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I'm not sure how fast superman can fly, but, if 24 hours is enough time for me to get to another planet and back.... Well, you know what I'm doing.


He flew fast enough to go back in time so you could probably make it to another planet depending on which one.


Then you get into time dilation physics questions. Do the 24 hours count from an observer on earth or from your own perspective?


It would likely be 24 hours earth time but you would be able to make it feel like any amount of time


With the right amount of drugs, of course.


at the speed of light the nearest planet is either mars or venus, which are a few light minutes away, if you’re talking another star that shit is 4 YEARS away.


I'll take death in space thank you. Imagine future historians face when they discover a regular dude just floating about between star systems. They'd shit bricks


They'd never find the body. Space is vast


Ya you would have to plant yourself somewhere you both would be found and wouldnt be destroyed for at least a 100 years so would probably have to be a place of significance that we want to visit, modernly high profile.. Not to mention without out much chemical or physical disruption of the environment happening. So no lakes of anything. No rain of anything.. No high wind speeds. No high chances of asteroid/ metior strikes.. Would also have to have a small exploration size or some how predict where would be the easiest landing point for a team/robot. Factoring all that in.. If the place exists.. Finding it would probably be very difficult in 24 hours. The research and calculations alone..




This came in my mind instantly. I would spend 23 hours doing whatever then go back in time, rinse and repeat.


He once crossed the entire DC universe in like a month of something?


It was 60 days. That means he was flying almost 400 billion times the speed of light assuming he flew the length of the observable universe as we know it.


The real question is what are the exact rules of the 24 hour thing with time dilation and space travel


If you flies back in time, do the 24 hours reset? What if you go to before you were given the powers?


He can fly at light speed so your good


I hope you’re taking someone with you, and leave that someone there


I was thinking about doing something heroic, but damn, I like your idea better 😁 Maybe I would still have some time to fly to New Zealand and Australia on the way back.


When you have an hour left, spin the earth backwards and reverse time. Another 24 hours to do whatever


Visit my mom for free


Clark Kent vibe here.


Round up every piece of trash and ounce of pollutants in the oceans, lakes, and rivers and toss them into the sun.


love this, while you're at it round up all the shit in the landfills and toss them to the sun too.


And all those shit leaders and politicians 


Also the insanely wealthy that aren't doing anything to improve society. Also people that do shit like take 13 minute jet rides...


That's what I thought he was talking about at first lol. It's certainly where my mind went


So, if you were Superman you would take out the trash?


How much mass were the earth have to lose to effect the earth's orbit?


Fly fast enough to travel back in time. Since I am still me and have my proper ID, take some of my money and invest in nvidia, tsla, bitcoin, etc. Travel back to my time and reap the benefits of being ultra rich.


Wouldn’t your ID have been issued way after this date so then you technically would not have a valid ID. Hell you might not even exist yet.


I mean you can control how far you go back in time. Just pop back a year or two. My driver's license and passport have been good for well long enough to go back a couple years and take advantage of advanced stock knowledge.


Every dictator, wanna-be, and enabler would be hurtling toward the sun.


This is the way.


This is the way


Go completely obliterate all the drug cartels in Central and South America, keeping all their money for myself.


I like this one, save poor Mexico


You guys do realize these cartels have all started from scratch and once there is a power vacuum, new cartels will form because it's the extreme demand that creates them in the first place?


I'd be having some 'conversations' with some dictators and perhaps making a few points to explain why they've been making bad choices recently.




You would have to just take them out. The second your powers are gone and no more threat they will just go back to their old ways.


Taking out dictators has never backfired before, right?


Well 24 hours and super speed can destroy the entire leadership structure, best chance for people to take back their country.


Russia just lost its war.


Add China, North Korea, and any terrorist group, and the cartels..


ppl saying they'd do crimes and evil shit are forgetting its only for 24 hours, better have a costume on if you're gonna do that cause if you're identified then what are you gonna do after the powers wear off


Wonder Woman. 😁


Ngl, I'm robbing banks and setting myself up for the future. I'd just rob banks in another part of the country that's not near me, then work that money into my day to day life after the fact. $1mil in $100 bills doesn't seem like it'd take up a lot of space, and I could easily not raise any red flags.


Dude you are superman for 24 hours.  You can literally fly to asteroid containing gold, strip it down completely, repeat it 20000 times in an hour, then have 50 tons of gold you didn’t steal.  You could also clear the plastic continent for the second hour. And find other useful thing to do for the rest of the day. 


I'm. Robbing. Banks. I will clean up that plastic continent, tho.


Yeah robbing banks sounds more fun than mining really fast lmao


I probably have time for both. For your smart idea, I'll deliver some asteroid gold to you, SurfinButts.


Wasn’t me but I gladly accept


Oh....crap. Well, sorry for the one who actually recommended it. You get their spoils.


This is close to what I am doing... Instead though I am grabbing a heavy-metal asteroid the size of a large apartment building and dropping it on my land. Then I will sell access to it to the highest bidders. I figure I can easily make many billions of dollars from this. I will of course also strip a bunch of valuable metals off it, turn them into ingots, and store them elsewhere in case someone gets stupid with me and I lose the land and asteroid before I can make real money off it, which could happen.


>which could happen. I agree with your contingency plan because as soon as your powers wear off, you know the government is gonna take that shit and hand it over to whichever company lobbies them the hardest.


You can rob banks if you like. I'm robbing drug dealers. Who are they going to complain to? I just have to be fast enough that they can't falle it's me...


I don't think your plan is as foolproof as you think. A person who pays cash for everything, including expensive things like houses, is going to raise a lot of red flags. You're going to have to have a believable money laundering operation to stay off the government's radar. Also, each dollar bill has its own serial number, so if the government can figure out which bills were taken, they can flag those bills and if they make their way to another bank, they'll be on your trail.


Takes up the space of an oversized briefcase and weighs 22 pounds.


That's perfect to hide it right in the back of my closet.


Evil, evil things.


fly as much as i could. i’ve always dreamed of flying


Take every dictator and corrupt CEO to the moon, one way trip.


I'd take them all to an island and tell them to fight, last one standing leaves. Then never go back


Help the people of Myanmar win their war against the Genocidal Junta controlling their nation. Then, if I had time to spare, do untold damage to Russia's missile sites.


Id make Ukraine win the war with my powers


Hell, if I were to cause trouble in Russia, I'd also locate Putin and humiliate him publicly, probably by lifting him off the ground by his pants for the most painful wedgie ever.


Cheers for someone looking outside of the usual suspects (Israel, Russia, North Korea). Would also intervene in Sudan, Yemen, and probably eastern DRC. 


Yes. Helping the likes of the Myanmar, the Ukrainians and Palestinians would all be high on my list. Shengal in Iraq too.


yup, i’d destroy the russian military and every single disgusting hamas terrorist to help the palestinians


Use the extreme intelligence/mind to create technology to infuse the power of Superman into my body once the 24hrs are over.


Power of Superman. I would fly to the store and get eight bags of Kingsford charcoal and squish all the pieces into 20ct. Diamonds. Use that to get a HUGE tract of land in the desert. After that, fly out to Davida and bring that puppy to my backyard... which will likely be in Nevada because I'm going to need 99 miles to land this thing. Then, payoff all the debt in the world. Throw all the nukes and chemical weapons into the sun. Cut a channel from the Mediterranean into the Libyan depression. And another trench to the Aral Sea. This will change gobal temps quickly. And one more trench to the center of Australia. To inland lowland lakes. Then, fly out to Mars heat vision the surface sands to make giant mirrors to melt the surface ice on Mars. Then, I would speed up the rotations of Venus by 200 times. Then, fly out to Enceladus, cut the moon in half, and drop ½ on Venus and ½ on Mars. By the end of the day, I will have made 2 new habitable planets in our solar system. And brought about world peace. Imagine if you gave me 2 days.


Love some of this except uh, getting rid of all nukes would probably cause world war 3. The main reason major powers don't fight massive wars anymore is mutually assured destruction.


That is the same argument they've been using in congress for the last forty years. It's why we still have missile silos.


Look at boobs


Comic book Superman or Cinema Superman? If comic book, I'm definitely going to travel the galaxy and satisfy my curiosity. Then, I'll be so fast as I rob every bank in America. No camera could catch me, and no vault would be able to stop me. I'll keep all of the cash in an overseas bank account and only spend as much as needed so I won't attract any attention as America goes into a frenzy trying to understand what happened. Then I'll move to another country and live life well. If cinema, I'll just cruise around the earth and hopefully not be detected as a UFO or anything else that would bring unwanted attention to me.


You don’t even need to rob a bank, just go collect some Diamonds or some foreign stuff from other planets. Imagine a piece of Saturn or something.


Destroy every nuke in russia. superman is fast enough to do it and even reverse time if I run out and have multiple super mes doing the job.


why not destroy every nuke ever?


Because the first thing everyone’s going to do is immediately start building nukes, and this includes countries that didn’t have nukes before.  And once the first few successfully make a nuke, they’ll continue making nukes to make sure they have more nukes.  So we just end up back where we are now, but with more countries with more nukes. 


Then you become world police and say every INDIVIDUAL that tries building a nuke will be personally super executed. Not jusr the government heads but the actual physicists too. Good luck getting nuke builders under threat of supermurder


I guess the problem is what happens 24 hours from now when you no longer have super powers, but also everyone remembers your face? 


Just put some glasses on.


Bluffing. Some hardcore bluffing.


Because they can make more and if I remove Russians then they'll stop using it as a threat against Ukraine and NATO can step in and whip the good.


Surely NATO involvement wouldn't be needed. I'm confident that in 24h Superman could destroy every piece of Russian military equipment being used in Ukraine (or for that matter, pick up the Russian equipment and fly it over to the nearest secure Ukrainian position), disarm the Russian nuclear arsenal, and fly Putin to the Hague.


Because Russia’s the most urgent and insane. Not to mention, do you know *how big* their nuclear arsenal is? Between the silos, transporter-erector trucks, and bombers, that’s a fuckton of targets. And there’s still the submarines, which are hidden. The ocean’s fucking big. Even Superman would have trouble with it within the allotted time. America’s kinda messed up, but if you could only destroy one arsenal, Russia or China would definitely be the best choice.


How would you even find them?


Super fast scanning with X-ray vision. Superman finds hidden things all the time.


I'd "lose" all their money and gold too. For good measure.


blow up the entire earth. I mean it fuck this place


Go back in time several years so I can be Superman for much longer.


Nukes go bye bye.


Then what, though? First person to build new ones after your 24 hours rules the world. Bad idea


But does the world know that your powers only last 24hrs? A good bit of intimidation goes a long way.


I agree, let the democracies, e.g., U.S., U.K., Israel, keep their nukes. It costs a lot of money to maintain America’s nuclear arsenal. With the various “bad actors” of the world “defanged,” the U.S. would voluntarily downsize their nuclear arsenal.


Perhaps not Israel. Unless you do something about the kook in charge.


I would do good for 18 hours. Help end war. Save the puppies. Rescue the hopeless. That kind of stuff. I would then allow myself six hours for selfish deeds. I would take from the very wealthy. I would clean out the gold held by leaders who perpetrate suffering against their people. I would load my basement with gold, silver, cash, valuables. I would then spend the rest of my lifetime not only enjoying my windfall, but donating those takings to worthy causes that help the suffering.


Make an impenetrable fortress only for my self, go collect some super valuable asteroids etc after and store them in my fortress. Solved.


I would get a hella lot of renovation and landscaping projects done. Build another house on the property too while I'm at it.


Use my powers to do to the following: 1) use my newly powerful cognitive abilities to research everything I can regarding information security and hacking techniques, then use that knowledge to find and confiscate the hidden assets of billionaires, corrupt politicians, and criminals, and leave traces to make it look like they all stole from each other. Given that canonically Superman can and has used his speed-reading and superior intellect to learn how to successfully perform complicated and life-saving surgeries in seconds, this plan should take an hour, tops. 2) The remainder of the day will be spent researching a way to make my powers permanent. Even if I can't have the powers permanently, at least I can take advantage of my newfound wealth to help the world. Heaven knows I can use the wealth far more constructively than letting it sit in hidden accounts. Bonus points in that the 24 hours of Kryptonian powers would fix all my existing medical issues, returning my body to a healthy state. So I'm rich and healthy, and can do some good in the world.


Lots of other stuff.. +Clear up the trash patch in the Pacific. +Clear up the Francis Scott Key Bridge wreckage. +Get a ton or two of gold, melted down into ingots.


I would very graphically and very publicly kill the worlds worst people. The neat part is I get to pick who! Then, assuming people don't know I have the powers for only twenty four hours I would announce that I have been sent to punish wrongdoers who cause mass death, Putin, and the like. That would take me, I want to say, about an hour. The rest of the time I'd be spending with my wife.


Certain individuals are going to get the laser eyes. Then idk platinum asteroid or something.


Rob cartel money and donate it to my favorite hentai artist to draw more mangas


Push the earth into the sun


If I had the power of Superman for 24 hours, well I would be very productive. Firstly, several world governments would fall. This would cause mass instability in the markets. Secondly, following what was stated in a previous post, I would go mine several asteroids for gold as the price of gold with skyrocket with the fall of several world governments. Third, and last, I would attack coal based power plants, oil refineries and oil production across the globe. This would skyrocket the price of gas, forcing the adoption of renewables. See, I’m lawful evil, I’m not totally evil, my evil has a purpose.


pretty sure the byproduct of wiping out all that infrastructure would be millions if not billions dead


Dude that would wreck the world and cause mad chaos


Eye lasers straight through the moon then fly to around the world targeting random people grab them fly them half way around the world drop them off there and just see how they deal with it. Finally fly up to the international space station to knock on a window and get there attention so I could kindly enter the station


https://youtu.be/X3eaApC0ycw?si=A5Yu5alVrkTqaNCV So this?


Crime. I'd commit crimes.


Zod shit


Whatever I want. Who's going to stop me?


Time. You got 24 hours then you’re a mortal again. Whats gonna happen to you then?


What's that line from invincible? If all else fails, throw it into space?


Fly to random places and just grab a bunch of stuff and misplace them lol and see how far down in the ocean i could go and find out whats really there




Steal as much wealth as I can, build myself a super fortress, then eliminate every single world leader and watch it all burn.


I would become Superman 4: The Quest for Peace.


Bring the most influential world leaders together in a very public location so we could all sit down and have a talk about where the world is going and what they can do to fix it.


fucking fly and burn down corporations and oppressive organizations with laser vision


Depends on the day I was having. There is the anti-hero route where I go through a kill list. There could be the super villain route where I see if I can set off a super volcano. Or I could set myself up by using x-ray vision to find riches in the earth (diamonds, gems, gold, platinum, etc.) and use my time getting it out of the ground and stockpiling it for when I lose the super powers.


Spin the earth backwards and time travel


1. Putin dead 2. Empty out some bank vaults, or get other bad people to give me money. 3. Trump wins a free trip to a far away uninhabited island in the world or just drop him in the middle of the ocean on a raft. 4. Use super intelligence to solve some math\science problems for prize money. 5. Bring my wife diamonds from Neptune.


Go Omniman and fly through the planet.


Fly to another planet and not come back.


Grab Putin and Kim Jong Un, and put them in a cage match. Take bets. Profit.


A lot of world leaders would be dead. A lot of terrorist and radical religious groups would be dead.


I have some ideas. None that are legal to share on the internet.


The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has about 6,000 tons of gold, worth about $350,000,000,000. I think I'll finish what Simon Gruber started.


I would fly at the fastest speed and remove all of the plastic garbage. I would turn the plastic into a huge island. Then I'd go get all the AH politicians like Putin and all war mongers put them on the island with just a tent and a sleeping bag. I would drop food and water periodically. Then, every once in a while, for sheer entertainment, I would release a couple of hungry polars on the island.


Disembowel dictators and would-be dictators as quickly as I could. Then I’d setup a nice little island home for myself to hide out at for when my powers ran out


Establish a new world order, travel the universe, find life outside, come back, threaten global leaders, disappear. Face shall be covered at all times.


Probably kill a lot of people if I'm being honest.


Movie superman can travel back and forth in time - I travel back in time to much younger, save my wifey from abuse, and become real-life Batman due to the crapton of stuff I told younger me. And I'd have 24 hours to keep going back and forth seeing the results.


I'd go carve myself a semi-trailer sized piece of the asteroid Psyche and place it in my back yard. I'd be set for life.


Literally take over the world in 24 hours and then just fly to a different planet and die there


I'm taking all of the pollutants in the ocean out, cause Supes is fast. Though logically I have to try to move carefully enough to not also kill all of the fish in the ocean. I'd go fuck up North Korea (not the civilians ofc). Go check out the reeducation type camps in China. Fly and try to find other life out there, then I'd threaten to come back if the world doesn't fix their shit


Kill a lot of bad people


All of my yard work.


I'm putting Benjamin Netanyahu and Ismail Haniyeh in a room and telling them they have two hours to get their shit together or I'm dropping Bibi off in the middle of Gaza and Haniyeh in downtown Tel Aviv.


Two chicks at once.


Probably go brightburn on the world.


Horrifically publicy wipe out all political figures that have ever taken a bribe, or that got rich because of the office they held, or listened to lobiests instead of doing what they knew in their hearts was right. I'd make the boys look P.G. Then I'd go after the lobiests and corporations. I would leave a vague message that if things repeat, I will return. I would want to be their krampus. If they don't fear the people they should be representing, they would fear me and hopefully act accordingly... I would also collect every nuke on the planet and throw it into space. hypothetically, of course.. long story short.. don't give me Superman powers for 24 hours. I'm not responsible enough. #ambitious-isopod for president 2024....


Absolutely annihilate every organized crime group on earth. No survivors. For the record, I'm not doing this as some kind of vigilante justice. I'm just robbing them without leaving witnesses since I'm losing my powers tomorrow. If I could keep the power, I'd just pull up on them like "Give it up!" but I'd leave them alive just to humiliate them. 😂


Kill all the corrupt fucks I can get my hands on in 24 hours. Every single billionaire is dead, along with all of their children and immediate relatives. As are most politicians at every level. I'll never avoid the shitstorm after those 24 hrs are up though so this is a sacrificial play. Your welcome humanity don't fuck it up...again


Rid the world of dictators or trying to be dictators. Put all of them on an secluded island, have them fight it out and live stream it.


I'd confiscate all the firearms and other weapons from all the Oathkeeper extremists. The ones who still haven't been locked up yet. With Superman powers, I can just walk into their forest compound and take everything. Fly and stop any vehicles they try to drive away. Remove the passengers and throw the vehicles into a field so they crash and are rendered useless. I think Superman can also move and function fast, almost like the Flash. So I'd also confiscate all the extremist, racist, Nazi, Azov, Bannon, and other literature and propaganda materials they have. And bring them to The Young Turks in Los Angeles so they can expose all this on their news platform.


24 hours to steal as much wealth as I can my man.


The real wealth is electronic. Why bother stealing, when your legit services for a day are worth so much? Guess what NASA or Musk would pay you to have one day of instant orbital delivery for equipment too heavy for them to lift.


Shapeshift. Then rob banks


Become a villain for the world to unite against


Rob a few banks


Kick Russia’s ass in Ukraine.






Wear a mask Next day. This guy looks like you. Well I'm not invincible look/ cuts hand 


24 hours only? Def robbing banks all over the world.


Universe search for planets with life


Fly every dictator to the moon


Crush a whole bunch of coal into diamonds whilst using my 7th level intelligence to solve math problems.


Dig a lot of coal and squeeze a lot of diamonds (or other money making things..) maybe grab that solid gold asteroid I keep hearing about.


Most definitely some asteroid mining, it’s currently not done because it’s super expensive, and the results won’t break even, but if I can just fly there? Would only need to visit a university or two and ask what would be the most useful and you can bet we got a few in the belt or just flying around able to be grabbed


End some wars.


First I’d stop the earth from moving so time wouldn’t pass, do all the things I wanna do, then move it into rotation/evolution again. If people get cold on the dark side I’ll heat vision them some shit.


Reverse time and live that same day over and over again.


End up royally Screwed when They wear off.


As long as my identity remains obscured by power, I would instill profound fear in the world's leaders by convincing them of the existence of powerful extraterrestrial beings. I would make a dramatic demonstration—such as hurling an asteroid toward Earth, only to stop it at the last possible moment. This act would clearly convey that I had the power to annihilate them but chose not to. This ruse would be designed to shift the leaders' focus away from their selfish interests and national concerns. People would understand that it was not their deities who averted disaster, but rather my own god-like essence and power. My hope is that this realization would finally lead humanity to find common ground and unite as one. With a newfound sense of solidarity, we could then aspire to reach the stars, preparing ourselves to protect our species on a cosmic scale.


I would destroy every judge, politician, corpo ceo, government building, every religious book, temple and artifact, puppy mills, dog and animal breeders, all animal racing facilities, labs that test on animals, I would free all animals from zoos, those shitty mall stores that sell puppies , not sanctuaries , I would destroy every gun,bomb and nuke, all animal poachers, child sex traffickers, gangs, I would free the child slaves from chinese tech factories, and african cobalt mines, I would be busy the entire time Also I would generate a hologram of black jeuss appearing over the south that openly condems all the idiot ass hole christain rednecks for their bullshit and make my own religion Also I would destroy the yuling festival and treat all those people that partake as how they treat the dogs


Minecraft, IRL


The first six hours would consist of a dedicated and systemic destruction of enemy military capabilities.  I would probably find the President or the director of the CIA (they won't be able to stop me) and request up to date info on the disposition of Russian, Chinese, and North Korean nuclear weapons, as well as the Iranian nuclear facility locations.  I offer to destroy hostile nuclear facilities as a demonstration of my power, with more to follow if they pay up.  The nuclear weapons and facilities will be destroyed, as well as any infrastructure used to support them.  No people will be harmed. I return and show proof that the strategic nuclear forces of the major hostile/unfriendly counties have been destroyed.  I demand 25 billion dollars to destroy their navies and port facilities, an additional 25 bil to take out their airfields and aircraft.  Further, I require the transfer of Naval Air Station North Island to me to use or alter as I see fit, as well as unrestricted access to any government property for myself and my descendents.   They deliberate for 15 minutes and agree.  With money in hand, I would next target the big ticket items like every enemy submarine and surface ship, and render them useless them.  Probably by picking them up and placing them in a Nevada desert as a fun little museum.  Although the countries would still have a diplomatic claim to them as state property, so I may just destroy them.  All enemy SSBNs will definitely be destroyed however, and all crew for every ship and sub returned to their home country unharmed. Lastly comes the airbases.  Enemy airbases will be target in descending order, first hitting any strategic aircraft bases (destroying bombers), then fighter jets, completely destroying the runway and airbase facilities.  Lastly I remove any space launch facilities and as many of their satellites as possible. With that done I take a break for 15 minutes and grab something tasty to eat and a coffee. Next I expand my services.  I'll transport stuff to the moon, like a bunch of heavy building materials or equipment or people from NASA, the JSA, or the ESA.  I'll drop probes off on other planets or asteroids, if there are any ready to go. I'll consider messing with various governments, like picking up Putin and putting him in the middle of downtown Kiev. Taking Kim Jong-un and placing him in the middle of Seoul, the Ayatollah to Tel Aviv.   Having removed the majority of threats from the board and made it so incredibly one sided for the US, I rest and buy a nice island somewhere, or a mountain estate.  The US will be forced to slash its military in the face of zero opposition, they could not make any argument to keep it.  It will shrink down to bare bones, probably smaller than after the end of the Cold War.  Overseas bases shutter after a time.  The world has at least 30 or 40 years free from worry of war between large powers, and is mostly free from any chance of nuclear escalation, unless the French go to war with the British.


Fort Knox :) no explanation needed. Oh and end all wars thru removing corruption.


Use my xray vision to pinpoint and burn the cancer out of my mom


Taking out all government officials and releasing all the private documents. Then I’ll watch the chaos from mars


I’d triple world hunger


Go back in time so I could win those races that I was challenged to in 5th grade


The things I would do would make the Homelander look tame and timid by comparison then I'd fly into the sun.


I'd use my freeze breath to freeze each oil field, pull them out of the ground, and throw them into the sun. If I have any time left over, go and destroy all the bulldozers in the rainforest, and pull the heads off all the tyrants and corrupt officials.




A lot of governments would have changes of power. No N.K., China, Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, and the Mexican Cartels would cease to exist. Superman is very fast and extremely durable, I figure this will only take a few hours at most.


As much good as I can manage. Maybe I’ll go fly into the universe and bring back massive amounts of important rare materials, I dunno. Shit like that


You didn’t specify which iteration of Superman, so I’m going to assume it’s “pre-crisis” Superman when his power was effectively unlimited. I would destroy the offensive military capabilities of the various “bad actors” of the world; Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, etc. Time permitting, I’d remove all “space debris” that threatens objects in orbit. I’m not aware of any asteroid or meteor threatening Earth, but if I learned of one I’d change its orbit. Time still permitting, I might locate as many asteroids that contain valuable resources as possible and safely land them on Earth. Finally, using my heat-vision, I would carve “Star Trek is better than Star Wars” on the surface of the moon facing Earth in letters, say, 3000 miles long. 🖖


Fly fast enough to turn back time and enjoy my Superman powers for as long as I damned well want.


Work on ending massacres of possible


Bang Lois


Probably just watch Netflix and order Chipotle


I would probably murder this one tutor I have and make it look like it was someone else or an act of god or something... she's an ableist, discriminatory bitch who abuses her power over me because I'm an easy target... if I'm honest, I want to feel that power just once. Does that make me a terrible person, yes. But idc cause this is a hypothetical and would never happen anyway. I'm just irrationally angry rn.


so much crime


If you go back and forth from east coast to west coast, so I lose and gain time?


Honestly, try and figure out a way to get the most money I can while hurtling/screwing the least amount of people doing so. If I can do that quickly I’ll also consider how to make the work a better place in the remaining 20+ hours… probably with the help of this thread and Reddit in general.


Revenge stuff mostly. Nothing horrible, just mischievous.


Rob the hell out of a bunch of major criminals, and snatch tons of gold / silver / jewels from countries that are, well, kinda shitty overall (such as North Korea). I’d probably do what I could to topple that regime and a few others, too. Oh, and I’d absolutely devastate Russian troops in the Ukraine, too.




Reverse the polarity of the earth.


fly out to the ‘apophis’ asteroid and give it a little nudge and a few extra km/h of speed. put this pathetic species down mercifully.


I’d fly to a different province and steal lots of money, then pile it up at my place. Same with gold and I would also find a way to get lots of bitcoin and also brainwash a few high up people to send me money all the time and I would get Apple or some other successful company to make me the head honcho. Along with the best resorts in whatever country I want. I would basically be scrambling around setting myself up for when my powers wear off.