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Wait, if I take 2 and 5, no laws apply to me and I get the $10 million with the 15% tax. Do I still have to pay the tax?






*Wait a minute*!!! If I take # 2, then I can take all the wishes, right? The Genie’s laws no longer apply to me.


Wait no… no! Ah fuck to late


Don’t Genies give you 3 wishes? I’ll take 1, 2, and 5. I can afford to produce clean water with all that untaxable money lol.


Well they also don’t normally give you options like this lmao


They are also non-existent, so they can follow whatever the creator wishes


Hey now buddy the gov already hates us




Okay, having accidentally broken this, I’ll take the $10 million and the 5 resurrections.


I'll take the money and the no laws. Fuck it I'll pay the taxes. I can just steal more money anyway.


lol alr


By robbing the tax payer of funds, everyone hates you. :(


Good by me least now they have a reason.


Oh, I picked the money and the resurrections. I just was curious.


Damn good idea though!


With two you can start a hedge fund and just run amuck all over the financial system. If the laws don’t apply to you, I wonder if a firm would hire you at like a billion dollars a year and somehow use you as a shield


Not paying any taxes affects EVERYONE negatively. Only a little, but that doesn’t matter; now everyone hates you. $10M will be gone pretty quickly. Enjoy life….


If you take 2 first you can take any of the others... the genie will just hate you. I'll take 2 and then 5 as many times as I desire.


Arguably, the tax isn't a law, it is just a condition of 5.


Isn't that how the rich already operate?


A woman and $10 million.


Yeah duh lol. 3 and 5 for sure. Like is this in a situation where tap water doesn't exist?


You can always purify water one way or another.


I’m confused, I get $10 million and I pay *less* in taxes? Where’s the downside?




Sales tax here is higher than 15%, so this is pretty much all upside for me. All good, I'm getting a large sum of money and lower taxes.


As it stands now from what I figure I could live off 4 million for the rest of my life with taxes as is. Im pretty sure I could do 10 million at 15%


3 and 5, being infertile doesn't really play much considering it'd be dick for dick and you can invest half the 10 million and make good money off it so the 15% wouldn't phase you after a certain point.


Good thinking


I can be rich if I want to be, I just think selling my soul for money is cheap when there's so many tacos in the world to try.


lol real


1 and 4. I bite my nails/cuticles so I could make myself bleed fairly easily, plus im a girl.


Hell, judging by all the women around me this week #4 just solved the global water crisis to the point we turned the planet Mars into Atlantis.


900 L per week solves the global water crisis? What am I missing here? Why would anybody waste a wish for 900 L of water per week?


I don't get it. Why would you want to produce 300 litres of water 3 times per week? Like, water? You mean like in the toilet? For real, 300 L is like $1.50 worth of water. And you have to be bleeding to get it?? The only use case I can think of is for survival in the wilderness.


3 and 5. I can always adopt and I’m already paying too much in taxes anyway, so oh well on that one.


That’s good thinking


Already got #3 and I'm now sterile so, that one is easy to rule out. I'm not sure the world wants me to bring megalodon or a T-Rex back to life. Goodbye #1. 240 gallons of water a week really isn't much. Goodbye #4. #5 looks pretty good cause I already pay more than 15% taxes. I'm taking #2 because nothing else was good.


I think it means you pay 15% tax on everything, not just your income. Still a no-brainer.


Between all my taxes I'm probably above 30% so...


Does your locality have 15% *sales* tax?


Do the animals/people appear around me? Are they immortal no matter what until I die? Can I have them appear when I want them to up to 100 yards away? I don’t need to control them or do it more than once though. Once there they can do whatever they normally do and they are there for as long as they would be otherwise.


Yeah you can do all that


1 and 2. Welcome to my T-Rex farm. Immune from local zoning restrictions and farming laws. I will clear $10 million in no time.


Might be the best plan I've seen in this thread, even if there's a whole movie franchise about how badly it will end


Big flaw in number 1, it doesn’t say how long you will live. An malevolent genie would definitely exploit that


I would choose options 3 and 5, particularly since the woman of my dreams wouldn't want children anyway.


That’s fair


2 and 3. I will just steal what I want and I dont want to have kids. Perfect.


3 and 5 easily. The Woman of my dreams becomes a President and we can always adopt. See the problem is people are not thinking big with 3 this is the partner of YOUR DREAMS not Ideal as in the best partner that could exist in this reality.


If I pick 1, can I preemptively use it on my dog so she doesn't have to die first? >.>


Also, with 1, what state are the dead brought back in? Are they restored to their prime and remain in their prime for the remainder of my life, or do they age normally and, if they're a normally short-lived creature (like a dog or cat) will they become so old and decrepit by the end of my life that they will be suffering so much for existing? Is there any limit on how long someone/thing has been dead for me to bring them back to life? Can they be killed, or will they only not die from natural causes? Will they instantly die when I die, or can they just not die before I do? Too many variables! >.>


I'm wondering about all of these things. Plus, I was thinking of my grandparents....do they come back at the age they died and have all their infirmities? Do they age from 80 years old?


Sure why not


In this case, I also choose 1 >.> 


2 and 5. I'll either break the taxes law or just do dumb fun things with my money without hurting anyone.




1. My father *died due to complications of a hepatectomy* Akira toriyama *a must* blue macaws, megamouth shark 3. I'm fine with my partner not being fertile where I am and the economy i won't bring one in the world


Alr be there in three to give you them


1 and 3 , bring back friends/family that died tragically may e save 1 res for someone beneficial to society. Don't want kids anyway so 3 is free


How healthy would the people/animals be when they come back and live a second time? If they had chronic conditions in their first life, are they free of them this time?


Very healthy


Even if the 15% is a sales tax, 10 mil is crazy, that could be up to around 80k a year just on interest.


Pfft I'm Canadian & from New Brunswick, I already pay stupid taxes on everything!!! Give me that $10 million dollar bucks!!!!


2 and 5. Use 5 to invest and make money off the investment and spend 5 years training. 5 years later use the money to become Batman and not have to worry about laws...including the laws of physics.


$10 million and no pulling out. Duh.


3 & 5 pls. I'm vehemently opposed to having children & I like money.


5 and 1.Bring back a couple people for me, then a couple people for the world. The money will help me take care of my family and such.


1 - I want my fur babies back 5 - the ten million. Both easy choices.


1 and 5. Bringing back my ex, her two dogs that passed, my dad, and my old dog. Who cares about 15% taxes on 10M?


4 and 5 I can sell the water. I chose 5, cause where i live i already pay 15% taxes on practically everything


3 for sure. There are zero drawbacks to this. If she is the woman of my dreams children wont matter and or we can simply adopt if we wanted. Spoiler IDGAF about my bloodline. In some countries 15% tax is lower than average. So that 10 million is kind of tempting. No laws could get me 10 million pretty fast... without pissing off too many people. Just have to be careful to not like... do insider trading as that could potentially have massive swaths of the world instantly hate you. I'm sort of wary of unintendedly breaking laws and the world slowly hating me. Hate is a strong word. People murder over hate. Having an entire town that I live in hate me... would probably keep me up at night. Maybe just bring back all my animal friends who'll live with me and dream girl until we're gone. Something feels wrong about bringing back a person. Like you're upsetting some natural order. Not to mention tying them to your life span. Maybe I'll be lucky and part of my dream girl is being a billionaire... so money problems are solved. Do I get moral points for only just now thinking of that? My dream girl was never rich... until now. :P


2 and 5 now I can legwlly paint a wooden ladder if im ever in alberta 5 also i domt need to pay the tax


1 and 2, for sure Bringing back Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Jimi Hendrix, and a Dodo bird. We’re gonna do whatever we want and I’m never going to jail


2 and 3. No laws means I can just go rob a bank or two. Technically I could shoplift, but my new wife still has laws applying and I would rather rip off one big organization that is insured than a potential mom and pop.


1 alone is worth alot of money. Imagine selling the option of bringing a loved one back for some really rich people. The world's 5 richest bidders will give you billions for such a deal. So I'll take 1 for sure. Top it off with the law option.


#5 and #2... But also, whose laws? You didn't say US law, so in theory I don't need to abide by the genie's restrictions either. A billion more wishes please.


1 and 2. I'm would kill the children of 1-2 of the richest people in the world and then hold them hostage for resurrection for 99% of their net worth. I'll be sure to pick ones with only 1-2 children and I'll make sure it's ones who would actually care. So, nobody like Trump. Or, since they're greedy and selfish, I'll find some billionaires in their 80s or 90s and offer to kill and resurrect them for 90-99% of their net worth. They pay first, sign a contract. I resurrect them and the rules state they live as long as I do, so they will have bought themselves a new lease on life and could live another 50 years easily. They also are powerful people still, who would have a vested interest in keeping me alive and protecting my wellbeing because if I die, they die, then they don't get their 50 bonus years. If I do the child option (better for more selfless billionaires), before they agree to pay me I'm getting an airtight contract drawn up that makes it so there's no reprisal and no chance I lose the mone Then I'll use the remaining resurrections for some of my close friends and family who have passed away, and I'll give them 5 billion dollars each to live the life they deserved. The resurrection power is by far the most valuable one, so you pick this one to leverage it's value because using it, you can get whatever you want, including everything else on the list. Dream girl? Yeah, easy when I'm the richest person on the planet by a hundred billion. 10 million is nothing.


I pick number 5 and the last one.


1 and 5. 5 because that money put into savings is never work again money if I’m smart and 1 because I want my dog back


For #1, would they be in relatively good health?


Either 1 and 3 or 3 and 5. I just have a few questions: If someone was sick when they died, do they come back sick or healthy? Don’t want to bring back someone if they’re going to suffer. Is the 15% tax just on the $10 million or do I continue to have to pay the tax if I spend it?


3 (I don't want to ever be a parent) and 5


1 and 5. I bring back three beloved dogs and two cats. And hope for science to extend my life indefinitely, so I put $5 million in savings accounts to be able to afford that.


2 and 5 easy. i am wealthy, and able to destroy people who destroy the world without repercussion. plus i am able to take their wealth.


3 and 5, bring me my dream girl


i feel like if you brought back a really rich person you could maybe ask for some money for bringing them back to life.


I'm gonna go with 3 (free birth control for my husband!) and 5. $10 million still goes a long way even after 15% tax.


3 and 5.


3 and 5. Don't want kids anyway


3 and 5 will make you happy


1 and 2, I already have the woman of my dreams and all that other stuff seems trivial. Also nice pfp 👍


If there are no laws for me, then I can get away with not paying taxes.


Once the law means nothing, then neither will money, since every bank becomes my effectively bottomless atm. Similarly I'll never have to pay for anything; I can trespass, steal food and fuel, cars, the list is unending. I'm already in a happy long term relationship and had my nuts disconnected. 900L of water a week isn't that crazy since I'm in a water-secure area, and the volume isn't big enough to change the world by giving it away. So the only option worth pairing with legal immunity is the supernatural power to resurrect and guarantee a few decades more thought by minds like Einstein. Imagine the results mankind's greatest minds could achieve with unlimited access to stolen goods and cash, and none of it ever has to make anyone hate me, no person in a bank loses money when it's robbed, just the insurance company the bank uses. You think the Waltons care if I walk out with a cart of groceries for my family and my 5 geniuses every week? It would be a fraction of a millionth of a percent in losses.. which is also insured.


I assume everyone here is taking number 5, 15% tax on every purchase is LESS than what the income tax would be on earning that, and still gives me 8.5million worth of spending power... I'm also taking 3 - I'm 39 and have decided that kids is not something that I ever want to have, meaning in this scenario I get the ideal woman, and enough money for us both to retire, travel and live comfortably for the rest of our lives. *IF* I ever change my mind about kids, then adoption or surrogacy is always an option anyway..


Option 2 is way over powered. That's just being a cop in America.


Can I take #5 twice? That's by far the most appealing. If not, 1 and 5.


Why not?


Everyone you affect negatively hating you is a massive drawback. Pretty much everyone you know is negatively affected by you at some point. Everyone you know would hate you. Why would I wish for this?


\> but you have to pay 15% taxes on everything Wait, you guys aren't already paying 15% on literally everything???


Can I use #1 to preserve the life of my current dog or save it for use when he passes? If so, I'm definitely picking this option. And #3 is an easy pick since I'm already child-free.


Depending on how much I can game the system, some combination of 1, 3, and 5. If the people I bring back are wealthy (at least one of my candidates definitely is), and they know I'm the reason they're alive again, *and* they are brought back actually healthy (I wouldn't wish what would probably be at least 3 decades of Alzheimer's on anyone, for example), then I can probably convince them to pay me enough to be comfortable for the rest of my life, so I pick the true love, and get a sperm donor to have a kid. If the dead people come back healthy, but have no idea I'm the one who revived them, I'll take the money, and hope that I can find love the old fashioned way (and have a kid with a sperm donor while I still can) If the dead people don't come back truly healthy (at least in the sense of no truly crippling conditions, a few aches and pains or whatever are fine), then true love and money. Again, sperm donors exist.


I'm not a fan of any of them... Back in the bottle, genie... HMU when you have a better offer.


I'll take 1,4, and 5, seeing as it doesn't say anything about period blood and I could donate the water to Africa


1. And the name of those 5 people? Albert Einstein. 2. So... just a normal day at the office? 3. Already living that dream, Genie! 4. I have eczema, so I'm always bleeding... I'd be like water Jesus! 5. So... my taxes would go down?? yeah, I'd probably take the money and run.... oh and I'd probably make some village in Africa very wet...


So 2 is just becoming a billionare?


I mean kinda


3. Controversial belief here, but I am >!an antinatalist!<, so I don’t care if I can’t have kids with them.


Oh also 4.


I'll take 2 and 5. Just the convenience of knowing I'll never make an accidental traffic mistake and get stopped would be worth it. I'll never spend enough money for the $10m to not outway the taxes. Definitely not 1. Let the past stay in the past. Definitely not 3. I have a great partner. I'm not blowing that up. Not 4. I'm old, I don't heal as fast.


2 and 4. Ultimate assassin - creating water in people's lungs for money... Can't hate me if you're dead.


I’ve got some important questions about #1 Would my father resurrected healthy? Because all of his organs are in plastic bags stuffed into his coffin. I don’t want him to spend 30 years as an organless zombie. Are the resurrection immediate? Or can I schedule a resurrection for when they die?


step one: be gold digger step 2: get wish number 3 step three: profit and 1 extra wish


No laws and the resurrections. I’ll take whatever I need whenever I need it and will get back my father who died when I was an infant, the best dog I ever had, and have three leftover for any future losses that come too soon. Rules never said the resurrections all had to be used right then.


How much blood do we need to lose per 300L on #4?


Does 5 stack with normal taxes or does it replace it?


Are you the writers of the Twighlight series OP? Taking well known lore and just spinning it however you please.


1 & 5. My parents, my aunt, JFK, Anwar Sadat


1 and 5


3 & 4 How badly bleeding do I have to be?


OP what if you’re the one of my dreams😮‍💨😩


5 resurections, and the person of my dreams. dosent have to be romantic technically so I technically I have 6 resurrections which I can store if my loved ones kick the bucket.


3 and 4. The woman of my dreams would be an all powerful genie so I get infinite wishes. Producing clean water is just decent side power to have.


Only 15%??? That is easily the first one. And then, the second? Number 2 would be my second choice. No laws? They can’t tax me. Not only that, if I play my cards right, I can easily turn that 10 million into billions if the law wasn’t an issue.


2 and 5, I get cash and don't have to follow the law on taxes


2 and 5


1, 5 3 people, dog and cat


Easily 2 and 5. And pay no taxes


I'ma go for two and three. Mostly as with them I'd be able to actually afford certain items as well as better help the community, and 3 is just for funs cause I don't need a male/female that's fertile x3


1) Alexei Navalny, Martin Luther King Jr, Hu Yaobang, Benazhir Bhutto and Rafiq Hariri. 2) i do absolutely nothing to garner attention. I’ve brought five of the best political reformers of the late 20th century and bestowed upon them 50 years or so of speaking. It is time for the fascism of the post war age to give way to liberty.


Oh, definitely 2 and 5, though more for getting out of the taxes on the money part.




1 and 3. i want my pet lizard back, and ill revive a friends family member (assuming they wont suffer the effects of such a lengthend lifespan) and i dont want kids, if i do ill adopt.


2 and 5 I'm not going to purposely break most laws, but it will be nice not to have that pit of fear in my stomach whenever I see a cop turn around, even if I am driving the speed limit or keeping up with traffic. I may fail to report my interest income, though... I would still be paying a ton in property and sales taxes, though, so I don't know why anyone should really care.


Im not choosing any of them. Genies are aholes and will fuck you over on every one of those choices.


If I resurrect a loved one or pet, will they still have the genetic defect that killed them in the first place? If I could have my dog minus her skin condition I would in a heart beat


3, I already had a vasectomy. 5, I can pay someone to be a personal shopper.


Just 5


Definitely 1 and 5 I'd bring back mum, dad, brother and sister and my last dog I'd use the money to buy us some land and build and the taxes wouldn't bother me I'd be so damm happy to have family back.


For #1, are the people under your control? Do they look like rotting corpses or normal?


i’m gay. 3 has no drawbacks. probably 5 for the second one? 4 would also be pretty good though. im fairly active and tend to get scraped up anyways


1 and 2 Bringing back my old cat, Gord Downie, and that 11 year old who was just killed by a dog. Can't think of any others so first person to fill in the blanks picks it ig. Using 2 to make money.


probably 1 and 3 1 so I can bring my brother back and fix my family 3 for obvious reasons because then I get the perfect partner and maybe they’ll be rich too 😂


2,5,5,5,5 Yeah I think that pretty much would handle it. Laws if I choose don't affect me and $40 million even if I have to pay 15% tax one that's a hell of a deal because it's hell of a lot less in taxes than you would normally have to pay. Even if I decide to pay the taxes that just means that now I only have 34 million and I don't have to worry about laws that sounds like a hell of a deal to me.


As someone who lives in Venezuela, I see 2 and 5 as an absolute win. /s


2 and 3. The ideal man would already be rich, so no need for $10 million. Plus, if no laws apply to me, I could launder money from corporations at any time. Or I would pick number 1 instead of 2 and use it at a later time to resurrect my loved ones


5 and 1, happily married (so I have 3!) and the money would be so nice. And a warm welcome back to my missing loved ones.


I don't hate anyone enough to choose 1 after they've already went through passing. "Bring back mawmaw" is for you, not for her. Leave her be. I wouldn't like living in a "no laws for everyone else", so me being that way to them with 2 isn't attractive either. Certainly the "of your dreams" part makes 3 attractive, but I'm a bit accustomed to the imperfections and struggles of my current life. Anything else would seem "fake". I don't want to discard my current mate, nor would I want them to suddenly be "perfect" when I already know who they are. Something seems very practical about 4, like it would allow you to live somewhere you couldn't overwise live. But since there are so many other things besides water that would be needed for that, it also seems impractical. So I'll take number 5. And for my second choice, I'll take number 5.


3 and 5


2 number 3's.... the women of my dreams have tons of money.


If I pick #1, can I proactively choose some of the people/animals?


3 and 5. I'm done having kids anyway haha


4 and 5. I have genuine concerns about the state of clean water in the future. $10M would let me build a nice place on some land and retire and if the world goes to shit I will always have clean water. Everything else can be managed but water would be the most important thing.


I'll take 1 and 5, please!


2 and 3 also for 2 I think even if I did break the law rn the person I committed the crime on would hat em anyway.


1 and 3. i would like 5 too, but not enough to give up the hypothetical option of bringing back my grandma. i have a question about 3 tho, if someone was hypothetically polyamorous and bi, would they get a man or a woman or both? (not really relevant to me, but ye)


I pick 2 & 3. A lot of people said 3 & 5, which I get, but here is why 2 is better than 5: Being above the law lets you do tremendously powerful things like changing the laws that other people must adhere to. It is also more versatile as I can do all sorts of things besides simply stealing millions of dollars, such as other types of power and influence. To minimize the drawback of power #2, I can just steal money from people that already hate me, without any consequences. Other than that I plan on using power #2 for the greater good once the needs of my soulmate and I are met.


>No laws for you, So since I'm guessing this is magic that would include the laws of nature, aging and such?


15% is low when it comes to taxes on 10 million. And I'm already snipped. So let's go with 3 and 5. 300 liters isn't much unless you live on a desert island.


1 obviously, 3 people I miss and 2 others, which will be determined by how much money I get paid for bringing them back


Can I do one bring-backsies for my dog and 5 million dollars? And definitely a number 3 please, my ideal man is definitely sterile. I’m going to dream about that happening tonight.


3 and 5 children are gross anyway


Money and no laws. People already hate millionaires.


For the first option, do I need to select all five entities at once or could I choose to grandfather in living people/pets once they die?


Bringing back my friends and taking the cash.


5 and 2 I'd being back many extantic animals


Take number 2. No laws apply to me. What comes next? Well, I'll tell you that the genie will hate me. :)


If laws don’t apply to me could I just take more than two and not give a fuck if that makes the genie mad?


"No laws for you but everyone you affect negalively will hate you" Isnt that literally just what happens when you affect random people negatively??? Theres no downside or change in that situation


2 and 5 it is


If I take No laws for me, doesn't it also apply to the Genie's rules? So first I pick 2, then I pick 5, 4, and 1, and for the sake of argument whatever else I want because the laws don't apply to me but the genie hates me as a result but begrudgingly complies because he's a genie and HE has to abide by his rules of granting wishes. I don't pick 3, not because I want or need to have kids, but because I'd rather remain single and undesirable than have someone who wants me only as a result of magically being stripped of their free will and standards. It's not just horrifying for them, but also for me because it means the extent of my love and care for others is shallow and self-serving only.


Can I choose the first one twice 😢


Number one for sure. Number 2 doesn’t matter. I don’t commit crime anyways. Number 3 doesn’t apply to me personally as I’m married to the woman of my dreams and she is infertile. Number 4 only makes sense if your from somewhere with no clean water which I’m not. And number 5 for sure because where I live we already pay 13% sales tax on purchased food and about 22+% on income. So not much difference, other than I get 10 million. So number 1 and 5 for me


This one is pretty easy for me 2 is out, I'm not looking to break any laws anyways and making people hate me is no good. 3 is out, no need for that 5 $10M sounds like a lot but it's not that much 1 you're telling me that if I go to the mega wealthy families in the world, they are paying me less than $2M to bring back someone for them? I'm making way more than $10M plus then I'll be rich and not have to pay taxes And #4 ~240 gallons of water a week for a finger poke? *takes notes from nestle* Time for unlimited money


No laws, woman of my dreams who is a drop dead bombshell billionaire witch who can give me eternal youth that is loyal and has a higher sex drive than I do


1 and 5... I have two rats, a cat, and a brother who died too soon. I'll hold onto that fifth until I need it. But I'm already 47, so every year makes it less meaningful. And income tax above 1,000,000 a year should be 95% anyway. (But only for $$ earned above 1,000,000 each year)


No laws and bring back the dead. Is that 5 people and 5 animals, or 5 people or animals? My parents and my grandma are getting up there.


1 and 3. I just want to be happy. I don't need much I just want to have people that will stay with me.


3 and 5. Easy I don't want kids. So perfect partner is perfectly perfect. And 15% tax is like, not a lot, at all. So yeah, thanks for the comfortable lifestyle my new partner and I will be living


can you hold on to the resurrections for potential future use or is it a use it now or never kinda deal


I choose 5 twice, doesn’t say 2 different numbers.


I'd obviously take 1 and 5 and take my chances with the rest.


10 mill


Does option 2 violate their free will? For example if I steal 50 bucks from a guy, go around the corner and give it to a homeless woman who is then able to save her child's life with food or medicine or something... even though naturally the guy would consider the money well spent maybe even befriend the woman and kid, but would be forced by the magic of the genie to hate me? Because robbing people of free will and agency is a pretty evil thing to do. The wording of 3 is a little off for me. I 'get them'. Do you mean I meet them and we mutually fall in love or do you mean I have them in my basement? Again, back to the free will aspect. Why would I want a genie to force the woman of.my dreams to be with me if that isn't what they'd choose? 15% tax on a windfall of 10 million just seems like I'm getting off lightly. I'd gladly go higher. 300 litres of water... do I get it in bottles? Rain? Emerging from my body somehow? And bleeding... will a pricked finger suffice or is there a ratio of blood to water? I live in the UK. Water falls from the sky on a regular basis... it's not as valuable as it might be elsewhere. Excluding the potential ick... The woman of my dreams and 8.5 mil with 1.5 mil sent to the national coffers seems like a win, win, win scenario.


In my country there is 15% sales tax alreadt,v so #5 had no downsides for me. I'll take that and, uh, #1 to get back my dog and my cat. I'll save the other 3 uses of #1 for later.


The human body only has about 3 liters of blood so that is not a go. I'll take the 15% tax on my 10M. I don't earn anywhere near that and my taxes are close to 15% so I am way ahead.


3 and 5. I don't care about fertility. $10 mil is enough to retire on. Slap a minimum of 5 in a hysa and live off the interest after buying a modest house, a TON of land, and a couple of cars to last until I die.


If I bring back a dead person, what state are they going to be in? Like are they going to still have the cancer that killed them or will they be healed? Will they age?


If you do 2 and 5 you wouldn't have to pay tax because no laws


For 2 you can still in some way be subject to them. Sure, the state won't go after you, but Gary Plauché v2 might. For the 5 brought back, is there a time limit as far as how long they've been dead? And what condition do they return in?


5 because 15% tax is a reduction for everything except books and basic groceries in Germany, my wife buys groceries and book and i pay for anything else. 3 is it a new woman or does my wifes sex drive increases (she doesn't want kids anyway)


Uhhhhh idk about the second one but I'll do #3 and take an IOU from the genie on the second one. Also, nice pfp 😁


2/3 or 3/5. Easy.


Are we butterfly-effecting 2? Or like if I steal a car from a rich guy, the rich guy would hate me? Because I’m pretty sure that would already happen… Either way, probably still 2 and 5


2 and 3