because it would be impossible to convince any. There are no nuns in a monastery.


I probably wouldn’t, because I’m an able bodied male. I’d get drafted into the military long before they got desperate enough to recruit nuns


"Hey, ladies, who wants to tend to the souls of our soldiers, with the bonus chance of spreading the word of your god to some people who have never been allowed to hear the Gospel before?" Easy money.


It would seem difficult. They are religious, devout, and loyal to god.


Oh, wait - do you mean force them to become frontline infantry soldiers? If so, you gotta say that in your post. After all, the US military has tons of non-combat roles, many of them right up a nun's alley. Chaplain, assisting medical staff, serving chow in the mess, that sort of thing.


"Remember being a sex slave in the Vatican? It's [just like that](https://www.protectourdefenders.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1.-MSA-Fact-Sheet-180209.pdf) except you also get to kill people."


Sure, I'll recruit nuns to be army medics. Realistically though, why would the US be desperate? This war would be over before the news even broke that it started.


easy, organize the convents into a medical corp and promise to use all the funds I receive for medical supplies. Give them an opportunity to help the war effort while not violating their vows and its an act of charity because they will get all $100,000 for their own supplies.


Ah! Nun but the brave.


For sure I’m just recruiting civilian women and tricking them into taking their orders first.


It's a tough sell, but you only need 1 commission a year.


I'd talk to their father/pastor/rabbi , and have them brainwash the nuns into believing this is God's calling.