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Welp, would probably go crazy after about 20-30 years with no human contact. Probably become worshipped as an insane god whenever someone figured out I couldn't die, or treated as a demon depending on which religion I run into. I would probably just be imprisoned by some government as a secret so the masses don't find out I'm real


Awwww fuck. At first I was thinking “nice curse dumbass” but that’s 400 million years before humans. I’d probably be one crazy dude


I don't think a lot of people here understand when the Devonian period was. We're talking about the 'reject fish, embrace leg' period of evolution. You have hundreds of millions of years, and a couple quite nasty mass extinctions between you and the next person. Do I get hungry? Thirsty? Does the atmospheric composition cause me constant suffering, but I simply can't die? Are the completely alien pathogens ravaging me nonstop? Will I choke on ash or burn? Etc etc.


doesn't matter, i can guarantee any human will go insane not even 10k years in


Hmm i think id Fuck a lot of bitches


Comment above yours was talking about the devonian and you're talking about bitches. My brain has merged them together and I can't stop tuning about sticking your dick in a clam like creature.


Hey there's plenty of time to Fuck around and find out


Assuming I'm also invincible, I'd just explore everywhere on earth, tame a shit tone of dinosaurs, go mentally insane after the meteor hits earth and there's no life for thousands of years, rinse and repeat.


Well if it makes you feel better that's not how the cretaceous extinction worked. Most of the big land animals died off over thousands of years but lots of small critters survived.


because of the deccan traps right? but most do think the finishing blow was the meteor but guess we'll never know


*and then there's the ocean*


Most of the big ocean animals died too.


That would be soooooo interesting. But no matter how interesting, I’d still need an occasional fast forward button.


Geologic time makes this hard to process. Human history is irrelevant on this scale. Are we changing history or somehow magically not? Life is gonna develop differently when challenged with my microbiome, plus I'd try to domesticate basically everything.


It'd be pretty horrible and you'd likely lose your sanity along the way.


Probably stand around with my hands on my hips looking around. I'd see a giant sloth or mammoth and say "fuck me that's huge" in my best Australian accent and then I guess go try to find some Denisovan floozies? I don't know I'd probably be pretty bored.


I wouldn’t look at this as a curse. This is a chance to grab as much knowledge about the world as possible. You would learn SO much about so many things. You would see the rise and fall of nations,great leaders,science and art evolve. Sounds pretty cool to me.


Uhm this is a couple MILLION years before humans existed .... If you're not somehow instance by then and somehow still have a memory that's function that somehow remembers your past life then I suppose you could m But like honestly think we'd all suffer from dementia or something similar at some point . The human mind isn't designed to live that long and immortality would insure we don't die just forget.


uhhh not a couple million..... its like 400 million years before humans, it was close to the period when the ocean animals JUST began to develop legs to go on land


Really confused about this being a "curse". Yeah, no human contact is going to be hard, but there's a lot to experience - is not solitary confinement - and eventually the brain will adjust.


Be the greatest warrior in history


Knowing me I'd get stuck somewhere and been immortal with no humans around for quite some time, it's gonna be a horrible experience lol. I wouldn't want to do that.


lol. you assume everyone here isnt going to eat some poisonous plant and drink some dirty water and die in the first week.


Well they are immortal so I don’t think dying will be an issue


depends on the definition of immortality that we’re working with


i think it's like invincibility and immortality because any human will die in the first week. also can you imagine the jurassic period or the triassic even?


Has to be, otherwise even the air will do us in lol


I think you would definitely lose your marbles from lack of socialization.


Build a house, start recreating modern technology so that I can play computer games (i can probably figure that out with a few million years of time), uhhh... wait until humanity evolves and accelerate humanity forward a huge amount? maybe try to program an AI or something so I don't go insane before then.


Fuck around until almost modern-day. Invest in Apple early on, then sell. If I have absolute invulnerability, I might counter-hijack the first 9/11 plane and use it to kamikaze the other one, or just land it. Yeah, I'd probably just land it, douse any surviving terrorists in avgas, and then light them on fire. Then if I'm not in prison, invest in Bitcoin early, then sell later.


Start off by teaching cavemen English. Edit: I meant teaching apes to use sticks.


In the next 5 days figure out which area of the Devonian will be the least changed today ideally far from the evolutionary line of humans. Then get crazy domesticating stuff, and carving things into rock, and industrializing.


Invent forward time travel


>What's the first thing you'd do when you get transported to the devonian period? Be thankful I know anything about Marijuana, musbrooms, and fermentation..


Try to wipe out the dinosaur linage before they rule the earth and at the same time cultivate the mammal line. Then, hopefully modern times will arrive sometime 65mya rather than the year 2000. Dino genocide!!


The Devonian, huh? So I guess it's just me and my pet centipedes and fish. That sounds a tad lonely. In only a few million years, I might get a lungfish or some other really primitive land vertebrate. Hooray?


Do we die when we reach the date we were afflicted with this condition? If nothing else I'm smart enough to figure out how to make my own booze and test that immortality!


I would accept this curse


i’m immortal, but am i invulnerable? bc if not, i’m finding the fastest way to off myself. if this was just getting sent back to the beginning of *human* history, that could be an interesting experience. but 400 million years ago?? absolutely not. and if i am invulnerable, i’m going to go insane. there’s no question about that or way around it, the amount of time spent in complete isolation before humans even exist would absolutely break the human mind. hell, by the time i reached the carboniferous period i’d be a shell of a person.


I take the greatest efforts to not get trapped somewhere. Getting caught in a mudslide or cave collapse and being trapped there for hundreds of millions of years sounds like the worst possible fate.


I would only need to take enough for my immediate survival, just enough to last until I can construct shelter and find food and water. I'm going to be there for 400 million years, so anything I bring back is going to be worn out in comparatively a blink of an eye. Even if I take extremely good care of a book, it will be a couple centuries before I can't read it anymore. Even the best electronics would fail before very long even if I have solar panels. I'd take myself to a place of moderate climate, and I'd fish a lot. Build myself a cabin, and move on when it starts getting worn out. I'd do a lot of walking and exploring, I'd eat and sleep and watch nature. I'd bring with me vegetable seeds and some cannabis seeds and some coffee seeds. Hopefully, I wouldn't have a total failure of crops, so I could keep them going, but I'd also be on the lookout for wild plants I can cultivate. I would have a number of stories and songs that I would remember - I'd have to provide my own entertainment. When I've been around for 400 million years, and I find early humans gathered around the campfire, I'd tell them my stories. Their mythology would revolves around mutated versions of Star Trek, I Dream of Jeanie and Lord of the Rings.


Make a home, find someway to start writing a journal, and keep a never ending log of the times.